Dell U2713HM

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What's option ABB?
That's quite a price difference BTW.

Is the tinting thing casued by the LED backlight?

I'm not sure what it's caused by, but you see it on CCFL stuff too. I don't think I've ever owned an IPS display without some tinting. My problem is, no matter how minor it is, I will see it if I it's there. I just can't help it. Drives me crazy. It's even worse when I spend the money for an expensive display and I can't not notice it. I need a NEC P241 or something like that, something with a compensator.
The monitor is superb. Thank you, DELL! -) I know you read this. ))
The only downside is awful backlight bleed in the lower left corner.
Image quality is very good. (The first monitor that doesn't make me want to calibrate it imidiately after the start)
The black level is the best I've seen on a 27" 2560 1440. Best details in shadows too!
The response times are very good.
The ghosting (or rather image smearing) is very tolerable. But I wish there were a little less of it, still -) It is on pair with the samsung s27b970 in that domain, probably a bit better - I can't tell for sure. But it seems to be definitely better then the HP ZR2740W, though.
The AG coating is IDEAL.

The backlight bleed seems to be dependant on the chassis position. If I band it in a certain way, the bleed goes away completely, as soon as I release it, it comes back at once.
So, waiting for some custom mod with some retention mechanism (lol?) that will eliminate it.
Or better yet - a revision from DELL that eliminates the problem of the backlight bleed in the lower left corner.

It is a keeper for me, definitely. For games - there is nothing better than this.
Thanks again for this monitor, DELL, and the special guys who read the forums. -))
Turn off the monitor for a few hours. It's best to test this in the morning or after you've been away for a while.
When you turn it back on, set a black desktop background and open a Windows explorer window, or something white. It shouldn't cover the whole screen, just part of it.
Leave it there for 15 to 20 minutes, and make sure your PC or monitor don't go into standby. After that run Paint and fill the image with 80% gray (RGB values 47-47-47). If it has image retention, you should be able to see where the explorer window was, like a shadow. Check out my previous posts to get an idea.

Don't worry, this doesn't seem to be permanent, that's why you need to test it after the monitor has been off.
Ok, I'll try your method. My destop background color is black anyway -)) So I would think that I would have noticed any image retention on it if there were any. But I'll try what you say and post my results. That's interesting.
Man your backlight bleed is horrible...

Edit: I just made several photos of my monitor and the backlight bleed is even worse than on your photos. But in person - it's not even close to being that bad. Camera picks up much more backlight bleeding than you can actually see...
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Yes, bleeding looks worse when photographed depending on what camera settings you use. But I already stated that in my case it's quite visible with the naked eye.

Just joined this forum to start posting about this screen - got one today. And....

Light bleed bottom left (yellow) and top right (whiter) = yes - not sure serious/ how much of a problem this is going to be at this stage.
Weird pale cross hatching pattern in light areas in bottom half of screen = Yes
Image retention = yes

Otherwise a lovely screen. Mine is a Rev000 (not sure if there is anything else out there yet) and was produced June 2012.

Not sure what to do yet....
How is the AG coating on it? Like, I know it's less than the U27, but how much less?

Would be nice if someone could post comparison pictures if possible.
@skerz075 Thanks for confirming image retention, it's sad news.
Where are you from? The problem could be restricted to only one or a few batches. Mine is also Rev 000 manufactured in June 2012.
@Chipicao - I'm in Sweden. I read somewhere someone got a replacement that was July 2012 and it was fine....

@LC155 - I haven't seen the U2711 but understood from the strength of comments on it that the AG must be pretty harsh. I'm coming from a U2407 and can say that I have no problem at all with the screen surface.... Looking at it turned off I would certainly say it has a certain amount of gloss to the screen but its no Samsung mirror for sure....
The strange cross hatching is also a worry from a designers point of view - looks like everything I work on has that very subtle pattern on it which can be distracting... does anyone have any info on this? Is it likely to be a fault or an odd effect of the technologies used in the screen?
the reviewer at clearly doesn't use theirs for design then if it didn't bother them!
Somehow i need to find out if this is a fault or a 'characteristic' (as its currently looking like) so I can decide whether to swap or just get my money back...
The strange cross hatching is also a worry from a designers point of view - looks like everything I work on has that very subtle pattern on it which can be distracting... does anyone have any info on this? Is it likely to be a fault or an odd effect of the technologies used in the screen?

is it any more apparent on certain backgrounds or programs? What connection are you using as well?
I'm on Displayport and its mostly visible on light/white backgrounds but looking in photoshop I can still see it down to RGB values of 100/100/100 :( The fact that its so subtle at white yet still visible down to that sort of grey is odd - like it increases contrast until it reaches some sort of threshold and then stops being visible.

Its in all programs.

It is VERY subtle but I don't have exceptional eyesight, so most people will notice it. I do work with white documents and subtle gradients etc and it does make me think I've applied that fashionable tight cross hatch fill texture to my designs... so while subtle it DOES get in the way....
Man, it's impossible to get anything perfect anymore.
Spoken the truth :(

I got my money back today and frankly I don't know what to do. It seems I can't find any good 27" 2560x1440 WLED monitors.

I wonder when the LM270WQ1-SLB1 will make its appearance... 8-bit+Hi-FRC, 5ms, 120Hz - seems awesome on paper.
Spoken the truth :(

I got my money back today and frankly I don't know what to do. It seems I can't find any good 27" 2560x1440 WLED monitors.

I wonder when the LM270WQ1-SLB1 will make its appearance... 8-bit+Hi-FRC, 5ms, 120Hz - seems awesome on paper.

I very much doubt it will really be a 120Hz panel, especially considering the other revisions of the Q1 are all standard 60hz and have been widely used already. Suspect an error on panelook's part but would be interesting if it was true :)
Maybe 120Hz isn't that special from a panel point-of-view. It may be running at more than 60Hz for FRC anyway.
I asked my Dell rep about availability and she said this week it should be available according to the "Monitor Brand Manager". I am not sure if this is just for government sales or for general public though.
I noticed that the contrast is dependant on the cable I use and connection. The contrast via DP connection is lower by approximately 100-150:1.
I have an "improved" dual dvi cable with golden connectors and better cable shielding etc and while the image becomes a bit crisper, the contrast lowers by about 50-70:1 in comparison to the stock cable. The DP is a bandridge cable.

The details in black (shadow details) are better than in other 27" 2560x1440 monitors, but still too far from being perfect. I'd rate them as almost satisfactory, which is still better than what I saw on samsung and HP similar displays. And other displays too. I think, to my humble opinion, the u2412hm holds crown in this domain, and some tn panels that shouldn't be considered.

Best thing so far is that you can run the monitor at 90cd'm2 brightness level without suffering loss in contrast and shadow details. They even kind of improve.
At that luminance level the backlight bleed in the lower left corner cease existing and the blacks appear like it's an mva display...
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That doesn't make sense, DVI and DP are digital links.

I had a similar situation with my old HP LP2475w where switching from DP to DVI resulted in a much brighter image. I always blamed it on monitor or driver settings, but never investigated.

@Drags even if it's not 120Hz, 5ms and H-IPS would still be interesting. Plus the possibility of not having all these flaws. I say H-IPS would be interesting because frankly I'm starting to think AH-IPS is an "evolution" towards lower cost instead of higher quality.
That doesn't make sense, DVI and DP are digital links.

I had a similar situation with my old HP LP2475w where switching from DP to DVI resulted in a much brighter image. I always blamed it on monitor or driver settings, but never investigated.

@Drags even if it's not 120Hz, 5ms and H-IPS would still be interesting. Plus the possibility of not having all these flaws. I say H-IPS would be interesting because frankly I'm starting to think AH-IPS is an "evolution" towards lower cost instead of higher quality.

Could be just as likely that the monitor does (or doesn't) do something with 1 of the signals, then you have the 4:2:2 and 4:4:4 and Full 0-255 and 17-235 RGB ranges to contend with.

I don't know how each manufacturer deals with stuff, but there is far more to it than just being digital so it should be the same. Could also be something the graphics card does, for some unknown reason, drivers or what-not
Spoken the truth :(

I got my money back today and frankly I don't know what to do. It seems I can't find any good 27" 2560x1440 WLED monitors.

I wonder when the LM270WQ1-SLB1 will make its appearance... 8-bit+Hi-FRC, 5ms, 120Hz - seems awesome on paper.

Then I found out about the Samsung 970D

...Doesn't have a VESA mount.

I quit.
Yes, the choice of 27" 2560x1440 sucks. This monitor is the border line. If you can't be satisfied with it, then there's nothing else to look for in this domain. For multimedia purposes that is. For professional work there are eizos, necs, quatos etc. I've been thinking about it yesterday...
I know I could spend twice as much as I have and get an amazing monitor, but really, when spending 5600SEK (over £500) should we really have to be putting up with this many irritants? I mean seriously - image burn!? When was the last time anyone saw that?

For what its worth this is the bleed i get - I tweaked in lightroom to try, as close as poss to match what i see with my eyes. But in reality the bottom left patch is less concentrated and a bit wider spread and the top right a little brighter

I'd say a good 30% of my screen is bled to a distracting degree...
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@BearOso Nah, I'd never consider koreean/"no-name" monitors.

@Murzilka Actually S27A850 seems to be the best choice at the moment - backlight bleeding but no image retention.

For now I'm hoping that a new revision will fix these issues.
In their forums he says he hasn't experienced any image retention while browsing the forum/website. That's not a proper way to test it.

Still, it possible he got it from a good batch. Can you ask when it was manufactured?
It is likely that he would notice some image retention though? I mean i only have to leave mine on my browser for 20 mins and then flick over to Photoshop and its really obvious.. anyway, have asked the question :)

My monitor is back in its box :rolleyes:
If he didn't check for it on a dark gray background, it's possible he didn't notice.
Also, if you display "dynamic" images for a few hours, the IR will go away or or not show up at all when testing.
If he didn't check for it on a dark gray background, it's possible he didn't notice.
Also, if you display "dynamic" images for a few hours, the IR will go away or or not show up at all when testing.

So you've had 2!!?
Doesn't bode well.... did dell replace them for you? Are you getting a third sent now?
Did you cite image retention as the reason for return? I sent a support request in this morning so am waiting on a reply.
I replaced the first one and got my money back after the second. Reason for both was image retention and backlight bleeding.

But there's no "Dell" where I'm from, I had to deal with the store and luckily they have a 30-day money back guarantee.
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