Battlefield: Hardline

To ZERO's defense, BC2's shitty server browser isn't the benchmark for server browsers, and battlelog is still pretty shitty.
BC2 server browser was still monumentally better then battlelogs. It always shows all the servers available it easy to find low ping servers and was quick to sort unlike battlelog where you would have to keep scrolling down over and over before they would all show up.
Right now I'm open to all sorts of opinions on the game itself. You people bitching about battlelog need to simply avoid Battlefield games altogether since EA has made it clear with 3 Battlefield titles and 2 MOH titles that it isn't going anywhere.

So we are all naive and shouldn't complain and opinions are invalidated because they've done it for so long?
Something that sucks obviously continues to suck regardless of how long it sucks.
Guess what? It still sucks. And you're gonna continue to hear about it each time they use it.
Are you sure developing a website is easier than an in game browser? I hated the idea at first, but I never really had any issues with it. It finally forced me to upgrade Firefox some years back, and I might have to do it again (for other websites).
To ZERO's defense, BC2's shitty server browser isn't the benchmark for server browsers, and battlelog is still pretty shitty.
Fair enough.

BC2 server browser was still monumentally better then battlelogs. It always shows all the servers available it easy to find low ping servers and was quick to sort unlike battlelog where you would have to keep scrolling down over and over before they would all show up.
Fair enough. But it wasn't the part of the argument I was replying to. See my reply to Zero below. ;)

So we are all naive and shouldn't complain and opinions are invalidated because they've done it for so long?
Something that sucks obviously continues to suck regardless of how long it sucks.
Guess what? It still sucks. And you're gonna continue to hear about it each time they use it.

I'm saying you guys need to get over the whole "In-game browser versus Battlelog plugin into existing browser" argument.

Arguing Battlelog is shitty because it isn't an in-game browser is asinine. They could just as easily make it shitty and in-game and nothing would be fixed.

Arguing its shitty in general has more merit to it, and yes EA needs to hear criticisms. But when you guys first started arguing Battlelog was shitty (the posts I replied to) you were arguing that making it in-game would be the cure all. It isn't.

Battlelog itself being shitty is a whole separate argument and one that is more relevant and worth arguing about. Making it in-game will not fix its issues.

Does that clear things up for you?;)

Are you sure developing a website is easier than an in game browser? I hated the idea at first, but I never really had any issues with it. It finally forced me to upgrade Firefox some years back, and I might have to do it again (for other websites).
As someone who has done some web programming, as well as having some close friends who have made programs and websites, I believe it would be. In-game browser still has to have the code related to decipher and send/receive the data, as well as formatting the data in a useable format. With a plug-in, you already have the browser to decipher and send/receive the data. You just need the plug-in to tell the browser how to present the data in such a manner to make it presentable. In simplest terms, without requiring the browser you aren't re-inventing everything. You've already got a solid foundation to build on.
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Battlelog was giving me issues when I first started playing the Hardline beta...first it doesn't allow 64-bit it kept asking me to re-download the plug-in...Googling around it seems the plug-in issue is a widespread one
You don't have to attack people on every reply. Maybe drink some tea and look at the sky.
I have nothing more on this.
You don't have to attack people on every reply. Maybe drink some tea and look at the sky.
I have nothing more on this.

I didn't attack you on the last reply. Hopefully I clarified exactly what I was attacking in the first place. ;)

I apologize I was so abrasive on my previous post before that. I'm tired of hearing the in-game browser argument like we are re-hashing 2011.
I keep coming back to the beta hoping to find something I enjoy but I just don't.

The unlock system annoys me. I much preferred the one in BF3 and BF4.

Heist could be interesting but is ruined for me with the mass amounts of snipers camping. The last game I played half of the other team was snipers all perched on the ledges or top of buildings. They never even bothered trying to recover the loot and instead just killed anyone who picked it up.

Hotwire seems to be just a mess. The out of area is in the path you drive which seems poorly designed. Also half the time I played the majority of the team didn't even bother trying to drive due to poor controls and instead just tried taking out the other cars. It almost seems like it should have been one team trying to run the cars while the other tries to stop them rather than both teams at the same time. Several games I played the team lost by over 350 points since no one wanted to drive on the team.

My other big issue is I don't see a mode I would play. I don't enjoy one spawn modes and out of 7 modes that is 2 of them. Conquest has never been my preferred mode and TDM does nothing for me since no objective. Blood Money was sort of a mixed bag for me last beta especially since by the end people just camped the opposing armored truck.

I guess for now I will just keep an eye on it and see what they do with it in the future.
I just checked the beta, this game seems like APB, but without the social/customization part, which was imo the only good part in APB. Oh and ofc APB is free to play, so why should I pay for a game that offers even less than that? Graphics seems to be not much better either.

But I imagine the name alone will sell millions of copies.
So I've seen the gameplay video on Node's channel, and this game looks like rubbish...

This is coming from somebody who really enjoyed BF3.
...first I went back into BF4 and turned off all the network smoothing options, high rate communication, off relative ADS movement and low and behold BF4 is actually good. Besides the ADS, all this other stuff should be set this way be default and if you have shitty internet then you turn it on (not my fault 20% of this county lives in areas that don't qualify as broadband), this is the same crap that is ruining COD for me (besides DLC and P2P). And now I'm actually having fun in BF4.

...second, I started Hardline first beta, did not enjoy it at all. Started the second beta with low expectation, they added all those above options into Hardline, changed the movement and the classes and now I'm darn tempted to preorder (have not yet, probably will wait for some kind of a discount) because the game is darn, dare I say it FUN!

Do not bash on this game until you have tried it, its free until Monday. The driving alone with 3 guys hanging out of the windows is crazy fun.

EDIT: Oh ya and I love that idiots don't have to drop ammo or health for you now, you can just take it from them! No more spamming, "I need AMMO!" or "I need a MEDIC!"
Do not bash on this game until you have tried it, its free until Monday. The driving alone with 3 guys hanging out of the windows is crazy fun.

But its the cool thing to do. Seriously, you've never seen so many people unable to grasp the simple concept that they're free to skip a game if it doesn't interest them.
One of the guys I play with who loved bfbc2 and bf3 and not so much bf4 said:

You can walk into a room and take out 3-4 people with a clip. In BF4 it was one dude per clip and you die in the process. The game is more like BFBC2 than anything else.

I think it will be an ok game. The hotwire mode not so much. I think heist and conquest might see some competitive play.
But its the cool thing to do. Seriously, you've never seen so many people unable to grasp the simple concept that they're free to skip a game if it doesn't interest them.

do you not grasp the simple concept that this a beta?...people are trying out the game to see if they like it or not...some may not like it...and they won't buy the game when it's released...shocker...that's what the concept of demos are for
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do you not grasp the simple concept that this a beta?...people are trying out the game to see if they like it or not...some may not like it...and they won't buy the game when it's released...shocker...that's what the concept of demos are for

Its like you're trying to make some strawman point that has nothing to do with what you're replying to. I'm not referring to this beta specifically, or even this thread or this forum. I'm talking about a common bandwagon mentality against this game wherever discussion of it crops up. Its either "This should have been a mod", or "This should be F2P", or "This isn't worth more than X dollars cuz itz juzt Cobs & Robberz". Nobody cares, and people belaboring it like they're going to change anything are just wailing babies in a restaurant.
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I see you pulling at my pantleg trying to make some strawman point that has nothing to do with what you're replying to. I'm not referring to this beta specifically, or even this thread or this forum. I'm talking about a common bandwagon mentality against this game wherever discussion of it crops up. Its either "This should have been a mod", or "This should be F2P", or "This isn't worth more than X dollars". Nobody cares, and people belaboring it like they're going to change anything are just wailing babies in a restaurant - of no real ultimate value.

that's what a forum is post opinions...if you only want to hear positive comments about every game you play then you might want to stop visiting forums...people posting opinions does have help other people make an informed purchase decision...and developers get the message as well...AC: Unity is a recent prime example of this
Its like you're trying to make some strawman point that has nothing to do with what you're replying to. I'm not referring to this beta specifically, or even this thread or this forum. I'm talking about a common bandwagon mentality against this game wherever discussion of it crops up. Its either "This should have been a mod", or "This should be F2P", or "This isn't worth more than X dollars cuz itz juzt Cobs & Robberz". Nobody cares, and people belaboring it like they're going to change anything are just wailing babies in a restaurant.

Pray tell what value you're adding to the discussion by complaining about people complaining? What do you think you're going to change?

How do you know nothing will change? The more people complain, the less people are willing to buy at the initial asking price, the sooner it goes on sale and into the bargain bin. People visit forums all the time to gather opinions. Why should these people be disserved by only hearing your positive opinions? Sorry, but you aren't going to get this your way. People will continue to complain, in spite of your displeasure. The real thing nobody cares about is how you feel about it. As I said, people do go to forums to get other peoples opinions, that includes the negative ones.
Take out the .338 magnum rounds.



They'll get toned down in retail, but yeah the amount of AWM+Mag abuse has skyrocketed in these final days of the beta, they're like roaches. Takes down a full transport heli from across the map in 2-3 shots, and one-shots infantry anywhere from chest up. Not unusual to see groups of 5-6 snipers on a kill cam now, all camping the same rock. Reminiscent of the UCAV abuse that spread like wildfire in BF4 when the instant-reload glitch was discovered and lasted 3-4 days.
They'll get toned down in retail, but yeah the amount of AWM+Mag abuse has skyrocketed in these final days of the beta, they're like roaches. Takes down a full transport heli from across the map in 2-3 shots, and one-shots infantry anywhere from chest up. Not unusual to see groups of 5-6 snipers on a kill cam now, all camping the same rock.

it's terrible evading 3 stingers, taking down there other attack helicopter/transport to get 2 shot by a AWM w/ 338.

By no means do I feel like the helicopters should be invincible but when you have insta-reloading stingers. Hell you pay 90k for a sedan upgrade and get a stinger every time, easy kills.
One of the guys I play with who loved bfbc2 and bf3 and not so much bf4 said:

You can walk into a room and take out 3-4 people with a clip. In BF4 it was one dude per clip and you die in the process. The game is more like BFBC2 than anything else.

I think it will be an ok game. The hotwire mode not so much. I think heist and conquest might see some competitive play.

Depends, the artificial balance is very odd at the moment. On one hand a 5.56 rifle (Colt/RO 9** whatever) will certainly require a reload to take that many people. But you can easily whack that many people, from a further distance, with a 9mm SMG like the M/45. The AKS-74U is also oddly low in recoil compared to other similar weapons in the game. In that sense it is like BC2, in which weapon types perform completely randomly.

Was not a fan of the grind/unlock system. Essentially you have to buy weapons (acquiring money seemed to take longer than getting EXP in BF3/4), then get a certain number of kills with them, and then buy each and every accessory you want. The good news is you don't have to unlock ugly Chinese toy-grade optics and move right on to the proper stuff, but I think 99%+ of the player base doesn't care about that.

No tanks in conquest is saddening. Can't say I would be interested in buying the game for vehicle maps.

I saw some bugs, but nothing too bad. Some weapons seem to have a timer on when you can shoot after a reload; I am not sure if this is a balancing attempt or a bug. I am talking about the Uzi in particular. On another note, the actually got the reload mechanics right for the Uzi. Color me impressed.

Overall I am not too impressed with the game. The lack of tanks kills half my interest in it. A lot of previous content (weapons) that would probably very easily be ported over from BF4 don't seem to be in the game. So IMO, it seems a bit short on content considering the price tag. Maybe they'll iron out the bugs and the release will be halfway decent. Then if it goes on sale for $15-20 I might pick it up. But I suspect BF4 will be out by then.
The lack of tanks kills half my interest in it.

Yeah, its not really that kind of game. Not that knocking off a bank with an Abrams wouldn't be epic, if a tad overkill. Meanwhile BF4 continues to be supported by the DICE L.A. team, so its easy enough to jump back and forth between games on Battlelog.

Overall I enjoyed the change of pace in Hardline. With the announcement of 6 million people having tried the beta, the fact they didn't including Bloodmoney mode like Beta 1 seems like a missed opportunity to showcase one of the best modes. But I'm definitely looking forward to it in retail.
Yeah, its not really that kind of game. Not that knocking off a bank with an Abrams wouldn't be epic, if a tad overkill. Meanwhile BF4 continues to be supported by the DICE L.A. team, so its easy enough to jump back and forth between games on Battlelog.

Overall I enjoyed the change of pace in Hardline. With the announcement of 6 million people having tried the beta, the fact they didn't including Bloodmoney mode like Beta 1 seems like a missed opportunity to showcase one of the best modes. But I'm definitely looking forward to it in retail.
LOL that would be sweet , instead of blowing a whole in the wall with explosives just ram it or fire way. ;) . Easy way to wrack up the kill total for those waiting in wait behind the bank doors.
Heck Tanks would be the perfect solution to the larger maps ... best way to end the camping I saw that was taking place in area's that were in the dead zones... Particularly spots in the game that would allow you drive armored assault vehicles or even fly the helicopter off the map or in the outer areas of dead zones on mountain/ hill sides and fire away at players. On many occasions I saw people land on top of building in dead zone areas... total buzz kill when playing.
So can someone tell a fellow/former Battlefield veteran that gave up on teh series after BF3 what the hell makes Hardline so damn special beyond just putting cop cars in the game and terrorists?
So can someone tell a fellow/former Battlefield veteran that gave up on teh series after BF3 what the hell makes Hardline so damn special beyond just putting cop cars in the game and terrorists?

Absolutely nothing. I also gave up on the series after BF3, but I decided to jump in and try the beta....I was bored within an hour or so. There's little semblance of tactical gameplay, realism is completely nonexistent, and the entire game feels like an arcadefest designed to appeal to your average 13 year old COD kiddie-there's no depth to it at all. It's tragic to see how far removed the series has become from the original games :(

FWIW I get my old school BF fix in Arma 3 now-highly recommend it.
So can someone tell a fellow/former Battlefield veteran that gave up on teh series after BF3 what the hell makes Hardline so damn special beyond just putting cop cars in the game and terrorists?

Its a twitch shooter with dice netcode :)
So can someone tell a fellow/former Battlefield veteran that gave up on teh series after BF3 what the hell makes Hardline so damn special beyond just putting cop cars in the game and terrorists?

Here is a counter view for you:

Remember some the BF 1942 ads? The ones where you had players in jeeps chasing each other across the island? Now the chase is real. Hotwire is seriously the most fun I’ve had in multiplayer gaming in YEARS. So many laugh out loud moments, especially if you’re playing with people you know. It’s almost like a legitimized troll mode but with good music and 3 guys hanging out of car windows (or 5 if you’re in a van). Tone-wise it reminds me so much of the BF 42 vid that some guy made using an Eminem song with everyone’s gun bouncing in time, here.

The guns and explosives hit hard so you can’t just wander around like a mope but the faster you go the more of a rush it becomes.

I seriously cannot get enough of it.
Here is a counter view for you:

Remember some the BF 1942 ads? The ones where you had players in jeeps chasing each other across the island? Now the chase is real. Hotwire is seriously the most fun I’ve had in multiplayer gaming in YEARS. So many laugh out loud moments, especially if you’re playing with people you know. It’s almost like a legitimized troll mode but with good music and 3 guys hanging out of car windows (or 5 if you’re in a van). Tone-wise it reminds me so much of the BF 42 vid that some guy made using an Eminem song with everyone’s gun bouncing in time, here.

The guns and explosives hit hard so you can’t just wander around like a mope but the faster you go the more of a rush it becomes.

I seriously cannot get enough of it.

I still play BF1942, it was the only good Battlefield EA ever made

Edit, what, this?
Yeah, its not really that kind of game. Not that knocking off a bank with an Abrams wouldn't be epic, if a tad overkill. Meanwhile BF4 continues to be supported by the DICE L.A. team, so its easy enough to jump back and forth between games on Battlelog.

Overall I enjoyed the change of pace in Hardline. With the announcement of 6 million people having tried the beta, the fact they didn't including Bloodmoney mode like Beta 1 seems like a missed opportunity to showcase one of the best modes. But I'm definitely looking forward to it in retail.

Yeah, that is too bad for me. BF is half about the tanks for me. Will Hardline have TDM or Domination?

Wish they would just copy and paste over (yeah,I know it does involve more than that) a bunch of the BF4 weapons though. Would make it seem like more bang for your buck for those of us on the fence.
I will admit after playing Hotwire maps for an hour last night, this is my favorite game style. I love the Chaos occurring all over.

I played a couple of rounds tonight to try post patch.

I still stand by what I said earlier. This mode would be 100x better if it was Rush style where one team was running the cars while the other tried to stop them. The way it works now I never see close matches.
Well they pulled the Beta download on origin so I guess I can't try it now. Whatever, I'll be busy with Evolve and homeworld 2 HD and inquisition and far cry 4 anyway
anyone know what time the beta ends tonight? wondering if I can sneak a couple hours in after I put my son to bed :D
So can someone tell a fellow/former Battlefield veteran that gave up on teh series after BF3 what the hell makes Hardline so damn special beyond just putting cop cars in the game and terrorists?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Don't be one of the mindless lemmings that pays for this shit. what point are people going to say enough is enough and stop feeding this cancer. When this shitty ass game launches the influx of idiots from south america and asian countries will flood north american servers and use their horriawful latency exploit that plagued bf4 which Dice refused to address or acknowledge.
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