Corsair Carbide Series 400R

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Another review of the Corsair Carbide Series 400R case has hit the net today. This time around it is the folks at Overclockers Club doing the reviewing. Here's a quote to get you going:

The Corsair Carbide 400R has continued my belief that just because there is a $300+ dollar case on the market, it doesn't mean a $100 case cannot perform similarly. Of course, we aren't going to see matching numbers as far as temperatures go. If you're only in it for the most airflow though, why fork out hundreds of dollars for temperatures that are just a few degrees cooler? With a case like the Carbide Series 400R that houses up to ten fans, you can find yourself wondering if spending an extra $30-$40 in fans would be worth it. From my perspective, it absolutely is.
I was upset going into the review thinking it was 300-400$. After reading it and finding out it is 100$ that is not so bad:)
Steve, just from friendly constructive criticism.. if you are going to end up posting nine or ten [H] News items about the Corsair Carbide 400R, each with it's own comment thread, like you previously did with the Corsair White 600T and the Thermaltake Level 10 GT cases.. how about making just one "continuing discussion" thread link instead of starting a completely new discussion thread each time you post a news item on the 400R. This is the sixth comment thread you have started on this case, the others being..

There are already seven pages of discussion going on concerning this case within the above threads. Why not in the future just make one continuing discussion thread and every time you add another news item concerning that item just link to the already made discussion thread, especially items that you may repeat several times in [H] News like case reviews.
my guess is its based on how the blog posts are posted. they probably each generate if turned on a new thread.
Very nice case for $100 love the white and black color....too bad i already have a 600T :D