Budget Cuts is out


Dec 5, 2007

It's out now. If you enjoyed the demo then you'll feel right at home. I only played about 80 minutes and overall I like it. Though in one spot I had to actually get down on my knees to proceed because the ceiling was lower than I could just bend over, which I really didn't like (my knees aren't happy kneeling without a pad of some type or it hurts). The teleportation aspect is definitely feeling a bit dated though. I know it is integral to the way the game was designed, but I would really have liked to be able to use some kind of locomotion option also for just like navigating around a room because the teleportation feels slow.
I bought this, haven't played it yet as it's been hot here and VR + heat = suck.

I heard it was pretty buggy, which is unfortunate. I really liked the demo when I played it way back when.
Can't blame you there. Summer is starting and I am feeling the #1 enemy of VR also lol. I haven't touched VR since I gave BC a short try. FWIW I didn't run into any bugs when I played it last but I really didn't spend a lot of time.
I played around in this a bit. So far, not too bad...a little bland gameplay-wise though. Basically it's sneak around, search for a keycard, go up an elevator, sneak around some more...etc. Not a whole lot of story or really any sort of compelling characters.

Haven't encountered any bugs so far, but I'm not terribly far in, either. It does seem pretty polished overall. I'm not a huge fan of the areas where you have to be crouched down constantly to be able to teleport to them (mostly up in the ceiling/in vents).

As for heat...it was cooler this last weekend so I got some VR in. Also, I got a replacement Vive n' Chill (first one had crazy vibration and noise) and it does surprisingly do quite a bit of work.