Dell S-Line Screens - S2740L, S2440L, S2340M, S2340L, S2240M

not bad. If you have it in direct sunlight it is a little reflective, but the color and clarity is excellent. I have already got a replacement coming in a few days. It has pretty good backlight uniformity with little bleed. When there is color and not a jet black screen, it looks perfect. I was surprised to see the dead pixel after having bought two 2412m's and having zero. Dell's new S-line has a premium panel aswell according to there site.
There is always a chance that you'll get a dead pixel. They seem to have handled it well, though.
If I hadn't already gotten the Samsung a few months back, this would likely be the monitor (S2740) that I'd get to hold me over until OLED. Was interested in the LG, but seems they have no intent in selling it in the US.
If I hadn't already gotten the Samsung a few months back, this would likely be the monitor (S2740) that I'd get to hold me over until OLED. Was interested in the LG, but seems they have no intent in selling it in the US.
Probably not after they got caught blatanly lying about their product. It's a shame too I had high hopes for that monitor. Right now I had Dell S2440L on backorder from Amazon ($199), but I might cancel it for Dell S2340L.
I'm looking for gaming display and I wonder: LG IPS277L will be faster than Dell S27? I mean input lag, ghosting etc?
NCX: Would be cool and appreciated if you could do a quick PWM dimming test on the display. No need for exact frequency. A semi-conclusive answer if it does PWM or not would suffice.

99% sure it does not use PWM dimming since it does not show up on my camera, regardless of the brightness or shutter speed used.

I can't see PWM dimming (except on my Asus Transformer) & I've owned a few confirmed flickerers.
Guys can you please make 5 pics like TFTcentral? I want see view angles.


Use TFTcentral wallpaper:
I've never had a monitor as glossy as this one appears. If I have a window to the left of my desk, would I have to keep the blinds closed in order to use the monitor? I wasn't sure if the direction of the light source mattered with the glare. Thanks.
Well you definitely have to tone down any light source in your room to reduce the glare. In my room no matter what web page or game I'm on I can clearly see myself and what is behind me in the monitor.
99% sure it does not use PWM dimming since it does not show up on my camera, regardless of the brightness or shutter speed used.

I can't see PWM dimming (except on my Asus Transformer) & I've owned a few confirmed flickerers.
Very interesting. Thanks for the info!

You being an esteemed guerilla-reviewer and all, I guess we can expect you to test this if this one runs higher than 60hz with custom settings?
I just have to figure out a way to reduce the glare somewhat.
Let dust settle on the surface over a couple of months? :) It used to work well on CRTs but I guess there was some electrostatic effects in action there that attracts dust more than it would on an LCD.
Let dust settle on the surface over a couple of months? :) It used to work well on CRTs but I guess there was some electrostatic effects in action there that attracts dust more than it would on an LCD.

When i forget to clean off the dust from my monitor after a couple of weeks and then clean it, i get reminded how clean and vibrant the picture of a glossy screen is. Dust on monitor = very bad idea if you like the best picture quality.
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I may just use a can of air on it. This way nothing touches the screen but it still gets cleaned...
I may just use a can of air on it. This way nothing touches the screen but it still gets cleaned...

But all that air will touch your screen! It will get destroyed!

In all seriousness though, it's pretty bad you can't clean it with a microfiber cloth (without getting scratches, that is)
VA panels was not good for gaming. They have terrible artifacats on black backgrounds.
VA panels was not good for gaming. They have terrible artifacats on black backgrounds.
Well, as you can read in that TFTCentral's review, it should be perfectly fine for gaming, at least for normal users. Seems like the only one and the biggest issue with this monitor is its reflectiveness.
They do talk about the dark overshoot in the review

That's due to a too agreelssige overdrive (which they say in the review), many IPS panels (like the U2412M) and even some TN panels have the same problem. It has nothing to do with it being a VA panel.
Anyone have any thoughts/experience on the S2440L vs something like the U2011H (other than the stand and connection differences) for spreadsheet type office work? I'm just look for some more real estate and some crisp text. I would be running 2 of them and in my current lighting situation I don't think glare would be an issue.
If I do get Dell S2440L, I will use it for gaming and movie watching (blu-ray). The color shift has me a little worry, since I will probably watching movies from the bed (not dead on). But the decent lag performance makes its a good choice for gaming. Now main question is to keep my order or cancel it and just get Dell S2340L with an IPS and risk getting poorer lag performance. Oh hell why cant life be easier.
Don't buy VA for gaming. Read latest posts from BenQ G2x50HM thread. This display has a low input lag, but it's terrible in games.
Both the S2740 and S2440 looks to have heavy response overshoot and no way of tuning or turning them off. I hate overshoot. Blur is way better than overshoot. Oh Dell why cant life be easier?
Anyone knows how much input lag the 23inch model has?

Are there any reviews coming out soon?

Thanks!!! :)
They have a review on the s2340l in a Dutch magazin, they haven't released their online review yet
Dell actually delivered my U2412M yesterday. Now I'm not sure weather to keepthe 27 inch or hte 24 inch
You mean

Like the poster before me said, that site isn't Dutch, it's German. I was talking about Though it will be a few weeks before they put the review online, since they just started selling the magazine.
What exactly is overshoot? When I play BF3 its smooth as silk and I notice no problems what so ever. But in the review it mentions the 27 inch has bad overshoot. What exactly is that and what should I be looking for when playing BF3? Because like I said I notice absolutely nothing wrong playing FPS...

Do you have image retention (burn in) issue? Can you please check?

Leave one explorer window or white image on a dark background
After 15-20 minutes, check for image retention on dark gray background, specifically 80% gray or 47-47-47 RGB values.
Aw OK. Might be good for me then because I don't notice it at all. But then again I am almost blind in one eye and my other eye is not that great either. Bottom line though NCX would you recommend this monitor to people, that web surf and play games? Just curious..
Also do we know if this is a 6 bit ips panel or 8 bit?
zod96: Dont worry about overshoot. Its what you want for gaming. U2412M has the same deal with overshoot so there is no difference there, btw. I just like the option to turn it off when I watch movies and work with text, cause I notice the artifacts all the time then.
zod96: Dont worry about overshoot. Its what you want for gaming. U2412M has the same deal with overshoot so there is no difference there, btw. I just like the option to turn it off when I watch movies and work with text, cause I notice the artifacts all the time then.

Well, ideally you wouldn't have any overshoot nor ghosting, though, as it stands, that seems impossible with IPS or VA screens (and even with TN it is really hard)
Well, ideally you wouldn't have any overshoot nor ghosting, though, as it stands, that seems impossible with IPS or VA screens (and even with TN it is really hard)
Yes, of course. Just badly written by me. I mean that you want overdrive with overshoot in these monitors because is will feel more responsive in games.