Cat WHQL 10.5 Released

You know, I just asked about that on the AMD blog before coming here through my RSS reader. What a bummer. I hate that bug.
Just a heads-up for everyone... They snuck a "Communication Opt-In" with the installer. If you don't want it installed, hit "Custom" during setup.
new feature

ATI Overdrive enhancement – full support for multiple display
ATI Overdrive has been enhanced – delivering full support for over-clocking
functionality on supported ATI Radeon™ HD graphics accelerators connected to
multiple display configurations
new feature

Does this mean my 4850 will not GSOD whenever I enable Overdrive and running multiple monitors?

If the feature was not supported before, why would it even let you enable Overdrive with multiple monitors hooked up in the first place?
This was in the 10.4 set as well. Update drivers much? :D

I was running the 10.x betas instead which didn't have it. (display driver - 8.74 as oposed to the 8.732 these have in the 10.5 package) The only reason that I touched these was because the release notes say that HBR audio is supposedly fixed.'s not. They lie.
2D clock issue with multiple monitors still not fixed... what a surprise.

This won't ever be fixed unless they disable powerplay and have you sitting at 1200/4800 GDDR5. It's a GDDR5 issue, and that is why Nvidia cards don't downclock period with multiple monitors.
Under Multi-GPU configuration with Crossfire™ enabled, setting both "Shaders
Quality" and "Post-Processing Quality" to "Enthusiast" may cause the frame rate to
drop in "Crysis Warhead" DirectX 9 game

Does this exist in DX10 mode as well?

Good to know that it's an issue with the drivers and NOT just that the game requires too much performance, lol
This won't ever be fixed unless they disable powerplay and have you sitting at 1200/4800 GDDR5. It's a GDDR5 issue, and that is why Nvidia cards don't downclock period with multiple monitors.

So, I'm assuming that high bit-rate audio will never be fixed either since it's supposedly a PowerPlay issue also?
"Re-logging into a system after a Remote Desktop connection no longer results in "Catalyst Control Center is not supported..." warning message or the Graphics menu for Catalyst Control Center Advanced view to go missing."

Nice, but has it fixed stuttering and performance in tri-fire and quad-fire configs? Just wondering. I just sold my 5970. Hope that was the right move. I'll be working on my waterclocking system next for both better performance and LESS NOISE. ^_^
ATI Overdrive enhancement – full support for multiple display configurations. ATI Overdrive has been enhanced – Delivering full support for over-clocking functionality on supported ATI Radeon™ HD graphics accelerators connected to multiple display configurations.

So what does this MEAN actually?
I run OC'd E6s in Crossfire in EyeFinity, so what's different?
Nice, but has it fixed stuttering and performance in tri-fire and quad-fire configs? Just wondering. I just sold my 5970. Hope that was the right move. I'll be working on my waterclocking system next for both better performance and LESS NOISE. ^_^

so you trust Nvidia to deliver 3d surround in a timely and well-supported fashion?

I sold my 5850s in preparation for 470 SLI 3d surround. I was sorely disappointed.
So, is it just me or did anything actually happen/change with this release?

Sure some things have changed, but it seems like the changes only affect 2-3% of ATI owners.

I guess I'm just disappointed and thought some MAJOR issues would be corrected. Losing my faith a little in ATI....
Hmm my powerplay clocks seemed to have changed, my memory isn't being downclocked at all and the gpu is only going down to 400mhz, cat 10.4 gpu was 157 mem 300 with powerplay active. Anyone else having powerplay issues before and after from 10.4 -> 10.5?

EDIT: NM, hit defaults on the overdrive panel and that sorted it out, weird no profile is loaded and I swept everything before installing 10.5, working fine now.
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Useless drivers, no performance improvements at all!

So many games out right now that needs performance fixes. What are they doing?!
Useless drivers, no performance improvements at all!

So many games out right now that needs performance fixes. What are they doing?!
Out of curiousity, what exactly is there besides Metro2033?? :confused:
I installed these drivers, and now the max resolution is 1400 X 1050. When my monitor supports 1680 X 1050. Last month's drivers did the same thing, so I can't install anything new :-(
OK so apparently these drivers aren't so bad after all. Turns out if I enable Overdrive the core actually downclocks to 157 instead of 400 like it did before! Still no memory downclock though, must be a GDDR5 issue like dook43 said.

And I can finally overclock without the card doing 157/300 and getting flickering.

P.S.: If I overclock, is it normal for the memory clocks to be at the overclocked speeds even during idle? Say 1100MHz all the time.
I installed these drivers, and now the max resolution is 1400 X 1050. When my monitor supports 1680 X 1050. Last month's drivers did the same thing, so I can't install anything new :-(

Sounds like a monitor driver issue.
The cards still idle at 400/1000 but if you enable Overdrive they idle at 157/1000 and if you overclock there is not flickering anymore (because the clocks don't go down to 157/300).
Still nothing about fixing the mouse corruption issue. I have in some games such as starcraft II and heroes of newerth. I really hate the bug too. The only way to fix it is to restart the computer or go into sleep and back out.
+ 1 Billion, I skipped 10.4 but will definitely be installing for this one.

Same here. I installed them over the 10.3s, worked just fine.

I installed these drivers, and now the max resolution is 1400 X 1050. When my monitor supports 1680 X 1050. Last month's drivers did the same thing, so I can't install anything new :-(

Sounds like a monitor driver issue.

I've been waiting for this fix for YEARS.


Yeah, well, NV is just as fubarred on that front in the past.
Just a heads-up for everyone... They snuck a "Communication Opt-In" with the installer. If you don't want it installed, hit "Custom" during setup.

Funny how you look at things. I thought AMD took the high road allowing you to not install it if you wanted. I don't install anything with it it on autopilot. That is asking for shit to be installed that you don't want for sure.
The cards still idle at 400/1000 but if you enable Overdrive they idle at 157/1000 and if you overclock there is not flickering anymore (because the clocks don't go down to 157/300).
No kidding, I always thought it was the core drop that caused flickering, not the memory. Awesome, will install when I get home from work, thanks!