Development Thread for ATI overclocking tool - v0.0.19 out

Originally posted by lopoetve
Ok. This conversation has gone a ~little~ too far...

But how far IS to far???

Who can really say. ;)

PS: W1zz, we're goin' crazy in here.....we need an update. :p
new version is coming real soon ... definitely this week if no bigger problems come up .. 3d app detection seems to be working 100% now
Originally posted by W1zzard
new version is coming real soon ... definitely this week if no bigger problems come up .. 3d app detection seems to be working 100% now

Excellent..........VERY good news.

Man, you know just how to keep us in suspense don't you? :p

Good work so far man, I salute you. :cool:
Version 0.0.19 released .. grab it at

These are the changes:
- Installer shows "Upgrade" now when existing installation is detected
- Fixed small problem with sliders getting stuck
- Added detection support for R420/R423/RV380/RV370.
- Fixed a few installer bugs
- NVMixer is no longer detected as 3D App.
- You can now change AA and AF settings via the Tray Icon
- Profile combobox now switches to activated profile when in 3D-mode
- Fixed problems when "start minimized" was selected in a shortcut to atitool
- Most (all?) 3D detection bugs are fixed now
- When ATITool crashes during FindMax it will show a message next time you start it - telling you the last working frequencies.
- Added 'execute command when entering/leaving 3d mode' - make sure you properly quote pathnames when they contain spaces
- Fixed transparent border around rendering when in scanning mode
- Added checks to fix 'service database is locked' problem
- Fixed wrong # of pipelines displayed for RV250
- Trying to fix 'init of find max' problem
- Small visual bugfix to Settings Dialog 'startup via' option
- Added logging of 'scan for artifacts'
- Fixed crash when 3D app was started
- Fixed profile comments not saving
- Creating a profile with empty name is no longer possible
- The log file will no longer contain duplicate 'artifact detected' messages resulting in huge logfiles - a line 'Last message repeated xxx times' is added instead.
- Disable editbox when 'play sound when activating profile via hotkey' isn't checked
- Fixed bug where 'stop scan after' would stop while still raising clock speeds
- Fixed exit windows when scan is complete
- Fixed Logitech Mouseware problem
You know I REALLY like this ATiTool. I started using it when he first posted this thread about it. But Rage3DTweak seems to work so much better for me and I dont say that to discredit Wizzard in anyway. I switched from ATiTool 0.0.16 to Rage3DTweak because it didnt seem like my overclocks were taking effect.

But I am sure that is not the issue now. I will give this a try tonight.:)
great work w1z

i'll download soon the new proper version 19 and see if i still get the init of findmax or if it still needs modifying.

just for everyones info i've been using a beta of a beta for about a month, feel all important :)
Originally posted by fr33ze
great work w1z

i'll download soon the new proper version 19 and see if i still get the init of findmax or if it still needs modifying.

just for everyones info i've been using a beta of a beta for about a month, feel all important :)

For sure, now that I'm home I can run out and pick up 0.0.19.

I HAVE been using this thing and testing it out ever since the very first revision and it's awsome to see how far it has come.

Props to you W1z for a job well done.
I've been using it since the first revision as well, had some problems with version 14 onwards but w1zzard help me sort them out.

it's been interesteing to see a program develop so quickly into whats in my opnion the best tool for overclocking ati's by far.
i'm in the same boat...i can't get it to work for me after ver 15. don't know why, i mean it works but is 30core and 60 mem lower than i can get with another utility.
Originally posted by fr33ze
I've been using it since the first revision as well, had some problems with version 14 onwards but w1zzard help me sort them out.

it's been interesteing to see a program develop so quickly into whats in my opnion the best tool for overclocking ati's by far.

Ditto, except I've had smooth sailin' that whole way. That's not to say that the app has been perfect right from the start (come on W1z, even you would admit to this) but I havent come across any of the errors or issues I've been hearing about.

Thx dude.....keep on goin' with this, how much more you figure you wanna get done with it before the final?

i mean it works but is 30core and 60 mem lower than i can get with another utility

I don't wanna say that it ISN'T anything to have to do with ATItool except remember that it detects artifacts that you can't see, and no other program will really pick up. I kinda like that about it, even it it means dropping my overclock by a few mhz. ;)
my problems were due to the fact that i was using a softmodded 9800se, don't know if its the hacked drivers that were causing the problems or possibly a very slightly dodgy pipeline. tried normal drivers and the problem went away. my suspicion is that if i hardmod my card then the errors would go away. anyway like i said w1z help me sort it out so i can't say i care too much
Originally posted by fr33ze
my problems were due to the fact that i was using a softmodded 9800se, don't know if its the hacked drivers that were causing the problems or possibly a very slightly dodgy pipeline. tried normal drivers and the problem went away. my suspicion is that if i hardmod my card then the errors would go away. anyway like i said w1z help me sort it out so i can't say i care too much

Coo, good stuff. :cool:

i tried the new version (19) and it gets rid of the init of findmax problem. i tried upgrading from the beta version you gave me and i also tried installing from a fresh just to check and both ways work fine.

thanks for helping me sort out the problem, really appreciate it.

edit: forgot to say props for making it under 1.4Mb as well, it's useful being able to fit it on a floppy.
Originally posted by fr33ze
edit: forgot to say props for making it under 1.4Mb as well, it's useful being able to fit it on a floppy.

Cool, I never even really noticed that before. It's win/win.....I love it. :D
Congratulations on the tool wizzard, I haven't really explored it fully yet it seems to suit my needs just fine :).

The only issue I've had is that it puts my clocks about 5-10MHz too high, I had it set on default settings with keep the clockspeed after 300seconds of being artifact free, it took 43minutes to find the core of my memory to be 361.50, when testing myself with 3DMark03 for maybe only 20minutes I've found that my max for the memory should really only be about 352 otherwise I get artifacting in some of the tests, perhaps a 'use safe settings' box could be added to the overclocking section which sets your core/mem at -10 what was found to be the max speeds?

Then again this could just be me not running the test for long enough, perhaps I should have set it to 600seconds?
300 seconds is a bit low, if youv got the time to let it run most people let it go for an hour before they consider it artifact free.