Battlefield 3 General Discussion Thread

With BF4 I sure hope DICE has a true night map. Death Valley definitely did not count with the extremely bright moon. I want a map were might vision would surely give an advantage. Watching the tracer fire would be cool.
I've really been enjoying bf3 in the last few days. I hadn't touched it for probably 10 months but lately it has been a lot of fun. I will say that jets and helicopters still seem overpowered. I mean, I can't remember the last time that one of my anti air missiles actually hit something. I've had better luck no scoping a rpg randomly and hitting an attack chopper as it flies over.

Funny, I actually was sick and jumped on yesterday; played for like 12 hours straight. Haven't done that for a long time. Found a good server that is actually mixed mode; rush, conquest, conquest assault, etc. Only 32 people but a lot of fun. I just realized that even after all the time I'd played, with the servers I was on they didn't rotate all of the new maps, there were a few in there I hadn't played yet.
So it looks like we are getting exactly the same game as BF3, but with new maps.


That was pretty much already known, now just confirmed a bit more by this console kiddie leaking these screenshots.
So it looks like we are getting exactly the same game as BF3, but with new maps.


Thats how COD does it, and everyone and their mother buys it..

"EEEERMAHGAWD I just seen some 360 screen shots of BF4, and EERRRMAAHGAWD its the same thing as BF3!!! WTFZORZ"

New CZ weapons in game. Sounds good. I hope they retain all of the old weapons, vehicles and attachments and just add more. And give us more than 9 maps on release (14-16 would be ideal).

If we get lots of content I don't care if they only slightly upgrade the engine. It still looks good. The next game should see a bigger face lift, IMO. Build a game, improve upon it and add more content in the squeal and then rebuild it the 3rd time.
I would love to hear a good reason from dice as to why they seem to refuse to make a proper sequel to 2142 on the latest frost bite engine. Why do a rehash of bf 3 and not 2142? After all the time that's passed,?
sigh. i knew it. not surprised they went the cod route. anyway, this is essentially dlc and how it is going to be until it doesn't make money.
I would love to hear a good reason from dice as to why they seem to refuse to make a proper sequel to 2142 on the latest frost bite engine. Why do a rehash of bf 3 and not 2142? After all the time that's passed,?

Because EA.
Because EA.

And because CoD: Black Ops, Super Black Ops Turbo. Changing the formula now would be tantamount to switching the mountain dew formula to sprite while the kiddies slept. They'd revolt.
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Is anyone else getting artifacts in this game with a GTX670 with 314.22 drivers? I have gotten two today. It fixes itself when I exit the game.

So far no issues in other games, none on the desktop and the GPU got up to 66C under load while playing BF3 so temps are not an issue.
Haha, I just finished a round on wake island with 33 kills and 0 deaths. It was just one of those rounds. I spent most of my time in a tank. Good times.
Is anyone else getting artifacts in this game with a GTX670 with 314.22 drivers? I have gotten two today. It fixes itself when I exit the game.

So far no issues in other games, none on the desktop and the GPU got up to 66C under load while playing BF3 so temps are not an issue.

I had the same problem with that same card and driver.. Had to revert.
Anyone on here play on the West Coast? Been getting back into this game quite a bit and would be nice to have some teamwork with someone.
So it looks like we are getting exactly the same game as BF3, but with new maps.


I have to disagree. Frostbite 3 is built on Frostbite 2, so of course they LOOK similar. However after watching all the E3 live streams and playing the Alpha for the last 10 days, I don't believe this is the case. Sure there are a lot of similarities, but there are many critical differences.

There are the obvious features such as Commander mode and Team / Squad VOIP that are returning from BF2. These alone change the game significantly, particularly the way they are implementing Commander mode (not in the Alpha, so we'll have to wait for Beta before this can truly be tested).

Then you have the reworked Squad perk system that can be customized by you to a degree, but always requires a Squad to work together and play the objectives to advance it.

We now have 5 man squads and classes that are built to depend on each other more. For instance each class runs with reduced ammo capacity compared to BF3.

Levolution changes the game a great deal more than just creating spectacles like falling Skyscrapers. You can close the shutters on shops cutting off large entry ways to capture points and creating a lot more cover for yourself. This cover can be destroyed, but unlike BC2 where a few C4 will bring a whole building down, it takes more work to remove that much cover. Don't get me wrong, it has not swung the other way and become impossible, but it feels more realistic now, not so gimmicky. You also have metal detectors that give away your position if you're not careful, plus larger, more detailed maps that force you to use your head more. The new boats no longer suck, but are fast, more durable and actually useful.

There are other changes that make the game feel and play more authentically, such as audio that is even better than BF3 (didn't think that was possible), updated vehicle and player physics, and an entirely new weather system. That said, the changes I experience most while playing, are changes to bring back the teamwork of BF2, and expand the destruction of BC2.

This is a new game. Of course it is going to look and play similar to BF3, but my impression playing it has not been "This is BF3.5". Granted this is Alpha and my personal opinion, but I've played BF since 1942, have over 1300hrs in BF2 and at least 500hr in every other BF game (released on PC). I am a fan of this franchise, and one the criticized it harshly when it walked away from its roots. I have high hopes, and like you, am prepared if they get dashed. I'm just not seeing evidence of that so far.
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Good info Fraksured. Can you elaborate on the "new weather system"? I have yet to see any MP footage featuring weather or rain even though theyve made such a big deal about it in promotional materials like the early website reveal. Really hoping it will be more than just static "rain" like Grand Bazaar and would affect the battle dynamically by becoming more severe and affecting visibility and movement.

Also I've been reading how hit registration seems so improved - any comments on that? Thanks
I'm wondering if it's any more demanding than BF3 is to run? Hoping to dodge one more upgrade cycle on one of the PC's on my lan.
Good info Fraksured. Can you elaborate on the "new weather system"? I have yet to see any MP footage featuring weather or rain even though theyve made such a big deal about it in promotional materials like the early website reveal. Really hoping it will be more than just static "rain" like Grand Bazaar and would affect the battle dynamically by becoming more severe and affecting visibility and movement.

Also I've been reading how hit registration seems so improved - any comments on that? Thanks

Gladly answer what I can.

The only thing they've really shown on the weather system has been in the Frostbite 3 Engine video and during the water portion of the SP trailer Angry Seas, the rest has been in interviews with Devs. It looks like it will affect sea battles more than anything, but instead of simply rain breaking out during a match, we may see scenarios like high winds (with and without rain) affecting the terrain, and clouds rolling in and changing the lighting. Who knows what else they may come up with, but I don't expect they will do things that will hinder the gameplay or fun factor. Basically we'll have to wait and see, but it does look like it will be expanded, more realistic and diverse.

The Netcode has indeed been updated and while it is hard to tell from one Alpha map that has no environmental textures, it does seem to be better. If you've played much BF3 at all then you're familiar with running behind a building while under fire, only to die 5 steps past the edge of the building as though all the bullets rounded the corner after you and said "SURPRISE!". I have yet to experience this in the Alpha and I've probably invested 16-20 hours into it. Rubber-banding was another issue in BF3. I don't know that we're ever going to be rid of this completely, but again, I have yet to experience any in the Alpha. Bullets seem to register where you put them, and that is a point Patrick Bach made in one of his interviews when he mentioned the Netcode had been improved.
...There are other changes that make the game feel and play more authentically, such as audio that is even better than BF3 (didn't think that was possible), updated vehicle and player physics, and an entirely new weather system. That said, the changes I experience most while playing, are changes to bring back the teamwork of BF2, and expand the destruction of BC2.

This is a new game. Of course it is going to look and play similar to BF3, but my impression playing it has not been "This is BF3.5". Granted this is Alpha and my personal opinion, but I've played BF since 1942, have over 1300hrs in BF2 and at least 500hr in every other BF game (released on PC). I am a fan of this franchise, and one the criticized it harshly when it walked away from its roots. I have high hopes, and like you, am prepared if they get dashed. I'm just not seeing evidence of that so far.

Gladly answer what I can...

Thank you for your straightforward responses. I see that you are a 'true' Battlefield fan and have very similar interests/concerns as I do. It sounds like the game is trying to go back to its roots - because of that I'm sold. I am definitely going to pre-order.
Thank you for your straightforward responses. I see that you are a 'true' Battlefield fan and have very similar interests/concerns as I do. It sounds like the game is trying to go back to its roots - because of that I'm sold. I am definitely going to pre-order.

Thanks for the compliment, and glad I could be of any service. If the games ends up sucking, you may knife my repeatedly. ;)