Black Ops Dedicated Servers Come With a Catch


Limp Gawd
May 3, 2010
Were you hoping to run your own CoD: Black Ops server? Well, has an exclusive deal worked out with Activision. All servers will be run through them.
"If players want to run a dedicated Ranked or Unranked server on the PC, they will have to rent one through GameServers," Olin told IGN.
Oh, so just like BF:BC2.

Lame. Guess this is another one we wont play at lans.
Oh, so just like BF:BC2.

Lame. Guess this is another one we wont play at lans.

Even worse; You don't even get a choice among companies anymore. If their servers blow you can't even go to another provider. They have no incentive to make them quality either. Lame.
Kind of defeats the point of dedicated servers if you ask me. Not that I was going to buy the game anyways, but this is just another reason.
Activision seems to be ruining the computer gaming industry. It seems they have killed many good gaming companies by crippling the end users use of the games.
Because they wouldn't want to provide a good experience so Activision uses them again in the future.

While true, a good experience for the customer and a good experience for Activision are two separate things.

Acti: "we had X% of complaints about faulty hardware and lalala..."
Gameservers: "We'll lower the price for you by X%!"
Acti: "Okay!"

Activision announces increased profits through increased customer quality.
I won't be buying BO because of this. It's a shame, really, because it was starting to look like what MW2 should have been (with mod tools).

Honestly, although I can't say I really like DICE's implementation, I don't have much of a problem with it either. They've got several authorized GSPs in many countries, and competition is always good. In addition, from what I understand, DICE doesn't make a single cent off their authorized GSP system - they do it for other reasons (to combat piracy). What I like about DICE's system, however, is that GSPs have to compete on both quality and price, and GameServers does neither of those well.

Every single BC2 server I've played on that's been hosted by GameServers has been utter shit. Just constant rubberbanding. My old clan actually had two 32 player servers in LA from both GS and MyIS. The GS one was constantly lagging, and users were complaining about that. The MyIS one - well, not a single complaint we saw in the chat logs, and we didn't notice anything. We got rid of the GS one. Not only that, but the MyIS one was even cheaper - $25 per month vs. somewhere around $40 for the GS one (though price wasn't much of a factor in the decision).

Whenever I play on a BC2 server that rubberbands like a bitch, I always ask who it's hosted by. Most of the time, the answer to that is GameServers.

I should add that these complaints would still stand no matter what GSP they were partnering with, whether it was MyIS or NFO or anyone else. The fact that they're partnering with what I consider the worst GSP in the industry is just the icing on the cake.
Oh, so just like BF:BC2.

Lame. Guess this is another one we wont play at lans.

We don't know that for sure, there could still be a iwnet like add on that would solve the lan issue. LAN play really isn't that important, and only a few of us care about it.

All this to control the DLC cash cow, or stopped cracked servers? This means there will most likely be no redirect for fast download, so all the mod tools talk is probably BS. If the servers can download then the map packs can't be protected.
You thought they understood you? Lol.

This is turning into a circle jerk of corporate business at the cost of the end-user.
lol, it won't be long before parts of the game logic and art are only streamable from a remote server :p
It's not a dedicated server if I can't run it on a dedicated server try again.

That is shared hosting, not dedicated.
It's not a dedicated server if I can't run it on a dedicated server try again.

That is shared hosting, not dedicated.

Yeah, it's like they don't understand why people run dedicated servers at all. Hint: It isn't to be forced to pay a company $15 a month to host it for you and not be allowed to do what you want with it.
Very uncool Activision!

Part of your success was because people were able to develop a community, taking a collective control freak dump on the LAN community is not going to win you fans!
Oceanic sales probably just dropped alot, the whole point of dedicated servers is that an ISP in NZ or AUS can host games, which gives us usually a <100 ping, not the 500~ which we usually get to US servers

This is good no. When profits take a dive who are they going to blame the Pirates.Can't wait to see whom they blame their loss of revenue on.:D
This is good no. When profits take a dive who are they going to blame the Pirates.Can't wait to see whom they blame their loss of revenue on.:D

Well, on the PS3, they were blaming it on the used games market now... so i guess thats the next target.
I was skeptical and held out on MW2 like most people in the forums said they were going to do. However, I did end up buying it on sale and love the game. The matchmaking system is ABSOLUTELY horrible though. Hackers and teamkillers have been running rampant lately it seems, and I like the new ideas in Black Ops. I will be buying the game since they did listen to some of the complaints of MW2.
GameServers recently upgraded all of their servers in anticipation of this, though, so it might not be all that horrible.
GameServers recently upgraded all of their servers in anticipation of this, though, so it might not be all that horrible.

You are missing the point. Why should I have to pay to rent a dedicated server when I already have a very nice piece of hardware colocated at a good datacenter for that exact purpose?

Not to mention the fact that this means there will be no mods or custom content for multiplayer. Or maybe I just want to have a LAN party and I don't have enough bandwidth in my house for 14 people to join a remote server, or I don't have internet access at all because we rented out a room at a local meeting hall.
Sure it sucks you can't host your own dedicated server, but it's not like we haven't seen this before.

As for your other points, I'm not sure what you're talking about because mod tools and LAN will be available.
First day sale thanks to the return of Dedi's and modtools has now become wait and see.

Now I'm wondering if they are going to give us mapping tools, or charge for community made maps. Put that together with the lag I expect from GameServers, and basically everything I loved about Cod is gone.
It all went downhill when they abandoned the WAW concept and abandoned nazi zombie and the whole community mod idea. THAT was forward progress for the franchise. It was like after that a massive 180 took place and they've been doing their best to kill the goose.

Expanding on the user zombie mod idea and branching out to other play types and a more complete editor would have been the next logical step. But did they? NO.
I was stoked when MW came out. I played the everliving piss out of it. MW2, after I found out all the crap that IW and Activision pulled, I promptly reallocated my reserve to Forza 3. I've parted my PC since I haven't played a PC game on it in 8 months. I bought a Mac to do all my email and eBay crap.

Gentlemen, console first is the way of the future, and we can see it going there now, with Activision being complete and utter Nazis (pun intended) to the whole PC gaming community. Before long the PC gaming community won't have a leg to stand on, other than WoW and Korea's use of Starcraft as a National Pastime.
I have a sour taste in my mouth after using Game Servers for my Vent server. Over the course of time the server just kept disconnecting people out to the entire server at times. It wouldn't always let you in and there was always high pings. The last week I had it was just bad, barely could just about stay on it. Tried resovling it with their CS team and they blamed on the location of where people were logging in from. Server was in NYC and everyone was from the NE (mostly MA and PA). That was enough and I switched over to Type Frag. I haven't looked back since, beat Game Servers on price and it was up 100% of the time.
why exactly is this bad? Just cause you cant choose your provider?
why exactly is this bad? Just cause you cant choose your provider?

If you ever had to pay them you would see why people are against it. Years ago before I started my own GSP we used ClanServers for our AA Division. It was good until they bought and started using their equipment The server was so bad I started my own company. I got tiered of not being able to play on it. We had a free Vent but chose to rent from someone else because it lagged as bad as the game server.

As for them updating servers I sure hope they have because they will be jamming the games on them now. At $0.83/slot that does not leave much room for profit.
What about players who live in a country where gameservers dont rent/host servers? Such as Singapore or most of south east asia..... not a big mkt i know... :D or do we just get stuck with a high ping.
Already picked up an 18 man ranked for the guys.

If it works good well get a couple more and be some happy CoD playin Mofos:D.

If it sucks...CoD will have taken yet another large step into the PC grave. It already has for some people with MW2 and the announcement of one server provider for Black Ops.

We're keeping our hopes up this time unlike Modernwarfail2.
At the rate they are cranking out CoD games they would rather not spend the money on getting it right.
I think I would be fine with ranked servers requiring rentals. However unranked servers should be available for anyone.
What about players who live in a country where gameservers dont rent/host servers? Such as Singapore or most of south east asia..... not a big mkt i know... :D or do we just get stuck with a high ping.

To put it're fucked. Either hack up your own server or move.