Chimp Challenge : Official thread

Looks like we stopped the bleeding and is slowly regaining (yesterday evening, we are close to 300k between us and MPC and now, it shrunk to a bit above 200k).

I am finally rockin' close to 5K PPD here. I think I can muster up one more classic client too. :D
We regained another 11K in this update :)

But OCF regained even more so it's now a thread :eek:

However, their soul could be restless due to using some unorthodox way (wanna know more, go in our ape cave ;)).

Cheers [H]ardApes !

I joined in folding last night on a Toledo X2 4200+ (on one core) and a HD3850... would have been folding all day today while at work, if it wasn´t for my wife.. so I have started the machine again and should be able to fold 16 hours a day.
Cheers [H]ardApes !

I joined in folding last night on a Toledo X2 4200+ (on one core) and a HD3850... would have been folding all day today while at work, if it wasn´t for my wife.. so I have started the machine again and should be able to fold 16 hours a day.

Welcome to the [H]orde

Don't forget that you can "forget" to turn the computer off and have it run 24/7;)

Was going to get the old pen D up, but both those MSI's I bought are DOA!

Man, I am really very sorry to read that both of your "open box" boards were bad. Someone at Newegg must be slipping because I've personally got 2x "open box" boards that were just fine and I've read very few people saying that they've been disatisfied with the "open box" policies at Newegg. :(

Thanks for the warning, I've also read to stay away from the "Motherboard Outlet" on ebay because of shipping charges or something. :(

Please don't let this minor bull discourage you, I manage to mess up mobos all by myself and I'd never RMA a self broken anything. ;)

GO [H]ardApe !
I have bought two boards from mobooutlet on ebay without issue. Just make sure you read their posting. Sometimes they can sneak an open box in their without you reading.
I have bought open box Mobos from the Egg (around 10) and they are in good working order!
Don't forget that you can "forget" to turn the computer off and have it run 24/7

hehe that will definitly happen :D

I could improve the chance of this working out completely by leaving wife instructions as well.. How ever there will be down time, working on heavy images in various apps and perhaps even CS:S. I shall fold as much as possible!
hehe that will definitly happen :D

I could improve the chance of this working out completely by leaving wife instructions as well.. How ever there will be down time, working on heavy images in various apps and perhaps even CS:S. I shall fold as much as possible!

Glad to hear it! Thanks again man. :)
I wasn't saying anything from experience with the mobo outlet deal, I was just repeating what I've read (on this forum I believe). :confused:

I just know I don't want to learn from personal experience because my money is "scared" :D

OBTW I've also bought 2x "open box" mobos from Newegg and never had any problems, but I read on this forum a member has 2x dead boards from them lately. I guess it all boils down to the "caveat emptor" thing. ;)

Edit: I agrree with aldaman if nitteo ain't careful he/she will be switching to the champ of folding teams [H]orde folding team 33. :p

GO [H]orde !

Will that thing finish a WU before its over? :D

Its averaging a jaw dropping 2.5 hours per percent on a 500,000 step WU- oh yeah, its going to push the [H]orde right back into first :D

Impressively, though, there is still 16mb of free RAM with only 44mb of swap used even with FAH, samba, apache+php, MySQL, and VNC + XMonad all running :eek:
That's too bad... I wanted a legitime challenge with only the powers of each team. I'm not surprised as well, considering how TeamWTF is being run by sluts ;)

It does suck, but ringers have been a part of the competition in years past. OCF probably wouldn't have won without zim01 and Macaholic last year.
Can someone give me a clue, here? I'm not a member of OCAU and don't really wanna join.
Maybe I'm a little overly idealistic, but I was really hoping that shit like this wouldn't happen, kind of sucks all the fun out of it......:(

Oh well, at the end of the day, we're still the [H]ardest team in the world.....

So, went to MC and picked up a $30 ECS mobo for the pen D, got home and found my second vx450 from newegg is also DOA. Not my day. :(

I've been hearing conversation of some other team where there is supposedly a recruiting thread. I have not recruited outside of our team although one of our members said he had some friends from pcpitstop that were going to help. It's also only a few boxes from what I'm told. Having outside help come in would not be enforceable but does go against the spirit of the contest. It was also how OCF won the competition last year. We didn't complain about it too loudly last year but we did rib them about it.

Does anyone have a link where we supposedly have a recruiting thread? I'm not familiar with a teamwtf or whatever it is. If someone can provide me a url I'll be more than happy to look into it. As far as the comments on OCAU about outside help conspiring to topple ~h~, I've not seen one shred of evidence to support that whatsoever.

I'd hate to see us get bogged down and start pointing fingers over something like this. Fold on!