Crysis 3 revealed


Feb 27, 2006

Crysis 3 has been revealed thanks to somebody at Electronic Arts pulling the trigger early, according to reports. Information for the Crytek sequel, including listings for the limited edition version, appeared on the service ahead of its expected announcement in Game Reactor magazine.

The main image shows our hero (presumably Alcatraz, or what is left of him) with a science fiction bow. Behind him is what looks like a city building, which means we might be seeing more of New York and less of the jungle again. Naturally, Origin's eaten the evidence, but NeoGAF has a lot of it preserved.

I really enjoyed Crysis 2, so I'm excited to see what we get this time around. Count me in!


Cevat Yerli no doubt expects that this will be the one that surpasses CoD and sells more than 20 million copies on each platform. When sales fall spectacularly short across all platforms he will bitch and whine about piracy and conveniently ignore all of its obvious shortcomings. Perhaps Crytek and Epic should consider merging development studios so they can synchronize and better co-ordinate their bitching.
I think the bow idea is nice. I don't see it very often in FPSs.

This might be enjoyable...

:D synchronized whining activated
Perhaps Crytek and Epic should consider merging development studios so they can synchronize and better co-ordinate their bitching.

"EpicCry" tends to sum both companies up fairly well.

Still, I enjoyed Crysis managed to preserve the original's open-ish gameplay in smaller environments and actually made stealth against the aliens viable. Will keep an eye on this.
"EpicCry" tends to sum both companies up fairly well.

Still, I enjoyed Crysis managed to preserve the original's open-ish gameplay in smaller environments and actually made stealth against the aliens viable. Will keep an eye on this.

I had a blast with 2. Stealth was the only way I had fun with it. I might have to replay with the DX11 version on my 680 @ 2560x1440 (last playthrough it was DX9 on a 580 @ 1920x1200).
I had a blast with 2. Stealth was the only way I had fun with it. I might have to replay with the DX11 version on my 680 @ 2560x1440 (last playthrough it was DX9 on a 580 @ 1920x1200).

Yeah if you play it like COD it's very bland...but that also applies to the original. Stealth is incredibly fun when it's an awesome tool in your bag but isn't forced upon you (like Splinter Cell's one-whiff-of-you-and-the-mission-is-over approach to stealth).
I never played Crysis 2. I figured I'd wait until it was bargain basement priced on Origin or something. (Just checked, still $39.99 for CoD with Crysis suits, no thanks.)
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I never played Crysis 2. I figured I'd wait until it was bargain basement priced on Origin or something.

I think they got the gun handling right when it comes to reloads...character only cocks the gun on reload if the previous magazine was completely dry. If the magazine wasn't empty, then you have an extra round. I know you are into that sort of thing :cool: I don't think the guns are correctly named or modelled though (they've been "futurised").
I never played Crysis 2. I figured I'd wait until it was bargain basement priced on Origin or something. (Just checked, still $39.99 for CoD with Crysis suits, no thanks.)

It was $8 the other day it's sad to say it's still not worth it to me. I'll pay $5. I'd pay $8 if they'd fix the final boss of the first one. its been what 4 years and the first game is still buggy?
Yeah if you play it like COD it's very bland...but that also applies to the original. Stealth is incredibly fun when it's an awesome tool in your bag but isn't forced upon you (like Splinter Cell's one-whiff-of-you-and-the-mission-is-over approach to stealth).

Any game that I can use stealth or hacking freely is quite fun. DX:HR is one such game. Crysis 2 could have used more abilities...
For some reason the first thing that crossed my mind was John Rambo meets Nanosuit :p
I never played Crysis 2. I figured I'd wait until it was bargain basement priced on Origin or something. (Just checked, still $39.99 for CoD with Crysis suits, no thanks.)

The singleplayer is pretty solid sci-fi stuff, wholly decent until the end where some surprising writing shines through a bit (namely a certain speech). Like the first game, I think it's most fun to play on the hardest difficulty because it forces you to actually play smart (like abusing stealth) and not just rambo through every single encounter in the game.

Get Maldo's HD mod for some extra pretties:
I agree with the posters above. While Crysis 2 was inferior to the original, it was still a pretty solid game. The first hour or so is pure cheese... but once you get past that it's just a lot of blasting aliens. Quite fun actually.

The island level actually felt somewhat like the original game as well, though still smaller in scope. Definitely the highlight of the game for me.
The singleplayer is pretty solid sci-fi stuff, wholly decent until the end where some surprising writing shines through a bit (namely a certain speech). Like the first game, I think it's most fun to play on the hardest difficulty because it forces you to actually play smart (like abusing stealth) and not just rambo through every single encounter in the game.

Get Maldo's HD mod for some extra pretties:

I think I'll test the mod out w/ hard difficulty. Thanks.
Meh, I'll pass. The franchise and company has become too large and multiplatform-focused for their own good.

Crysis 1 was a damn classic, upgrading the Far Cry formula, with predator elements. Also it had good storytelling and pacing. A great free roam linear and replayable game. And thats not mentioning the graphics.

Crysis 2 was balls. From a newcomer's viewpoint, it was another brick in the generic console shooter wall - from a pc-gamer, fan and sequel-anticipator's view, it was bad.

All I want to see from this company now, is evolution of their engine, so it can be the next UDK
=Mokkat;1038598702 Also it had good storytelling and pacing. A great free roam linear and replayable game. And thats not mentioning the graphics.

Crysis had great storytelling? Haha ok...its the same basic cookie cutter Sci-fi storyline they have been using since the genre was created.

"Great free roam linear". That doesn't make any sense. Although I will agree with you that it was linear.

The game would have been better if they had just made it into a Predator game. The jungle environments were perfect for it.

I'm not a huge fan of urban environments anymore, COD ruined them by force feeding them to us for the past decade. The bow does look kind of cool, I will reserve my judgment until the game launches, although I'm not expecting much from this already tired franchise.
Going to grab it, own all the others and enjoyed every SP mission, crysis 2 sucks on MP they can see you when stealthed and it ruins the game totally.
Crysis had great storytelling? Haha ok...its the same basic cookie cutter Sci-fi storyline they have been using since the genre was created.

"Great free roam linear". That doesn't make any sense. Although I will agree with you that it was linear.

The game would have been better if they had just made it into a Predator game. The jungle environments were perfect for it.

I'm not a huge fan of urban environments anymore, COD ruined them by force feeding them to us for the past decade. The bow does look kind of cool, I will reserve my judgment until the game launches, although I'm not expecting much from this already tired franchise.

I agree that the story was nothing new - it wasnt as bad as the combined "new york destruction"+"deadly disease"+"full scale alien invasion" storyline though.
What I meant was that the delivery of the story and dialog never compromised being in control of your character or the camera, like Half-life but with a few meaningful cutscenes thrown in - very immersive. Crysis 2 shat all over that, with it's handholding, CoD-style fixed camera segments, "press x to look at important shit", quicktime event cutscenes and ending, etc.

By "free roam linear game", I mean that the game is still linear, but sporting enormous base/airport/etc areas with no other instruction than "get to point X". Crysis 2 was a usual corridor shooter in comparison, and if that wasnt enough, it had to treat you like an idiot with obvious pointers to sidepaths and to the million full-ammo crates.
What I meant was that the delivery of the story and dialog never compromised being in control of your character or the camera, like Half-life but with a few meaningful cutscenes thrown in - very immersive.
That's an interesting game to bring up.. as Crysis 2 was pretty similar to HL gameplay and level design wise IMO.

Crysis was good in terms it being open.. but it wasn't as open as Far Cry. In Far Cry you could truly go wherever you want. In Crysis you had mountains placed in strategic locations which indeed made it linear.
I really enjoyed Crysis 2, especially once you got a few levels into it. IMO Crysis 1 became horrible once the aliens showed up. Crysis actually got better with a mix of alien and human enemies.

I know there was a lot of rage when Crysis 2 came out, but it seems like people have started to look back at it more fondly, especially once the DX11 and High-Res patches came out.

I'm in as long as the SP is still fun. The MP in both Crysis games sucked, though.
Let's keep our expectations realistic for Crysis 3. I think we can reasonably expect a game that pushes every PC past the next three future generations of GPUs, but at the same time runs flawlessly with settings maxed on Eyefinity resolutions, runs on the highest settings with three-year old GPUs, has 8192x8192 textures, is unlike any other FPS in the world (and fun) and has the best, most unique multiplayer ever. And the demo should be the full game, completely unlocked.

Expecting anything more than that is simply unreasonable.

Meanwhile, in the real world:

- Cevat Yerli blabs more BS on gaming sites
- Everyone buys what Yerli says
- Crysis 3 released
- Trolled to piss on [H] forums (Most people actually like the game.)
- Crytek blames piracy
After getting over the initial butthurt of "press start to begin", I really enjoyed Crysis 2 and its one of my go to games whenever I want to fire something up real quick to kill a half hour or so. I has some of my favorite combat of any game I have.

Ill be in for a copy.
Crysis 2 with the hi rez pack, DX11 patch and Maldo's mod was one of the prettiest games I've ever played. I liked the SP game but never tried MP.
I think even before the DX11 patch Crysis 2 was one of the most beautiful looking games I've ever played.

However, I'm not the biggest fan of the gameplay itself and I'll wait till it's $10 before I buy (like I did with Crysis 1, Warhead, and Crysis 2).
While the DX11 and high-res patches certainly added something - the game really was good looking beforehand. Much like the Witcher 2, a game doesn't have to use DX11 to look good.
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I got Crysis 2 for $5 on the Amazon + $5 coupon deal awhile back. I started playing and got stuck on the part right after where you "scan the biomass" and then have to jump out a window to proceed. Can't get through the window and supposedly there's a cutscene that is supposed to play but doesn't. Tried loading a previous save and it does nothing. Awesome... :rolleyes:
I hope Crytek keeps Richard K. Morgan on as the writer. He did a better job with Crysis 2 than I thought he would be able to, and I'd like to see where he can take it. I'd also like them to open the levels a little and vary the locations.
I just Crytek doesn't fuck this up one unlike Crysis 2 which was riddled with massive shitloads of bugs, but since Crysis 2 I've lost hope for Crytek to develop a proper game.