BRINK - Quakecon showstealer.

Master Blaster

Nov 23, 2006
Not much talk about BRINK, but I have a feeling that is going to change once it is closer to drop date. This game looks nuts, as it was a hit at Quakecon. It's running idTech4 (DOOM3) with an upgrade renderer and other mods. This will be a day one pickup for me on the PC. Splash Damage is rockin' and rollin' with this game!

Watch the vids and enjoy!
When I saw the trailer I wasn't really interested. That SMART system looks pretty neat. It's like if Team Fortress 2 and Mirror's Edge made a baby. I'll keep an eye on this, but I'm not sure if I really dig the aesthetic and theirs already so much on my radar.
wasnt on my radar at all, but that definitely looks interesting.
The actual game doesn't look interesting to me, but I'm definitely interested in seeing that type of control developed more and implemented into other game genres.
Well I've been a fan of Splash Damage since W:ET, and they did go out of their way to make QW:ET a good game (shame too late though) - So with Bethesda (aswell as) in the dev side of things; I can only think of good things about this game..

Then after release (6 months?) J.C. will open source idTech4.
Anyone else click this expecting it to be a game based on that Disney channel skating movie? I'm a bit disappointed. :p

I did think of that movie when I saw the thread title. :)

I have an urge to see that movie again, if only to revisit my childhood. I remember liking it way back then. (seems like forever ago)

...I'm definitely interested in seeing that type of control developed more and implemented into other game genres.

I agree with you 100%. I've always felt limited in video games because the movement never felt natural. I realize the games aren't necessarily supposed to be real-life simulators, but I want games to let me do more than I can do in real life, and not feel like I'm limited by game rules/programming limitations. (Not really relevant to movement, but I hated how in Pokemon I had the Fly ability/HM yet fences and small rocks would defeat me.)
The actual game doesn't look interesting to me, but I'm definitely interested in seeing that type of control developed more and implemented into other game genres.

Yeah, I agree. The environment interaction system they have looks really nice, hopefully it's implemented in other games, but other than that it looks like a plain shooter. Haven't read up on it much though so I could be wrong. And for the sake of those looking forward to it, I hope I'm wrong. :D
The the hell is everyone trying to copy TF2's art style/character models?
The the hell is everyone trying to copy TF2's art style/character models?

I'm getting more of a Borderlands vibe from the game. The game looks pretty cool, but I hope between now and release they decide to add recoil :p
first in a long time I've been even mildly interested in any up and coming mp shooters. love the modeling style and their concept of class-based mp, I'm totally convinced. just hope it doesn't turn out to be like borderlands, where they claim to be somehow different, then procedurally generate a thousand slightly different iterations of the same 5 things.

most interesting part is the idea of an "ai squad commander" creating objectives in the field, at first it might sound like a bit of hand-holding, but it could go a long way in solving a major problem of this genre if they do it right. basically every shooter like this is doomed by either a bunch of samey classes that really couldn't matter to the gameplay, or tough reliance on fail players doing their part to make or break the win.

and what do people do in this case, go into the game thinking "I want to play x class and do my own thing, because I want to have fun and I don't care if we lose, winning is not fun to me, only my score matters." totally wrecks the experience, when class based team games devolve into simple deathmatch. if they can manage to motivate random players into real co-op gameplay with this, it will be something new.
Looks good visually and aesthetically. The UI design is cool too, but I'm not a fan of the action hero dive mechanic I'm seeing in this and MW:BW3WO, or the expend-a-whole-magazine-to-kill-an-enemy gunplay.

The the hell is everyone trying to copy TF2's art style/character models?

Did you ask why Valve stole Pixar's art style from The Incredibles?
most interesting part is the idea of an "ai squad commander" creating objectives in the field, at first it might sound like a bit of hand-holding, but it could go a long way in solving a major problem of this genre if they do it right. basically every shooter like this is doomed by either a bunch of samey classes that really couldn't matter to the gameplay, or tough reliance on fail players doing their part to make or break the win.

I loved the team aspect in W:ET. Each class had a role to play, and if you didn't do your job, it was hard to win. So yeah, sometimes it sucked hardcore, when people were just doing their own thing and not working towards the goal. But when most of the people were trying, it was awesome fun!

I almost exclusively played medics, and quite often got in game compliments, because i was doing the job a medic is supposed to be doing. I.E. rezzing and healing. Shooting, not so much.
Looks good visually and aesthetically. The UI design is cool too, but I'm not a fan of the action hero dive mechanic I'm seeing in this and MW:BW3WO, or the expend-a-whole-magazine-to-kill-an-enemy gunplay.

Did you ask why Valve stole Pixar's art style from The Incredibles?

Haha! Touche!
doesnt look like TF2 to me at all? I see one guy with a hat, thats about it...

No, it looks like Borderlands. It's got that saturated, semi-cartoonish look to the character and weapon models. It's a bit more on the realistic side, but it reminds me of Borderlands.
I have been pretty disappointed in this game since I first heard about it a while back.

The SMART system should be renamed DUMB, because it's really the next step in dumbing down games for the masses. Press 1 button and get to where you're going? I'd rather have MORE interaction and immersion in games, not less. I'd rather see work toward advancing play mechanics to the point there are comfortable and effective ways to do the slides, jumps, climbs etc. of the SMART system, but without simply pressing one button and letting the game automate the entire process.

But who knows, maybe it plays much better than it looks to me.
Definitely something that wasn't on my radar until recently but any time you have co-op as a central focus of your game, and the gameplay looks as unique/interesting as this... well, that release date can't come soon enough now.
FranklyShankly said:
I have been pretty disappointed in this game since I first heard about it a while back.

The SMART system should be renamed DUMB, because it's really the next step in dumbing down games for the masses. Press 1 button and get to where you're going? I'd rather have MORE interaction and immersion in games, not less. I'd rather see work toward advancing play mechanics to the point there are comfortable and effective ways to do the slides, jumps, climbs etc. of the SMART system, but without simply pressing one button and letting the game automate the entire process.

But who knows, maybe it plays much better than it looks to me.

From what I read reading from the link posted above you, you can do stuff manually and combine it with the SMART system to pull off more advanced stuff and/or do something faster then the person who just holds down the SMART button. Either way the SMART system does make the game more interactive than your average game. Would you perfer to have something that looks passable/interactable but really isnt like 99% of all games out there. Ill take 1 button to interact with the environment in multiple ways over being forced go around some stupid barrier any day.
No, it looks like Borderlands. It's got that saturated, semi-cartoonish look to the character and weapon models. It's a bit more on the realistic side, but it reminds me of Borderlands.

No TF2 obviously invented the art style. :rolleyes: