Battlefield 4 **Official Discussion Thread**

I'm really surprised no one has posted this yet.

The fall patch is coming soon...really soon. I believe the free community map is coming with it.

Here's the trailer for the community operations map. They usually release trailers for DLC a week or two out.

Listen real close at 42 seconds in...Neebs is pulling a Dukes of Hazzard stunt. For those of you that haven't played it in CTE yet, the battle pickup for this map is a very special M60 shown at 1:32. It has a huge box mag, spray painted with the Bad Company smiling grenade logo, has explosive rounds, and can be fired in hip fire only. It's meant for everyone to pull a Rambo with it. It's pretty OP, but not quite as OP as in that video. Then again, that wouldn't make for good video now would it? :D
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Trailers have never been Battlefield's problem, have they. Trouble is, you'd have to play Arma III to get those kinds of dramatic points of view.

I've played the map a few times in the CTE, its just a bit difficult because the CTE servers are usually dead. Nice map, but since I like the full Battlefield experience (lots and lots of vehicles, armor, aircraft), the map I have my eye on is the remade Dragon Valley. Hopefully that'll be in the same fall DLC pack.
Trailers have never been Battlefield's problem, have they. Trouble is, you'd have to play Arma III to get those kinds of dramatic points of view.
Could you explain this a little more? What do you mean by "dramatic points of view"?

All these trailers and some of the fan made BF movies are done with BF Cinematic Tools. This software modifies the game heavily, so it must be used in an unofficial server to prevent permabanning by punkbuster.
Need help with Punkbuster. Never had an issue until I cloned my drive. It was on Drive E, which I unplugged. I then cloned my OS Drive C to a new SSD, which became drive C. I then formatted the old Drive C which automatically chose E. Plugged in my old drive E which became Drive D. I then swapped the names around because Origin couldn't find BF4 on drive D.

So BF4 is once again on the same SSD with the same drive assignment as it was before. Game loads, new 3GB update, but I get this error in PB:

Game disconnected: you were kicked by PunkBuster. Stated reason: PunkBuster kicked player (for 0 minutes) ... RESTRICTION: Service Communication Failure: PnkBstrA.exe

I went to the Evenbalance website, downloaded the PB updater, selected BF4, and it ran some updates which seemed to install fine. But I still get kicked after 15 seconds with the same error.

Not too sure how to fix PB, I remember it prevented me from playing BF2 entirely. Probably the worst "anti cheat" system devised. I bet more legit players are kicked than cheaters. I always referred to it as "player buster" because it rips your paying customers a new asshole.
Could you explain this a little more? What do you mean by "dramatic points of view"?

All these trailers and some of the fan made BF movies are done with BF Cinematic Tools. This software modifies the game heavily, so it must be used in an unofficial server to prevent permabanning by punkbuster.

I'm aware of the cinematic tools, and that was my whole point. That the game won't actually look like that while playing it, and that you'd have to play Arma III to get POV's and angles on the action like those. Wasn't really a criticism, just an observation.
I'm aware of the cinematic tools, and that was my whole point. That the game won't actually look like that while playing it, and that you'd have to play Arma III to get POV's and angles on the action like those. Wasn't really a criticism, just an observation.

I was just curious. I kept reading different interpretations of your post. Thanks for clarifying.
Need help with Punkbuster. Never had an issue until I cloned my drive. It was on Drive E, which I unplugged. I then cloned my OS Drive C to a new SSD, which became drive C. I then formatted the old Drive C which automatically chose E. Plugged in my old drive E which became Drive D. I then swapped the names around because Origin couldn't find BF4 on drive D.

So BF4 is once again on the same SSD with the same drive assignment as it was before. Game loads, new 3GB update, but I get this error in PB:

I went to the Evenbalance website, downloaded the PB updater, selected BF4, and it ran some updates which seemed to install fine. But I still get kicked after 15 seconds with the same error.

Not too sure how to fix PB, I remember it prevented me from playing BF2 entirely. Probably the worst "anti cheat" system devised. I bet more legit players are kicked than cheaters. I always referred to it as "player buster" because it rips your paying customers a new asshole.

Try doing a repair install of bf4 from Origin. If that fails, just reinstall the game. I've found that fixes a lot of weird issues I dont want to spend a ridiculous amount of time on.
Community map patch live. Downloading now. 1.02GB, takes less than 15 minutes with a good connection. I averaged about 7.5MB/s which is approx 60mb/s connection. EA servers running at near top speed.
Any Noshrar Cannals dedicated servers yet?
My favorite for BF3 was Chuck Norris Training Grounds but I no longer see it listed.
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woohoo excited to play the community map! i don't see mention of Dragon Valley so i assume it's not included in this patch.
BF4 is the only game on a 60GB SSD and it doesn't have room for this update. Is this normal for one game? Can any of the files be deleted to make room?
BF4 is the only game on a 60GB SSD and it doesn't have room for this update. Is this normal for one game? Can any of the files be deleted to make room?

Obligatory "just get a bigger SSD they're dirt cheap these days". :)

Do you have Premium? If so you've likely got every single DLC map pack downloaded. You can delete individual "Xpack<x>" folders, look in C:\Program Files\Origin Games\Battlefield 4 - I forget the name of the subfolder. They're numbered chronologically in the order the DLC's released. In Origin, if you right click Game Properties then you should see the order of the DLC's, so example if you don't play China Rising anymore, you can delete the first Xpack folder, and so on.
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Yeah, that's what I'll be doing. In the meantime I've moved the game over to a large HDD. Slower, but it works.
BF4 is the only game on a 60GB SSD and it doesn't have room for this update. Is this normal for one game? Can any of the files be deleted to make room?

I've got all the DLC downloaded but not CTE and my BF4 folder is it looks like just shy of shit out of luck, lol.
Just bought BF4 Premium Edition for $29.99

Seemed like a pretty good deal to me :D

Fear me !!
I'm coming online soon !!
the bow can be unlocked by anyone now (without all the phantom assignment stuff). you can pick it up on the Operation Outbreak map and it unlocks for you. it's located in the cave by C point in conquest game mode.
Please oh please oh please oh please let what I experienced not be placebo.

It feels like the attachment nerf from Spring patch has been removed. Either that, or it was dialed back tremendously. My Ace52 with muzzle brake and angled grip feels like its old self jackhammering people at 50+ yards with burst fire, I can actually get hits past 50 yards with my MG4 and stubby grip. All my clan mates are saying things "feel" like they did before.
Patch notes.

Nice short video describing the patch notes and showing some of the changes firsthand.

Oh... and Scout heli's finally got a nerf. :p It takes twice as long to repair them from passenger seats. Only problem is the chaff got a buff, so these chopper pilots will now use below radar and chaff a lot easier to rape infantry on close quarters maps like Flood Zone.
Patch notes.

Nice short video describing the patch notes and showing some of the changes firsthand.

Oh... and Scout heli's finally got a nerf. :p It takes twice as long to repair them from passenger seats. Only problem is the chaff got a buff, so these chopper pilots will now use below radar and chaff a lot easier to rape infantry on close quarters maps like Flood Zone.

Played against an ace scout heli pilot last night, he was dropping planes from a couple hundred meters out that were flying higher than him...was incredibly frustrating being on the receiving end of that. It was on the costal map with the skyscraper hotel as the middle capture point. The dude was running perfect circles around the roof mowing everyone down.
Tried to play last night, but had issues. On one server I got kicked before the map finished loading and on the second server I was able to join, but the game was rubberbanding like crazy then after 5 minutes I lost connection. Anyone hearing of issues with the release?
60Hz feels awesome, and I just upgraded from a 670 to 970 so I'm playing 1920x1200 maxed out and it's butter smooth (80-110fps on a 60Hz display). BF4 feels like a new game with this combination.

First time playing BF4 in over a year and managed a 25/12 with 19,000 points score on Lost Islands CQ large... attack boats feel nice with the changes :)
60Hz feels awesome, and I just upgraded from a 670 to 970 so I'm playing 1920x1200 maxed out and it's butter smooth (80-110fps on a 60Hz display). BF4 feels like a new game with this combination.

First time playing BF4 in over a year and managed a 25/12 with 19,000 points score on Lost Islands CQ large... attack boats feel nice with the changes :)

Yeah I agree, 60hz tick rate and high fps feels great.
Can anyone give me advice on good middle-of-the-road do-everything gun loadouts for each class? I haven't followed any changes in the last 12+ months so I don't know how they have buffed/nerfed different classes of weapons and attachments. I paid more attention in BC2/BF3 whereas in BF4 I've spent most of my time in vehicles. Most guides/posts seem to be from before the recent patch.

I'm not a guy that changes attachments/guns very often, I like to get comfortable with 1-2 guns per class and stick with them. I just don't know where to start with all the changes haha.

Mostly play assault and engineer.


I get the point here but it's a bit annoying when they show these kinds of pictures. To me, the message is, "Here's the same scene but in our new engine!" The problem a lot of times is that it's not the same scene, I might as well be looking at two different geographical locations. The BF2 shot looks like a refinery sitting near the edge of a cliff, no mountains in the background, no river draining over the edge of the cliff. The BF4 shot looks like a hydro-electric damn.

Yes, the engine looks much better in BF4 but...I mean....come on...technological advancement is expected with nearly a decade between title launches.
I get the point here but it's a bit annoying when they show these kinds of pictures. To me, the message is, "Here's the same scene but in our new engine!" The problem a lot of times is that it's not the same scene, I might as well be looking at two different geographical locations. The BF2 shot looks like a refinery sitting near the edge of a cliff, no mountains in the background, no river draining over the edge of the cliff. The BF4 shot looks like a hydro-electric damn.

Yes, the engine looks much better in BF4 but...I mean....come on...technological advancement is expected with nearly a decade between title launches.

Not to mention the fact that a mountain suddenly appeared within that 10 year timeframe. Crazy geological activity over there, it seems.