Corsair Giveaway - Force Series™ GT 180GB Solid-State Hard Drive

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I need one in my PC because even with 8 gigs of ram and 6 cores I'm still making sammiches while I wait for the hard drive to stop thrashing.
I need one beacuse my old 150gb HD is starting to sound like a playing card stuck in a spoke.
I need one because I dont have one and the performance will blow away my Raptors.
I need this SSD to breath some life into this aging system of mine. Also, a friend has one and I am jealous.
I have an older SSD that I would love to update with a top of the line model. Corsair has always been reliable to work with and their products are consistently high quality.

I'd love this SSD.
I need one because I am building a new Corsair themed rig (cooling, case, pwr supply, drives, etc.)...and this unit would be the bees-knees for the setup.
I have Corsair RAM and the Corsair H100.

My OCD demands a a Corsair SSD! :p
The 180GB Corsair Force GT is the right size for my new OS drive, not too small that I can install all apps and games on it, not too big so I can back up the whole system drive.
This would be the best upgrade for my aging Windows 7 computer, and a match to my Corsair PSU.
I need a corsair ssd in my rig? Because it's support is better than just about anything else out there :)
because there's nothing that speeds up a rig like a good SSD
I need a Corsair SSD because the one I bought from one of their competitors died after 18 months, and things are very slow without an SSD.
I love corsair products and i have always wanted a SSD but cant afford one that would be worth anything!
I need one becuase it will be my first ssd and even if I don't win one I am buying one at Christmas LOL
This exact model too!
I need one to make my girlfriend's laptop feel brand new again. And also get laid.
Only computer in the house without a corsair SSD in it.

(If I actually win I will have to weigh the pros/cons of doing a RAID0 versus letting her use it..)
I have an older i5-760 PC that needs a breath of new life. This SSD would allow this old beast to roar again. No need to put this older PC out-to-pasture, Corsair SSD would provide it with enough power to run wild.
I need this drive to replace my old and dying RAID 1 using the old school first generation 36GB WD Raptors. Make it happen!!!:D
I'm a Corsair SSD virgin.. please end my shame!!

All of Corsair's stuff rocks.. and with people like Redbeard working for them, it will remain that way!! Just makes wish you could live inside of one of their cases..

I need a Corsair SSD in my gaming rig so I can put my games on it.
I would love one. I need to get some better performance on my new machine. Would work wonders.

Thank you Corsair!
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