chillin like villians: rev n roli's water cooling craze

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revenant said:
I was so very tempted to just say "screw it" and hook it all up and leak test with the mobo and video cards installed... believe me, getting the loop measured and hooked, then installing the components afterwards was no pick-a-nick. ...but with the rad overhead if there had been an issue there it would have been a god awful mess... Anyways... now that I know my rad and blocks are safe+sound I believe I will be able to drain and prime without yanking the components if I should decided to go back and re-arrange my loop or something... :)

That's basically what happened to me, I started work early in the morning and it was 5:00PM next time I looked. Screw it I thought, leak test with the blocks on.

Nice work guys, d'ya have any plans on windowing the case elrolio? :D
well, after we all got mostly done with it, especially the wiring, ma boys assumed i was windowing or forgot i didnt have a window in the first place. heheh. for me i never wanted leds or windows cuz it wasnt a big deal ya kno, i built and wired and made sure it was blue fluid in my loop just for my own peace of mind and satisfaction..... and then i fell in love with the mirrored finish.

so yep, ima save some cash, cop the side panel from lili, carry down to the car mod shop and hope to hell they have a variety of mirror/silver/smoke tints that will match the side panel in regular day light. i guess only the lights on the mobo will ever so slightly illuminate the inside.... maybe i'll switch my upper intake fan to a led one, but yea. tinted windows is where its at..... you know supn about that now dont ya?
more images...

I added some heat shrink to the cpu/mobo power lead coupler

and added some black electrical tape to some wires in the back of my case near the pass-through hole (thanks Roli for the good idea :))

and some daytime shots of the case and surrounding area


my sister in the pic there - also you can see that my pc sits on two plexi-glass magazine shelves which I got at Fry's... those give it the perfect height so the window starts about two inches above the plane of my desk's top.


you can see the pci slot cover I cut to leave room for the serial cable for the LIS POP vfd display panel - sort of sucks it's serial, but oh well... I like the panel a lot.


The wc rig it on the big monitor (Sceptre X23s) and my work rig (under the desk) is on the 19" Dell ultrasharp...
Heya guys! Just thought I should finally post and congratulate you both on the good work you're doing!

Definately a bonus getting two worklogs in one!

Just a comment on this though:
hehehhe... Anyways, so how do you know when your coolant is low? Do you just have to open the case and look at the res bottle?

Why would your coolant get low? Where is it going to go if it's not leaking?! (unless you didn't get all the air out initially). Just checked mine - it's gone down an inch in the res (inch diameter) in the last few days since I filled it - but I knew there was some air stuck in the top mounted rad.
I guess that's true... slowly all the O2 bubbles and pockets are "dissolved" after a new build which will leave some more room in the res after a while... I know I had some in my maze4's as I moved them around after the leak test some large bubbles came out of them... like when I turned them over to make room for the mobo install. Anyways, but you are right, in that, there should be no evaporation escaping the system, so the coolant should not get lower... if the system is really truly sealed. :)
overclocking update: I now have my cpu running @ 2625mhz! I did a bit of reading up on Winchesters LBBID with the DH8-D0 memory controller and found that most are capable of 2.6 on 1.5v! so I tried mine @ 10.5 x 250 with the voltage @ 6.6% over VID, or 1.492v and I was not able to get into windows... so I upped the voltage to 9.9% over VID and it worked! and I do NOT have the voltage bug with my cpu+mobo so the voltage went past 1.50... up to 1.539v.... running Prime95 now... it's about 73f (22c) in my house right now, and my cpu is 38c @ full load... sys temp reports 32c... so far so good (*knocking on wood*)...
rev! whoa whoa whoa. 38 deg on full load? WTF? thats soooo chilled. not even breaking 40? thats ridickle. next thing: you shouldnt use the half multis man they are bad news, amd dont actually support a half multi so the mem controller down clocks your ram or some crazy shit like that, or rounds up therefore puttin it outta spec and breaking your oc if it was close to instability. anyhoo try not to use the half multi meng

Legion©: the coolant will mostly get lower in your res only from all the air getting worked outta the radiator etc etc but i know over looooong periods of time the level will fall some though i dont kno why.
however, what i did do after a few days with the rig still testing burning in etc, is try t open the res and put some top up in, only for it to spew a bit out which i mopped up. reason being? the water had expanded cuz of the heat in it... so no worry about the air bubbles, if you filled to max level initially then the bubble will work themselves out but the heat of the water will compensate. me thinks

rev. whoa. and wow the pics are awesome.
yeah - my prime95 failed about an hour into it... I went back down to 2500 (10x multi 250 fsb) and am going to keep it there... Oh well... I also can't get the voltage above 9.99% over VID... can get to 1.55v max with a winchester on this mobo... crappy. Oh well... I can try upping the fsb to get a higher OC, but I have a feeling it will not do too much for me... because I will have to relax my mem timings soon after 250 to like 3-6-6-7...

Anyways - I could tell that the system was not happy with those OC settingsI tried just from some irradic readings from core center... the cpu voltage bouncing around and the 12v was lower than normal... bizarre! everything is fine again with I set the system back to my 2500 oc settings...
HOLY incredulous CRAP!!

I nearly game myself a miodardial infarction tonight... whoa..

I flashed my bios (don't you love how computer heart attack stories start with "flashed" and "bios" - lol) to this new version and it killed my machine... I was hoping to get more top end room for my cpu voltage, which tops out at 9.99% over VID... lame! anyways, it was totally dead in the water... I could not get a post, I cleared CMOS, no dice, I even pulled the CMOS battery... still nadda... when I had tried and tried everthing I knew how to get just a damn post (for about 45 mins) I gave up... went over to the little lady and yammered on about it, not that she could understand it... and I just sat there, head burried in her lap.. lol... with thoughts of pulling the mobo and having to send it to MSI for a bios fix.. loosing my SI RAID0 settings on the controller and having to start over fresh... again.. not the end of the world, but a freaking giant-ass bummer and a half.... oh yeah, and I have a 3700+ sandie on the way too... a known to run @ 2.8ghz one... lol. I was bummed..

anyways, then I scooped my somber self up from the sofa, sauntered over to my office, dragging my feet the whole way... and I then discovered the glorious beauty of "fail safe mode". Yes, when I came back to it, it had gone into fail safe mode.. wow... which had wiped my settings, which was fine, but I guess it just goes into this mode when the bios setting do not allow a post... power on defaults I guess? anyways - rapture!! I was back in business... so it was just bad bios settings the whole time... damn bios reset button does not work... I tried it every differed way I could... held it for 10 secs, 20 secs, 30 secs.. with the machine on (meaning, the lights were on, but no one was home), off, with my fingers crossed... swinging a dead cat over my head.. lol... j/k

So - yes - it was alive... so I did some minor adjustments, saved, rebooted, viola! started into the OCing adjustments now... got the fsb up to 225 and voltages set, htt mutli @ 4x and dram timings set to loose "easy" just for getting the FSB adjusted... that worked, then tried the fsb back @ 250... dead! and ok - so I tried all those bios clearing tecniques again... nothing.. crap... so I pulled my memory and tried it in different slots.. just for grins... when I pushed the 2nd chip into the new slot it was not lined up perfectly, and my hand was getting sweaty, and my hand slipped.. and I heard a sort of crunching sound... my heart fell into my shoe... OMG... honestly - I was about to cry... (hey - real men cry sometimes.. lol...LOL.. hehe)... anyways, I looked everthing over and all looked fine... but man, I could have cracked the memory pcb, maybe killed the chip, or lowered it's OC (these corsairs OC like monsters... best 2gb kit out there other than the ballistix imo)

ok - so now my system will not post STILL and I think I just fubar'd one of my 1gb mem modules... so - I did what any decent sane human would so in my sitch... I went out for a head clearing and a pack of smokes... when I got back, I put the memory back in, but in slots 0+1 (I had it in 2+3 before - because my Hyper6 was so damn big I couldn't get one of them into 0) and went for another boot... nothing... FUCK! ok... time for another smoke... came back, failsafe mode had kicked in... ok - time to revert to the old bios... that worked, but I still did not know about my mem module.. it looked ok, but who knows when you get it to 250mhz... 500mhz combined. gulp... I did a few quicj bios configs, and things were going fine, but I missed the cpu multiplier, which was @ 11, so when I went to 250 (from 245 it didn't post... 2750mhz I guess was too much for the little winnie.. lol.. I thought it was my memory, because I has not seen my actual CPU speed... uugh.. with this bios, the bios reset switch worked perfect.. as it should.. one push, held down for 1 second and a reboot and it was clear.. whew... so I started clocking back up.... missed the mutliplier but stayed @ 245 on the fsb this time... I could get into windows in safe mode only... damn, at this point I was pretty sure I had cracked my mem module... wow... more dread filled my body... then I went back into the bios, and scanned again... saw the cpu was running @ 2700mhz.. lol... and changed the multiplier to 10x and then the fsb to 250 and bingo... like clock work... everthing is fine again....

Anyways... yeah - just a harmless bios update... sure... what fun!! lol - sort of a rookie manuver on my part missing the cpu multiplier... but that damn other bios and the reset switch not working... WTF... that really threw me .. also, I was not at my best.. in the middle of it all I whacked my elbow hard on an open cabinet... my cat loves to crawl in my software storaga area... she gets crazy pawing at it to be opened... so yeah, I bled quite a bit, and it was right on the spot where I had a bursitis about 3 weeks ago... which was terribly painful and slow healing... so I had bet it's going to swell up again... but it's ok, my computer is working again... back to square one... pime95 is chugging along... and my cpu temp @ full load is 36c!! lol I love that... it is a little chilly in the room though... 67 or so...
revenant said:
HOLY incredulous CRAP!!

yeaaa man. late night OC'ing and bios changing always ends up in mad probs homie. nad iv flashed and not posted quite a few times. and everytime i got back into bios i would find that supn was pushed outta spec. moral of the story: back down the oc before the flash if you can, it may be annoying but it s a fail safe. one restart saves you the cost of a brand new pack of cigs, any drink you may have and about 3 hours of sleep time. oh and never oc when you feelin tired hahaha

yea i just did some pm box clearing meng. i didnt really sleep last night either haha i mighta been up around that time
wtf - I double posted somehow... uugh... mmuuusssttt hhhaaaavvvvvvveee coffeeeeeee!
lol - yes... for sure.. but this started @ 7pm.. not really late night... and the bios reset switch did not work at all with the rev 08 bios! ... pulling the batter and waiting 30 mins didn't even work. Plus it did NOT like high FSB settings... so each time it would not post I had to wait for fail-safe mode to kick in.. ~ 5 mins.. and the real irony of it all is that it did not allow any higher voltage increases of the CPU voltage (over default VID) than my current one... lol. Live and learn... anyways, I am going to keep this bios as my system really seems to like it. My last several flashes went fine, even with OC'd settings... oh well... sort of stupid really... but I learned about "fail-safe" mode, which is nice, the hard way... and I have a USB floppy drive now which rocks... a TDK. Got it for $37 @ Fry's... down from 49.99 because it was a re-package... I tested it before I left the store.

blah blah blah... anyways, I should be getting my UV reactive coolant dye tomorrow... and with any luck I should have the sandie (ohhh saaaandie - sorry, my girlfriend makes me watch "Grease" every so often - lol) by the weekend... I hope! :)
uh yea man i have alwasy used it, speedfan and everest. but mbm for a loooong while now.

be back later to post n chat ha, busy at work now AND tired
revenant said:
swinging a dead cat over my head.. lol... j/k
so you used a live cat? it could work...

also, run memtest and prime95. overnight on memtest and 24 hours on prime95. memtest86+ is the free one that is still getting updated, memtest86 is shareware or something now.

you probably knew to do that already, but being reminded doesn't hurt.
totally ! :D

I have two live cats they they were all over my desk while I was pulling my hair out. lol. they know when I am stressed... good little animals they are!

yes - I ran prime all night and it was A-OK! whew.. yeah - memtest is good also.. I run the torture tests with a good blend of memory and cpu intensive opps. I feel like a dolt - but I was due for a freakout... it had been a long time since I had one. lol...
hehe you kno the real thing is why even do all this now when the sandie is in the mail? :p im so tired. when does it arrive? i hope to get some stuff in mail today or tomorrow. today would be nice so i could take the machine to the kitchen and put all this stuff together. temps have been silly tho. i wanna get my loads down. wait question for you rev: the koolance temp readings are of what? temp of the water? whats going on there?

im also gonna take a page outta yer book and use up some of my velcro cable wraps... so where the wires pop outta the ikea-wire-bag® i'lll just bind them together like you did. cuz we gotta do the cable management even outside of hte case right? ha. uhm. yea what else was randomly on my mind? i got a couple pics of the front panel as it looks now. i should post that.

what im really anxious about is gettin the gt to replace my vanilla tho i love it so. i'td be lovely to up my gaming res in certain games. get the tru use of this big ass pro crt before i finally (next year) replace it with a good flat panel. it'd be nice ot take that big weight off the desk, and use less power to boot. see this crt does 100mhz refresh up to and past 16x12 i think. so at like 1280x1024 (my desktop and preferred gaming res) i can do like 120mhz if i wanted, or more. i know its ridickle tho.
i guess i should research a bit more what folks are sayin about what to apply as TIM for hte gfx cards. i got the impression it wasnt the best to use AS5 o nthe ram, but fine on the core if you make sure it dont bleed off to the side of the gpu. so i looke thru the diff tubes i had and put ceramique i think? i'd rather thermal paste for hte ram and AS5 for the gpu. ugh anxious.

anyhoo lemme whip up some of these slow shutter speed pics i took over hte weekend for kicks. i figured yall hadnt seen the front fascia in a bit. oh and i wont be able to do my window thing for at least months.
Hey el rolio, I came up with a better bracket for mounting a 120mm fan in the drive bays on my Cooler Master case................. :eek: Check it out, to bad something like this wouldn't work on your Lian-Li.................. :p



Bio-Hazard said:
Hey el rolio, I came up with a better bracket for mounting a 120mm fan in the drive bays on my Cooler Master case................. :eek: Check it out, to bad something like this wouldn't work on your Lian-Li.................. :p


OH SO JEALOUS. cuz i ran outta long zip ties so i am now gonna have to either 1. have a epiphany of engineering or 2. link 2 zip ties together in order to replace the fan i have in the drive bays now.

im hoping for #1 cuz well, having hte first thought of seating hte fan on the sound dampening was good. now i gotta figure out since im switchin it with the fan in the drive bays... a better way to keep it secure and in place ya kno... i REALLY want all 4 corners to be pulled on, bu it might not be so.....

in other news, got the extra fan i needed. not a yateloon again but a nexus so same damn thing..... this to go into the psu. this is gonna take some figuring out too but yea....

and i got me some platinum rev2's to better match my system setup and OC so yay.
some downsized pics from the phone:


el rolio said:
hehe you kno the real thing is why even do all this now when the sandie is in the mail? :p im so tired. when does it arrive? i hope to get some stuff in mail today or tomorrow. today would be nice so i could take the machine to the kitchen and put all this stuff together. temps have been silly tho. i wanna get my loads down. wait question for you rev: the koolance temp readings are of what? temp of the water? whats going on there?

yeah - I know, I was wanting to have the most recent bios for when I get the sandie... but as it turns out, my bios has every feature I need to get that puppy to 2.8... so I think I am going to stick with this one... unless it poses another set of issues for me.. but need to stick with the "if it aint b0rked, don't fix it" mentality.. anything else tends to wind me up in headache city.. The dude sent it from Maryland priority US mail... so I might see it on Friday-Saturday or even Monday... who knows.

The koolance's face reports temps from three thermal probes which are not hook to anything at the moment... I need to get those planted this week. I am getting the LED cannons (I love saying that - lol - LED CANNONS!! lol) and my UV coolant dye today... so I will likely take my sides off and do some more wiring, replace that LED fan with a clear one and such... and I want to put one sensor on the intake barb of the rad (the warmest water) and one on the output barb (the coolest water) and one in the hard-drive cage (just so I have something to tell me what the temps are there... what do you think of those spots? I could put them on my CPU and both GPUs, but too many damn wires all overt the place... and I am really only concerned with how well the rad is sheddling heat really... plus those already have their own sensors... anyways...

el rolio said:
im also gonna take a page outta yer book and use up some of my velcro cable wraps... so where the wires pop outta the ikea-wire-bag® i'lll just bind them together like you did. cuz we gotta do the cable management even outside of hte case right? ha. uhm. yea what else was randomly on my mind? i got a couple pics of the front panel as it looks now. i should post that.

yeah - the cable management should not stop at the outside of the case. lol I should put some pics of my desk cable management in here... I modded my desk to hide the wires... it worked out pretty well. :) That's controller is bright mang!! or is that just the slow shutter affect?

el rolio said:
what im really anxious about is gettin the gt to replace my vanilla tho i love it so. i'td be lovely to up my gaming res in certain games. get the tru use of this big ass pro crt before i finally (next year) replace it with a good flat panel. it'd be nice ot take that big weight off the desk, and use less power to boot. see this crt does 100mhz refresh up to and past 16x12 i think. so at like 1280x1024 (my desktop and preferred gaming res) i can do like 120mhz if i wanted, or more. i know its ridickle tho.
i guess i should research a bit more what folks are sayin about what to apply as TIM for hte gfx cards. i got the impression it wasnt the best to use AS5 o nthe ram, but fine on the core if you make sure it dont bleed off to the side of the gpu. so i looke thru the diff tubes i had and put ceramique i think? i'd rather thermal paste for hte ram and AS5 for the gpu. ugh anxious.

Yeah - you'll notice a nice little bump in performance... I ran my 6800GT 400/1100 (ultra speeds - but faster because the GT has tighter memory timings) on my big monitor... doom3 @ 1600x1200 on high (8xAF) @ 50fps or greater... with 2x AA on high it was about 43fps... still fast, but not as good... 1280x1024 w/ 2x AA on high was awesome. very fast and great IQ! right around 60fps solid! with the watercooling, not telling what find of OC you'll get, but those PNY AGP GTs are good OCers... mine went to 415/1130 on stock cooling!

You can use AS5 on the memory, but be very careful.. just a little spot on the middle of each chip.. it's better to use ceramic based compound... imo, but not necessary... just be frugal with the AS5 and make sure it does not go over the edges at all... The MOSFETs are what you do not want to use anything conductive around, AT ALL... that will fry your card for sure... use ceramic, and very little of it... if you pull that sink to put better compound on it. just fyi :)

PS: congratz on the memory!!! nice nice nice!
Oh, so theres two case mods in this one thread? I keep thinking its only rev's case since he posts new pcis every 10 minutes :D EDIT: FOund it

Roli: Need more OC results from thec bbfd0441rpmw!
oh hey - I wait at least an hour. ;) I actually removed some today. lol
revenant said:
oh hey - I wait at least an hour. ;) I actually removed some today. lol

....but why would you even DARE remove pics? thats not fun. the more pics the better! pics pics pics! for kicks!

hey Dillusion: well like i said i wasnt tryin that much to push MAX OC WOWOW kinda thing, i was finding my sweet spots for temps, silence and speed. the 250x10 works great + i get to run my htt multi at 4x tho i know it doesnt matter that much once its under or meets spec. uhm tho, since i been feeding hte proc with volts for some time now, and have the platis, so i can proly push it a bit higher i spose. but im pretty sure my wall is the 2.5-2.65 area. i refuse to pump ridiculous voltage to this processor.

oh what i forgot to muse about earlier in that bloggish type post: one thing thats a happy surprise about watercoolin is that you return to idle temps immediately. thats pretty awesome. and it makes sense, the heat output drops and since its water flowing over hte system at a decent speed, the temps drop to idle level REAL quick. where i expected the fact that idle temps would be higher than idle temps on a superduper hsf setup (cuz when no heat pushin thru proc, the fan REALLY cools the metal down) but the load temps would have a smaller delta.... i didnt expect the whole immediate return ot idle temps.... whre the metal finss off the hsf need to some tiem dissipate all the "load heat" cuz of the big surface area etc... the water WANTS to stay at their ambient or close to ambient temps. is this all rambling? it feels like it. but i like that.
I yanked a few from the lili gallery... I just had too many... starting to feel like I was spamming.


the other thing about WC is, when the humidity is at medium to high levels, your rad should work better... because the humidy will ever so slightly dampen the rad fins and then re-evaporate, which is an endothermic process (heat absortbing) which can help cool just a tad better... only when the humidity is low enough to allow the evaporation to take place though... if the air is completely saturated, it might work against you... just a couple of thoughts .
revenant said:
I yanked a few from the lili gallery... I just had too many... starting to feel like I was spamming.

Haha thats because i always make fun of ya
hey - there's generally a little truth to all teasing... and I like to listen to subtle messages... :)
ok - well - I got my lights and UV dye tonight... got the season premier of Lost under my belt... and watched "Invasion"... I like Lost a lot... and Invasion looks pretty cool.. I'll be checking the next one out I think... Anyways. I got my lighting in a finalized config, here are some images... These are with the main UV ccfl's on...



as you can see the dye didn't do much... the koolance hoses (top back, and front down to the TDX) are still reactive because the tubing is, the rest has a slight blue glow now... hmmm

Anyways, the inverter for those two 12" ccfls is making a squealing sound, so I have a feeling it's about to die... I turned it off, and left the two 4" UV ccfls on, and the new UV, blue, and red leds...




I almost like that look better... :)
awesome stuff rev.

i got my ram. having issues tho. gotta learn about how to work with this TCCD thang
how much dye did you put in there man? put some more? *shrug? the darker look is decent but i guess i prefer it loud and bright, remember this is a night club man. did you put the cannons in?


my ram. gosh tccd is weird. so at stock 200mhz with the tight timings this thing wants like 2.7v, a lil more and it stays with the timings it seems up to bout 215. didnt really try it that much after cuz it was too annoying. so i figure "ok loosen timings". well no, thats not all the story with these damn tccd's. you gotta do so many goddamn steps. basically you try a speed, a timing and a voltage. then if it fails you try again but with one change to those 3. repeat repeat repeat!
luckily, i percieve my usable range of options to be 200 and up for hte speed (and usually when doin the repeat tests, i cdont change that figure) / 2-2-2 to 2.5-3-3 for hte timings range and 2.6v to 2.85v for the voltage range.

well, what i shockingly discovered to be my "stable" setting for my previous OC but at 1:1 is:

thats right. below the rated voltage from ocz themselves of 2.75. this mofo would NOT pass memtest #5 without me dropping the volts to 2.6. ok fine by me.
yeah man, I was thinking about that... lol... I need to get a new intvertor today @ fry's... that thing was making too much noise... it was bothering me. lol

That's great news with the ram... and yes, TCCD seems to like lower volts @ high speeds... bizarre, eh?

I hope to get my sandie today... whew.... I hope. The post office said 2 - 3 days for priority... I am going to go out on a limb here and figure 3 - 4 days from MD... but anyways... maybe today, maybe tomorrow... :D
hahah, i hope you get it today too so both of us will be workin on the machines tonight cuz yu kno what? i got supn today too.


its a small quiet fan that i want to setup to cool my gfx card mosfets and heatsinks. note well the skull n cross bones.
yep, this fan is
HAHAHAHHA,.. hehhe... lol

yeah ... it rained a lot this spring and I had that skull left over from something... so I slapped it on there.. heh...
el rolio,
I started modding the outside of my Monster rig today and I got the top panel cut out. Let me know what you think.................... :D

Now for what I got done today............ ;) First up the before top panel;


Sort of plain isn't it................ :eek:

Now for the after photo, but before I put the window in (which I still have to do).


Much better looking if I do say so myself..................... :LOL:

And this is what it'll look like installed.




HOLY crap... I'm NAKED!! where are my clothes?!?!?

Oh - here.. :) The seller put those little XP pads on the cpu to help evenly balance the inward force of the sink...

d00d.. that ihs cover is thick as hell and very heavy. lol.. I am really curious to see what kind of OC I will get @ max voltage my mobo will do (1.593v I think it is).

Ohhh kay... time to bust out with the Arctic Clean, yet again! :)
OMG - this cpu is not in good shape... one of the little chips surrounding the die is cracked!!


WTF!!... I don't even know if I should try installing or send it back... lame!
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