chillin like villians: rev n roli's water cooling craze

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yup got some of that in my loop along with the ultra rare "invisible blue" die, looks badass. Nice work btw
el rolio said:
nope. its antialgae, lube, freezes at a lower temp and biols at a higher temp than water and yea, has all the common qualities of the stuff you get with these difff water cooling kits. but its blue, so it wins!

Oh ok, I was wondering why you used distilled water. I'm a water cooling nub, but I might try it near my next build at the end of this school year. Think I could cool two CPUs for <$200?
dude, you gota use distilled water as the far majority of any mixture you put in yer tubes. as in, if we could use pure distilled water we would. but we gotta protect against algae etc and ccorrosion due to mixed metals and stuff liike that..
WHOA. IM I TO NOT HAVE THE BRACKET IN THERE? the black bracket that comes with the board? i mean i jsut cracked mine and when i took off the block it looked like there was very lil contact even after having it tiht enought to crack the plastic frame around the socket. it barely had any of the arctic silver 5, and none of it had that "spread out" look we are used to seeing on blocks and chips.

so in the meantime im gonna go lookin at some other threads to see if anyone removed their black pllastic frames. cuz lookin at the size of the spacers it does look like the white spacers is supposed to REPLACE the height of the clip. this is me musinng. please confirm / defeat all you successful water coolers
well folks, i think we may have the answer. i have the wrong BRACKET INSTALLED!!!

why may you ask? well cuz i had an xxp-90 installed before.
xp-90's comme with their own replacement bracket in the package.
the xp-90 bracket has high clip retention holes, cuz of hte xp-90's design.
i overlooked the fact that it was the wrong bracket in place.

im stupid.

this expllains why the blocck coulddnot tighten down properly onto the athlon.

do i do this now at 2.19am? or do it later.

i shall rock paper scissors with myself now over a cigarette.

Wow Motherfuckers Wow

Placed New Bracket. Screwed In Block Started Computer. It Works

Go To H/w Monitor: Cpu Fan Thing Was Already Disabled Heh

Cpu Temp Reads 71 Degrees

Ok Fine. Thats Crazy.

Grab Trusty Phillips Screwdriver. Make A Couple More Turns, Glance At Monitor:
Cpu Temp Reads 32 Degrees.

I Think We Are Golden.
LOL.......when all else fails, read the instructions................ :D It says right there to leave the stock bracket installed, I normally remove mine, but put it back for this block. I may let it off when I transfer the block and pump over to my main rig though, just makes ut harder to keep the block flat.

Glad to hear that you got it up and running though............:)

nah man i did read each and every instruction booklet twice for sure. i was good about that. what i meant up above (when i was much more tired and frustrated) is that i *THOUGHT i had the stock bracket, completely being absent minded and forgetting when i put the xp-90 on back at the start of the year it had made me replace the bracket. :(

heh well its priming away now like a champ woooo. loads of 44 deg.

gonna prepare the web gallery for the day2 writeup.

i felt bad for you last night homie, you sounded so stressed out and since I was going out I couldn't even help you man.

Glad that you figured it out though. Can't wait to see the oc's and what u can get outa the ddr booster.


The wire management.......*puts roli to the test* ;)
good to hear you got it right. Still "dry" testing mine it's been almost 24 hours and it's hard not to put the pc in there, i have such an itch to do it right now.
well folks, got some help from bio and rev last night and today (thanks alot guys i really appreciate it) and now the computer is at home priming. so now that stage of the project is pretty much done, i can post the log of day2's activities! but not yet, im a bit busy here at work so check back later, in the meantime you can see day 2's gallery here.

geez, holla at me meng

go tong go! i gave mine a full day for the leaktest etc, and i hope you dont have any probs like i did heh.
Nice nice nice... and damn nice!! :D

...if I don't say so... my damn self. ;)

Well - I was going to wait to get the case after vacation, but I found my complex will hold packages at the main office for us. yeah! So, my wallet will be aching for the next couple of weeks, but when I get home from vacation I will have one sexy watercooled lili waiting for me... also the flow meter (I hope), a lot of blue Pentosin, 2x 40" EL glow red UV SATA cables, 12x re-useable 3/8s plastic hose clamps, 2x 3/8s Y-splitters, and.... a beer! in a tree!!! lol ;)

okeeeey - so I am thinking I might make my loop like
..rad ---> cpu ----Y ---> gpu ---->Y--- flow meter (maybe) --> rad...
.........................\ ----> gpu --->/...............................................
I was thinking that would get my gpus the same temp coolant... it will reduce the flow speed by 1/2 each, but that might be ok... I guess I can try that and if it does not work well, then go from gpu to gpu to flow meter to rad... hmmm... anyone have any thoughts or suggestions?

ok, so here we go with day 2. it took alot out of me as you can see above cuz i spent ours in frustration with the silly cpu block nott being properly set. so onto the log and pics...

first things first, i gotta clean the blocks. so i got out my acrticlean kit and wiped down both blocks. done. after that it was time to remove the nvsilencer from the 6800 and clean both bits up.

there it is with bits off. eww, old TIM. so i get ot cleaning it up and then set it aside to be put back in the packaging it came in. yay i kept that stuff. time to clean the processor. took a long time with that to make sure and get the gunk off neatly without spreading it all over the rest of the area around the core.

and a pic of the ram

OK gotta come back later boss is kickin us out sayingg its 3pm and we are to leave NOW! ha!


ok folks, just finished racing the italian grand prix and amm here to continue to log! so where was i? ah yes, preparing hte 6800. so here is a lovely natural light shot of the arcticlean drop of liquid doing its thing on the core

a beauty isnt it?

and a shot of the job done with the card

next up, time to work on the 68ultra ramsinks

eww thats a lotta guk, so of course i gotta get it off, more arcticlean to the rescue!


so at this point i tried to mount the ramsinks but as i got the screws out....

... not only was i a screw short but i also kept the wrong screws! so i contacted revenant as you can see on earlier pages and he will have the 5 screws im missing sent to me so i get those on tuesday morning woot.
anyhoo what i DDID do is use the screws to hold the ramsinks in relative place to ddo a test fit in the meantime. what happened then? the frikken maze block wass blocked from sitting down on the core. why may you ask? cuz the maze has lil bits sticking out from the square shape at opoosite corners for those gfx cards that mount their cooling solutions with 2 screws as opposed to the 4 corners setup on the new nvidia cards.
to confirm this would all work, i test fitted the block rotated 90º and it sat down perfectly with perfect clearance. solution? gotta shave offf the bottom left corner of the maze block. only i didnt have the dremel with me. so i tried to rig up a lil cuttin board and use a serrated knife, check it out:

well, wasnt really succesful, i got a bit off, but it wasnt well cut and wasnt enough. what i tried to do in the meantime was run out to some local hardware stores to see if they had eny screws with such a small diameter to no avail. so the decision was taken to jjust mount up the gpuu block and continue with the build.

whats up next? time to begin with mounting the mobo and the storm. so looking at where i was at i figured i had to get the mobo in first then put on the storm block, mostly cuz of all the tubes running thru the case it wouldd be a logistical nightmare to try and ddo it outside of the case. some pics:






as you can see i also installed my oca ddr booster as per the plan to get my bh-5 ram up to its potential 250 @ 2-2-2-7 in sync with the cpu. some more pics


and my phone keepin track of these late night working hours heh

and the motherboard is IN!

now to mount the storm and put the gfx card in:



so once i got that done i began to figure out ways of getting my tubing to run neatly and make space for the actual computer parts right? check it out




i proceeded to put the stuff back in, dvd drive, hard drives, attach the power cables to the ddr booster, even the sound card and of course the front paneel connectors:



notice what i had to do here, use one drive on SATA power, one on molex power. mostly cuz of the tubing running right past the molex power connector.

problem is, the SATA power cables i have, are built with thumbnotches and so are the data cables. sigh, so it felt as if the data cable never actually plugged in properly, but this would be an issue i would revisit later.
anyway, here is some shots of the back with prelim wiring and of course using the new hole i drilled under the hdd rack



time to power up! or so i thought. basically i brought up a spare monitor, and tried to power up the computer, but it would start and shut itseelf of very shhortly affter. you will see lots of talkin about this a couple pages back as revenant and bio hazard helped me trouble shoot. the followin pics show the setup when i tried the first buncha times, then when i moved it back to my desk in the study to see if maybe it was the power soccket not providing power. i tried EVERYTHING



since it was late night at this point i decided its better to sleep. from the previous posts you will see that i did figure out the issue but i will begin with that in day3's writeup

as always you can see the full photo gallery at:
0mega said:
id say just run the gpu to the other gpu, dont split the flow...

ok - well I think those maze4s are intended for higher flow systems anyways... hmmm... I would think hitting the gpus first would be bad also because they get warmer than the cpu...
i dont think they get hotter than the cpus, remember there usually low airflow fans and low profile heatsink, slap on somthing like an xp 90 and yea...
I got to see I guess a preview of what the case looks like since roli is being soooo lazy about posting the pics but its pretty freekin schweet!!

Stop denying these people the viewing pleasure that is the "swiftech kit, pentosin cooled, DD blocked, beauty of a specimen that is the v1000"

The wire management.......*puts roli to the test* ;)
The challenge was issued and my boy stepped the game up.

****Welcome to the Clean Case Club****

hmm....maybe we should start taking applications....;)
g33zy said:
Stop denying these people the viewing pleasure that is the "swiftech kit, pentosin cooled, DD blocked, beauty of a specimen that is the v1000"

The challenge was issued and my boy stepped the game up.

****Welcome to the Clean Case Club****

hmm....maybe we should start taking applications....;)

HAHAHAHAH yea but somme folks like ryuji would automatically get enrolled right? haha, thanks meng for the props.
yeah, ryuji can get pres. since he is one of the few members who's still active in the "rate my cables" thread with an uberclean case...everyone else seems to have just *poofed* :(

I want some status tho since I thought of it :D
i guess g33zy would be the idea person?

case(s) look nice, interesting idea to do a joint worklog.

i should probably try to get my case into the "clean case" category, what with the plexi sidepanel and all... or i could just leave the protective stuff on it so it isn't clear. heh. still there (couple weeks after putting the sidepanel on) cause i haven't gotten around to changing that status :p
i'm invincible!
rogue_jedi said:
i guess g33zy would be the idea person?

case(s) look nice, interesting idea to do a joint worklog.

i should probably try to get my case into the "clean case" category, what with the plexi sidepanel and all... or i could just leave the protective stuff on it so it isn't clear. heh. still there (couple weeks after putting the sidepanel on) cause i haven't gotten around to changing that status :p
i'm invincible!

yea rev n i were plannin on doin it at the same time so you get tons of back to back posts with diff pics, setups and colored fonts heh, but he is on vacation now so pretty much when i will get done he will be starting shortly after that. which is cool too i think, what with our common choices and all the help we gave each otehr on parts purchases and research. but cool cuz of hte major diffs ya know? yea...

as for the club, geezy says he really gonna get it started, i think he is projecct manager or creative director hahaha.
well, as i continue to post please note that i updated the space holder day2 log post so check it out on the previous page.

so from last time i wass having a major problem: computer would not stay on. it auto shutof real quick ddepending on how "cold" the boot was. so this obviously meant as we ddiscovered that the storm was NOT making proper contact with the cpu, hehe wanna see how bad it was? check this:


like DAMN, the frikken AS5 didnt even spread ouut, like it was just haanging over the top of the cpu, the storm that is. this really sucked, so what i ended up doing after reading supn that bio had wrote and knowing that i shouldnt be tightening down these screws too much, i looked at a couple other storm threads to see what their installations looked like. i even tightened the block down more, so much so i CRACKED the retainer braccket around the cpu socket. as soon as that happened and from the pics i saw i realised what happened. i was using the bracket from the xp-90, COMPLETELY forgetting that the stock bracket was back in the box the xp-90 came in. the xp-90 bracket commes with 4 clip towers for the heatsink to clip down into place and those 4 towers were preventing the block from dropping into place properly.
quick fast i grab the stock retenntion bracket

and get back to work

this is my work area of things left to complete. i even loomed the ddr boosters cables too!


at this point the coomputer turned on just fine but the temps in bios were like 71º so i knew i had to get better contact, so i got out my trusty screwdriver and made a few turns on the block, glance back at the bios and watch the temp fall. a couple more turns and i was done at like 35º. yay. a pic of the system at this point burning in with some prime loving

now, i got to workin on the wiring and getting the system setup for final use given that i was
• waiting on the screws from rev
• waiting on the package from perf-pcs with my extra cables, sound matting, card keeper etc.

as i was wiring everything up (andd not taking any pics at all sorry) i first started with getting the back panel setup by runnin the rad fans behind the mobo tray and plugged them daisy chained into the dvd drive molex along with a spllitter at the bottom to plug the pump in too.
neext up was the hdd's. i tried many ways to have them spun around to completely hidde the wiring, but as they could only lock into place by fully sliding backwards into the slots they would essentially block the left side panel from being put back on the case. if i tried to put them in only as mucch as i needed, they they were too easy to slidde aboutt and up and down because of the way they are meant to be mounted. i was pretty sad. onto the next issue of a better way to wire the power to the drives. i searched around andd found somme more sata power connectors and saw that their thumb notches matched perfectly with the ones on the data cables. yay! a break at last! so set those up too.
then i tried to find a way to wire the ddr booster in. as you may or may not know the dddr booster draws its power from the main atx power connector for the mobo and essentially extends it about 6". so i tried to run the fat poweer cable from the psu thru that hdd cage hole i got all the otehr cables thru and up behind the main drive cages, then attach it to the booster cable. the lenght was good, but the space it took up wasnt. i test fitted the back panel, and again, it would not be able to close. the cable was too fat and just not bendable enough. sigh. so no booster for me.

after i recouperate from AGAIN not being able to run my booster i get a slap in the face again. how in hell is this power cable gonna reach the mobo? it obviously cant go around the backside of the case (door wont close, not long enough) so i cconsider puttin it thru the oval hole above the pump and sacrificing the clean look. heartbreaking right? only it would not work either cuz the cable wasnt long enough + it is so stiff it put massive torque preassure on the pump itself. SIGH. then it becomes clear the only way is the hole i had it thru before.... which is currently populated with the res -> pump tube AND the atx12v 4-pin connector. AND i already knnew i cut the holee just basically large enough to fit the head of the connector thru. :confused:
at this piont i decided that it was too much work and risk to attempt to either:
• remove all 20 pins and fit thru then re-pin the connnector
• disassemble the entire loop to fit this connector thru.

so what was the decision? ah yes, fight the cable thru for about 30 mins. mainly what i did to get it done was take the 4-pin cable out, remove the white moulding and squeeze the water tube as flat as possible, all whilst heating up the 20-pinner and squeezing it into an angle that would slide thru. eventually it did and as you can imagine it was hell getting the moulding back on WITH a 5/8" OD tube AND a thick 20-pin power connector filling up the hole. as you can imagine imm sweating like a beast, fingers hurt, and stressed out. cigarette and phone with geezy time. let it be known at this point im suposed to be goin out to a bbq/dinner and giving some folks a ride. heh, im late.

so i step out, light up and open the front deck door to let in the air and breathe easy. what is it i see? the PACKAGE FROM PERFORMANCE PCS!!!!! ha wow, i was pleased to say the least. this meant i could properly finish up everything in the case (except the ram on the gfx card)

^^ there you see the 12v to 7v fan power cable, the sound matting, the ocz leads, card keeper and moulding.

next thing i did was put some matting on the door panels

then after that i quickly put stuff together as it was time to leave, mostly connnecting all the parts, putting moulding on the main cut i made behind the drive cages and zip tieing every goddamn thang! the resulting mess:


and some quick pics of the case for geezy to see aka the resultig beauty:





and from an idea bio hazard gave me:


the concept is to suspend a fan in the drive cage to get airflow runnin over the parts since now there is no xp-90 or exhaust fan and the whole socket mosfet area was raidiating mmassive amounts of heat not to mention the ram. whoa.

well off i was to the bbq and for some clubbin, until next time, the gallery of day3's events:

* next time we get to work cleaning up any wiring issues and finishin up the hdd area *
day 4
well when i got home at liike 9am, i was so happy to see my working machine, so i took some natural mornin light shots, sorry for the blurry shots but i didnt have the tripod and it was some long exposures

and pics of it still priming yay




now what i noticed is the torque on the pump has made it slightly slide n rotate a bit on its padded anchor. hmmm



i guess the only solution would be to drill and screw in the supplied bolts to anchor it properly. i wanted it to stay nice and parrallel with the side of the case but im not sure if it matters. anyhoo thats for a later time, as i will prolly want to hear what you guys suggest with your opinions on the pump and bolting it down.

next thing to do was mount the 120mm fan in the drive bays to create the airflow. now as i measured the space between the dvd drive and floppy, i realised the 120 could not fit in there. oh noes! yet the space was perfect if i mounted it on the edge of the floppyy but that meant it would be clearly visible outside of the drive bays. hmm not cool.
so i decdide to remove the floppy drive.. as i start removing screws i realise the way the front panel and pc speaker wires are wired, they prevent the removal of the outer tray that the floppy drive and mounting tray sits on. sigh. i cannot remove the wires cuz that would mean removing the whole mobo and thats not an option right now.


and a pic of what im sayin with the wires mixed up in the outer tray

so as i look i seee the floppy tray is screwed into the main tray, and then i realise how to get it off without removing the whole tray:


yay, the holes in the drive cage allow me to unscrew the tray withoutt removing the whole assembly. good job lian li v1000!
so then i need to put in the fan and i figure it makes sense to put down a small strip of the foam dampening on the tray for the fan to sit on since it fits almost perfectly in the space created with the floppy out. after some zip ties and one twisty tie:



well, im done! day4 completed, fan is silent, system is wired up great in my opinion and im proud of it. check out the intricate wiring on the back panel and also the loom'n'electrical tape job on the sata cables!


and with the other side panel on:


so alll thats left now is to:
• get the screws from rev on tuesday
• mount the ramsinks
• shave off a bit of the maze corner to fit
• cut a strip of matting to put on the separator panel of the case
and then
• OC the gpu! yay!

as usual the gallery link:
welll there yu have it folks! sorrry it took so long to get the remaining bits of the log.
bio - i set the nb fan to spin slow unless it gets over 50º i think and now when the comp starts it spins up 100% then steps down about 4 times till now its dead silent, but still spiinin a bit and during all this priming n stuff its never gotten that not, at least not as hot as the RAM is. also the mosfet sinks are cool now.

actually the weirdest thing is the only noise i heard is the hum of the fan on the modstream. thats crazy. like the rad fans make a whoooooosh and you cant even hear the fans in the front unless you put your ear right up to them. there is a ton of case vibration where the pump and psu are. yea. dont know what to do with that.

anyhoo until i get the rest of the parts i will just think about what i want to do. at first i was gonna get some replacement parts from abit, specifically the otes ramflow but since i wont be using the booster itss kinda a moot point i think / i was also thinkin about getting one of their northbridge coolers cuz it might be better than my msi cooler + its the same blue as my moset sinks and heashrink on my molex connectors.

im off to eat, sleep and watch movie on this holiday weekend. let me know your thoughts folks.

ps: its been memtesting since overnight and is going great. i got one small error at 15 hours and about 15 mins but none since then and its coming up on 24 hours. im happy with that i tell you. i got a pic of it which i'll post later.
Very nice work. How do you like the MCP655/D5? I'm thinking of selling my eheim 1250 to get one of those depending on the performance of the eheim in my new setup.

Is it quiet?
DarkenReaper57 said:
Very nice work. How do you like the MCP655/D5? I'm thinking of selling my eheim 1250 to get one of those depending on the performance of the eheim in my new setup.

Is it quiet?

yea man its dead quiet and the water moves very fast thru the loop which is great. i can talk about it for a while if yu want but maybe yu can just throw the conncerns at me and i can answer them from my experience with it. i do know what the speed of it is like cuz of the air i got into the loop yesterday when i was moving hte case all around to do the wiring. in bleeding the air out of the loop and mostly the radiator, you would see a bubble fly thru the tube to the storm block at which point it would come outta the storm as a thin foam stream in teh middle of the tube, into the maze and back out swirling. and fast. like if i heard it it was gone, i would have to be watching the tubes to catch one flying past. i might even turn the speed down cuz its so fast so i may save on some noise that way, but im gonna monitor temsp first. right now its cool.

actually right now the only thing i hear is that modstream psu and wow, i need to do supn about that. heh.
You're system is looking real good el rolio. Good to see that you've got the problems worked out and got it up and running. Looks like you also got your additional cooling fan mounted in the drive bat also............. :D
yea bio, im pretty happy wiith it and mostly i think it looks good. yay. now im caught wishing my psu fan wasnt humming so much (and i didnt notice it before).

uhm yea and thanks again for the tip of the fan in the drive bays, it really helps, keeps things cool. as i said the ram is pretty hot but not causing any probs it seems. and really the only prob was me using the wrong socket. its been runnin great since. i guess im waitin on the ram sinks to be installed so i can get something "new" interms of performance, by overclockin the gfx card now that its WC

oh oh oh, need to figure out supn with the reservoir of course aaaand need to figure out what to do about the pump's pllacement.
altec said:
I like that DDR booster. :D

yea sad i cant use it with this build / psu / case...

definately i have found that my bh-5s need more than the 2.85v max this mobo will give me to get over say 212mhz at speed. so it limits my overclock but in the end i guess im runnin less volts to the cpu since its only at 2.5ghz.

but this is the second time ive tried to use the booster with this system, even considered watercooling the ram with the aqua computer ramplex. for that matter bio even told me about the abit site and i was gonna purchase their OTES ramflow for real. but i guess i wont now, UNLESS it is the case that i can get higher with 2.85v and all i do need is some active coolin on the ram. right now: scorchin hot to the touch. thats one thing i hated about the msi. well its the seconnd thing i hated. first was horrendous placement of power and ide and floppy ports, second was the fact that dual channel is right beside each other which essentially means that the heatspreaders are touching and transferring more heat to each other sigh.

how'd you like the log tho altec?
ok so got my screws and was ready to finally finish the major installation by completing the gfx card. the other major task was to bolt the pump down as it kept turning on its base and was realy not stable at all. plus maybe the rubber washers would soften some of the vibration being transferred to the case. so on with the pics!

so basically ryuji informed me i could remove hte pump from its base and be able to drill the holes needed a bit easier, and bolt it down. awesome. i wish it was that easy to get it straight again. one thing i tried was twisiting it back into its parallel position... no go. tried to lift the neoprene pad a bit to assist in turning, no go. eventually i jsut decided to drill the holes. so i put the case on its side and lined up with a flashlight and basically my thumb and put the 2 holes then the bolts in.




once that was done i screwed the pump back into place on its stand and proceeded to remove the gfx card and get ready to do the saving of the maze4 body. of course i didnt want much dust if any at all getting in ma case right?

and the block after i finished dremelling it

this removed the corner that was sticking out, which prevented me from mounting hte block WITH the 6800ultra ramsinks i was planning to use.

this is a funny thing, the reversed image of the nvidia core with logo and type and all was on the bottom of the block. wowow

well, time to mount the ramsinks FINALLY and get the maze4 back on the card in preps to mount it back in the case. goddamn the nvidia cores are pretty. i love looking at it every time i take the blocks off



and then i just took some pics of the card with block mounted to show clearance and stuff cuz when i was planning this i wish i had pics to look at to know if hte barbs would clear the ramsinks etc etc. note this is 6800ULTRA cooling so its even taller than the 6800GT cooling.



after that i decided to just put some more foam matting on the separator panel in the case. i still need to redo some of my zip ties but i'll do that later. also need to pick up some longer white zip ties too. some pics:


well folks thats pretty much it! i gotta put soem cardkeepers on my case to make them not bend so much, especially the vid card; and other than that its been burned in consistently since i finished building it. i plan to take some proper pics of hte case wen its all said and done, but thanks for reading and commenting, hope you enjoyed it as much as i did hahah. water cooling is fun and if i could have done it with no major probs besides missing screws and mounting the rad too close to the case..... then ANYONE CAN! hahah


(more pics later. look out for rev's stuff this coming weekend)
looking good dude...

I don't know if I can venture into that world yet, it looks like more work than I can/want to handle, but your rig is immaculate like the girls ;)

just thought I should tell you that I understood nothing what you were talking about when you were tellling me what you were doing until I saw the pix.
It was like you were speaking an ancient egyptian language that my simple brain could not process :p
g33zy said:
looking good dude...

I don't know if I can venture into that world yet, it looks like more work than I can/want to handle, but your rig is immaculate like the girls ;)

just thought I should tell you that I understood nothing what you were talking about when you were tellling me what you were doing until I saw the pix.
It was like you were speaking an ancient egyptian language that my simple brain could not process :p

Thats why most people just don't read the text, they just go right to the pics. :p
altec said:
Thats why most people just don't read the text, they just go right to the pics. :p

hahaha nah man, he meant when i was tellin him about it on the phone :p hahah

but its true. *im guilty of scanning pics and MAYBE reading the text too. heh. thats why i tried to keep it to one liners with a buncha pics
Roli - nice NICE work there!! I'm gonna get mine started this weekend... can't wait!! can't write much now... but wanted to see how the sink mounting went. Looks you have a 6800Ultra! heh... Hows your card temps now? I'll be interested to see your OC numbers you're able to hit after you "burn in" etc... anyways... more from me, soon!
That really turned out nice.
I must say I am impressed with how nice and clean that set up is.
I only wish my set up was close to looking that nice.
Majin said:
That really turned out nice.
I must say I am impressed with how nice and clean that set up is.
I only wish my set up was close to looking that nice.

why thank you, i wanna hide the pump wires now + wait for revenant to get started on his stuff!
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