Battlefield 3 - Official Thread

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Well from the video it looks like Karkand isn't going to be the "everything brown level" it was in BF2. The the comparison stills of old vs new (alfa footage) make the new Karkand look like Oasis from BF:BC2.
i'd rather have nade spam than claymore whores. and if the team is good enough you just roll over them anyway.


Oh my, I can't even remember how many times I played Karkand. Too much...:D

If any other maps were to be considered (doubt it) for Frostbite 2 goodness I'd recommend: Kubra Dam, Road to Jalalabad, Mastuur City...
FuShe Pass. Do it.

Used to play hide and seek on that map for hours. 1v5, try to sneak across the map...

Oh my, I can't even remember how many times I played Karkand. Too much...:D

If any other maps were to be considered (doubt it) for Frostbite 2 goodness I'd recommend: Kubra Dam, Road to Jalalabad, Mastuur City...

I can live without Kubra Dam, or that snipefest Jalalabad, but I'm at a loss as to why Mastuur wasn't in this pack. I seriously loathe freaking Oman, and unless they make sweeping changes to it then it will be a server switch for me when it comes up.

I just hope we get a new map or two that has that same very urban/infantry feel that Karkand had when it came out. Heck, all I play on BC2 is Oasis conquest which is pretty much as urban as it gets right now.
...or that snipefest Jalalabad...
...I just hope we get a new map or two that has that same very urban/infantry feel that Karkand had when it came out. Heck, all I play on BC2 is Oasis conquest which is pretty much as urban as it gets right now.

I liked Jalalabad, without vehicles though. I mean the beginning was always a nade/sniper fest, but once you got to the city, damn that was fun! Always fun charging across the water and getting owned by Heavy MG fire :D

I agree, Karkand was really fun, although I liked it more without vehicles. But in BFBC2 I actually enjoyed the vehicles there, so maybe it will be more fun now since it will feel more like a real war with new sounds and graphics :D






My only complaint with the new Karkand is that it isn't brown enough. :p
My only complaint with the new Karkand is that it isn't brown enough. :p

my exact thoughts

I re-installed BF2 to get used to driving the jet fighters again (must be prepared hehe) and people are still fighting over these things, I thought they got bored, or maybe they are training like me :D
looks freaking real...this game will be an unpaid day off work for me when it gets released.

Indeed. Screw that I think I'll do a month off work for this one. Why? Because I'm [H]ard!!!!!!!.........................then prolly be poor........but still [H]arrrrrrrd!!! /flex
Yea, they said Spike TV is going to air the EA Press Confrence on June 6th. It will have BF3 and Mass Effect 3 demos.
Except in 2011 BF3 is a confirmed release title.

I know that. I'm talking about the rumors of that time frame (07-09ish) that people thought was for BF3 but ended up being BC2.

Was just trying to go back to the rumors back in that timeframe and thinking out loud. The timeline pic made me think of it.
That animation of the guy firing the M16 looks amazing...the only thing I have a nag about is no physics interaction between the ground and the firing of a weapon in prone....would love to see some dust kicked up by that.
That animation of the guy firing the M16 looks amazing...the only thing I have a nag about is no physics interaction between the ground and the firing of a weapon in prone....would love to see some dust kicked up by that.

I agree, it looks like a mo-capped cutscene. If that's how it actually looks in game (especially in multiplayer where you're watching people play real time, not scripted AI sequences) then it will be the best animation ever seen in an FPS, period.
I agree, it looks like a mo-capped cutscene. If that's how it actually looks in game (especially in multiplayer where you're watching people play real time, not scripted AI sequences) then it will be the best animation ever seen in an FPS, period.

That should be exactly what it looks like. According to a few dev blogs, they used the FIFA motion capturing tech for all the movements and such.

Ha with all the time they spent trying to add Toggle Crouch/ADS, console, and chat box into BFBC2. I have no doubts they will improve upon those for BF3.

Hoping for a chat box along the likes of Valve games. Dev console, I'm not that big on CMD Line, I'm a noob GUI guy (woot! woot! on Valve adding a better/complete GUI Theater mode for TF2)
I hope its different then BF2 in the regard that it isn't a bugged out piece. Half of the stuff never worked for me, if I clicked "save login info" it wouldn't let me login - and lots of other...annoying bugs too...
I hope its different then BF2 in the regard that it isn't a bugged out piece. Half of the stuff never worked for me, if I clicked "save login info" it wouldn't let me login - and lots of other...annoying bugs too...

BF2 worked fine for me and all of my friends.
I hope its different then BF2 in the regard that it isn't a bugged out piece. Half of the stuff never worked for me, if I clicked "save login info" it wouldn't let me login - and lots of other...annoying bugs too...

The only problems I had with BF2 was that server list bug or whatever it was that came with release, but they fixed it in a few days.

Now BC2 on the other hand has a couple bugs for me. I can't store my password because when I go to login it would add text to it for some reason making it invalid, and my older machine sometimes gets the sound loop crash forcing hard restart.

If BF3 is no worse than BF2 when it comes out then I'll be happy. I can live with tiny bugs, but crap like CTD or hard freezes causing me to have to do dev job and troubleshoot really pisses me off.
For me, taking mod tools away, of which made the success of the franchise, has pretty much taken this game from "OMG I CANT WAIT" to "meh, I'll probably check it out until it gets old." No Forgotten Hope 3, no Project Reality, no nothing. You get a cool game out of the box, maybe a few over-priced map packs and a mediocre expansion later down the road.
BF2 worked fine for me and all of my friends.

The server browser in BF2 never worked properly for me, everything about it was buggy.The BC2 server browser and friends list are infinitely better, especially the ability to queue for servers. Hopefully DICE don't drop the ball like they did with MoH MP.
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