Days Gone


Feb 18, 2016
Is it worth getting ?

I would try it first on Playstation Now on my PC over Fiber internet. Do you think PS Now would work ok on that ? Guessing so just making sure.

Any disadvantges of trying it first on PS Now on my PC?
Watch a few random gameplay nd see what it's about. Worth it will largely depend on your taste. If taco had to summarize it...🤔

Open-worldish last of us.

Yeah but what about the service PS Now too ?

Is it locked at 720p ?
I got it on sale several months back and have only got a couple hours into it before getting distracted by other games, so it never really grabbed me as much as I hoped. I'm a sucker for most PS exclusives and pre-ordered this game too, then cancelled it after seeing all the mediocre reviews. I need to revisit it and give it a better chance, which I prolly won't do until I get a PS5 so I can play some other exclusives I missed on PS4. It was the same deal with Spiderman for me too.

I imagine playing it on PS Now would be fine providing your ISP is up for it and you have minimal latency (preferably hard wired on PC), though I'd say there has to be a slight loss in resolution/clarity over playing it on local hardware regardless. But as always everyone's tolerance on that is different and if you're even considering it, will probably be fine with it, as I've seen most people who've played on PS Now be pretty happy with it. Just know that a DS4 controller is a requirement for all PS Now games, so no KB&M support that I know of.

Looks like it's going to be supporting cross-platform saves, "up to" 60fps, and dynamic 4K on the PS5. I never played this, but will almost certainly give it a go since it's part of the PS+ collection.
So far I like it a lot to bad we can't stream in 4k or at least 2k oh well.
I'm finally playing this game now. I'd describe it as pretty decent. I just completed TLoU2 (again) and it's hard not to compare the two. This is a far more open game. It isn't quite like a GTA sandbox, but more like Far Cry 1. Open in the sense that you can use different routes and approaches to reach checkpoints.
On the PS5 it runs at a steady 60fps. Graphics are good. The additional fps make it look a few steps beyond the PS4, but nobody will mistake it for a native PS5 title. It doesn't look as good as TLoU2 shot for shot...but it's running at twice the FPS. The acting and presentation are okay. Not bad, but not great.
Controls are kinda wonky, though. There's no way to change them and they deviate from most other games like this. Well, at least other than the standard aim/fire controls.
Poor man's TLoU2? Kinda? Better FPS on the PS5 and a more open world, but it's otherwise a step behind in most other ways.
As I've gotten a little further, the game is growing on me. The characters are starting to get more personality and the world is opening up a little. I still hate the controls, but I'm willing to tolerate them to keep playing and see where things go.
What I'm noticing is that it's open world about 75%, very much like GTA. Except when you're in a "mission" area with the main story. You can't leave those or you fail. Even to grab items or burn nests, which is a common bonus opportunity. If you aren't on a plot-based mission, you can go anywhere an do anything you feel like, though.
For better or worse, I've also noticed that enemies and threats in the world are randomized. Sometimes an area has like 25 enemies, other times it has 2. Sometimes none. You're often better off reloading your save if shit seems too crazy. Everything is based on RNG luck with some modifiers if you've cleared the area before. I don't really know if I like that. I adds variety to the world, but I don't really like my experience being entirely based on luck, either. Killing enemies = additional $, but you're also going to use up your supplies and have to buy more. You still come out ahead, but the process can be tedious.
One more update on this game as I think I'm approaching the end portions of the game.
  • Performance is pretty fantastic. No slowdowns, hiccups, or framerate drops occur even with hundreds of zombies onscreen at once. It's a solid 60fps all of the time.
  • The game world is pretty good. It looks and feels like rural Oregon, and the devs definitely added some nice details along the way.
  • The game is pretty repetitious. You end up doing the same 4 mission types over and over again. They aren't bad, but the flow of the game becomes very predictable.
  • It's one of those games where difficulty decreases as you go further. Same enemies, but you have better weapons, more health, more gear, more abilities, etc.
  • Killing normal enemies doesn't serve much purpose beyond going for achievements. You get everything you need just playing normally and the extra stuff you get for grinding isn't necessarily better. If things go awry, you're better off reloading rather than toughing it out.
  • It's hard not to compare it to The Last of Us 2. There are a LOT of similarities and other than the open world, this game loses on most fronts. It's not bad, but it's simply not as good. Not the story, characters, acting, combat, or much else. It's even technically smaller even if the open map deceives you.
Anyway, it's pretty decent for a game I got for free. If you have a PS5, you should give it a go and see what you think.
One more update on this game as I think I'm approaching the end portions of the game.
  • Performance is pretty fantastic. No slowdowns, hiccups, or framerate drops occur even with hundreds of zombies onscreen at once. It's a solid 60fps all of the time.
  • The game world is pretty good. It looks and feels like rural Oregon, and the devs definitely added some nice details along the way.
  • The game is pretty repetitious. You end up doing the same 4 mission types over and over again. They aren't bad, but the flow of the game becomes very predictable.
  • It's one of those games where difficulty decreases as you go further. Same enemies, but you have better weapons, more health, more gear, more abilities, etc.
  • Killing normal enemies doesn't serve much purpose beyond going for achievements. You get everything you need just playing normally and the extra stuff you get for grinding isn't necessarily better. If things go awry, you're better off reloading rather than toughing it out.
  • It's hard not to compare it to The Last of Us 2. There are a LOT of similarities and other than the open world, this game loses on most fronts. It's not bad, but it's simply not as good. Not the story, characters, acting, combat, or much else. It's even technically smaller even if the open map deceives you.
Anyway, it's pretty decent for a game I got for free. If you have a PS5, you should give it a go and see what you think.
Glad to hear it's running well on PS5, as performance was an issue even on PS4 Pro. Been wanting to give this a try.
This is great news...even if I have zero plans to get it since the PS5 version is 60fps.
The more Sony exclusives that make it to the PC, the better. As much as I really do love the PS5, I'd love not having to have any consoles even more.