Blizzard's Heroes of the Storm beta.

What this starter bundle? All I can find is the founder pack.

I haven't logged into game this weekend but you have to enter the game and search the bundles in the shop there, hopefully that starter bundle for 5 bucks is still on sale.
ive got a bunch to 5, a few to higher. i like that i can play an hour and go. yes, seems to be plenty of idiots.. but, having fun anyway. I like E.T.C. the best so far..
I haven't logged into game this weekend but you have to enter the game and search the bundles in the shop there, hopefully that starter bundle for 5 bucks is still on sale.

Last I checked, it is. It gives access to Raynor, Malfurion, and Muradin plus an Armored Horse mount, all for around $5 - likely the best deal around! Oh, and some of the time-limited bundles (Harlequin Nazeebo , Love is in the Air Anubarack,and all the Lunar Festival ones) are on sale up until they leave the store today, so go quick if you're interested!
Is there going to be another reset or anything?

Blizzard had said (paraphrasing) that they want to avoid any more resets before release, but the game is still a beta, so it's still a possibility if they have to.

That being said,I think I remember people who said they bought stuff in alpha and were reset, blizzard just refunded the money to their bnet account

Also over the weekend I played a shit load (went from level 7 to 20), just trying to get the f2p chars up to 5. I found it that I dint like playing support very much. Also, arthas blows. My favorites right now are muradin, raynor, valla and nazeebo. I still die way too much, I really need to get the hang of escaping and not over extending
Blizzard had said (paraphrasing) that they want to avoid any more resets before release, but the game is still a beta, so it's still a possibility if they have to.

That being said,I think I remember people who said they bought stuff in alpha and were reset, blizzard just refunded the money to their bnet account

Also over the weekend I played a shit load (went from level 7 to 20), just trying to get the f2p chars up to 5. I found it that I dint like playing support very much. Also, arthas blows. My favorites right now are muradin, raynor, valla and nazeebo. I still die way too much, I really need to get the hang of escaping and not over extending

Arthas blows? Are you kidding? hes one of the highest sustain warriors in the game. I finally got into Beta, level 16 currently. My favorites so far are probably Nova and maybe Zeratul. Im not a fan of Raynor at all, and Nazeebo...i just dont understand. Whenever im playing against a nazeebo their big voodoo doll whatever its called in this game does a f**kton of damage, when i play nazeebo and use doesnt even tickle the enemy
Nazeebo is one of the stronger mage types I've found- mainly because he has powerful DOTs that aren't easily canceled or avoided. For instance, the spiders - they're "fire and forget", track towards enemies, can't be targeted, and do significant damage. Toads can be specked to grow larger and do more damage with each hop and/or blow up and release spiders when they die! His basic attack poisons the enemy and if a poisoned enemy dies, Nazeebo regens some health! His Zombies can basically immobilize an enemy and do DOT, plus give towers and whatnot lots of additional targets - if you want, you can spec them to entrap for longer or get up and walk around attacking! His two ultimates are strong as well, one summons the monstrosity which is more tanky but still does a lot of damage, the other is basically a "cloud AOE" type. Not to mention, he can also pick talents to focus on destroying towers!

When it comes to playing Nazeebo, I'm no expert, but I've found that its good to combo his attacks when using his Monstrosity Ult - that is to say, get a hero in a ring of Zombies, then Ult (the summon itself does damage where he appears), and follow up with spiders/toads... the Ult's stun will keep enemies from fleeing and open them up to more damage. Overall, he's one of the better specialists I've found, but you need to play smart because enemies are going to target him first and he's squishy as hell. However, the "fire and forget" notion of many of his abilities means that even a player without a ton of skill can do well with him, and those who are well versed are even better!
Arthas blows? Are you kidding? hes one of the highest sustain warriors in the game.

Hes just too slow. Ranged eats your lunch and you'll never catch up. The freeze blast stun only lasts long enough for you to walk up to them then they're gone again. I find my self using q for self heal more than anything, and even then its just a trickle, not enough for me to get a kill in with. I dunno maybe I just suck at his play style
My favorites are Jaina, Thrall, Rehgar and Illidan. Zeratul is nice but I don't like sitting and waiting to the perfect moment to open up and kill someone. Most characters I can catch 1 on 1 with Illidan and they are dead.
while I spent most time in wow this weekend, I did play a fair amount too, and started a malfurian. I liked that toon.. I was better at healing with him, than I was with lil. I would look for a melee and follow em.

E.T.C. is fun as well. is fun as well.
Didn't want to create my own thread. But I've been really enjoying this game so far. I've reached level 19 playing quick matches and its been generally really fun.

What I really hate is how people treat this game like its League or DoTA. You have to do the map objectives to win (camps, bosses) etc. Yet people just think if they stay in their lane all game they can win.

Favourite to use so far is Valla. Most newb players I see use Nova and are more of an annoyance than anything.. generally really bad players overall who use her (contributes nothing to the team).
Valla is used by a lot of newbies because she's one of the cheapest assasins and rated among the best in higher level play.

I personally switched my game style to support because I often got thrown into quick matches with awuful team compositions, being support I can give the team the edge if the other team doesn't have one, that of course doesn't counter the brain dead players you sometimes get, but i can say I win more than I lose, I could go on long losing streaks as assasin or specialist but they are rare when I play LiLi or Brightwing
Valla is used by a lot of newbies because she's one of the cheapest assasins and rated among the best in higher level play.

I personally switched my game style to support because I often got thrown into quick matches with awuful team compositions, being support I can give the team the edge if the other team doesn't have one, that of course doesn't counter the brain dead players you sometimes get, but i can say I win more than I lose, I could go on long losing streaks as assasin or specialist but they are rare when I play LiLi or Brightwing

Yeah, my specific build for Valla is pretty unconventional (from what I've seen in my quick matches Valla vs. Valla). I'm made to do some quick single target burns, while having really good survivability. I do opt to get the stun as it is infinitely superior to that aoe shot.

Uther is also a pretty fun hero to play with. Sonya I feel has some weird delay to her chain, sometimes it doesnt go to where you click it.
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Release date announced for June 2nd, open beta by May 19th, too soon IMO, there's a lot of backend work needed, reconnect issues, matchmaking woes, a ton of bugs, I guess they want to rush to release by summer break to get a large influx of players hooked
Release date announced for June 2nd, open beta by May 19th, too soon IMO, there's a lot of backend work needed, reconnect issues, matchmaking woes, a ton of bugs, I guess they want to rush to release by summer break to get a large influx of players hooked

This was my problem with the game, which honestly surprised me. Blizzard games always have very high production value, but this game seemed just, idk.. not smooth.
how many ppl received a phishing whisper in game, I got one last night and I was like lol, yea a .cn website, that looks totally legit... Anyway I've saved around 7k gold now, is how is Illidan, any one knows?
If anyone wants beta keys to get in before it goes open you can PM me. Realized I had a few.
Downloaded the game last night. Not bad. Any pointers? Looks like I have to buy a starter package for $5 or the other for $40? The characters I have are "temporary" I take it?
Downloaded the game last night. Not bad. Any pointers? Looks like I have to buy a starter package for $5 or the other for $40? The characters I have are "temporary" I take it?

Every Tuesday they offer 7 different heroes to play for free. You'll have access to these heroes for the entire week. I'd recommend spending time to level up each of these heroes to level 5. This will provide you with greater game knowledge and maximize your gold gain.

Purchasing any packs or heroes with actual money is not necessary. It really depends on your willingness to play the free heroes while you acquire gold via leveing and completing the daily quest. Given enough time you can build your roster up by purchasing heroes you enjoy playing with gold.

Yeah, I tried to get as many of the rotation heroes to 5 as I could each week. It helps you learn their abilities so that you can play against them, and also get better with the various roles. I think I had close to 35k gold before I actually bought my first hero, simply because I was busy leveling everything else.

Some of the best heroes in the game - ETC, Valla and LiLi are a measly 2k, and would be my first suggestions to start with. I did buy the starter pack for $5, but I rarely play any of those three these days.
Thanks for the tip. Saved me some cash
wonder billy is worth $5, imo

unicorn mount (along with everything else) was worth $40 to me :)
also, you'll need to unlock 10 heroes before you can play in hero league. the nexxus pack is a damn good I've seen anyway.
I still have 4 keys if anyone is interested. I'm not sure when they expire (or if they have). PM me if interested & add me on if you haven't already. Info in sig.

I've rarely played HotS, so please don't be disappointed if don't see me on at all.
Was enjoying the game. Game was running buttery smooth on my 4k. Patch came out yesterday now I get a split second lag every 5 seconds or so. Had to turn it off. I guess it's been an on going issue for a long time.... Very disappointed
Was enjoying the game. Game was running buttery smooth on my 4k. Patch came out yesterday now I get a split second lag every 5 seconds or so. Had to turn it off. I guess it's been an on going issue for a long time.... Very disappointed

Yeah it was smooth in the beginning but lately the patches have been making the FPS dips and stutter much worse. I started noticing it about a month ago.
Kinda bummed it can't run full 3440x1440. And yeah.. stuttering, not exactly a graphically intensive game either.
Had my toon parked at the respawn spot. And I was watching a "npc" (dude swinging a hammer) and every 5 seconds or so he could lag or stutter. Always right on key. It's much more noticeable riding a mount. Thought it may be my internet but I'm 10ms ping 55mbps up 5 down. Thought it may be sound, video. Changes to those didn't help. Their game is broken :(
During closed beta it was really smooth and everything ran great. I think recently with the new patches rolling out and them gearing up for release Blizz updated artwork, menus and frame designs it is causing a lot of the lagging and other errors. Like currently I don't have access to my mounts during hero mode and stuff. With release so close I wonder if they are going to be able to smooth everything out.
Game officially releases tomorrow, im curious to see how much traction in gets in the wake of dota and lol, it has alot of unique elements and is a bit more "casual" in many ways so it might take off
Game officially releases tomorrow, im curious to see how much traction in gets in the wake of dota and lol, it has alot of unique elements and is a bit more "casual" in many ways so it might take off

I like Dota but god damn HOTS is just addicting fun doing dailies and gaining gold. The matches are quick and it's easy to turn off your brain. I have no doubts this game is going to take off.
Have they made improvements to the production value of the game? I tried it a few months ago and it just didn't feel as 'smooth' as LoL.
Played my first 5 matches last night and had a lot of fun. Didn't see any network or graphical glitches during my playing time and the game seems quite polished to me.

Got Stitches nearly up to level 5 and got a good feel for making picks and establishing good positioning. Only won 1 of the 5 matches though since if your team members don't know (or don't care) about the objectives you're going to get stomped. Personally I prefer the direct player-vs-player combat and find it less exciting to lose to a big golem smashing our core, but that just emphasizes the team-based nature of the game (gotta get them objectives).

Can't wait to play with a couple of buddies since so far I've only played on teams where there's no communication.
I never got into DOTA. I found there were too many variables that annoyed me, and my friends started when it popped up and I was so far behind I never gave it a solid attempt because I felt like I knew so little and they knew so much when it came to the characters, best items for those characters, best lanes to take with who etc etc the list goes on.

I do like the Blizzard characters and I am considering giving this a try, is it hard for someone not familiar with Dota/HoN, etc. I'm basically a MOBA newb.
I never got into DOTA. I found there were too many variables that annoyed me, and my friends started when it popped up and I was so far behind I never gave it a solid attempt because I felt like I knew so little and they knew so much when it came to the characters, best items for those characters, best lanes to take with who etc etc the list goes on.

I do like the Blizzard characters and I am considering giving this a try, is it hard for someone not familiar with Dota/HoN, etc. I'm basically a MOBA newb.

HOTS is the most newb friendly MOBA around. If you've played any other MOBA you are already 2 steps ahead in this game.
HOTS is the most newb friendly MOBA around. If you've played any other MOBA you are already 2 steps ahead in this game.

Yup. One thing to note with HotS though is that everyone be SURE to do the objectives. The objectives are the most important facet of the game. Timing is key to doing those as well.
Yup. One thing to note with HotS though is that everyone be SURE to do the objectives. The objectives are the most important facet of the game. Timing is key to doing those as well.

not always true, if an objective is lost and the other team outlevels you going into them and dying multiple times trying to get an objective isnt the best use of your time, in fact its more detrimental than staying away from an objective and taking every merc camp you can and pushing lanes for exp to catch back up