Classic Edition Super NES with 21 Games


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
While we have seen this rumored over and over and over. It is now the real deal, with a buy date of September 29th at $80. Thanks grtitan for the heads up.

The Super NES Classic Edition system has the original look and feel of the ’90s home console, only smaller. Plus, this one comes fully loaded with 21 games!

Games included: Contra III: The Alien Wars - Donkey Kong Country - EarthBound - Final Fantasy III - F-ZERO - Kirby Super Star - Kirby’s Dream Course - The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - Mega Man X - Secret of Mana - Star Fox - Star Fox 2 - Street Fighter® II Turbo: Hyper Fighting - Super Castlevania IV - Super Ghouls ’n Ghosts - Super Mario Kart - Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars - Super Mario World - Super Metroid - Super Punch-Out!! - Yoshi’s Island
Eighty dolla? Jeez just buy a used SNES and a shoebox of games from ebay.

And there won't be any in stock anyway.

I don't get Nintendo's goals with these things. They could have tripled supply of the last one and it still could have been considered "limited edition".
Wow, those are some heavy hitters. Still this is a system that had a ton of heavy hitters. Would be nice if they introduced some sort of way to expand the available catalogue (I was thinking 'game cartridges' sold separately with more games saved on them).

Really hope it's not a repeat of the NES mini fiasco. Would be nice to actually be able to buy the system.
Wow, those are some heavy hitters. Still this is a system that had a ton of heavy hitters. Would be nice if they introduced some sort of way to expand the available catalogue (I was thinking 'game cartridges' sold separately with more games saved on them).

Really hope it's not a repeat of the NES mini fiasco. Would be nice to actually be able to buy the system.
I feel like it could be just as bad. now more than before you will have people buying up stock to resell later because they are hoping to price gouge like before.
I give em credit they did load it up with some of the best games on the system. I can see why it is $80 for less games. The license fee alone are half the cost.
No thanks. Screw your limitations. Bought a replica SNES USB on Amazon with a thousand roms instead of 18 select ones.
My NTDOY stock is very happy with this announcement. I'm up 2.55% so far today, and 56% YTD.
My NTDOY stock is very happy with this announcement. I'm up 2.55% so far today, and 56% YTD.

Well, it was definitely a smarter idea than that stupid "family games" bullshit of the Nintendo Wii. Definitely takes the cake for worst system of all time.

All that system will ever be remembered for are things like Wii Sports/Bowling.
I'm stoked as fuck for this. All of those games are awesome and I spent countless hours playing them as a kid. I'd love to run through Secret of Mana, FF3, Mega Man X, etc again. I still have my original SNES but not all of those games and having it in a compact format with HDMI is nice.

$80 is chump change, barely more than the price of a single AAA game today and this has way more potential.

Hopefully they actually produce enough this time.
If there was a chance in hell I'd actually be able to buy one for $80, I might consider it. As it is, the only ones for sale will be >$150 on eBay and Craigslist, or will require standing in line all night outside some big-box retailer in the HOPES of getting one.

I think I'll just go with a RetroPi.
I think they're probably going to try and pump out double, if not triple the amount they shot for on the NES Classic.
Eighty dolla? Jeez just buy a used SNES and a shoebox of games from ebay.

And there won't be any in stock anyway.

I don't get Nintendo's goals with these things. They could have tripled supply of the last one and it still could have been considered "limited edition".

It is nostalgia and Nintendo is banking on it they have been with the Wii (last console I bought) and their library of games. In a way "we" would not be satisfied with buying old "crap" of ebay "we" would like to spend money on new toys .
For Nintendo the nostalgia is that good because to make even more money on games that they already have paid for is something that there very happy to do as much as "we" are very happy to buy it .
Yep getting older sucks :)



Or 64?

I like the classic one, personally, and it's also the cheapest of the 3.

Now just add raspberries... and one of these controllers (that Cyraxx linked above):

edit - I think these controllers are a little cooler looking (darker) and it's 2 for the price of that one:
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Well, it was definitely a smarter idea than that stupid "family games" bullshit of the Nintendo Wii. Definitely takes the cake for worst system of all time.

All that system will ever be remembered for are things like Wii Sports/Bowling.

And Raving Rabbids. That was the only reason to have a Wii (besides Mario Kart and other Nintendo first party games). Raving Rabbids was awesome.

If there was a chance in hell I'd actually be able to buy one for $80, I might consider it. As it is, the only ones for sale will be >$150 on eBay and Craigslist, or will require standing in line all night outside some big-box retailer in the HOPES of getting one.

Yup. That's what all the game collectors and hobby people are saying. It's a scalpers market. If they get one, great. They just aren't putting a lot of faith in Nintendo to keep stock high. Scalpers will ruin this one, too.
Hmmm. Could be a nice Xmas gift for my kids. Will they have it in sufficient quantities to purchase without resorting to eBay scalpers?
Seriously, the NES Classic was a complete fail. I still can't believe they stopped producing these when the demand was still so high. I hope they learn from last year and produce a lot more inventory. Would love to know what the potential market is.
Yup. That's what all the game collectors and hobby people are saying. It's a scalpers market. If they get one, great. They just aren't putting a lot of faith in Nintendo to keep stock high. Scalpers will ruin this one, too.

I just don't understand Nintendo's logic on this. They've got enough cash to not be limited at all in their production run size. They've got distribution and everything else already down. So if they wanted to, they could cover the store shelves in these systems, and just rake in the cash. It's not like they're expensive to make the systems or license the games. So why the limited numbers? Do they secretly hate money?
Pretty much every game there is already on the virtual console, I would rather just buy it there because there I at least know I can get them. We all know unless we camp out and offer the creepy dude at Walmart a handy we are unlikely to see one of these with out paying 5x its retail on ebay.
I really didn't like the NES Classic after getting my hands on it for a couple hours. Maybe if it was 40 bucks... maybe... I also don't think the demand is as super high as some claim. It's a collectors item, sure, and that niche market is understandably passionate about it, but for average consumers including kids these days it's not all that wondrous. At least, in my experience my niece/nephew weren't too enthralled with it and after some frustration trying to play laggy Mario and Megaman, occasionally accidentally yanking it apart due to the short cable length, they just went back their tablets. Perhaps Nintendo knows this and kinda chuckle at the thought of a bunch of middle aged geeks slobbering all over it in an attempt to recapture their feelings of youth. If they made 10x more of these and they just sat on shelves they'd also lose their appeal and myth-like nature. And really, after that initial shot of nostalgia (for the very few who didn't get it on VC) it'll be just another hunk of plastic collection dust...
That said, I'm looking forward to the N64 Mini with all of it's, what, 4 or 5, classics?
I still have most of those games in my box of retired game consoles from when I was younger (can't believe I gave away all my Atari stuff).
It is cool that they brought them back. Even though, "brought back" is subjective. I purchased a few of them to play on the Wii for a couple of dollars. The Wii was crap in my opinion. I am glad I won it and did not pay for it. I did however enjoy grabbing old games from their network and playing those. So, I have no use for this, especially at $80.00.
That said, I'm looking forward to the N64 Mini with all of it's, what, 4 or 5, classics?

4 or 5 classics as in how many they are going to ship with the mini, or how many the N64 had?

I can think of half a dozen games off the top of my head that the 64 was popular for.
I was able to get an NES Classic on release day because they kind of flew under the radar at first. Given the way it exploded in popularity I'm thinking this one will be much harder to find, the scalpers will definitely be out in full force. Great lineup of games though, hoping I can get one.
That said, I'm looking forward to the N64 Mini with all of it's, what, 4 or 5, classics?

Super Mario 64
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time
GoldenEye 007
Perfect Dark
Mario Kat 64
Conkers Bad Fur Day (The well-endowed Sunflower and the adult humor that passed a lot of us by.)
F-Zero X (The last great F-Zero Game)
1080 Snowboarding
Wave Race
Pilot Wings
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
Super Smash Brothers
Paper Mario
Zelda: Majora's Mask
Star wars: Pod Racer
Blast Corps (Racing a nuclear payload of awesome!)
Crusin World
Mario Party

If they had the games redone in better textures and in smooth 30/60 fps.

4 or 5 classics as in how many they are going to ship with the mini, or how many the N64 had?

I can think of half a dozen games off the top of my head that the 64 was popular for.

Could be referring to the fact that they keep reducing the number of games each iteration...NES had 30, SNES has 21...etc.
Get this.
and a few of these
or these

Don't have to wait until September, and, you can play other systems too. (NES, Famicom, SNES, Super Famicom, Genesis, Mega Drive, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, and Game Boy Advance)
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As an Amazon Associate, HardForum may earn from qualifying purchases.
Eighty dolla? Jeez just buy a used SNES and a shoebox of games from ebay.

And there won't be any in stock anyway.

I don't get Nintendo's goals with these things. They could have tripled supply of the last one and it still could have been considered "limited edition".
80$ will get you maybe 2 to 4 of those games. The console alone is 40$. Earthbound alone is worth the 80$
I'll try my hardest to get one (my wife has been working her way through the NES Classic and would love me long time if I snagged this one) but I won't line up for it (within reason - no overnighters), nor will I buy one off ebay.
Nintendo is only making one of these new mini SNES consoles. They used it to take pictures for the box and then threw it away.
-No pre-orders
-Only guaranteed to produce/ship from end of September through December (roughly 3 months).
-Less games than NES Classic
-$20 more than NES Classic

Yes...sounds like a winner. :rolleyes:

I'm sure this will become scalper bait like so many other Nintendo products.