Dell U2713HM

There is already a post on TFT Central from someone who has a panel with too much light bleed and wants to return it. They did say that it's better than the U2711 that it replaces, aside from the bleed.

The U2713HM isn't a direct replacement for the U2711 but rather a supplementary model much like the U2412M is towards the U2410. The replacement model for the U2711 will probably show up sometime early spring next year and be based on the new Q3 panel from LG. Anyone dare to wager against it being namned U2714 :D
you've misunderstood the context, the user on TFT Central replaced a 2711 with a 2713
ZR27440w's & U2711's also can come with back-light bleeding, the bleeding on the U2713 should not come as a surprise, though I do expect it to be worse given the cheaper price point. I wonder if the "real world units," will also have the dark brightness stripe on the bottom of the screen like the ZR27440W's and most of the Korean displays.
I wonder if the "real world units," will also have the dark brightness stripe on the bottom of the screen like the ZR27440W's and most of the Korean displays.
So far, all of LG's 27" LED back-lit panels have had the dark stripe, even the Apple products. TFT Central's luminance diagram for the 2713 even looks to show it with the small dark areas along the bottom. The answer is likely "yes."
The dark stripe is over exaggerated. I could see a slight hint of dark stripe at the bottom of zr2740w or u2412m monitors only I when was really trying my best to see it with my face literally run slap into the monitor. Even then I am not sure I really saw it the dark stripe at the bottom. Even after the AG removal...
I believe...

U2711 - Jan 2010
U3011 - Aug 2010

I don't think anyone is on a clock from the last model.

30" panels have definitely become more niche and the I expect time between upgrades will slow until the give up entirely.

That said, it would be nice to get an sRGB LED 30" with the new coating. Add an A-TW polarizer and I would be in LCD heaven.
I don't think anyone is on a clock from the last model.

30" panels have definitely become more niche and the I expect time between upgrades will slow until the give up entirely.

That said, it would be nice to get an sRGB LED 30" with the new coating. Add an A-TW polarizer and I would be in LCD heaven.

No OLED love?
I just figured since we're wishful thinking we could just skip the LCD being updated all together and just get a 30"+ OLED released this year. Now that's heaven!

A new 30" LED based LCD has a high probability of releasing this year. The only thing it probably won't have is an ATW polarizer, but that is old tech and could easily be done.

A 30" OLED monitor has ZERO chance of releasing this year.
A new 30" LED based LCD has a high probability of releasing this year. The only thing it probably won't have is an ATW polarizer, but that is old tech and could easily be done.

I can agree with this.

A 30" OLED monitor has ZERO chance of releasing this year.
I wouldn't say a zero chance but definitely very slim. One can dream though, 4K res included. :D

Now with that said, I never kept up on the details, will a 30" LED based LCD use a lot less electricity when compared to my current 3008WFP? The summers are brutal using my 2007FP-3008WFP-2007FP + a 47" LCD (although winters are comfy) all in one somewhat small room.

I want an OLED display or something similar just because I assume they use so much ( a great deal less) less electricity/produce less heat.
I want an OLED display or something similar just because I assume they use so much ( a great deal less) less electricity/produce less heat.

The really don't. They are more like Plasma. It depends more what is on the screen. A screen with a lot of white, will likely draw more power than an LED LCD.
We all know that the AG is better than 2711. But how is it compared to the U2412HM?

How is it to read tiny black text on white background?

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Now I have the 2713HM

I configured using sRGB TFTcentral guide, and prepare myself to calibrate with a Spyder3 Pro.

The lower bending is present, it would be foolish to say no. But it is much smoother than my previous 3008, I had more points bending.

The dot Picht is lower and that's what I like, after six years with 30 "and 60cm away from the monitor I think the best measure is 27, is more productive and generates less head movement.

the coating is semi matte. is widely better than an apple cinema (I have two of 27 at work) and more enjoyable than a purely mate.

My impression of the product is 7-8 out of 10 for € 590 it cost me. Compared with the 1500 € for the 3008 4 years ago

excuse my English
Now I have the 2713HM

I configured using sRGB TFTcentral guide, and prepare myself to calibrate with a Spyder3 Pro.

The lower bending is present, it would be foolish to say no. But it is much smoother than my previous 3008, I had more points bending.

The dot Picht is lower and that's what I like, after six years with 30 "and 60cm away from the monitor I think the best measure is 27, is more productive and generates less head movement.

the coating is semi matte. is widely better than an apple cinema (I have two of 27 at work) and more enjoyable than a purely mate.

My impression of the product is 7-8 out of 10 for € 590 it cost me. Compared with the 1500 € for the 3008 4 years ago

excuse my English

Can you take some pictures of the monitor (turned off) at different angles. I would like to get an idea of how the semi matte finish looks.
Can you take some pictures of the monitor (turned off) at different angles. I would like to get an idea of how the semi matte finish looks.

this +1

Damn, that's slightly better price than my employee discount and I already get a great deal. Should I jump or wait? I just can't believe the 2713 will be significantly cheaper like the 2412m is to the u2410.

i thought they announced the price of the 2713 as 800$ in the US. which is a good amount more then the 2711..
i thought they announced the price of the 2713 as 800$ in the US. which is a good amount more then the 2711..

The expected USA (still unannounced) MSRP of the u2713 is $799.
The actual MSRP of hte u2711 is $999(currently on sale for $899).

$799 is not more than $999, it isn't even more than the $899 the u2711 is currently on sale for.

Plus I have no idea why people think the MSRP has to be less than the sale prices for the U2711. There will be sales on the U2713 as well.
The expected USA (still unannounced) MSRP of the u2713 is $799.
The actual MSRP of hte u2711 is $999(currently on sale for $899).

$799 is not more than $999, it isn't even more than the $899 the u2711 is currently on sale for.

Plus I have no idea why people think the MSRP has to be less than the sale prices for the U2711. There will be sales on the U2713 as well.

thanks for the math lesson teach, do you think its necessary for you to point out that 799 isnt more then 999? no it wasnt.


its 699. and the MSRP is 2713 is 799. i have never seen the u2410 ever BELOW a u2412m in price have you? probably not.
I hope they get that sorted. I just picked up a 2711 and am extremely disappointed with it and this would probably be my next option.
I just got one today and sadly it has backlight bleeding issues. Top bleeding is worse than it looks and vice-verse:

I'm starting to get used to the lower-left area since it's not much worse than typical IPS glow

But the fun doesn't stop here. After a bit browsing and watching a movie, I spent no more than 40 minutes working with 3 static windows, predominantly white., and got this:

I was under the impression that LCD burn-in is highly unlikely, and even if it did it would take years. Apparently mine does things faster...
It's starting to fade away, but while writing this post I now have a burn-in where the white message box is. :mad:

Has anyone else experienced this before? The "burn-in" is mostly visible on a dark background, try 50-50-50.
I just got one today and sadly it has backlight bleeding issues. Top bleeding is worse than it looks and vice-verse:

I'm starting to get used to the lower-left area since it's not much worse than typical IPS glow

But the fun doesn't stop here. After a bit browsing and watching a movie, I spent no more than 40 minutes working with 3 static windows, predominantly white., and got this:

I was under the impression that LCD burn-in is highly unlikely, and even if it did it would take years. Apparently mine does things faster...
It's starting to fade away, but while writing this post I now have a burn-in where the white message box is. :mad:

Has anyone else experienced this before? The "burn-in" is mostly visible on a dark background, try 50-50-50.

Screw that. Send it back.
After flipping through red, green and blue images a few times it's gone (for now). It's really strange, up until now I've been using an HP LP2475w IPS monitor for almost 4 years and this never happened.

Back to the bleeding; I just remember reading somewhere that backlight bleeding is caused by the panel not being attached to the frame in a straight manner. So I started twisting the monitor a bit to see what happens...
"Flimsy" is an understatement for what this monitor is! Even the slightest pressure on the frame will affect the backlight.
The good news is I managed to get rid of the top bleeding, but the bottom-left corner hasn't changed.
After flipping through red, green and blue images a few times it's gone (for now). It's really strange, up until now I've been using an HP LP2475w IPS monitor for almost 4 years and this never happened.

Back to the bleeding; I just remember reading somewhere that backlight bleeding is caused by the panel not being attached to the frame in a straight manner. So I started twisting the monitor a bit to see what happens...
"Flimsy" is an understatement for what this monitor is! Even the slightest pressure on the frame will affect the backlight.
The good news is I managed to get rid of the top bleeding, but the bottom-left corner hasn't changed.

the burn in shit would make me send it back instantly but the bleeding? i mean how often are you looking at a black screen in a pitch black room? if you are frequently doing this, i feel like maybe you should talk to a professional :)
After flipping through red, green and blue images a few times it's gone (for now). It's really strange, up until now I've been using an HP LP2475w IPS monitor for almost 4 years and this never happened.

It's absolutely not supposed to happen.
@dremic I do like to keep things dark in my computer room for various reasons. One of them is that I don't see the point of having the lights on when all I do is look at a self-illuminated screen.
Call it what you want, but you should remember professionals (the other kind) do this too in order to get the best image results. ;)

I get to see the bleeding every time I watch a 2.35:1 movie, which is how most of them are. So yeah, I'd say it happens pretty often.

Third, and most important, I worked hard to pay for this monitor so I expect Dell to do the same.

@soldierblue thanks, the burn-in seems to be gone for now. It may or may not come back after a break, but I'm not waiting around to find out. I'm sending it back today and hopefully the replacement will be better.