Dell and AMD

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I will be purchasing a Dell Laptop with AMD soon enough. I am glad Dell has finally decided to use AMD and purchased the CPUs.
This is going to be interesting, but I wonder if the average OEM buyer will just look at it as a "generic" CPU. Dell has been Intel only for so long and then all of a sudden AMD's CPUs will pop out of nowhere. Regardless, it's good news for AMD (and Dell).
Does it really matter from a performance perspective what with Core/Core2 Duo?
I think Intel will bea bit worried..
One big bastion of support just cumbled a little bit..
Add in AMD's purchase of ATI and i wouldnt be surprised to see all in one chipsets from them for OEM builders. IE low cost mobo's with everything built in and CPU's that work well with them.
I know Nvidia does this allready with the Nforce, but I think the ATi/AMD ones would be very very low cost ones purely for OEM people.
It really hurt AMD that Dell didn't do this with the last generation of processors. Now with Intel's newest offerings shining against similar AMD processors, I'm not so sure that those ordered computers will sell as quickly as they would have before. Don't get me wrong, it's great that Dell finally wisened up, but is it too little too late?
Dell's plan to expand the AMD footprint serves as a powerful statement on the strength of the AMD processor roadmap

I suppose that's one way to say "Yeah, we know, they decided to let us in after we lost the performance edge to Intel.". :p
Atheist said:
Does it really matter from a performance perspective what with Core/Core2 Duo?

Yep it sure does. Outside of the hardware ethusiasts sites, what does the average joe consumer know? My local newspapers didn't print any articles "iNteL pwns AMD".

In fact many purchase the low end computer that is then bundled with monitor, printer, Microsoft home essentials (that alone should indicate the market pruchasing the system) and what not. They've heard Dell is the online retailer to go with.

Regardless of performance, AMD is currently cheaper, expecially with their recently released X2 3600+ AM2.

Moving AMD in volume, and Dell can help them do this, will have a big impact in the AMD/Intel pricing war that will be going on. This "low ball" pricing is what garnered a lot of market share back during the K6 and K7 years. They didn't do better as Dell and other large volume PC sellers where iNtel only shops, now this is no longer the case.

OEM sales are always the volume money maker and getting Dell into the AMD fold is a phenominal event from a retail point of view.
tsuehpsyde said:
I suppose that's one way to say "Yeah, we know, they decided to let us in after we lost the performance edge to Intel.". :p

And the average QVC shopping Dell ordering public won't care either, they'll say whats the cheapest that you can get me that is also a Dell? This will be the AMD X2 3600+.

Kids that were telling their parents, "it had better be Dell" will have a hard time convincing them that they need a Conroe instead so they can pwn their fellow online gamers.
HighTest said:
Yep it sure does. Outside of the hardware ethusiasts sites, what does the average joe consumer know? My local newspapers didn't print any articles "iNteL pwns AMD".

Hehe, greatness. Certainly there is a solid trickle down effect from the enthusiasts out there, but to the average guy buying a computer, it might be a long time till we trickle on him...unless it is at a really wild party.
AMD and Intel are the two main cpu suppliers in the world, each with 20% and 80% of the market respectively. It is only fair that AMD at least get 20% of the CPU business from Dell regardless of how each company's cpu performs.
Good job, John Hamill..
The thing that excites me the most, is this should help AMD shake off that stigma of being a "knock-off" company a lot of uneducated consumers think they are. That and this provides an additional revenue stream for AMD to stay competitive since Intel seems to be dumping a lot more into R&D these days.
The only people that care so much about AMD vs. Intel are you folk’s right here. The enthusiast only cares about what CPU they are running, and to be honest AMD is no better than Intel in the real world. Back it up with whatever benchmarks you want, but it doesn't matter to the normal Joe Smoe, only the people who over-clock and water-cool to the get the very last FPS out of there system cares about what CPU you they are running. This is a smart move by Dell of course but they will sell just as many if not more Intel based systems than they will AMD.

There server market will sell more Intel servers than AMD because IT departments have policy for what CPU they run, small business will benfit from an AMD as far as price but to the large companies like the one I work for Intel will always run the back office, desktops and laptops don't matter much as I have a mix of AMD and Intel laptops and they all work fine, neither is better than the other for a normal user running word and Adobe...
Ludic said:
It really hurt AMD that Dell didn't do this with the last generation of processors. Now with Intel's newest offerings shining against similar AMD processors, I'm not so sure that those ordered computers will sell as quickly as they would have before. Don't get me wrong, it's great that Dell finally wisened up, but is it too little too late?
The top end is expensive anyways. I'm looking forward to low end AMD Dimensions. Intel's and Foxconn's low end boards are terrible, usually without a video card slot. Hopefully that won't happen on the AMD systems.
:confused: very odd timing considering Intel finally just got back in the game ( = gaming - pun intended) with Core2

Dell should have done this last year when Intel had nothing to answer the X2 with. I guess they're doing it to diversify, and maybe the whole AMD lawsuit has something to do with it to.
At work, we buy Dell - mainly because at the Enterprise level it works and they stand behind it. In our last round of server upgrades, we were really close to getting some Opteron based servers, but since Dell sold Intel and that was percieved by "management" as the industry standard, we ended up buying Intel based servers from Dell, most dual core, and don't get me wrong, they are great servers - they run well.
But, this will totally open the door for the next time we buy in that Operteron servers will be a much more viable option and for what we do, Opertons are actually a better choice.

This move will get AMDs into the hands of "the average joe" who buys what Dell has on sale, and since now that CEO will see Dell ads in his magazines blazoned with "AMD" and "Opteron" us folks in the IT Trenches will now be able to actually get some of them in the racks in our server rooms.

They may not be a Dell server, but since Dell will be selling AMD based servers those with the control of the purse strings will be more likely to approve the purchase of an AMD based server. Some companies don't have this problem, but some do, and this give them (inluding where I work) more options.

chrisf6969 said:
:confused: very odd timing considering Intel finally just got back in the game ( = gaming - pun intended) with Core2

Dell should have done this last year when Intel had nothing to answer the X2 with. I guess they're doing it to diversify, and maybe the whole AMD lawsuit has something to do with it to.

not really odd timing at all. think of what happens when a new processor comes out, especially one that has very good performance, lack of supply.

this is the sole reason why Dell is doing this. it is about filling that void so they don't lose customers to HP or Gateway. All about the $$$$$.
chrisf6969 said:
:confused: very odd timing considering Intel finally just got back in the game ( = gaming - pun intended) with Core2

Dell should have done this last year when Intel had nothing to answer the X2 with. I guess they're doing it to diversify, and maybe the whole AMD lawsuit has something to do with it to.

I think it’s because of the major price slash in the AMD CPU's due to the Conroe. Dell can now offer a very fast PC at a cheap price with AMD.....but it’s not the fastest.

But who in their right mind buys their kick ass PC from Dell? :rolleyes:

It's just not manly....
This deal only happened because Intel is currently undergoing serious antitrust investigations and Dell obviously want the gov off its back about the relationship Dell and Intel had over the years. Thus, Dell finally approves it's AMD lineup. Not very suprising, its all politics.
chrisf6969 said:
:confused: very odd timing considering Intel finally just got back in the game ( = gaming - pun intended) with Core2

Dell should have done this last year when Intel had nothing to answer the X2 with. I guess they're doing it to diversify, and maybe the whole AMD lawsuit has something to do with it to.


its all about the lawsuit.. from a business point of view this would have been done 2 yeasr ago if DELL wanted to it was all about INTEL business practices.

This is probaly the concession to AMD DELL is making to keep its name and business out of any upcoming media lawsuit spotlight.
I knew I had to visit everyone's friend after seeing this news:

Sharikou said:
I expect AMD64 to be 50% of DELL's business by 3Q07. Intel is expected to BK in 1Q08 to 3Q08 time frame. By then, DELL will be near 100% AMD. for more drivel.

As for the news itself - ehh, more choice for customers is always a good thing, but don't expect me to be buying a Dell anytime soon. I have nothing against Dell, my family's six-year-old Inspiron is still chugging, but I enjoy building much more.
resutoran said:
This deal only happened because Intel is currently undergoing serious antitrust investigations and Dell obviously want the gov off its back about the relationship Dell and Intel had over the years. Thus, Dell finally approves it's AMD lineup. Not very suprising, its all politics.
I respectfully disagree. The #1 reason Dell went with AMD was solely based on profits. They can make money selling AMD products. And more importantly, they were losing sales NOT having AMD based hardware (especially in servers)

It is also worth noting that Dell was probably very unhappy with Intel trying to shove netburst hardware onto them, which can't be the most profitable piece of hardware considering the engineering and materials needed to cool the beast has to hurt profits. Take a look at a Pentium-D based Dell. The cooling dominates the case. Dell did a good job with it, but in my view it has to cut into profits. Intel also made sure that netburst became next to worthless with their aggressive price cuts. Dell's inventory of netburst products was devalued severely, and Core made it even worse, especially considering Intel dangled the Core carrot for months before it was actually on the market.

Intel also cancelled their rebate programs, and also decided to give Apple first crack at Core, which I am sure didn't help the Intel/Dell relationship any. But I think the most pressing issue for Dell was that their customers were screaming for Opteron systems. Smart IT people have been using Opteron since it came out, and the trend is growing. Dell could only hold on so long before the noise became deafening.

Sure, Intel has come back into the 2-way space, but it is too late IMO. By the time Woodcrest is tested, validated, and accepted in the server space, 4 core Opterons will be close on the horizon.

I can think of many reasons Dell finally went AMD, but honestly none of them have to do with the ongoing Intel/AMD litigation.
Just means cheaper computers for consumers. Who cares why those rich bastards do what they do. As long as it reflects in a positive way for the folks buying these things then all the better.

Yay consumers on this one!
It was funny how Dell was denying it all along that they were going to terminate their exclusive partnership with Intel. But we knowledgeable computer enthusiasts knew it at least from a year ago that it was going to happen sooner than later. Hell, Dell was selling AMD processors, then servers that had AMD processors, and very soon desktops and laptops with AMD processors.

Here's a ZDNet article on the topic.
I just cant wait for an AMD ATX XPS... that BTX is a pain in the arse.

Lowend Dell laptops = Intel Xtreme suck graphic chipset
Lowend AMD laptops = ATI Xpress 200m graphic chipset


One of the reasons I chose the AMD-based Compaq laptop last black friday for $378. I can actually play some games and they don't look like crap. CnC Generals actually runs pretty well at native rez.
Horrible, horrible timing on Dell's part. Intel has regained the desktop/notebook performance lead. This is the one time in which Dell would've been justified in not using AMD's products, given Core 2 Duo's performance lead and Dell's cozy Intel discounts--but instead they went for it. Amazing.

My guess is that this is an "oh yeah? Screw you too!" reaction to Intel's support of Apple. Dell must seriously be afraid of Apple's growing prominence.
Flyingcrazy said:
The only people that care so much about AMD vs. Intel are you folk’s right here. The enthusiast only cares about what CPU they are running, and to be honest AMD is no better than Intel in the real world. Back it up with whatever benchmarks you want, but it doesn't matter to the normal Joe Smoe, only the people who over-clock and water-cool to the get the very last FPS out of there system cares about what CPU you they are running. This is a smart move by Dell of course but they will sell just as many if not more Intel based systems than they will AMD.

There server market will sell more Intel servers than AMD because IT departments have policy for what CPU they run, small business will benfit from an AMD as far as price but to the large companies like the one I work for Intel will always run the back office, desktops and laptops don't matter much as I have a mix of AMD and Intel laptops and they all work fine, neither is better than the other for a normal user running word and Adobe...
Really? From what I've been reading/hearing AMD has locked up about 80% of the server market in large corporation accounts. Maybe I read the info wrong, but Opteron servers have totally owned the server segment for some time now. Just ask Industrial Light and Magic (George Lucas) and a lot of others as well. This may change with the new Intel Core Duo offerings, but AMD is releasing new Opteron server offerings as we speak which are quite capable. Intel hasn't been the big dog in the server market for quite some time and its going to take them some time to get market share back.
I can tell you for a fact the reasons Dell went to AMD for servers (I work at Dell in the enterprise department):

#1 Customers asked for them.
#2 AMD could finally supply enough chips to meet our demand.

Thats it, no big conspiracy there. Everything associated with enterprise products and support at Dell is driven by one thing... making the customers happy. This makes my job much easier.

Now, as for the desktops and portables... I believe that Skynet got it right, but this is just from what I've heard around the watercooler.

#1 Reason - Profits

This was driven mainly by Intel cutting the discounts we used to recieve. And, obviously with us buying cheaper processors we can offer cheaper systems to our customers who wish to go in that direction.
Intel has the performance upper hand for now but don't count on it lasting forever. Typically in the semiconductor industry the big players play leapfrog, whoever has the most recent release tends to have the lead in performance and/or price. I can definately see the quad core regaining the lead for them in the server space. For gaming worry about you GPU as this is going to be your real performance limiter. You can get a little more speed with the hottest CPU around but it will not let you bump up your detail level or rez like a top of the line GPU will.
A few months back Dell announced that they would be offering AMD in some of their servers yet I was never able to find any servers on Dells website that used an AMD processor... Can someone tell me if they arent on the websites or if they are can someone link me i wanted to see what they had.
In my opinion this announcement is only a PR move by Dell to get Intel to go back to selling them chips at a large discount. I may be wrong, but I read somewhere that with the Core and Core 2 generation chips Intel went to a policy of selling to all OEMs at the same price. Dell probably felt the heat and and decided to up the ante by selling to Intel's chief rival as well.

If Intel caves in and goes back to selling to Dell at a special discount, I would not expect to see AMD based consumer desktops anytime soon.
Grinder66 said:
I think it’s because of the major price slash in the AMD CPU's due to the Conroe. Dell can now offer a very fast PC at a cheap price with AMD.....but it’s not the fastest.

Yeah, forgot about the massive price cuts to X2's.
98% of the people probabyl dont care about how much better core 2 is than x2. dell is probably doing it due to price factors.
My take on this is its all about $$$$$ nothing else. Its business and that means what is good for the bottom line is all that matters.
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