Dell U2713HM

I didn't try yet that complicated method of testing the image retention, but I have a black windows background by "default" I dont use any pictures or graphics - just a plein black background, I also sometimes leave the computer on for hours with some windows open and I haven't seen any image retention yet.
From the other hand there should be some. There must've been a reason why Dell would add the "LCD CONDITIONNING" option in the menu, which is described as follows:
"This feature will help reduce minor cases of image retention. Depending on the degree of image retention, the program may take some time to run."

Meanwhile, here are some nice settings for those who keep their monitor:
Brightness 16
Contrast 83
R89 G94 B92
Then, load skyrim -)
It's like using a different monitor -) They improve the black level (check out the lagom test), and most importantly details in dark areas significally and all the colors are back to there normal conditions and small details appear more clearly. I start really liking this monitor. Those are probably not the last settings - but are the best settings so far I tried, and they are so good that I even decided to post this.
That's very strange. I paid the equivalent of 720 USD for mine, and things are generally more expensive here compared to the US.

Is it possible they deliberately "dumped" the first batches with issues for a lower price?
That's very strange. I paid the equivalent of 720 USD for mine, and things are generally more expensive here compared to the US.

Is it possible they deliberately "dumped" the first batches with issues for a lower price?

It could be. I just assumed there is some production / supply-chain related explanation for the difference in release dates, so maybe the early models had some issues. We'll just have to wait and see what US reviewers and early buyers have to say.
So, as I understand after a quick read-through of this thread... The 2711 has a superior color gamut, better for incredibly color sensitive applications, CFL backlight, and a little bit slower Grey to Grey response time, and an H-IPS Panel.

Whereas the 2713 has not as good of a color gamut (16.7 million vs 1 billion?), but LED Backlight (not the RGB LED backlight like the HP Z series), slightly faster grey to grey response time, and an AH-IPS Panel.

So If I'm not doing anything where color is super important I should stick with the 2713.
And on Movies/Games/Graphics intensive stuff it will most likely preform as well or better than the 2711, plus it'll use less power and weigh less because of the LED.

All of that correct? Also, any reason to go with the HP series with the RGB LED backlights?
^^ Only HP monitor with RGB LED is the dreamcolor 2480zx , which is north of $2000, all others are W-LEDs.
I can't for $800. Not after all the bad feedback. Unless people here have gotten good panels and just not told anyone.
I can't for $800. Not after all the bad feedback. Unless people here have gotten good panels and just not told anyone.

What would you go with if you were to buy now?

I'm thinking the HP Z series ones look good.
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What would you go with if you were to buy now?

I'm thinking the HP Z series ones look good.

I have zero idea. The ZR2740w doesn't have a scaler or HDMI, so I can't get that. The 2711 I got was entirely underwhelming and way too finicky so I returned it. Everybody complains about getting backlight bleed on the S27A850 so I don't want to even risk that. The S27B970 is too expensive and glossy, so it's not even an option for me.
Where do you work? And how can I see if my small (300 person) company has a deal with Dell?
I have zero idea. The ZR2740w doesn't have a scaler or HDMI, so I can't get that. The 2711 I got was entirely underwhelming and way too finicky so I returned it. Everybody complains about getting backlight bleed on the S27A850 so I don't want to even risk that. The S27B970 is too expensive and glossy, so it's not even an option for me.

How about the upcoming ViewSonic VP2770
If the AG coating is not aggressive it will be an excellent option.
$575.28 + tax for employee pricing for me. See if your work has any discounts with Dell.

That's a pretty nice deal. All I can get is 5% off. On the other hand, the 2711 is $150 off, so I guess it's just a matter of timing.
Ugh, I just want something that's good viewing angles, good color gamut, and fast enough to do some decent gaming... can't get any clear decisions it seems like a lot of it is just luck.
Ugh, I just want something that's good viewing angles, good color gamut, and fast enough to do some decent gaming... can't get any clear decisions it seems like a lot of it is just luck.

Right? If it's gonna be luck no matter what, I may as well go Korean.
$575.28 + tax for employee pricing for me. See if your work has any discounts with Dell.

Wow wish my work had that discount with Dell. Most I can get is 5% off though the company mostly uses HP computers.

I am going to take a shot at this monitor even at 811 with free 2 day shipping.
How about the upcoming ViewSonic VP2770
If the AG coating is not aggressive it will be an excellent option.
Sadly it has 12ms response time. There was a bit of confusion around this, as the European website listed 12ms G2G while the US website showed 5ms (typ). But now both have 12ms in the spec sheet.
It seems it's using the same panel as HP ZR2740, maybe even the new light-AG version. Review should be coming soon on tftcentral.

Yes and this is the thread about it.
This is just an assumption, but Dell might release a replacement for U2711 with the new LM270WQ3 WLED panel that suposedly covers AdobeRGB.

Ugh, I just want something that's good viewing angles, good color gamut, and fast enough to do some decent gaming... can't get any clear decisions it seems like a lot of it is just luck.
If you don't mind backlight bleeding and temporary image retention, than this monitor is great for you. I suggest you hold on for a while until we get confirmation that these issues are fixed in newer batches.
Got a new one on its way to me tomorrow.... I mentioned in my emails to them that it seemed like it was earlier models that had the problems. No idea if they will take any action based on that to ensure i get a later model (tho i accept it will still be a lottery).

Hopefully Dell stock will be later manufactured models by default as the first batches will already be with retailers... will report back hopefully with good news tomorrow.
Got a new one on its way to me tomorrow.... I mentioned in my emails to them that it seemed like it was earlier models that had the problems. No idea if they will take any action based on that to ensure i get a later model (tho i accept it will still be a lottery).

Hopefully Dell stock will be later manufactured models by default as the first batches will already be with retailers... will report back hopefully with good news tomorrow.

Yeah let us know because I'd love to buy one of these... If...
When I just bought the monitor the contrast ratio would hover around 830-890:1. I think I even saw 910:1 once... But now - every time I measure it it's always below 750:1. wtf
I've first seen such a dump in contrast ratio, when first connected it via DP, now after some time of running it via DP connaection, those figures are always that low no matter what cable I use.
I use eodis3 for measuremants, with eodis2 all figures are 100-150:1 less.

EDIT: Well it has slowly increased back to 837:1 for the past couple of hours, after changing from displayport to dvi connection... Whether my dp cable is bad, or the monitor has awkward electronics.
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It's so disappointing to hear about all these issues with these monitors, and the current MSRP price in the U.S. is not attractive at all. Might just have to wait for the Asus PB278Q, and the Nixeus Vue sounds like a good alternative too.
I decided to return the monitor today for full refund. The corner bleed is too bothersome at higher brightness levels, shadow details not good enough (although better than anything I saw in 27" domain) and the week fluctuating contrast was the last drop.
I think I am officially done with 27" 2560x1440s. This technology is too raw and it sucks obviously today.
I decided to return the monitor today for full refund. The corner bleed is too bothersome at higher brightness levels, shadow details not good enough (although better than anything I saw in 27" domain) and the week fluctuating contrast was the last drop.
I think I am officially done with 27" 2560x1440s. This technology is too raw and it sucks obviously today.

I was extremely happy with my Catleap until it decided to blow up on me (was able to return for a full refund, though). All I really want is a U2711 without that harsh AG (that doesn't have the price tag of a Cinema/Thunderbolt Display or is sold from Korean eBayers), and unless Dell and the U2713hm gets its shit together, I feel like the Asus PB278Q might be the last hope for me this Fall (Vue seems iffy, and Overlord is just too new for me to take a risk on).
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It seems the hype train has crashed & burned. The S27A850D is still only 750$ and only really issue is bleeding...

The Nixeus is horrible (500:1 contrast just like the DGM uk crossover 2720 rebrand), if the PB278Q is using a PLS panel then light bleeding is the only thing to fear.


My VG23AH has a 100:1 contrast & 300k temperature difference between the dvi and hdmi inputs. My crossover 2720mdp & S27A850D read the same over dl-dvi & dp.

I may try a U2713 when they become available in Canada.
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If the PB278Q is using a PLS panel then light bleeding is the only thing to fear.

According to the specs on Asus
Panel Type : IPS Technology (PLS Panel)

Still deciding between Asus and this Dell, but more leaning towards the Asus.
I don't know how dell is planning to sell these monitors with such bleeding. I've seen three different u2713hms. One from UK and two from Russia. All of them had backlight bleed in the lower left corner. One of them had such a strong bleed that it was yellow..... I really can't imagine a person who can be satisfied with it. Even the dumbest guy will be bothered by it and will return the monitor eventually. Where is the profit?? Really, I don't know what they were thinking by releasing those in such a bad shape.
going back to mva for now...

edit: no hype, by the way. The monitor is good not considering the bleed and floating contrast. I'd keep it if not for the bleed which becomes too apparent at >140cd/m2 brightness levels. If you can keep it always within 120cdm2 then the bleed shouldn't be a problem, unless you get a really bad unit with some crazy yellow bleed. In my case, some games, like bf3 require some high level of brightness, like 200+cd/m2. Then the bleed becomes a distraction. In skyrim, it's like a permanent fire burning, outside the screen, which you don't see but you see the light coming from it. It could be fun though...
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3H is not related to AG. Hard coat is only the resistance to scratches, I don't remember exactly but I think it means that the screen will be safe if you touch it with a 3H pencil, but a harder 4H will scratch. Or 2H is safe and a 3H will scratch. Either way, don't try to write on your monitor in pencil!