Company of Heroes 2

That's not been my experience. In fact, I've never been matched with someone near my level. I can't remember the last time I was matched with anyone below level 17 :( (I'm currently level 9).

It could be because I play with a friend and we're usually placed in 3v3 or 4v4 games. Or perhaps I played myself into a higher bracket. But more likely is that the matchmaking system is still be tuned.

Or there's a scarcity of people on at the same time at your same level and so ending up with higher level players is the closest the system could come at that moment. Remember its still a closed beta even though more people are slowly getting keys. I'll definitely reserve judgment until the game is released and out a few weeks, I dont really believe the developers intend for noobs to get their asses handed in unfair situations.
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By the way, have you guys noticed that a few days ago Sega re-launched the original CoH on Steam as "Company of Heroes (New Steam Version)" -- they streamlined the footprint, its got CoH, OP and ToV all in a single 9GB package. It does away with the old Relic login requirement and is totally Steam based now. Fingers crossed that this new Sega era of Relic continues to bring good things. Apparently its also got a bunch of refinements and bugfixes, haven't drilled down into changelogs yet though.
That's not been my experience. In fact, I've never been matched with someone near my level. I can't remember the last time I was matched with anyone below level 17 :( (I'm currently level 9).

It could be because I play with a friend and we're usually placed in 3v3 or 4v4 games. Or perhaps I played myself into a higher bracket. But more likely is that the matchmaking system is still be tuned.

Your rank isn't indicative of your skill level, and isn't used for matchmaking. There are Rank 20+ players who only play comp stomps.
Relic Online shuts down May 7th but we can play both versions until then.

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Your rank isn't indicative of your skill level, and isn't used for matchmaking. There are Rank 20+ players who only play comp stomps.
I'm aware of how it works. Players who earned level 20 with a battle honor level 1 still have much more experience than someone simply stepping into the game even if they only played AI. The point is that people here reading this might be disheartened when they're matched up against players who have a lot more time invested in the game (and subsequently a *lot* more in-game bonuses as unlocks).

Regardless, the fact remains that matchmaking still has quite a bit of tuning to go.
Having played the beta the past few days, I've noticed several things playing against the computer:
  • The Russian computer will almost always use the rocket vehicle and use it often. They also have the ability to fire near point-blank range when you can't.
  • Russian AI will use mortar groups the most.
  • The engineers with flamethrowers seem to be more powerful than rifle-equipped units regardless if controlled by AI or human.
  • There is no option to squander or remove a unit or emplacement (like the 88mm Flak cannon) to reduce population.
  • When units are reduced to 1 per group, they retreat to the border and not to your base. I'm manually retreating them before that happens now.
  • The AI is very aggressive on rushing regardless of difficulty level.
  • Russians have little to no defensive structures. Germans have defensive structures but can be easily destroyed, and are generally weak.
  • Often times you cannot place an ammo or fuel boost structure on a control point even if that point is connected to your region. I get the error about something-something not under my control when it already is.
  • Germans are weak infantry-wise against the Russians, but are on near-equal footing with the Russians on armored vehicles.
[*] Often times you cannot place an ammo or fuel boost structure on a control point even if that point is connected to your region. I get the error about something-something not under my control when it already is.
[*] Germans are weak infantry-wise against the Russians, but are on near-equal footing with the Russians on armored vehicles.
That's the new true-sight mechanic. The fog of war is contingent on what your troops see from their perspective. You have to control the whole perimeter to build not just connect to it like it was in COH1.

German armor is far and away more powerful than Russian armor. The Russian armor has shorter range, weaker armor, and less powerful main guns. The only thing Russians can do better than Germans is ram them. It's set up for Russians to harass Germans from gaining too much fuel. If they get enough fuel to start fielding armor in any amount, it's GG.
I'd like to pre-purchase and participate in the beta, but the performance of the alpha was awful next to CoH1 on the same machine.

Anyone else experience this? Is it improved in beta? Thanks! :)
I'd like to pre-purchase and participate in the beta, but the performance of the alpha was awful next to CoH1 on the same machine.

Anyone else experience this? Is it improved in beta? Thanks! :)

I havent experienced a single crash or anything and performance has been fine, no complaints.
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That's the new true-sight mechanic. The fog of war is contingent on what your troops see from their perspective. You have to control the whole perimeter to build not just connect to it like it was in COH1.

German armor is far and away more powerful than Russian armor. The Russian armor has shorter range, weaker armor, and less powerful main guns. The only thing Russians can do better than Germans is ram them. It's set up for Russians to harass Germans from gaining too much fuel. If they get enough fuel to start fielding armor in any amount, it's GG.

Ah, so I would need to have units in the surrounding vicinity within eyesight range of other locations then?

I've noticed the ramming and charging ability of the Russians. It is crazy when they build up enough armored units to just get into your base.
I'm playing the AI on easy and the bastard rushes me hard. I'm trying to get the flag thingys for more fuel and such. I'll build a few of the first infantry units and put em in buildings but then the AI just brings out mortar teams and bombards me.
The AI has some advantages when using mortars that do not apply to humans. Not sure how much of this is a bug and how much is intentional.

It does rush and play aggressively regardless of setting though.

Also I'd say in general they designed around the idea of weak static defense (you saw this with DoW 2 as well). They want you to be constantly mobile.
The AI has some advantages when using mortars that do not apply to humans. Not sure how much of this is a bug and how much is intentional.

It does rush and play aggressively regardless of setting though.

Also I'd say in general they designed around the idea of weak static defense (you saw this with DoW 2 as well). They want you to be constantly mobile.

I'm playing the AI on easy and the bastard rushes me hard. I'm trying to get the flag thingys for more fuel and such. I'll build a few of the first infantry units and put em in buildings but then the AI just brings out mortar teams and bombards me.

Yeah, I can't tell if it's a bug or intentional for the AI to overuse mortars and do more damage with them regardless of difficulty settings.

One game my friend and I played was against two AI Russians on Easy. Five mortar crews took out our defenses and they rushed us with infantry and two anti-infantry vehicles within 45 minutes. They had a good number of troops within 10 to 15 minutes on our timer, and these weren't the Conscripts but the infantry units the next level up. Approximately three to four Conscripts groups were spanned within 10 minutes.

That's how fast we noticed the AI works. I haven't seen a computer that fast since Starcraft 1 but those computer opponents were on Normal and the one higher difficulty. Heck, a Korean player in Starcraft 1 I played against is the only human I know that would be faster than these AI computers in CoH2. Lol.
Is anyone else stuck at 50 fps or is that just fraps being weird?

gtx 580 @ 860
i5 2500K @ 4.5
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Yelp, found a new bug, and probably my first one so far.

Reloading a save file while playing with a computer ally has you and your AI compatriot switching sides. :eek:


I was playing the computer's units and the computer ally was playing my units. That's a big bug.
The AI has some advantages when using mortars that do not apply to humans. Not sure how much of this is a bug and how much is intentional.

It does rush and play aggressively regardless of setting though.

Also I'd say in general they designed around the idea of weak static defense (you saw this with DoW 2 as well). They want you to be constantly mobile.

Definitely much more of a chess match, tug of war flow to COH2 than the hanging back in your base building an invasion force with 20 tanks method you could do in COH1. Enemy AI has pinpoint accuracy on their mortars for sure, but I haven't found them to be a problem - they're dumb in so many other ways that its a small consolation for them. And yes AI is definitely more aggressive with rushing points now than they were in COH1 but thats a good thing.

When playing as germans I'll tend to try to cap a little beyond the "midfield line" while getting a flamethrower truck and armored scout car fielded as quickly as possible, those vehicles are tough for RU side to do much about early in the game and they'll lock down the front line points while you work on building and fielding T2 and T3 armor.

Also, if playing germans you want to rush fuel points first since it'll give you the advantage in the mid to late game since german tanks seem to be superior (for the moment anyway, a lot can change between now and final release)
Man, using the german 251 halftracks with flamethrowers is the easiest way to take out Soviet AI. I'm averaging 200-300 kills per match with only a couple halftracks lost. I've even played some 2 v 3 games and the AI just can't handle them because they don't have the sense to use their anti tank to go after vehicles. Instead the antitank focuses on random infantry instead of focusing on the biggest threat.

I'm hoping that they fix this at some point. They don't need to nerf the halftracks, they just need to give the AI the ability to respond differently to threats.
its funny is on the other en,d germans are carrying mobs of guys with AT launchers when faced with waves of russian armor...
They reopened the beta yesterday. The main menu has changed. The soundtrack has been changed. I played a couple AI skirmishes yesterday and the AI seems much more intelligent than before. It actually pays attention to victory points. It also no longer just spams mortar squads. I didn't play enough to look at units, but the Soviet AI were definitely bringing out some units that either they didn't have before or they didn't use before.

My only complaint is that we badly need some gpu driver updates for this game. I have a 7850 with a 35% overclock and I was seeing 15fps in areas with a lot of fighting. It wasn't really choppy, but it wasn't as smooth as it should have been.
The graphics were improved as well and the UI has been tweaked to have better readability. Still not great, but they're getting there.
what are the vibes from the beta? how is it running and how is it playing?

thanks :)
what are the vibes from the beta? how is it running and how is it playing?

thanks :)

Competitive is shit. Way too much bullshit with bonuses and whatnot(If you know what CoH-Online was, this will remind you of it.)

As for single player/with friends ,it should be fun.

Graphics are OK, but the performance isn't too great and it won't support SLI/Crossfire.
Competitive is shit. Way too much bullshit with bonuses and whatnot(If you know what CoH-Online was, this will remind you of it.)

As for single player/with friends ,it should be fun.

Graphics are OK, but the performance isn't too great and it won't support SLI/Crossfire.

The bonuses are nothing like they were on COHO. Not even in the same universe.

They are small bonuses that allow you to customize.

It's a good middle ground.
Does anyone know if this will eventually support SLI? My GTX 680's are struggling to run this bad boy at 1440p, especially when only one is being used.
bonuses? like veterancy bonuses OR terrain bonuses or??

If you like COH1 you'll like COH2 I'm enjoying it more actually. Biggest complaint would be it seems like there are only 2 strategies if germans go heavy armour/IF russian go artillery.

and flamethrowers seem stronger. OP'd in my opinion.

oh and no server list but it seems like every game ever is doing the crappy auto matching service scheme.
bonuses? like veterancy bonuses OR terrain bonuses or??

There are global game play altering changes achieved through leveling.

So someone who has played 100 games will have an inherent built in advantage and more options than someone who has played 10 games unrelated to their actual ability and understanding of the game.

Now of course there is the argument of how significant these are but I personally feel ideally there should be none. The alternative would be that the leveling curve should be set so everything is unlocked in a rather short amount of time.
oh and no server list but it seems like every game ever is doing the crappy auto matching service scheme.

Sacrificing customization for simplicity. :(

and... WTF!??!

There are global game play altering changes achieved through leveling.

So someone who has played 100 games will have an inherent built in advantage and more options than someone who has played 10 games unrelated to their actual ability and understanding of the game.

Now of course there is the argument of how significant these are but I personally feel ideally there should be none. The alternative would be that the leveling curve should be set so everything is unlocked in a rather short amount of time.

They are putting experience/unlocks into RTS now?

Had a few rounds against AI yesterday. Man, I am no good at this game. It's super fun though!
Its open beta now and on steam so WOOT try it out.

even though i got matched against a level 40 and 50 in thats all automatching could find @ 3 am i guess (I'm level 3) i had fun, was pinned down pretty bad at certain points. But the new winter weather mechanics help slow down one sided merciless slaughter fests. It breaks the matches up into psuedo periods/quarters which is nice in the epically one sided scenarios.
Ugh still no multi-monitor support and that zoom level makes things way too claustrophobic. I liked the first one but I think I'll pass on this one or wait until bargain Steam sale pricing.
Ugh still no multi-monitor support and that zoom level makes things way too claustrophobic. I liked the first one but I think I'll pass on this one or wait until bargain Steam sale pricing.

Silly excuse :O
Multi-monitor would be a huge advantage on any competitive RTS so I highly doubt it will ever be supported.
Well I mean, if you let your opponent get to 140 Fuel (the absolute minimum to get a standard tank) and you still don't have anything to counter them, then you lost the game before the tank showed up.
AT guns are a nice cheap counter. if they've had the fuel point for a majority of the match you should consider a few AT guns.