Best Space Game ?

But it is star control 2, a functioning port of the 3D0 version. Didn't someone lose the source code to the PC version?

Ur Quan Masters

The purpose of it was to continue the Saga from SC2, forgetting all the SC3 stuff, and to tell the story from the Urquan side of things. The first part of that was porting over the original SC2 to be playable and then creating new content. There were a number of trials in this, and yes some source code was corrupted and some was just missing. It was part of the reason they never finished since most of the people were working on it in their spare time.
The purpose of it was to continue the Saga from SC2, forgetting all the SC3 stuff, and to tell the story from the Urquan side of things. The first part of that was porting over the original SC2 to be playable and then creating new content. There were a number of trials in this, and yes some source code was corrupted and some was just missing. It was part of the reason they never finished since most of the people were working on it in their spare time.

The fate of most fan projects. SC3 was a tragedy.
SC2 Melee on the 3D0 was SUCH a gem....

So many hours played at my rich buddies house as a young grub heh
The fate of most fan projects. SC3 was a tragedy.

I didn't completely hate SC3, but it was not designed by the same team, it was a completely independent project by Activision. The new Star Control Origins is going back to the roots and the old lore.
I didn't completely hate SC3, but it was not designed by the same team, it was a completely independent project by Activision. The new Star Control Origins is going back to the roots and the old lore.

It was kinda like Mass effect Andromeda. More of the gameplay, but in a direct to DVD quality.
Wow, that's pretty in depth considering the time it came out. I owned a Genesis for years. Shame I never ran across this.

I used to have notebook with all of the coordinates & other cool findings written down. You couldn't get to the end game w/o figuring where certain star systems were. I absolutely loved it.
I used to have notebook with all of the coordinates & other cool findings written down. You couldn't get to the end game w/o figuring where certain star systems were. I absolutely loved it.

I had it on PC, it had a copy protection in the form of a cardboard wheel. Was it the same for the Sega?
I had it on PC, it had a copy protection in the form of a cardboard wheel. Was it the same for the Sega?

I can't recall anything as such with the game. Ever play Starflight 2? I'm wondering if I should hunt that down & play it.
I can't recall anything as such with the game. Ever play Starflight 2? I'm wondering if I should hunt that down & play it.

I did, honestly it was so long ago they kinda blend together. Starflight 2 was more of the same, but with less of a time limit from what I remember.

If you failed the copy protection, space police would track you down, give you one more chance, then blow you away.
I did, honestly it was so long ago they kinda blend together. Starflight 2 was more of the same, but with less of a time limit from what I remember.

If you failed the copy protection, space police would track you down, give you one more chance, then blow you away.

Ha, that's actually a pretty cool feature, but current DRM is nowhere close to fun. I wouldn't mind more of the same since it's probably 20 years since I played the first.
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I'm honestly amazed to see any NMS recommendations. Have they ever bothered to fix/refine the (IMO at least) extremely clunky and non-intuitive menus and interfaces?

Me too. I got bored of that game super fast and I would barely call it a "space" game. Other than flying around you barely do anything else in space in the game, it's 95% about the FPS aspect.
Me too. I got bored of that game super fast and I would barely call it a "space" game. Other than flying around you barely do anything else in space in the game, it's 95% about the FPS aspect.

I booted it up because of the recommendations here and got board in 15min, nothing has changed, it's the same crappy grind it always was.
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I booted it up because of the recommendations here and got board in 15min, nothing has changed, it's the same crappy grind it always was.

Yep. They can add bases and whatnot but the problem is that at a core, fundamental level, the gameplay cycle is just boring. Mine resources till full -> sell in space -> go back down to planet to mine more. Ad nauseum.

Progression is also soooooo slow, both in terms of storyline as well as upgrades.
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Yep. They can add bases and whatnot but the problem is that at a core, fundamental level, the gameplay cycle is just boring. Mine resources till full -> sell in space -> go back down to planet to mine more. Ad nauseum.

Progression is also soooooo slow, both in terms of storyline as well as upgrades.

Pretty much. I basically stopped playing the game as it was intended and just hop in when I want to cruise around and take in some cool sights. To me, there's just something neat about being alone on a planet with some weird alien lifeforms and not being pressured to do anything at all. But I totally get why the game didn't jive with some people. It's definitely not for everyone. I do wish there was a bit more variety to things in terms of the planet topography, the building structures, etc. It would have been really fun IMO if they'd have let you colonize planets in find one with conditions suitable for life and establish a tiny camp that turns into a settlement and by constructing more and more things you could eventually turn it into a town and have trade routes with other planets that have resources that you don't, etc. Maybe afford the better starships by running a business or making trade runs rather than just mining the shit out of resource deposits, lol. I realize that wasn't at all the concept of the game, but it could have been interesting had they gone that direction with it. Many people just wanted more substance than planet hop > mine > planet hop > mine which is essentially what's required to "finish" the game, and that's understandable, which is why I don't play it that way when I do pick it up.

It's not often that I read spoilers for games, but I did for NMS and I'm sooooo glad that I did. I'd have been pissed had I done all of the grinding required to get to the center of the universe only to...well...yeah.
I see "Roguelike" being thrown around a lot. What does it mean?

Usually some form of losing being part of the gameplay, randomized items every playthrough, and sharp difficulty.

In this game, you get to spend left over credits after every loss to upgrade your pilot and ships.
Been eyeing this game for a while. Any good?

Played 90 minutes so far, totally worth $10 to me. I will play this for 10-20 hours easy.
~ this helped - specifically the V (view) key, TAB, Q & E (roll)
Controls - Official Everspace Wiki
Everspace - Hotkey Map - PC/AT US 104 Key

Figured a few things out & going to launch again now. I think I'm just supposed to collect stuff at each hyper jump site in the "pre-run" space, but I was trying to find everything and kill everyone & kept getting killed and then repeating the same stage to try to "beat it"...

Seems I should just collect some stuff, take on the easy 1st wave guys & GTFO to the next pre-run section on my way to the big jump gate at the end to get the next story segment.

This game is fun too for $4 - check out a youtube vid if your undecided...

rebel galaxy - YouTube

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Played 90 minutes so far, totally worth $10 to me. I will play this for 10-20 hours easy.

Figured a few things out & going to launch again now. I think I'm just supposed to collect stuff at each hyper jump site in the "pre-run" space, but I was trying to find everything and kill everyone & kept getting killed and then repeating the same stage to try to "beat it"...

Seems I should just collect some stuff, take on the easy 1st wave guys & GTFO to the next pre-run section on my way to the big jump gate at the end to get the next story segment.

This game is fun too for $4 - check out a youtube vid if your undecided...

rebel galaxy - YouTube

Good find, rebel galaxy for $4 is an absolute no brainer
This dude gives a great critical review of this game.

I've played 2+ hours & I'm realizing most of what he said will probably be my opinion after a few more hours.

It's a LOT of fun dogfighting at first, but getting reset to the beginning is aggravating & resources are very RANDOM & scarce.

She is pretty tho...

This dude gives a great critical review of this game.

I've played 2+ hours & I'm realizing most of what he said will probably be my opinion after a few more hours.

It's a LOT of fun dogfighting at first, but getting reset to the beginning is aggravating & resources are very RANDOM & scarce.

She is pretty tho...

a space shooter that does not support a joystick? - no thanks.
This dude gives a great critical review of this game.

I've played 2+ hours & I'm realizing most of what he said will probably be my opinion after a few more hours.

It's a LOT of fun dogfighting at first, but getting reset to the beginning is aggravating & resources are very RANDOM & scarce.

She is pretty tho...

I bought this game on the Steam sale from recommendations here. Played it for about an hour and a half. Already requested a refund.

It certainly doesn't seem like a bad game, but from what I've played it just feels massively bland and the progression each run is extremely small. Stats changes are very incremental, enough to where it seems like you barely notice the difference.

Also, re: resources - if you get bad RNG you can just get hosed by not getting a certain type of resource spawned in a region that you need to upgrade/repair/whatever. This can happen over the course of many regions as well.

Likewise, with combat there is really no way to escape once you've been engaged, because you can't outrun them and as soon as you take any minor shot, your warp progress gets reset to 0%. So if you either by accident or are forced into combat that you can't win, you are just boned with no recourse. This can happen in Sector 1.

The furthest I made it was Sector 3, where I got a cutscene, a character introduced in a ship in front of me, and then immediately killed by said character.

I guess I'm not really that into rogue-like games in the first place (though I do like Enter the Gungeon and Rogue Legacy, and FTL to some extent) but I was hoping the space "sim" aspect of this would help, but it's just not for me.
I bought this game on the Steam sale from recommendations here. Played it for about an hour and a half. Already requested a refund.

It certainly doesn't seem like a bad game, but from what I've played it just feels massively bland and the progression each run is extremely small. Stats changes are very incremental, enough to where it seems like you barely notice the difference.

Also, re: resources - if you get bad RNG you can just get hosed by not getting a certain type of resource spawned in a region that you need to upgrade/repair/whatever. This can happen over the course of many regions as well.

Likewise, with combat there is really no way to escape once you've been engaged, because you can't outrun them and as soon as you take any minor shot, your warp progress gets reset to 0%. So if you either by accident or are forced into combat that you can't win, you are just boned with no recourse. This can happen in Sector 1.

The furthest I made it was Sector 3, where I got a cutscene, a character introduced in a ship in front of me, and then immediately killed by said character.

I guess I'm not really that into rogue-like games in the first place (though I do like Enter the Gungeon and Rogue Legacy, and FTL to some extent) but I was hoping the space "sim" aspect of this would help, but it's just not for me.

It's really not that hard of a game, the bad rng is less punishing than other rogue likes, and you can absolutely run from a fight if your a decent pilot.

To each their own, but if you don't like rogue likes in the first place, don't play rogue likes.
It's really not that hard of a game, the bad rng is less punishing than other rogue likes, and you can absolutely run from a fight if your a decent pilot.

To each their own, but if you don't like rogue likes in the first place, don't play rogue likes.

Fair enough, but I found it disappointing even compared to those other rogue-likes I mentioned.

I don't see how you're able to run from a fight, at least not anywhere near the start. You are not faster than the enemies and once your boost energy runs out, you have no chance. Maybe if I grinded runs enough to upgrade my engine stats 50 times, but it's not compelling enough for me to want to do that in the first place.

Many of these complaints are mirrored in the Steam reviews, which are "Mixed" for recent reviews.
I didn't exactly know what the phrase "rogue-like" meant, but I don't like that element of this game.

The dog fighting is fun for an hour, so when I want some space scenery, I'll probably fire this game up every few months.

The controls are so easy, and the scenery is so pretty, that it is fun to just fly around & take screenshots.

I'll never beat it unless there are cheats. My best run was a 3rd or 4th jump in Sector 3.