CJ leaks benchmarks of 5870/5850 vs. 285/295

Twice the space: i don't care.
Twice the power consumption: i don't care.
Twice the heat: i don't care (as long as things don't OVERHEAT)

So for me there is only benefits with SLI/Crossfire. (like 80% better performance)

Not working in all games, microstutter, flaky performance...those are some of the things you choose to ignore...
And when it works, it's faster then just a single card.

Don't pull up exceptions, for there will always be some.

Some programs still don't run well on dual cores.

same converts over to dual GPUs.
Don't pull up exceptions, for there will always be some.

That's exactly the point that no less than 3 people have tried to make in the last few posts when a couple guys seem to think there is absolutly zero issues with it.
lol... they need to wake up, then.

I have troubles getting a lot of my work (VC++) to work nice with Dual Core (trying to properly take advantage of it, to the fullest extent). (and I only have 2 configs I have to make it work on!).

I haven't even bothered to do Dual GPU (so I don't know much about coding for it) implementations, yet, in my directx stuff (just wierd demos..., not even games).
That's exactly the point that no less than 3 people have tried to make in the last few posts when a couple guys seem to think there is absolutly zero issues with it.

Notice his wording...he did say "for me", which means that he doesn't have a problem with some areas where others do :)

As for the cards...holy smokes, I hope these benchmakrs are real. Might be tempting to upgrade from an HD 4850 if I can justify the expense...
[+Duracell-];1034624558 said:
Notice his wording...he did say "for me", which means that he doesn't have a problem with some areas where others do :)

As for the cards...holy smokes, I hope these benchmakrs are real. Might be tempting to upgrade from an HD 4850 if I can justify the expense...

I'd love these new cards, but I'm limited to the low profile form!
and it looks like the low profile (possible low profile, based off of last generation) cards will be delayed till next month!
Not working in all games, microstutter, flaky performance...those are some of the things you choose to ignore...

If you get problems with a game you can just disable one of the cards.
I don't think microstutter is any big issue..
Not working in all games, microstutter, flaky performance...those are some of the things you choose to ignore...

almost working in every game

microstutter? dont even start that topic...IT DOES EXIST BUT ITS IMPOSSIBLE TO NOTICE!! it is only noticeable from last generation's dual GPU card, other than that it works flawless without a damn microstutter fart...

flaky performance? I bet you never use SLI/CF before.....or choose to ignore the massive performance gain..

those are the REALITY you choose to ignore, not us......

no problem with SLI/CF setup at all since 8800 series....

unless the problem is officially known, most of the times are personal problem.... :p

QFT Been using 4870x2 since release problems are not worth mentioning for me, however it is officially known that the 'Chair and Keyboard problem people' are the loudest on the forums. The second loudest are the 'have nots'

By far the best card I have owned to date.

LOL @ microstutter that was sooooo last year's hot topic. That horse has been beaten to a bloody pulp. Both the GT2series and 4series have gone a long way in dramatically reducing it. The 'have nots' prove my point time and time again.

OT: edit the guy uses a killer NIC that says it all...see what I did there?
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Yep, haven't had any microstutter or other issues at all

For the new gen I say... bring it on!
SLI was a breeze for me...

I think the problem is between the chair and the keyboard....

LOL, trust me I know what I am doing when it comes to computers, and I know all about sli and crossfire, if you read my post you should have also read that I admitted people will totally disagree with me, but I didn't mean to imply that I didn't know what I was doing, it is just a personal preference, to me sli and crossfire are pointless, and they will always be just Bragging rights if I had them, now lets see, on my 24" monitor I can play every game with my hd 4870 maxed out other than crysis and stalker clear sky, only if I play them at the maximum settings, other than that they are pretty playable at high settings. this is what happens, you can have two cards and get more frames than you need, but by the time a game comes out that will take advantage of two of those cards we get a product like 8800gtx or hd 5870, and than it happens again, and again and again, one card is easier to sell on craigslist for me than two, I was pretty in to sli and had two 8800 ultras myself, I do admit the drivers and support have come a long way but single high end is always that way to go for me.

now lets get back to topic, may the hd 5870 blow the door open, and I hope the Nvidia
gods are happy so we can get a rain of gt300 and get some competition, otherwise I don't think I can be unhappy with the hd 5870 either in a few months, but don't even need it right now, will wait one or two months before I take the jump.
I love the possibilities of the new generation of cards and am really eager to see what happens with them as far as single card performance. I am on the side too of "one fast card is better than two" though i'm in it mostly for noise, heat, and power considerations. i just put together a whole new system based around a 4870, and while some of you may be like "wtf dude you should've waited," for me it was a case of just needing a simple, less than expensive upgrade from my old hardware. i'm a married father without a ton of cash to blow on toys, least of all video game toys, so my last real upgrade was an AMD 3400+ running a 7800GT vid card, and that was about 4 years ago. With as fast as computer hardware advances, and with as slow as the software advances are, i think it will probably be another 4-5 years before i "need" an upgrade. hell i can still play most of the games i want on my 7800GT anyway, i just want more eye candy.

could be i'm just an old guy now that isn't into the hardware scene as much as i used to be. for a bunch of years i was upgrading SOMETHING in my system every 6-8 months. i kept track of how much money i was spending and what i was getting. when i realized i had spent over $13,000 on computers and parts, i pretty much got burnt out and decided to spend that money on a social life instead. now instead of porn i have sex, and instead of games i have real life trips.

all that aside, i still have money in AMD stock so i hope this new card dominates the field for a good long while. so far everything is sounding promising :)
I love the possibilities of the new generation of cards and am really eager to see what happens with them as far as single card performance. I am on the side too of "one fast card is better than two" though i'm in it mostly for noise, heat, and power considerations. i just put together a whole new system based around a 4870, and while some of you may be like "wtf dude you should've waited," for me it was a case of just needing a simple, less than expensive upgrade from my old hardware. i'm a married father without a ton of cash to blow on toys, least of all video game toys, so my last real upgrade was an AMD 3400+ running a 7800GT vid card, and that was about 4 years ago. With as fast as computer hardware advances, and with as slow as the software advances are, i think it will probably be another 4-5 years before i "need" an upgrade. hell i can still play most of the games i want on my 7800GT anyway, i just want more eye candy.

could be i'm just an old guy now that isn't into the hardware scene as much as i used to be. for a bunch of years i was upgrading SOMETHING in my system every 6-8 months. i kept track of how much money i was spending and what i was getting. when i realized i had spent over $13,000 on computers and parts, i pretty much got burnt out and decided to spend that money on a social life instead. now instead of porn i have sex, and instead of games i have real life trips.

all that aside, i still have money in AMD stock so i hope this new card dominates the field for a good long while. so far everything is sounding promising :)

Moral of the story: Don't get married or you'll have to endure boring trips without your high end Lan Rig. :p

cf vs sli

Moral of the story: Don't get married or you'll have to endure boring trips without your high end Lan Rig. :p

Possible fix: high end Asus/Dell/Sager gaming laptop. Sex --- pillow talk --- Clear Sky.

I lol'ed at the video.
Not working in all games, microstutter, flaky performance...those are some of the things you choose to ignore...

Huh? Over a year with a Tri-Crossfire set-up, and I've never seen any of those. Not a single problem, not a single BSOD in 1 year, not a single freezing in any game. ;)

I'm going with a 5870X2 + 5870 the minute they are out, since Tri-Crossfire is working like a charm for me. :)
[+Duracell-];1034624558 said:
Notice his wording...he did say "for me", which means that he doesn't have a problem with some areas where others do :)

Notice "problem in between chair and keyboard" and "personal problem" that was also thrown in there.
Remember the G80 launch?
Usually when NVIDIA is quiet, it''s good.

Umm.. yes but not when it's this close to a competitors launch and your card is delayed till next year.

nVIDIAs marketing should be in overdrive right now (and will be) in a futile attempt to persuade people to wait (as they did with the NV30).

Last time this scenario played itself out... we ended up with a loud Dustbuster.
Their marketing department is working, didn't they recently say that due to physx the 200 series is already faster than the 5 series.
Umm.. yes but not when it's this close to a competitors launch and your card is delayed till next year.

nVIDIAs marketing should be in overdrive right now (and will be) in a futile attempt to persuade people to wait (as they did with the NV30).

Last time this scenario played itself out... we ended up with a loud Dustbuster.

Which card are you referring to, when you state dustbuster? Every recent ATI card that I have tried (HD4850, HD4870, HD4890 and HD4870X2) have all been somewhat louder and hotter than the competiion at the time.

I noticed someone earlier, mentioned microstutter and problems...I can state that even on PCI-E x16 and PCI-E x 4 on this setup there are no issues so far, and no crashes. No noticable microstutter compared with any single card I've tested(ATI or NVidia)
So whilst some have claimed that at higher resolutions there would be saturation of bandwidth over the lanes, there is certainly no performance loss that I can witness.
The HD5870 on the other hand looks to be terrific...can't wait for the official reviews.
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so basically ATI's newest release is marginally better than what Nvidia has to offer now ?:(
FAIL i was expecting much more. hopefully the gt300 delivers in 2011
Impressive. The *only* game on that list that I care about is crysis, and the 295 wins.
Id care about UT3 perhaps, but at 1920x1200 with AA the 295 is still above 60FPS.
If there were MW2 benches, Id care about those too. But theres not.

If those benches are supposed to make me pick the AMD card over a similarly prices 295, they fail pretty badly. Poor AMD.
Exactly how is it fail?

Of course until the real benchies come out we won't know for sure but being roughly equal to an sli setup with one gpu is not that bad really.
I don't see how a single GPU that performs the same or better than the competitions highest end dual GPU solution while consuming 1/3 of the power and doing so with completely immature drivers is a sign of failure. To a fanboy perhaps, not a normal person.
Impressive. The *only* game on that list that I care about is crysis, and the 295 wins.
Id care about UT3 perhaps, but at 1920x1200 with AA the 295 is still above 60FPS.
If there were MW2 benches, Id care about those too. But theres not.

If those benches are supposed to make me pick the AMD card over a similarly prices 295, they fail pretty badly. Poor AMD.

how exactly is a $399 5870 similarly priced to a $499 GTX295 ?
So a single card solution beats out last gen's two card solution?

And manages to use less power?

I don't see how that failed.
Impressive. The *only* game on that list that I care about is crysis, and the 295 wins.
Id care about UT3 perhaps, but at 1920x1200 with AA the 295 is still above 60FPS.
If there were MW2 benches, Id care about those too. But theres not.

If those benches are supposed to make me pick the AMD card over a similarly prices 295, they fail pretty badly. Poor AMD.
Poor you lol your post is like ultimate failure :D
Looks good if the benches are true. Fortunately I can wait till the GT300 comes out so I can compare both since I'm running SLI 280's at the moment.