Cat WHQL 10.5 Released

Well, 10.5 is a no go for me. Back to the same issue I had sense I got these cards back in the 9.10 drivers.

I was running the 10.3 drivers , the only problem I seemed to have was the issue with the cursor would turn into a line of dots. I had taken the advice of others and enabled pointer trails then set them to be short. That fixed that problem. or at least was a good work around. I never downloaded the 10.4 drivers. because I heard a lot of people were getting the flickering issue again . Everything was fine. so i didn't download them .

Then I upgraded to some dell IPS panels with native DP. after doing so. I started getting to where my windows would flicker when I moved them around or would re size or scroll. the exact same issue i had when I was running in extended mode in the 9.10- 9.11 drivers. So I figured it would be a good time to give the 10.4 drivers a try. Maybe that would get rid of the problem . Guess what........... it did. all seemed good

but yesterday. I thought I would try the 10.5 drivers. they should be getting better right.......... wrong! the same issue is back. windows flickering when resizing. scrolling or moving around. so I removed the 10.5 drivers cleaned out with driver sweep. and try again. same thing. flickering windows

remove the 10.5 drivers and reinstall the 10.4 drivers. all better now.

This has got to be the worst experience I've ever had with GPU drivers. It just seems that for every one step forward its two steps back.
Come on ATI these cards have been out for a little while now. Ive had some minor game bugs. most of which I could live with. but these drivers are affecting my windows environment and others are having the same issues. can we get some of these other issues worked out now. Please.... pretty please.

Fixing bugs in the gaming department is cool and all. but what good does that do me if it cripples my OS performance. It's been one Issue after another for me from the get go.

disgruntled Eyefinity/Crossfire user .
but yesterday. I thought I would try the 10.5 drivers. they should be getting better right.......... wrong! the same issue is back. windows flickering when resizing. scrolling or moving around. so I removed the 10.5 drivers cleaned out with driver sweep. and try again. same thing. flickering windows.

Yeah... if you had read the thread you would know that that is because the cards idle at 157/300 which is insufficient for multiple monitors.
Hmmm, I had the first driver issue installing these that I've had in a LONG time. It was installing the drivers and my screen was flickering, but at the end it went off and never came back on. I waited several minutes but the screen still never came back on. I knew my computer wasn't locked up because Numlock, etc still worked. I got on my laptop and used remote desktop to get into my box, where the installer was sitting there "Installation complete". I rebooted and everything was fine. Not sure why my monitor never came back on after the install.
higher idle clocks with a single card, now i have to fiddle with hotkeyed profiles :(
Hmmm, I had the first driver issue installing these that I've had in a LONG time. It was installing the drivers and my screen was flickering, but at the end it went off and never came back on. I waited several minutes but the screen still never came back on. I knew my computer wasn't locked up because Numlock, etc still worked. I got on my laptop and used remote desktop to get into my box, where the installer was sitting there "Installation complete". I rebooted and everything was fine. Not sure why my monitor never came back on after the install.

I just waiting a few minutes until I was sure the installation had completed, pressed enter once (OK), then pressed enter again (reboot now?); system rebooted and came back up just fine.
The point is that there have been fixes and workarounds posted for this and that you apparently can't or won't read them.

Why should a person need to modify, fiddle with,workaround,overclock, flash. on something that is suppose to work out of the box as advertised. same problems from 6 months ago still exist today.
Can someone confirm the idle clock speeds for a 5850? Did they up the clock speeds to make 2d faster?
Why should a person need to modify, fiddle with,workaround,overclock, flash. on something that is suppose to work out of the box as advertised. same problems from 6 months ago still exist today.


Just to point out that it says for 4xxx,3xxx and 2xxx series graphics cards.

Phew! I'm glad my 5850 didn't kill Gary Coleman then!

I always considered news of buggy ATI drivers to be mostly user error or overexaggerated, but if they killed Gary Coleman, I'm tossing out my cards tonight.

As McKie pointed out... You only have to throw out those dang 4xxx, 3xxx and 2xxx Gary Coleman killing cards!
I just installed these and grabbed the new application profiles exe as well, how do you even use this thing? I've just tried running the atiapfxx.exe which gets installed and it just halts as "stopped working" in Win7 x64

Running as admin brings up a console window which dissapears too fast to this updating correctly? Im just wondering if this app will let me update profiles to get GTA IV working correctly in crossfire...
any idea how to update the vga bios? i'd like to get the one that fixes the dp flickering but it wont' let me update says subid mismatch or something. i think the card is giving me all kinds of bsods :(
Yeah I read the notes, but they don't specifically mention 119.88. Also, in previous iterations, they don't list the refresh rates accurately, ie 23 Hz (listed) vs 23.976 Hz (actual).
I just installed AMD's GPU Clock Tool and set max clocks for my card. This fixed my (audio) problems. For all of those with PowerPlay related problems, I'd recommend doing a search and trying out the tool to see if this helps.