Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

I haven't followed CoD in a long time but there were a few things in the trailer that caught my eye. Were you able to deploy a small wall for defense in previous games? Get gloves that allowed you to climb a building?

Those might be SP cut scenes but it would be neat if they were actually playable elements.
I haven't followed CoD in a long time but there were a few things in the trailer that caught my eye. Were you able to deploy a small wall for defense in previous games? Get gloves that allowed you to climb a building?

Those might be SP cut scenes but it would be neat if they were actually playable elements.

The wall is hardly revolutionary. The gloves will likely be an on-rails event if it's not a quick time event outright. The linear nature of COD prevents them from having the type of level design where sticky gloves could be utilized.

Their level design is like a straw folded every few inches. It's that corridor like.

Oh, it's Titanfall, I thought to myself as I passed Microsoft's Tokyo Game Show booth. But, when I did a double-take, I saw it was actually Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. I stopped and watched it for a bit, and eventually got in line to give it a whirl. Never before had I seen game deja-vu more than I did with Advanced Warfare and Titanfall. Even when I eventually got to play the game, I kept waiting for the titans to start dropping.

That said, you can't say that Advanced Warfare doesn't break new ground for the Call of Duty series. While Ghosts did see it dip its toes into future tech, Advanced Warfare is planted firmly in the realm of science fiction. It's a bold statement towards CoD's biggest competitor, Battlefield, which has opted to keep its feet planted in reality for its next installment.

The demo I played featured two game modes - "the team deathmatch one", and a slightly more involved capture-the-flag type mode called "Uplink". Of the two, Uplink was the more entertaining and demanding, thought it makes sense that Activision would set it up that way, so we had a little bit of time to learn the ins and outs of the game in deathmatch.

As for those specific ins and outs. Well. Have you played Titanfall? How about Crysis? Or Halo? If you have, Advanced Warfare will feel pretty comfortable to you. It plays essentially exactly the same as every other CoD game before it, but with elements lifted from other sci-fi shooters. The most obvious one is the Crysis nanosuit - sorry - "exosuit", which allows you to give your character temporary power-ups, such as super speed, stealth, or a shield. You also have a "super jump" from the likes of Halo and Titanfall, that lets you traverse a lot more of the map than you'd usually be able to in a CoD game.

Weapons, as usual, is where Advanced Warfare shines, as there are dozens of weapons with hundreds of different attachment combinations to discover. There's also perks, killstreaks, grenades and exosuit powers to pick and chose, mean that you can customize your character to a pretty great extent. Despite this, most of the cooler sci-fi guns, like the lazer minigun or the railgun, seemed to feel pretty weak, at least in comparison to the run-and-gun shotgun, SMG, or "crazy-man-with-a-knife" builds that have traditionally dominated the CoD leaderboards. Even the exosuit powers seem to feel quite weak in a game where kills are usually decided in fractions of a second.

One thing I do have to hand to this game is that it is smooth as silk. Finally, we're getting a title that is taking full advantage of the Xbox One's guts. It doesn't dip below 60 FPS - even in the most intensive firefights - and looks beautiful. It looks a lot like Titanfall, actually, so much so that I could have sworn the second map we played on was a smaller version of Fracture.

While the game is fun to play, and is a bold departure for the series, in the end it doesn't really do anything that we haven't seen before, and it seems to be derivative of those games that came first, rather than innovative. CoD fans as always will lap it up, but for those looking for something new, you won't find it here. If only they could take the expansive weapon/player customization system from Advanced Warfare and put it into Titanfall, we may actually have one really good game, instead of two mediocre ones.

As I suspected, same repasted shit mashed in with shit from other games. Even when CoD devs try to innovate they are too damn lazy to innovate properly.
Titanfall, Advanced Warfare, any futuristic shooter, keep 'em coming i say, whatever is going to help to get my bf2142 sequel...

I've seen the new trailer for that map with "levolution", don't know the name, but it's next to volcano spewing rocks and stuff all over the map. What i liked about it is that the game had colors in it, i mean real fucking colors not just usual COD brown and gray in 20 different shades. Grass was green and sky was blue. It's more BlackOps like than IW style. Gameplay however, i didn't care about one bit. I'll pay more attention once it's released.
System requirements

Activision has announced the system requirements for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare on PC.

Here are the specs required to play Sledgehammer Games' FPS, which is also releasing for Xbox One, PS4, Xbox 360 and PS3 Nov. 4:

• OS: Windows 7 64-Bit / Windows 8 64-Bit

• Intel® Core 2 Duo E8200 2.66 GHZ / AMD Phenom X3 8750 2.4 GHZ or better Recommended: Intel® Core i5 – 680 @ 3.6GHz

• RAM: 6 GB RAM Recommended: 8 GB RAM

• HDD: 40GB HD space

• NVIDIA GeForce GTX GTS 450 / ATI® Radeon HD 5870 or better Recommended: NVIDIA® GeForce GTX 760 @ 4GB

• Sound: DirectX Compatible Sound Card
Hell I have my Mountain Dew game fuel for points 12 hours of double XP per case of 12 cans of Dew or Doritos =) It's only good for the first month or so =)
I'm not even going to buy the game if I can't get the code to work yeah I'm serious...
I have my Mountain Dew game fuel for points 12 hours of double XP per case of 12 cans of Dew or Doritos =)

some gimmick shit to make the COD crowd rage quit on Doritos and Dew.

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System requirements

Activision has announced the system requirements for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare on PC.

Here are the specs required to play Sledgehammer Games' FPS, which is also releasing for Xbox One, PS4, Xbox 360 and PS3 Nov. 4:

• OS: Windows 7 64-Bit / Windows 8 64-Bit

• Intel® Core 2 Duo E8200 2.66 GHZ / AMD Phenom X3 8750 2.4 GHZ or better Recommended: Intel® Core i5 – 680 @ 3.6GHz

• RAM: 6 GB RAM Recommended: 8 GB RAM

• HDD: 40GB HD space

• NVIDIA GeForce GTX GTS 450 / ATI® Radeon HD 5870 or better Recommended: NVIDIA® GeForce GTX 760 @ 4GB

• Sound: DirectX Compatible Sound Card
Still running on the Quake 3 engine, I see :p. Heavily modified, of course, but Quake 3 nonetheless :eek:.

Who wants to bet they're going to lock out the game again on systems with less than 6GB of memory? I can already hear the wells of thousands of pre-teens whose parents give them systems with only 4GB of memory overflowing with tears :cool:.
Didn't they say they were going to use a whole "new engine" to run this game or was that bullshit? But whatever... still not interested in this game.
It's funny if you check their twitter feed they ignore every PC question and we are 3 weeks away.
I am excited. Loved Titanfall. Can't wait for map changes. Though Titan not dropping is a bummer.
Pre-ordered the 100 buck edition too.
It's funny if you check their twitter feed they ignore every PC question and we are 3 weeks away.

Apparently they haven't even confirmed whether there are dedicated servers for PC....pre-order at your peril.
I get owned in Call of Duty pretty bad either my internet connection lag monitor or my choice of weapon leaves me out.
Getting owned in Call of Duty three times as bad as Battlefield you think your good at Counter Strike or Battlefield be prepared for Call of Duty.
I've been looking for a new COD-type game. Titanfall was fun for a while but I couldn't really get in to it for some reason. If this is good and it has dedicated servers I might pick it up. I'm not playing another COD without dedicated servers though, I don't know whether it's just Australia or the rest of the world is similar but the ping on peer to peer is almost always poor enough to have a large effect on the outcome of firefights. I played the last COD at my friend's place and was wondering why I was getting smashed so badly when I'm typically pretty good at COD, after watching a few killcams I realised they were seeing me a split second before I saw them.

So yeah, not touching another COD unless it has dedicated servers.
quake gameplay.
No levolution.
advanced but the world seems to have frozen shut.
Since I discovered Warface which has better graphics then COD find little reason to play Ghosts which has like Zero population anyway.

The fact that they spend so much money making this game with a outdated engine is crazy but it's for the consoles so go fig.
Comixbooks, reading your posts i can only guess that you're heavily on drugs or have some kind of mental disorder or are a very young kid (or are a very young kind on drugs with a mental disorder).
Seriously, you can't structure any complete sentence correctly, you compare things that simply have nothing to do with each other (in this case: Warframe and COD - two completely different type of games really, the one a third person co-op and the other a FPS) and you go from buying the game to hating it within 3 days without the game even being released.

WTF is wrong with you?
Comixbooks, reading your posts i can only guess that you're heavily on drugs or have some kind of mental disorder or are a very young kid (or are a very young kind on drugs with a mental disorder).
Seriously, you can't structure any complete sentence correctly, you compare things that simply have nothing to do with each other (in this case: Warframe and COD - two completely different type of games really, the one a third person co-op and the other a FPS) and you go from buying the game to hating it within 3 days without the game even being released.

WTF is wrong with you?
I don't know... I gave up trying to understand him a long time ago. I asked him once if English was not his first language and he said it's just the region he grew up in?

In the Destiny thread he said he gave up on the game and sold or traded it, and he keeps posting in it like he is still playing the game...
Didn't they say they were going to use a whole "new engine" to run this game or was that bullshit? But whatever... still not interested in this game.
They said that about Ghosts, too, but it's obvious it was still the same engine. Did you even see how many polygons they put into gun barrels and scopes? :rolleyes:
Comixbooks, reading your posts i can only guess that you're heavily on drugs or have some kind of mental disorder or are a very young kid (or are a very young kind on drugs with a mental disorder).
Seriously, you can't structure any complete sentence correctly, you compare things that simply have nothing to do with each other (in this case: Warframe and COD - two completely different type of games really, the one a third person co-op and the other a FPS) and you go from buying the game to hating it within 3 days without the game even being released.

WTF is wrong with you?

Don't mess me with illiterate =) I write but don't write typical prose
Sorry if you are foreign =(
Apparently they haven't even confirmed whether there are dedicated servers for PC....pre-order at your peril.

Even better they did a google hangout today with all the top questions related to the PC and they ignored all of them.
Oh how I miss the days of ol, the glorious PC call of duty 1 & consolized forever.
I watched some Multiplayer videos of some so called Pro sniper camping behind his sniper rifle.....

This game isn't anything special you might get a good buzz for the first few weeks but then you have guys camping behind shit and taking pot shots calling themselves a gaming god at 16 years old.
I didn't see what the HATE was for this series but compared to Battlefield 4 it's nothing special. Considering I couldn't even find a game in GHOSTS after the first 6 months in Domination Capture the Flag mode no thanks.
Oh and I bought a case of Mountain Dew for nothing Dew and Doritos site is broken.
With COD on PC, you better Prestige the first week, because after that, the population drops like a rock lol. :rolleyes:
With COD on PC, you better Prestige the first week, because after that, the population drops like a rock lol. :rolleyes:

Probably because most PC gamers realize the series is terrible and their hasn't been a good game since COD4 almost 7 years ago when Bush was still in office. How anyone still buys this garbage is mind boggling to me.
I doubt I'll like this game since I hate bunny hoppers. Having exo suits will enable extreme bunny hopping. On the other hand I liked the grapple hook in Quake 2 so I'll reserve judgement until I try the game.
If I can disable the exo suit on my server I won't care.
The deal breaker for me will be if they don't have AI players and don't let you host on your own PC.

I like the fact that you can run Ghosts on you own PC with AI players to fill the field. No lag, no hackers and no leveling up required.
I'll wait for reviews, likely upgrading my PC for this title... looking to put in about 14 hours a week into this one, looked through the titles out and this is worth the wait... hopefully... last few CODs sucked. Ghosts was recycled garbage.