CoD: Black Ops Issues

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
If you own Call of Duty: Black Ops, you know the game has more hang-ups than a Christmas tree and the multiplayer lag is pissing people off something fierce. Well, the developers are aware of the issues but there is no word on a patch just yet. Got issues with the game? Post em’ in the comments section…you never know who is reading this. ;)

@DavidVonderhaar Any idea when we will be getting a statement or fix on the PC framerate issues? The game is unplayable atm.

@ScottPurcaro I don't have any intel at this time. I am not in the office but I know they know about it.
Unplayable? Wow how can you release a game like that. I have to imagine there are some machines somewhere running it just fine, because the only other possibility is that they didnt test it at all.
If developers allowed more beta testers and had a decent support staff to wipe out bugs instead of meeting deadlines, then the product would prob be finished. Developers have just gotten shitty and lazy.
I have to imagine there are some machines somewhere running it just fine, because the only other possibility is that they didnt test it at all.

Wouldn't surprise me that they didn't test it at all. This is Activision. They are not known for quality. (Same goes for EA and Ubisoft.)
It's a shame people still buy these games no matter what; they'll never bother spending more money doing things proper and not rushing absurd deadlines.
A. Pay a group of people to sit around and beta test video games


B. Have people pay you to beta test the game.
Unplayable? Wow how can you release a game like that. I have to imagine there are some machines somewhere running it just fine, because the only other possibility is that they didnt test it at all.

no issues here on pc. i7-950, hd5870 Like buttah. Have not tried multiplayer, I always do the SP first.
Beside the online lag everyone is complaining about, I'm also unable to choose all the resolutions my Nvidia Surroundview setup supports. It's like the resolution list has a finite length, but my setup has more options than the game can handle. As it is, with my 3xAcer 3D lcds, I can't select any 1080p resolution, for single or surround setup.
i get a lot of lag running this game...with an engine like this playing MW2 flawlessly there are some issues that need to be fixed asap. This is why there were beta testers...this was rushed.
Ahh.. memories.

Reminds me of so many games that were released unfinished and never supported.

Pretty much every game EA has ever made.....

Looks like the COD franchise is headed the same direction.

Pump out a turd as fast as possibly and polish it after release.

Result, a polished turd.
I haven't noticed too much wrong with the game, although I've only played the campaign and zombies mode. I can't get my damn mic to work, so I haven't tried the multiplayer yet.
Beat the campaign day 1, no issues. Zombie mode, No issues.

Multiplayers, noticed issues with a one second pause randomly, though never overly frustrating. Would occur only once every several matches.

Someone stated that it may be multi-CPU related, I believe that is not far fromt he truth. I'm sure if I forced affinity, the issue would be resolved.

For me, personally, this game is better then MW2, and WaW. It will be my online shooter staple, on a competative level. I'll plat Bad Campany 2 at LAN's still though. :)
I haven't noticed too much wrong with the game, although I've only played the campaign and zombies mode. I can't get my damn mic to work, so I haven't tried the multiplayer yet.

You'll notice something wrong if you play the online mode for any length of time. :)
Single player is almost unplayable for me. I get 100% cpu usage on a e8500 c2d. There is just too much stuttering for me to play it with any enjoyment.
A. Pay a group of people to sit around and beta test video games


B. Have people pay you to beta test the game.

C. Release the game for a public beta and get a million free beta testers within an hour. even if only 10% of them give any valuable feedback, it costs nothing but bandwidth and server usage, and you save yourself/the company from the embarasment of releasing a poor quality game where people get pissed because what they just paid $80 for doesnt work correctly.

doesnt seem like a hard decision.
Yikes. Doesn't sounds like Activision gives a hoot about PC gamers.

Its Treyarch and yea they do. I'm sure without question they are trying to figure it out .

I have a pretty high end system (i7 930 OC'd to 4.2ghz , 12 GBs of Ram , 2 GTX 480's OC'd 850core/2000mhz memory) and it still stutters for me and there isn't really a reason it should. But for people who only have the minimum requirements than its god awful and completely unplayable.

They should have done far more internal testing on it and sloppy coding is to blame. MW2 runs butter smooth and did from launch ... its the same engine (with more lighting) so it shouldn't be doing this.

Its good to know they are on top of it , people need to chill out and just exercise some patience. Yes it sucks but being mad about something you can't do shit about is pointless.
What happens when you fire your development teams President and VP to get out of paying them millions in royalties and then the entire studio quits on you because of what happened(rip infinity ward). Honestly Activision brought this on themselves because Infinity Ward told them from the start that they wouldn't be able to meet this deadline, so Activision fired them on trumped charges of breach of contract before paying them over $30 million in royalties due.
i dont have any hardware issues playing the multiplayer. Except that its garbage. If any game ever felt like a console port, this one wins. I really am enjoying the single player though. Zombie mode is of course fun as usual.
There's barely any "gameplay" to it. Might as well have just made it one long cutscene and have the player click the mouse once in awhile.
They need to hurry up and fix this. Me and my friends can't play because of this unbearable stuttering. In Treyarch's defense, it usually only happens when you are around an enemy...
Why people bought a CoD game after the fiasco with the last.... Not everyone did not know this was going to happen. I mean 1/2 of the CoD team left activision because of it.
What happens when you fire your development teams President and VP to get out of paying them millions in royalties and then the entire studio quits on you because of what happened(rip infinity ward). Honestly Activision brought this on themselves because Infinity Ward told them from the start that they wouldn't be able to meet this deadline, so Activision fired them on trumped charges of breach of contract before paying them over $30 million in royalties due.

If I've read this right then you think Activision developed Black Ops?
Here's what I did to help deal some of the COD BO lag issues. I still had lag but this seemd to help alot or maybe I was just lucky.

cg_fov 85 // dont try go past 85 because punkbuster has been known to kick people with high fov

cl_maxpackets 100

snaps 30

com_maxfps 200 // 100 or 125 was recommended

Here's my system specs for your comparison
Intel Q9450 2.6 Oced to 3.2
4 gigs Corsair Dominator memory
Gigabyte P45-ds3r motherboard
Intel Nic card ( better than onboard - tried the Killer 2100 and took it back- what waste of money)
WD Black 1 TB HD
And Treyarch developed this game, not Infinity Ward...

I'm running a Phenom II X4 at 3.0ghz, Radeon 5830, 4Gigs DDR2 (older 790fx motherboard) with no problems on my end.

Single player was perfectly playable.

Multiplayer is mostly playable, but it does seem sensitive to bouts of lag. For all the crap Infinity Ward got about their matchmaking and lack of dedicated servers, I've seen more enemy players bouncing around from lag in Black Ops then I ever did in MW2.

Hopefully they'll patch up some of the connection issues. I love hitting "Join Ranked Match" only to be told that the server is on occasion. You picked the server for me, Black Ops, why not pick one with space available? And if you happen to get that sort of error, don't you think you should try a different server rather than letting me know and making me click the button again?
This game has great potential. I just think they rushed it out the door clearly. I have faith they will fix the issues. If not, it will be the last COD I ever buy.
This is the one that Infinity Ward was working on before quitting/being canned Avtivision right? I think I remember them saying that they were doing work on another one that was close to being done at the time of the fallout.

With almost all of the talent that made the franchise now gone will the quality of future versions suffer? Sounds like Activision didn't bother to even try and finish this version up.
This is the one that Infinity Ward was working on before quitting/being canned Avtivision right? I think I remember them saying that they were doing work on another one that was close to being done at the time of the fallout.

With almost all of the talent that made the franchise now gone will the quality of future versions suffer? Sounds like Activision didn't bother to even try and finish this version up.

Nope, Blops is a Treyarch title. IW is working on next year's CoD.
it's activision and a call of duty game..... why does this surprise anyone...

yes yes i know i'm a troll or whatever... but bad game series, bad developer and bad publisher equals problems.
I've seen some interesting CPU usage with the game. I've noticed that it uses between 45 and 55% of 6 threads, but leaves two completely alone. So out of the 4 physical and 8 logical threads I've got two go totally unused. I've never had any stuttering or performance problems in the single player game. The multiplayer game is another story. The lag is hit or miss depending on the server, but it's always there to some degree.

Memory usage for the system is around 3.56GB or so.
I am getting better frame rates than I was the last 2 days but it is still not properly playable. Yesterday it was so bad the game would totally freeze for a second or more at a time. Overall I notice more speed on the single player version of the game but there is still graphical lag on single player also.

The funny thing is that there are people out there who can run the game smoothly even on dinky cards like a Radeon 4650.
Nope, Blops is a Treyarch title. IW is working on next year's CoD.

You're right they were working on MW3 when they were fired by Activision. They have lost half of the talent which hurts no matter what Activision says.
I grabbed it against my better judgement off Steam... crashes a ton on me, stutters, lags, and the gameplay/graphics itself are terrible. I'm working on getting a refund at this time from Steam support.