Counter Strike: Global Offensive

I was kicking ass in competitive gameplay until I started esea. Never felt like such a noob... Maybe I'll get my courage back. I have become a p90 whore/beast lately.
Seriously fuck people that pay for cheats in this game. Ruining it for other people.

I took a break for a while because there was a period where it was out of control. I'm back at it again
I just started back up again because I missed competitive gaming. Back when I quit I was like a double ak with the things on the side. Master Guardian 2?

Anyways, after a week of playing I'm down to a nova 2 LOL. I'm so rusty. Add me on steam if you wanna play sometime @ aeonrevolution
I was kicking ass in competitive gameplay until I started esea. Never felt like such a noob... Maybe I'll get my courage back. I have become a p90 whore/beast lately.

If you want to feel like a genius go play in a casual server. It's like bizarro CS. I only join them for missions but the people there have no idea what the fuck a grenade is. Throw a flash or a smoke and everyone will shit their pants, nobody knows what to do.

I had get 20 smg last night and finished it in like 4 or 5 rounds on that castle map. I just rushed like an idiot with a p90 and flashed right before we collided. Worked every single time.

What rank are you in MM?
I just started back up again because I missed competitive gaming. Back when I quit I was like a double ak with the things on the side. Master Guardian 2?

Anyways, after a week of playing I'm down to a nova 2 LOL. I'm so rusty. Add me on steam if you wanna play sometime @ aeonrevolution

the double ak is mg3 (elite?). i was there a few weeks ago. i went on the killer losing streak and dropped to nova 4. im back to mg2 now. ive never ranked up higher than mg 3 (elite?).

i was playing with a guy on my team who was walling. every round he would rush to where they were rushing. the other team never called him out on it. i reported him, whatever good that does.
If you want to feel like a genius go play in a casual server. It's like bizarro CS. I only join them for missions but the people there have no idea what the fuck a grenade is. Throw a flash or a smoke and everyone will shit their pants, nobody knows what to do.

I had get 20 smg last night and finished it in like 4 or 5 rounds on that castle map. I just rushed like an idiot with a p90 and flashed right before we collided. Worked every single time.

What rank are you in MM?

Love playing casual sometimes it is so funny how easy it is to run out get a HS then run away and leave them thinking wtf just happened.

And don't feel too bad Bravo, ESEA is a whole different level from competitive. I've played with DMG's who can only manage 8-9 rws in ESEA. Though if you play it enough and really learn the game it makes you that much better when returning to comp/casual. I am a LEM and my highest rws was 12.93 for a month with 98.6 ADR. But still, I am a LEM and this month I am at 10.70 RWS and 94 ADR, granted I'm playing less and less now a days, but just to give you an idea. Granted I have a DMG friend who pulls 10+ rws. But he's special lol.
Man, I must suck. I've never gotten past Silver Elite. I'm doing really good against others in my grouping right now (I'm normally top 2 or 3 score wise) but its never promoted me higher than that.
I've actually gotten back into CS:GO, didn't play at all for a while, now I play competitive, finally played through my 10 required matches, was rank 2 silver, than played one more match, lost it, but became rank 3 silver, not sure why. ;) I'm a mediocre player, not bad, but would definitely lose to more skilled players.

Hate the AWP the most, refuse to use it, but if its in my hands, I find I can hit a tin can in mid air, which is odd, cause I absolutely hate that gun and think its cheap as all get out. But I also make quite a few people mad when I run around with a Nova or a Sawed-Off, love to use pistols, Deagle on T, Five-Seven on CT.

Add me up if you wanna have some fun: insomnibyte101
This is the first version of CS that I don't hate anyone that uses the awp. I think after trying to awp I realized it does take some skill. Plus, I've started playing competitive to win so I know all the awp spots and just avoid them. Every once in a while at the end of the round when the awps start hunting I'll get picked up by one, but again...I realize that they are pretty difficult to be good with, so I don't mind them.

I SUCK with the awp...horribly.

My brother plays pretty hardcore and has some AK rank. Guess he has natural skill
This is the first version of CS that I don't hate anyone that uses the awp. I think after trying to awp I realized it does take some skill. Plus, I've started playing competitive to win so I know all the awp spots and just avoid them. Every once in a while at the end of the round when the awps start hunting I'll get picked up by one, but again...I realize that they are pretty difficult to be good with, so I don't mind them.

I SUCK with the awp...horribly.

My brother plays pretty hardcore and has some AK rank. Guess he has natural skill

Hit me up, we should do some team ups with some more [H] members, I know Bravo is on once in a while.....
Hit me up, we should do some team ups with some more [H] members, I know Bravo is on once in a while.....

PM me your steam name, or post in here if you're okay with that. I'd honestly have to double check what mine is, I've used auto login for so long I've
I've become highly addicted to this game. I started playing in the 1.3 days when I was young but stopped around 1.6. I watched NiP win ESL one day out of boredom and knew I would pick up CS again soon. In the last three weeks or so I've put in 70 hours.

I still don't have a rank yet because I was playing casual for a long time but if I don't get at least gold nova I'm going to be upset. I've had a couple games where I've facerolled silver elite masters but I keep getting put on teams that are useless. One such match where we lost I was 33-19 and the next highest on my team was 19-21. I know k:d ratio isn't everything but the people I was playing with wouldn't even stick together when everyone agreed to rush. I guess that's what happens when you solo queue. Only three more wins until I find out.
Hit me up, we should do some team ups with some more [H] members, I know Bravo is on once in a while.....

Yup. I play a good bit, but about to get back into the competitive side of it (mg2). Not doing ESL anymore. When I was dominating in competitive, I went to ESL and got stomped like a noob. Guess it was still more of a team thing than an individual thing. If anyone is playing hit me up and tell me your from [H] with your screen name. Add me and invite if I am playing. My name is either [H]|G BravO))) or eyehate60d.
Steam name: insomnibyte101

Hit me up OEM and Bravo, and anyone else, I play mainly on Friday nights, 8-11PM EST
Steam: jnbink0

I play mm every day. Currently on a Shitty team streak and down to nova 1. I really want people to group up with regularly.

I'm tired of being grouped with the 13 year old Xbox kiddos that seam to be taking over Go.
I'll add you guys tonight if I get on. I try to play at least one round a night. I'm weird in that I like hanging out with my wife.

If you played last night, did anyone get really bad lag spikes? One round I lost because our entire team was pinging 150+
I'll add you guys tonight if I get on. I try to play at least one round a night. I'm weird in that I like hanging out with my wife.

If you played last night, did anyone get really bad lag spikes? One round I lost because our entire team was pinging 150+

Yea the past month or so has had random lag spikes...
Last night was the first time I've seen any such thing happen. It fucking sucked.
I'll probably on tonight. Also, we could knock out some of those harder achievements.
Just got back into cs go after a 2 month break :p. Was on a main team for esea but took a break looking to get back into things! Just got my smfc rank back looking to get to global again! HMU!
I need to start learning maps. I've been on a Nuke and Cache kick lately and those are the only maps I've been paying. I know Dust and that Italy map...but otherwise I need to start learning more maps.

I'm tired of Dust II though
Man I think I'm about done with this game . Went from a 3 star nova back to silver over the past 3 days. I'm always top fragger on my team and just get stuck with Morons. Not taking into account kill death ratio is fucking stupid if you only get stuck with idiots. I'm 2 and 14 since being a 3 star. Only once did we have a close loss... All the other loses were complete blow outs.
Man I think I'm about done with this game . Went from a 3 star nova back to silver over the past 3 days. I'm always top fragger on my team and just get stuck with Morons. Not taking into account kill death ratio is fucking stupid if you only get stuck with idiots. I'm 2 and 14 since being a 3 star. Only once did we have a close loss... All the other loses were complete blow outs.

You get more points for your team winning than with your kd. It's a team based game.
Man I think I'm about done with this game . Went from a 3 star nova back to silver over the past 3 days. I'm always top fragger on my team and just get stuck with Morons. Not taking into account kill death ratio is fucking stupid if you only get stuck with idiots. I'm 2 and 14 since being a 3 star. Only once did we have a close loss... All the other loses were complete blow outs.

I have no idea why they don't take k/d ratio into account. It's getting ridiculous in the last 5 out of 6 games I've played, someone has left during the game on my team. Lately I see no noticeable skill difference between nova 3 and silver elite master. Also once you hit nova you shouldn't have to worry about playing with people who are playing their first game.

Hell I'd rather it be based completely on k/d ratio than this.
Out of the people that gave their names in here Bravo was the only one I could find on steam.

My Steam name is projectmkiv and my in game name is Fat Jesus.

Last night casual servers were fine, but I joined a ranked match and it was laggy as fuck. Again.
Just got back into cs go after a 2 month break :p. Was on a main team for esea but took a break looking to get back into things! Just got my smfc rank back looking to get to global again! HMU!

I'm a LEM, but don't MM because of the cheaters, but if you wana pug let me know, buddy me on esea, names Tmp.
I need to pick this up again... might need to use my ASUS 24" for this though... my u2711 wont cut it if I wanna be a bit more competitive..
I need to pick this up again... might need to use my ASUS 24" for this though... my u2711 wont cut it if I wanna be a bit more competitive..

I know the feeling on the lag. I'm like 2 fps behind with my 29, not to mention the aspect ratio doesn't play nice with all menus.
I don't mind being a low rank, I don't even mind losing, what I DO mind is the fucking RETARDS I get paired with when I'm a low rank.
I need to pick this up again... might need to use my ASUS 24" for this though... my u2711 wont cut it if I wanna be a bit more competitive..

I play on my Qnix 27" at 96hz, I thought maybe I would get some lag, but it is actually a great gaming monitor IMO. So much better than my ASUS VH238H.
People are pissing me off with the short sale bull shit. They drive down the prices, fucking everyone else. I have a knife that sales for around 140 at the price and some fucker is devaluating it by 30 bucks. :mad:
Responded. Apparently the jackass wanted money fast and sold it for 85 bucks. Took a 140 dollar knife and fucked us that own it. Might just keep it now.
How did you get the knife? Case? Or just a drop?

I'd trade you 40 Tec9s... :)
My son just won 2K for playing this game. He might even be going to Sweden!(free even since he has a sponsor)