CoD: Black Ops Issues

I must be lucky as hell. I've been playing since launch day and I haven't had any stuttering issues at all in MP and my specs aren't supper great. I've noticed some occasional burst lag but it hasn't been any more or less than any other game.

I've had a good run of hardware luck lately. Probably means something is about to burn out.
Played through all of SP with eyefinity and xfire, 5760x1080 4xAA maxed: No Lag, 100% smooth, fast load times.

Played several levels of zombies online again with the same settings: No lag, no stuttering, only d/c was my own personal internet crapping out.

Played 8 hours of MP again with eyefinity + xfire working: No lag, no stuttering, low ping servers galore. Enjoying the game.

This game just works for me.
I can't believe you guys bought this game. From the shit they were talking, I knew this game was going to suck. WaW was the last one I payed for. I'm sorry that they don't give a flying fornication for their customers anymore and it sucks that they screwed everyone again. From the amount of cash they pulled down, I doubt they will change the formula much.
Everyone I know including my 50 + member clan hitched like crazy before the patch. Now its not as bad but it still isn't close to being half as smooth as cod4.
Still not butter smooth like 4 or MW2 but its better. my KDR went positive again from a .8 to a 1.3 and I am assuming most of that is because of this patch.
Is it just me or does it seam like mainly people with older dual core cpu's and often older mid range gpu's that are having the most problems? that's excluding online lag and other problems not related to the pc's power.
Is it just me or does it seam like mainly people with older dual core cpu's and often older mid range gpu's that are having the most problems? that's excluding online lag and other problems not related to the pc's power.

Probably. I had a little bit of multiplayer lag and that was it. Otherwise, totally smooth in single player. I've had no other issues with the game.
Is it just me or does it seam like mainly people with older dual core cpu's and often older mid range gpu's that are having the most problems? that's excluding online lag and other problems not related to the pc's power.

No problems have appeared for me with a PDC E5300 @ 4.1ghz, so far......It seems the opposite to me, that some people with the latest quad's and E8""" series are having the stuttering issues.
Patch did alot of good, but I am getting too use to playing games that should be over 60fps at around 30fps.
It does help I played and had fun last night LOL!

And I can see my server now! Big plus!

in case your wondering... it is Purgatory and I go by Foo in game.
Oh, and this game is just too much for my E6600 o/ced to 3.2.

I just order an i7-950, 6gb ram, and a Asus Sabertooth x58
My fps with 2 5870's in crossfire is horrid in mp and in sp. Playing with all settings on low at any resolution and I still get 20-50 fps. I can turn up my settings and fps doesn't change much but they do drop to 20-40 fps. As for lag in mp last night after the so called patch I seemed still have random screen lock ups and all of sudden just respawn. So its got better lag wise kinda but fps still blow bad.

Rest of my specs AMD 955 BE,8 gigs ram,120 gig ssd,and 2 tb hdd for back up .
I have been having the same issues with awful stutters every 7-10 seconds. Absolutely unplayable. Will not touch it again until patch is out. What a worthless game. A bunch of other people had no sound and the only way they could fix it was deleting some direct x folder in the games directory. The friends system also won't work for me whatsoever. I'm seriously ticked off.
Game has worked flawlessly for me /shrug. Guess I'm lucky. About 8hrs played so far, 4/4 sp/mp.
This game is a piece of shit and I wish I never spent the money on it. First COD game I've bought since COD4 and I was hoping this one would be good. Not only is it unplayable but the gameplay is just... mediocre at best. BF:BC2 is 1/3rd the cost and 5x as fun (and the graphics are also much better).
I didn't have any issues from day one. Playing with the rig in my signature. My friend who is running a stock e8400 and a stock 5970 has had horrible problems. This makes me assume that you just need to throw a stupid amount of processing power at the problem.
My bad.

I should get my publishers in order before I rant. Sorry about that.

Although... it sure does resemble an EA launch doesn't it? (saving face here)
980x and 3-way sli 480s - 12 gigs of ram. plays well for me including in 3d

Oh jeez..I would hope so..:)

Im playing it on a Q9650 @4.0 and a 5870 @ 950/1300.

Outside of the occasional lag spike, it seems to play very well now
It runs very smoothly on my system. Some people in game said that a patch was just released before I bought the game (bought it on the 11th).

I run at 1920x1200 (2x AA, low AF but I will try turning it up) and with details set med to high.

My specs:
i7 920 @ 3.4GHz
GTX 280 completely stock (played with drivers 197.45 and 260.99 without problems)
Intel X-25M 80 GB SSD
When are they going to fix this piece of shit??? I'll admit it runs a little better after the patch but nowhere near as well as it should run. MW and MW2 run a hell of alot smoother. Running fraps I get a constant 91fps but what I'm seeing on my screen is not indicative of this.
helped out.
but most of my old am2 friends bought a lovely 1055t (they study, cant afford anything better)
but god those 1055t's fixed mostly everything for 3 of my friends who had a old old old old old old x2 90nm.
they playd cod MW2 @ 1920x1080 4X aa fine.
still stutters from time to time, but its like 0,05 secs of stutter, you wont go on a outrage cause of it.
my pc runs it completely smooth, but multiplayer doesnt work, lost 10 ranks just all of a sudden....
Guys you're forgetting the issue here, piracy is killing pc gaming.

Shit quality control, support, consolitis and generally pathetic products are killing pc gaming. Common sense solutions to piracy are and have been readily available for years.

I really do not care. There are a few games coming out each year that are good enough to keep me interested. It really only takes 3-5 good games a year, especially those that are focused online multiplayer games not part of the cod fail-chise, to keep me entertained.
I'm just confused on how even the small amount of BETA testers didn't notice it...

Conspiracy theory is they didn't have beta testers for the PC version. :p