Destiny 2

Itis, but outside of the weekly requirements for the bounties from Petra, it doesn't really serve a purpose. I wish it did because its quite fun. Basically each week I run it, run two Tier 3>Heroic runs and i'm done on that character. Shame, really.

Yes, I would think it would be a great grind'n'loot haven.

Hmm, i'll be honest I've been full on Modulous Reports for a while (max is like 15?) and I don't spend them on anything unless I want to grind a specific normal weapon frame. Did one of the research weapon frames once and realized they were for normal (non-Black Armory) weapons so I never bothered again. As for your issue, i'm not really sure.

I do the bounties from Ada just to satisfy the Weekly Bounty of 7 to get the Ballistics Logs.

As for your issue, i'm not really sure. Haven't heard of that issue before.

Have you done both Powerful Weapon frames for the week?

I was just getting started after your help yesterday so I'm learning the ropes. Looking into it...
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Yet, still no Threat Level.

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Lordy how I hate the platforming in Ascendant Challenge. I even whipped out my PS4 controller for this one. Gave up after 20 minutes. Hope I can get it done this week.
Lordy how I hate the platforming in Ascendant Challenge. I even whipped out my PS4 controller for this one. Gave up after 20 minutes. Hope I can get it done this week.

It was a lot easier for me than last weeks was. I still hate it. I finally retired my Cerberus +1 yesterday, got go figure with outlaw and rampage and also got riskrunner so thats what I'm rolling with now. Seem to be stuck at 599 LL :(
Lordy how I hate the platforming in Ascendant Challenge. I even whipped out my PS4 controller for this one. Gave up after 20 minutes. Hope I can get it done this week.

Lol. This week's though isn't bad, just take your time. No rush unless you're going for the time trial triumph.

Imo I have the hardest time with Hunter jumping, especially without Stomp-EEs.
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It was a lot easier for me than last weeks was. I still hate it. I finally retired my Cerberus +1 yesterday, got go figure with outlaw and rampage and also got riskrunner so thats what I'm rolling with now. Seem to be stuck at 599 LL :(

I like Go Figure, but I can't seem to get one with decent perks on it. I've got one now that at least has Rampage, but it also has "Firmly Planted" which is nearly useless.
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Re: The Crucible this weekend and Iron Banner.

Asked one of my die hard Destiny junkie friends about this since I don't want to spend a ton of time in there and he said this:

It's only worth playing (Iron Banner) if you like the armor and the weapons and I want to try and get better rolls on them.

Other than that, not worth it once you complete the bounties.

I like the visual style of the medals in Iron Banner compared to regular crucible, but outside of that Quickplay is way more fun than IB.

This is a good weekend in general for crucible though. 3x Valor. Powerful drop at every new rank, rank up much faster.

I did notice the valor going up nice and quick. I guess even for Crucible haters this is the time to come in there even if you just milk quickplay.
Worth mentioning again are those IB bounties. Powerful drops for every single one. Those having trouble getting higher power levels...
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I'm awful at pvp, but I generally enjoy it. Mayhem was a blast, IB is a good change of pace. My Titan finally broke 600 LL and is sitting at 606 now (i think) My hunter at 549 and a baby warlock at 77. Getting into a clan helped my LL more than anything, the weekly rewards went a long way on my titan.
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Worth mentioning again are those IB bounties. Powerful drops for every single one. Those having trouble getting higher power levels...

He's not kidding. I took every Crucible and Iron Banner bounty (even though I know I won't get all of them by a mile)...and started working over IB. I got lucky. It works.
Anyone know if the Hard OCP clan is still active or if the admin still plays?

To my knowledge, no. It was shaping up to be promising.. then Forsaken dropped, and everything kinda stopped. I left shortly thereafter.
I finally unlocked the dreaming city, Ll is going up slowy but steadily going to be focusing a bit more on that.
I haven't played in a few days, wasn't feeling well after Christmas. I load in a kill some trash mobs and apparently an exotic engram went to my postmaster.

This is the last exotic armor piece i needed for my Hunter and its SO GOOD.

Guys, how does the game feels having only 3 classes? It seems too low considering it's an MMO.
Guys, how does the game feels having only 3 classes? It seems too low considering it's an MMO.

Man, i have too much to do as it is keeping all three classes up to date, I don't need any more!

Another note.. Scourge run 5 down, still no Threat Level of any kind.

I'll keep you all updated... :(

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I got queenbreakerat some point tonight, was running cruciable and gambit all night and didnt notice it until i was done.
It's not that "massive", + you have subclasses but group content is made for smaller groups like 3-4 up to 6 I think for raids.

I'm not thinking about group content, I'm thinking about player choices. I have played this game on PS4 and subclasses don't change much.
I want to get in but I'm debating between playing Destiny 2 or newest Borderlands.
Thus far I've stayed just with Hunter and been satisfied. This isn't anything like an "MMO" like people might be thinking. If it were I wouldn't bother with it.
Guys, how does the game feels having only 3 classes? It seems too low considering it's an MMO.

I don't consider it an MMO. To me it has been a mostly single player FPS with some multiplayer options here and there. I played it as a single player game up until a few weeks ago. I didnt need a "group" until after I finished all of the campaigns.
Well.. seems I am in a guild or clan now. Got a random invite while plinking through the list of Barrons in the Tangled Shore.. Also it seems I need to get a headset so I can do 'raids' or what not. Hmm. Not sure if I am that committed.
Another Scourge run down, still no Threat Level of any kind.

This is going to become a thing.
Well.. seems I am in a guild or clan now. Got a random invite while plinking through the list of Barrons in the Tangled Shore.. Also it seems I need to get a headset so I can do 'raids' or what not. Hmm. Not sure if I am that committed.

Man, the Raids are the best part of Destiny!
I'm glad I milked that Dawning for all it was worth. I couldn't believe all the loot and resources I yielded from that. I was able to upgrade and masterwork a couple of my favorite weapons and do some other things to get my character up.
I finally finished "Cayde's Will" to get the Ace of Spades. It was worth it, but it was a pain in the ass. Precision kills with hand cannons in PvP is pretty difficult when you often find yourself going up against people that have far more experience with the game, all the best weapons, coordinated teams, and the best armor bonuses.
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Before I go off to snag a headset at WurstBuy - is there any major difference in quality from a $40 headset as compared to $150?
I finally finished "Cayde's Will" to get the Ace of Spades. It was worth it, but it was a pain in the ass. Precision kills with hand cannons in PvP is pretty difficult when you often find yourself going up against people that have far more experience with the game, all the best weapons, coordinated teams, and the best armor bonuses.

In PvP (hell even in PvE but taking up the exotic slot sucks) that's the best hand cannon in the game so enjoy!
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In PvP (hell even in PvE but taking up the exotic slot sucks) that's the best hand cannon in the game so enjoy!

It's so far ahead of the other hand cannons I've tried that I can believe it.
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It's so far ahead of the other hand cannons I've tried that I can believe it.

Midnight Coup is a close second but it's a Leviathan raid only drop and static rolls (Outlaw/Rampage). Legendary though so your exotic slot is free.
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I finally finished "Cayde's Will" to get the Ace of Spades. It was worth it, but it was a pain in the ass. Precision kills with hand cannons in PvP is pretty difficult when you often find yourself going up against people that have far more experience with the game, all the best weapons, coordinated teams, and the best armor bonuses.

It was a PITA but I adore the Ace of Spades. It's easily one of my favorite weapons in the entire game.

I have to plug a tricked out, Masterworks Better Devils that I've had for about a year. That thing isn't any slouch as a strong second, either. ;) (You can get Better Devils on Crucible Quickplay runs if you want. Very solid)
spaceman - thanks, but probably not that much. Being this is my first foray into some sort of 'group online playing' game I am not sure how much I want to invest or how long I will care.
It was a PITA but I adore the Ace of Spades. It's easily one of my favorite weapons in the entire game.

I have to plug a tricked out, Masterworks Better Devils that I've had for about a year. That thing isn't any slouch as a strong second, either. ;) (You can get Better Devils on Crucible Quickplay runs if you want. Very solid)

I actually used Better Devil's to complete the Ace of Spades quest.
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I just recently started putting effort into the ace of spades quest
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Hit 650 on my Titan character in Destiny 2 while playing solo and fairly casually with only one character. It's not difficult to hit max light level, it will also be even easier if you're in a raid group or share loot with multiple characters.

I am disappointed with the black armory content though:
(1) The forges should have been like the Blind Well, in that anyone can just walk in and join up without the need for multiple matchmaking loading screens.
(2) The questlines for unlocking the forges as well as forging weapons seem unnecessarily convoluted to the point of being not fun, rather just ignore them
(3) A lot of pointless "kill X amount of specific enemy types with precision hits/multikills with Y weapon" type quests, that feel less like a quest and more of filler chores
(4) Timed activities where you're racing against a clock are annoying unless implemented very well, would have preferred another mechanic for the forges rather than simply being on timers
(5) As we get higher and higher light level the enemy/player scaling gets more and more noticeable. A 600+ LL character should be able to walk into a room of level 200 mobs and destroy them without any challenge, ie feel powerful, as with any other RPG. No, in this game your character get scaled to the enemies so the feeling of character growth is severely neutered.

BA also exposes some issues with the core game that casual players didn't need to deal with before (such as the RNG behind heavy ammo drops or quests/bounties taking up inventory space) - but there most likely won't be changes to the base game until Destiny 3.
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