Company of Heroes 2

I'd give you mine if I could. Tried it for like 10 minutes and had enough. No good tutorials at all. Had no clue what I was doing. I've only played StarCraft type strategy games. While some concepts were similar, most things are dramatically different.
The tutorials in the CoH franchise come in the form of the first missions in single player.

The key differences are cover systems, directional attacks causing differences in damage levels, and the way in which resource management is done

there is heavy, medium, and light cover represented by green, yellow, and red colors
frontal attacks to tanks does less damage than rear/tread attacks
one doesn't gather resources but rather are "captured" out in the field and the territories need to be adjacent to benefit from the resource nodes (so one can cut off other players from their resources by sneaking into enemy territory)
The tutorials in the CoH franchise come in the form of the first missions in single player.

The key differences are cover systems, directional attacks causing differences in damage levels, and the way in which resource management is done

there is heavy, medium, and light cover represented by green, yellow, and red colors
frontal attacks to tanks does less damage than rear/tread attacks
one doesn't gather resources but rather are "captured" out in the field and the territories need to be adjacent to benefit from the resource nodes (so one can cut off other players from their resources by sneaking into enemy territory)

Either I'm an idiot, or there are no single player missions. I could not find them. And none of that stuff is very helpful. That stuff is like saying SCVs gather minerals/gas and you have to use a unit to gain vision of the map. I'm talking about units and tech progression.

Edit: There are no single player missions. It's competitive multiplayer only. Maybe I'll watch a CoH guide on Youtube. Probably just go back to SC2 though :D
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There's no ability to do a skirmish against bots?

its under multiplayer, when you are choosing the map and you see the player slots click on the button next to a player slot that looks like a PC and it will add a CPU player to that position.
Either I'm an idiot, or there are no single player missions. I could not find them. And none of that stuff is very helpful. That stuff is like saying SCVs gather minerals/gas and you have to use a unit to gain vision of the map. I'm talking about units and tech progression.

Edit: There are no single player missions. It's competitive multiplayer only. Maybe I'll watch a CoH guide on Youtube. Probably just go back to SC2 though :D
Right there are no tutorials in the beta. It's not an early pass for new players to try before they buy.

The tutorials will be in the form of the first mission in single player they have been in the CoH franchise as I wrote earlier. I didn't say there were single player missions in the beta, it's for us veterans to stress test and give our feedback during development.

Go play one of the earlier games in the franchise if you want to learn how to play. or struggle through.

what I wrote are the key differences. I'm obviously not going to list all the units because you can look them up.
Any spare keys floating around? I have a few things to trade on Steam. ArmA lite keys, Guns of Icarus Online, The Ship and DOTA 2 lol
I'm enjoying it so far. I haven't played it enough to figure out the strategies though. They definitely have some bugs to work out. Hopefully there will be some driver updates before too long. I'm only getting 40fps while looking at an empty section of the map. It doesn't really look any better graphically to me but I get much worse frame rates than in the first game.

The AI is stupid as hell. Worse than in the first one. Has anyone else noticed that they will retreat damaged tanks back to their HQ but not repair them? So you end up pushing all the way to their HQ only to discover that the reason that you haven't encountered any resistance is that they are at their pop cap but all of their units are almost dead.

It seems less complicated than the first one. I miss the ability to upgrade Wehrmacht ranks using a building. I would also say that the Soviets are lacking in the defensive structure area.
Well thats why they call it a Beta... :) Yes I have noticed that too about the AI repairs... (although you repair it for them and they will get back in the fight)

1. Anyone notice the lack of russian off screen artillery for armor? Fire is nice but I am trying to kill tanks not horse flys...
2. I am trying out 3x2412M Dells for the wide screen aspect to see more of the battlefield... Anyone try this with triple screens yet?
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I hate the viewing angle. It is WAY too angled for me, it is just unplayable

*and I loved CoH1.
Well thats why they call it a Beta... :) Yes I have noticed that too about the AI repairs... (although you repair it for them and they will get back in the fight)

1. Anyone notice the lack of russian off screen artillery for armor? Fire is nice but I am trying to kill tanks not horse flys...
2. I am trying out 3x2412M Dells for the wide screen aspect to see more of the battlefield... Anyone try this with triple screens yet?

The problem with that is that as soon as they are repaired a little bit they take off and your engineers chase them into a battle.
think default is left alt, which is normally my push to talk so i had to rebind it.
That's what is for DoWII. Not being able to control the camera would be ridiculous. I was puzzled when he said that about the viewing angle, I'm thinking to myself...uh maybe like change the camera?

Also you can rebind individual keys in this in game?...not just doing grid keys like how dow does it? If so that's pretty nice.
PM's replied to. Here's a few more Steam keys. However I have a few spares beyond these if you PM me.

*EDIT: Codes removed since theyve all been redeemed.
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That's what is for DoWII. Not being able to control the camera would be ridiculous. I was puzzled when he said that about the viewing angle, I'm thinking to myself...uh maybe like change the camera?

Also you can rebind individual keys in this in game?...not just doing grid keys like how dow does it? If so that's pretty nice.

i cant remember if you can in the beta or not, i changed my push to talk in ventrilo. because i was in a match and it was faster to alt tab and change it. than to quit the game at the time.
A few more steam keys for COH2 beta.

**EDIT: Keys all taken again.

I have some more so just PM me, I'd rather give the remaining keys to registered forum members instead of lurkers.
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A few more steam keys for COH2 beta. Lurkers seem to be ninja'ing these keys quickly so if none work by the time you try, just PM me I have a couple spare.

KGL8T-I99GH-6XBA8 - USED by Stooleywood


Holy shit, I can't believe it the 2nd one worked.
I strongly urge people to spend a few hours if not the first few days playing against AI before jumping into live games with human players; I was decently good at PvP MP in CoH back in the day but even playing the AI on *normal* difficulty in this beta and I got my ass handed the first 3-4 games, mostly due to being rusty, learning curve of new units, re-memorizing forgotten keyboard shortcuts, etc. Really gotta have those keyboard shortcuts down to even begin playing skirmishes successfully - not unlike most RTS's.
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Is this game steam only ? I loved the first game and im definitely interested in this one but if its steam only il give buying it a miss. I don't normally ask about DRM anymore but this is one game id love to be able to play online.

I tried searching on the COH2 forums but it seems there search function is broken.
The balancing in COH and its expansion, coupled with the balancing in DOW 2... Make me really not want to play this. Allies had some bullshit arty and Axis had shit. I always loved getting my King tiger plowed by a sherman too. Let's not forget the immediate MG building rush that would lock down the whole map, which was viable in DOW 2 as well.

And the biggest problem of both games, "A player is experiencing poor performance", being spammed the whole game which leads everyone else to have like 10 fps constantly. Good god, what a mess.
I don't think they ever properly balanced CoH1, but DoW2 actually had some pretty decent balance later on.
Is this game steam only ? I loved the first game and im definitely interested in this one but if its steam only il give buying it a miss. I don't normally ask about DRM anymore but this is one game id love to be able to play online.

I tried searching on the COH2 forums but it seems there search function is broken.

It will likely be Steamworks and therefore have Steam as an requirement. THQ and Relic have shown support for Steamworks and Sega (which now owns) Relic shows support for Steamworks as well with its games.
I don't have a facebook...can anyone get me a key...I have an Arma 3 lite key to trade.

I'll send you a PM, I still have a few keys left. Other forum users feel free to PM me as well.

P.S. I'd suggest people start with a 2v2 against AI on Pripyat River Spring Frontline map since it doesnt have snow -- you want to understand things like the unit progression, commander points system, etc before you add the extra headache of blizzards into the mix - they're frustrating to deal with if you're still trying to get your bearings with the game, since your units will begin freezing/dying if you dont get them into vehicles, halftracks, buildings, etc. Definitely throws a monkey wrench in the middle of things if youre in the middle of a firefight and a blizzard hits.

On the bright side, when you see a bunch of enemy armor parked on frozen ice, hit the ice with artillery and the ice breaks and they all sink -- I took out 7 tanks last night in an instant because enemy armor decided to loiter on ice bed.
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The one thing I am not happy about right off is the leveling affecting gameplay. I feared they'd do it, thought it was likely they'd do it, and they did it.

Here is at least hoping for a very generous curve to unlock everything.

Does anyone follow the community or development in depth? Can you comment on what the general impression is regarding this?
The one thing I am not happy about right off is the leveling affecting gameplay. I feared they'd do it, thought it was likely they'd do it, and they did it.

Here is at least hoping for a very generous curve to unlock everything.

To play devil's advocate, if leveling didn't affect gameplay, what would be the incentive? It would be meaningless. And FWIW, so far my experience with the automatch is I'm ending up in games with similarly leveled players. When I was a Lvl1, the max level for any other player was Lvl3. When I was lvl11, the max Lvl was like 12 or 13. So far I haven't seen a downside. Am I missing something, or what's the fear - that its not casual-friendly enough?
To play devil's advocate, if leveling didn't affect gameplay, what would be the incentive? It would be meaningless. And FWIW, so far my experience with the automatch is I'm ending up in games with similarly leveled players. When I was a Lvl1, the max level for any other player was Lvl3. When I was lvl11, the max Lvl was like 12 or 13. So far I haven't seen a downside. Am I missing something, or what's the fear - that its not casual-friendly enough?

a game should have a level playing field.

otherwise newcomers just get fucked
To play devil's advocate, if leveling didn't affect gameplay, what would be the incentive? It would be meaningless. And FWIW, so far my experience with the automatch is I'm ending up in games with similarly leveled players. When I was a Lvl1, the max level for any other player was Lvl3. When I was lvl11, the max Lvl was like 12 or 13. So far I haven't seen a downside. Am I missing something?

DoW 2 already had leveling which affected the game cosmetically. In that sense I was expecting leveling and unlocks cosmetically at the very least but hoping it it would go over to affecting game play as well. Although I was expecting it somewhat due to CoH Online and previous comments I'd heard.

Leveling affecting game play by itself is not necessarily a bad or good mechanic but just not preferable to me involving games which have player to play interaction. I feel time played should only correlate to improved play, due to possible self improvement, as opposed to cause it due to hard coded improvements. Hopefully that makes sense.

I also personally have an issue with focusing on playing a game before unlocking game play related unlocks and play more so to unlock it as I want all the tools at my disposal. But this really is more of a personal quirk.

Now this is isn't to say the game is ruined for me. I put up with it in BF3 (or even BF2 for that matter) and still enjoyed the game for instance but would have preferred it not being in there. Also the "leveling curve" and how much it actually affects game play is a factor as well. For example if unlocking essentially amounted to a tutorial type phase (basically learning the mechanics through unlocking it, short and informative) I can even argue that might be somewhat beneficial to the game overall. Right now I don't see the leveling curve and benefits being seriously problematic although I'd still prefer it not being there (just like with BF3).
a game should have a level playing field. otherwise newcomers just get fucked

Agreed, but again, from what I've experienced, newcomers will get automatched with other newcomers.

In other news, Tiger Tank doesn't mess around

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a game should have a level playing field.

otherwise newcomers just get fucked

The game uses an Elo system, newcomers will be matched with other newcomers or players who suck at the game.
Looks good. Company of Heroes 1 is really good. Most likely will get this.
The game uses an Elo system, newcomers will be matched with other newcomers or players who suck at the game.
That's not been my experience. In fact, I've never been matched with someone near my level. I can't remember the last time I was matched with anyone below level 17 :( (I'm currently level 9).

It could be because I play with a friend and we're usually placed in 3v3 or 4v4 games. Or perhaps I played myself into a higher bracket. But more likely is that the matchmaking system is still be tuned.

Does anyone follow the community or development in depth? Can you comment on what the general impression is regarding this?
The general consensus of the community is that early game is lacking (similar to DOW2 feeling), ticket bleed is too quick (also similar to DOW2), infantry is fairly ineffectual (different from COH1), arty is too overpowered (similar to COH1), and games are really quick (similar to DOW2). German armor is ridiculous and Soviet anti-tank is fairly ineffectual.

COH1 tactics don't translate particularly well and subsequently the COH1 veterans are not particularly pleased with the current state of the game.