Dell U3011 coming soon.

Quick question I couldn't find the answer to:

What cables are included with this monitor? I know in the past they would throw VGA, DVI, and HDMI in there, the works.

I know we need a dual-link DVI cable or displayport for this.

Yes, the dual-link DVI cable is included with the monitor.
Ok just ordered my U3011. I called and tried to get the 30% off instead of the 25%, told them I had a screenshot etc, guy went to his boss put me on hold for 5min. He came back and said they can't do 30%, but can give me better than 25%, and gave me 29.17% or some silly number still free shipping etc. Came to $1079, gave him my credit card number immediately, it will be here this week.


now to find a shelf or monitor stand for it and my 26inch to put on top of my galant
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Just got my U3011 in today. This thing is gigantic. I've got it just as far away from my face as my 2209wa used to be. That is about 2 feet. The picture seems to be even better on this one.

I get my AMD XFX 6950 tomorrow morning. I will immediately flash it to a 6970.
Yes, the dual-link DVI cable is included with the monitor.
Yup, dual-link DVI, displayport, and VGA cable are included. The only thing they forgot was an HDMI cable for some reason.

To quote Tony, the display looks GRRRREAT! Haven't done a calibration yet, as it appears a bit saturated, but checking various solid colors I see no uniformity issues w/ this display, and from the few hours with it no noticeable game lag or ghosting.
I really can't imagine how big is this monitor in real life. Can someone gives me the measures for this monitor (width and) length)? But please measure only picture not the whole monitor! :)

And two more things. I have Dell 2209WA which is best rated monitor in this site: Have U3011 better picture quality or worst? When I play games on 2209WA (5 ms) I don't see any lag. Have U3011 more lag?
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I really can't imagine how big is this monitor in real life. Can someone gives me the measures for this monitor (width and) length)? But please measure only picture not the whole monitor! :)

And two more things. I have Dell 2209WA which is best rated monitor in this site: Have U3011 better picture quality or worst? When I play games on 2209WA (5 ms) I don't see any lag. Have U3011 more lag?

I have a 2209WA and I just got my U3011 in today. The picture quality is better. It has much better colors. Brightness is also better. Blacks seem darker. I am not sure about gaming. I have done plenty of that, but I have not noticed any lag.

25.5 x 16 inches for the length and width lcd only. Not counting the bezel.

Here is a side by side comparison of the two monitors.

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For you guys that are gaming on your U3011, what video card(s) are you using? I was waiting for Sandy Bridge to build a new system and was thinking about the i7 2600K with a GTX 580 SLI setup. Would that drive current FPS/RTS @ 2560x1600? If so, would the 2600K bottleneck the SLI?
For you guys that are gaming on your U3011, what video card(s) are you using? I was waiting for Sandy Bridge to build a new system and was thinking about the i7 2600K with a GTX 580 SLI setup. Would that drive current FPS/RTS @ 2560x1600? If so, would the 2600K bottleneck the SLI?

Oh yeah, that'll be more than enough, and I doubt very much the 2600K will bottleneck anything. My rig (see sig) is more than enough to play Crysis Warhead with 8x AA and max settings (enthusiast) smoothly.

I would only spend the dough on a SLI 580 setup if you really want to do multi monitor gaming. 2560x1600 can probably be handled very easily by a single 580, or possibly even a pair of something a lot cheaper, like a 2x460 1GB or 2x6850 setup.

CPU bottleneck for games just doesn't happen anymore really. That's not to say that some games don't scale with CPU, but the GPU is still the limiting factor in nearly all cases where you've got something better than a Q6600. Anything from the I5 or I7 core lines and up should be more than enough to feed your video cards for games.
Really, so will a Q6600 bottleneck a system even with the latest and greatest GPU? What if OCed to say 3.2 GHz?
So want to get this monitor later this year but i know as soon as i do, there will be a 27"/30" 120Hz screen right? Sods law..
I really want/need a 30" 2560x1600 for gaming and music production (Ableton DAW).
Really, so will a Q6600 bottleneck a system even with the latest and greatest GPU? What if OCed to say 3.2 GHz?

Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that that would necessarily be the case. He was asking for advice on buying a new processor, and I was only trying to convey the notion that any modern processor (mainstream or better) should be able to provide enough so that gaming performance isn't stunted.

This is a pretty good read on the subject:
(part 1),2737.html
(part 2),2738.html
So want to get this monitor later this year but i know as soon as i do, there will be a 27"/30" 120Hz screen right? Sods law..
I really want/need a 30" 2560x1600 for gaming and music production (Ableton DAW).

I am actually in the same situation as Rossi. I need a monitor for primarily gaming and music production. I, however, am looking at both the u2711 and u3011 and can't choose between them. u3011 should have better input lag, higher resolution and a little bigger size, which seems very tempting.
u2711 costs $813, and u3011 $1390. A difference of $577, is it worth it?
Some of you that have compared the two? I'm not able to see the monitors in action.. therefore asking :)
Flatpanels seems to like the u3011 more than u2711 for games 'cause of input lag.
I bought the u3011 during the 30% of sale and it was supposed to be here yesterday...waited until 2pm because had to work..they came at 3:30 pm :(. Well today I have the hold day off and its 2pm here and still not here...everything else I order usually comes in the morning..but nooo not the $1000 plus item lol.

Anyway I'm new here and I wanted to know if you guys think 2 5850's in crossfire would be enough to play games at the 2500x1600 rez or should I just get a 6950 and then at one later if needed? I already have one 5850 so the extra 5850 would be the cheaper choice. Any advice? :)
Not that anyone needs a play by play, but I went ahead and requested an exchange on my monitor.

The tinting made browsing the web hugely annoying, and I just can't get used to it. Hoping the new one is better in that regard. Took about 40 minutes on the phone to get the exchange done, if anyone is interested.
I really don't know if the SB i7s are that much better for latest games...

They aren't. That was actually my point. If you've got a remotely decent cpu that's dual core or better, you will not see a ton of improvement from upgrading the cpu. There are a very small number of exceptions to that though, like Crysis, DAO, and GTA 4, if I interpret that article correctly.

After getting two straight refurbs with at least 1 dead or stuck pixel, I finally went with a new U3011 today.

I was able to get 30% off using the coupon code after talking to a rep in the chat session and finishing the transaction via phone.

I'll need some system upgrades to run newer games at 2560x1600, and plan on going with a i7 2600K with a single GTX 580.
Not that anyone needs a play by play, but I went ahead and requested an exchange on my monitor.

The tinting made browsing the web hugely annoying, and I just can't get used to it. Hoping the new one is better in that regard. Took about 40 minutes on the phone to get the exchange done, if anyone is interested.

they sending you a new one first or do you have to send yours in first?
For you guys that are gaming on your U3011, what video card(s) are you using? I was waiting for Sandy Bridge to build a new system and was thinking about the i7 2600K with a GTX 580 SLI setup. Would that drive current FPS/RTS @ 2560x1600? If so, would the 2600K bottleneck the SLI?

I have a single GTX580 driving my monitor.

It can handle most games at 2560x1600 just fine, but not with as much AA as I'd like. Metro 2033 also requires me to lower the in game settings more than I'd like.

I think I may be getting a second one in SLI for this reason.

One GTX580 is just on the hairy edge for playing at normal settings at 2560x2600 unless you play older games.
they sending you a new one first or do you have to send yours in first?

They are sending a new one with a return label first, and I just put my current one in that box according to the man on the phone.

Hoping this one works out better, as I've just ordered a U2211H off ebay since Dell had it for 199 on there, and I had a whopping 4 paypal bucks :rolleyes:. Planning on putting it in portrait next to the U3011. I actually wanted the 21.5 inch monitor since it is a closer match to the height of the 30 inch.

Probably time to sell off some of the PX2370's, as having this many monitors around is a bit stupid.

A bit off-topic, but would a Radeon HD5550 or even a 5450 work to drive the second monitor? I don't want to plug it into the 6950's, as that causes a significant increase in the idle clocks of the main card.
Zarathustra[H];1036689617 said:
It can handle most games at 2560x1600 just fine, but not with as much AA as I'd like. Metro 2033 also requires me to lower the in game settings more than I'd like.

That's true, but I've found Metro to be MUCH more demanding than anything else on the market though, so I don't know that I'd call it representative of all modern games. Metro runs on my rig at max settings and 2560x1600 at just barely a comfortable frame rate (and a little uncomfortable, at times). Just a data point. What I hate about the game is that you can't selectively lower settings. Caveat - you probably can if you tinker with the .ini file or something, but I'm too lazy for that. The difference between max and one step down is a really significant graphical quality hit.
Zarathustra[H];1036689617 said:
I have a single GTX580 driving my monitor.

It can handle most games at 2560x1600 just fine, but not with as much AA as I'd like. Metro 2033 also requires me to lower the in game settings more than I'd like.

I think I may be getting a second one in SLI for this reason.

One GTX580 is just on the hairy edge for playing at normal settings at 2560x2600 unless you play older games.

That's true, but I've found Metro to be MUCH more demanding than anything else on the market though, so I don't know that I'd call it representative of all modern games. Metro runs on my rig at max settings and 2560x1600 at just barely a comfortable frame rate (and a little uncomfortable, at times). Just a data point. What I hate about the game is that you can't selectively lower settings. Caveat - you probably can if you tinker with the .ini file or something, but I'm too lazy for that. The difference between max and one step down is a really significant graphical quality hit.

Hmm...your comments make me wonder if my plan to go with a single GTX 580 is a good one. I really don't want to spend $1000+ on a GTX 580 SLI setup, not to mention all of the driver issues that go along with it.

Would disabling/minimizing AA work instead? AA is something that I can live without if I have to.
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wow just finished setting this thing up....This is huge!!! I had a 3 monitor set up, now down to 2...need a new desk far everything looks good colors etc....just working on getting the calibration where I like it. Got a p2411h in portrait mode next to mine atm.....
Hmm...your comments make me wonder if my plan to go with a single GTX 580 is a good one. I really don't want to spend $1000+ on a GTX 580 SLI setup, not to mention all of the driver issues that go along with it.

Would disabling/minimizing AA work instead? AA is something that I can live without if I have to.

You can always go with one first, an if you don't think it's enough, you cannget another.

That's the glory of SLI. :)
That's true, but I've found Metro to be MUCH more demanding than anything else on the market though, so I don't know that I'd call it representative of all modern games. Metro runs on my rig at max settings and 2560x1600 at just barely a comfortable frame rate (and a little uncomfortable, at times). Just a data point. What I hate about the game is that you can't selectively lower settings. Caveat - you probably can if you tinker with the .ini file or something, but I'm too lazy for that. The difference between max and one step down is a really significant graphical quality hit.

I'm sure a GTX 480 or 580 will be fine for most gaming at 2560X1600, but to turn all the eye candy up, running a pair of these would be best. I was able to get an hell of a deal on a third GTX 480 for Tri-Sli and able to max all settings.

Enjoy your new U3011, as it's great for gaming.
Zarathustra[H];1036690596 said:
You can always go with one first, an if you don't think it's enough, you cannget another.

That's the glory of SLI. :)

Yep :D

As an alternative, you could always just go with a pair of something a little cheaper, like the GTX 570 or HD 6950 (for unlock) or HD 6970. Either of those solutions would save you at least $300, and should be more than enough to run just about anything at max settings on 2560x1600 (I can personally vouch)
Thanks to all for the video card recommendations. My U3011 arrived tonight and it's just.....beautiful. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO beautiful. :) No dead/stuck pixels. I think I need to play with the contrast a bit 'cause I feel like I'm going to burn my retinas out if I don't. But wow what an improvement over TN. My E8400 and GTX280 are struggling to cope with 2560x1600 but that'll be solved soon enough.
I guess I should clarify that I was used to playing games with all settings maxed out (including AA/AF) @ 1920x1200 with generally fluid frame rates. My E8400 and GTX280 don't quite provide that at this new resolution. ;-)
Thanks to all for the video card recommendations. My U3011 arrived tonight and it's just.....beautiful. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO beautiful. :) No dead/stuck pixels. I think I need to play with the contrast a bit 'cause I feel like I'm going to burn my retinas out if I don't. But wow what an improvement over TN. My E8400 and GTX280 are struggling to cope with 2560x1600 but that'll be solved soon enough.

Congrats on the new 30". I just got done playing Batman AA for a bit and the picture quality at 2560X1600 is amazing. Enjoy!
Loving mine atm, anyone have a tips on how to set it up? use any presets i.e. color presents etc?
I guess I should clarify that I was used to playing games with all settings maxed out (including AA/AF) @ 1920x1200 with generally fluid frame rates. My E8400 and GTX280 don't quite provide that at this new resolution. ;-)

I also play most games on high (granted, without full AA) and I've only seen my FPS dip by about 5 frames on average.
My replacement monitor showed up today, and it is an improvement.

To give Dell credit, they overnighted me a new monitor even though I didn't ask them to do so. That's a nice touch, as sending a package that large overnight is never cheap. Also, the new monitor, while still having tinting and uniformity issues, is a definite improvement. It was immediately apparent how bad the old one was once they were side by side.

On the negative side of things, there are several. First, the monitor is brand new, but has a scratched bezel. Not terrible, but still annoying. Second, they didn't include a prepaid return label in the box as they said they would. Finally, the service tag for the new monitor is not in the system. The third point may correct itself once I return the other, we'll see.

To be totally honest, if I wasn't aware that there were some issues with these monitors before I ordered, I would probably just return for a refund. Even the "bargain" price of $1100 dollars is a large sum of money, so I wish my expectations had been exceeded. Having to make a third phone call to Dell Support is not something I wanted to do, but is really no big deal.

Hopefully the U2211H I have on the way has less problems.
Got my U3011 today, first thoughts....

Well well well, this thing is magnificent. After using 16:9 monitors for the last year or more I forgot just HOW BIG AND AWESOME 16:10 is.

Complaints about the AG coating on this thing are seriously exxagerated IMO, it does not bother me one bit.

The input switching is fan-fucking-tastic nice and fast.

No tinting or uniformity issues to report here.

Gaming on this thing is fabulous. I am running it off only 1 5870 atm (other one is bad :-( and I can't find the stock heatsink for it.) and I am running on all high settings with AA/AF @ X2. There is no noticeable input lag for me whatsoever.

All in all this was a GREAT purchase, especially at 25% off.
On the negative side of things, there are several. First, the monitor is brand new, but has a scratched bezel. Not terrible, but still annoying. Second, they didn't include a prepaid return label in the box as they said they would. Finally, the service tag for the new monitor is not in the system. The third point may correct itself once I return the other, we'll see.

In my experience, they mail the label to you separately...
In my experience, they mail the label to you separately...

Thank you for letting me know. I'll hold off calling. Guy on the phone repeatedly said it would be in the box, but that's likely just a scripted response.
Thank you for letting me know. I'll hold off calling. Guy on the phone repeatedly said it would be in the box, but that's likely just a scripted response.

My label wasn't in the box and it definitely was not sent separately. I have to call 3 times and insist that they send me a label (via e-mail). You likely will not get any return label until you call.