Battlefield 3 General Discussion Thread

Does Battlelog keep your stats when you get kicked?

I have discovered that the F-35 is a helicopter-raping MACHINE. I just pull up next to them, go into hover mode, and unload my main gun into them. Easy money. :D

Turns out the guy I kept raping in the helicopter was an admin. A very, very petty admin. :eek:
I have just spent +4 hours on with the live support to deal with my issue.
game spazzed out, triggered PB...-> banned

Back story.
This is my 3rd conversation with a support person/bot. Each one lasting nearly an hour + a good 70min wait beforehand.
I dont know much about PB, all I know is my game+my expansion is all thats involved with me playing BF3. I do not hack,and wouldnt spend an entire night with these people in a chat window if I wasnt the one screwed over here.

It must be a bot, a human simply cannot contradict themselves so many times.
I have appealed the ban with PB aswell, but unless its a widespread falsepositive, that will never get lifted. Ill probably make a new origin account and buy the stuff again...only reason I sat though all this was...well fuck, I didnt do anything wrong. I had steam fuckup before and they were helpful and worked hard to get me back playing...These EA fools just dont care...even when Im compromising to just rebuy the game.

Whats funny is where he/she/it says if I rebuy I can keep BTK, or they will transfer it over...then later says they cannot modify in any way the games on the account.
Then when he/she/it says if I buy, I can use my alias and not loose all my progress/unlocks...then turns around and says thats impossible.
Then says I can make a new account and just transfer everything over...then says thats impossible...
And ofcourse, when I sk if its a bot or human and it says "please wait".

Ill call the phone number tomorrow. I was impressed with origin at first, and despite my dislike, tried my best to give EA a fair shot, but fuck, I can see where everyones hate for EA comes from.

Im angry, confused and tired. I need to jerk off.

Seriously think it only a human half the time there LOL
So I've discovered that you can drive the LAV-AD down the mountain on Kharg toward the ocean, hit the ocean, and bounce clear across the map to the other side and hit the ocean on that side too! It's hard to get the angle right, but if you do, and if you don't spend too much time out of bounds, you can bounce back and forth a few times. Eventually you start going so high that you hit the flight ceiling and it kills a LOT of your speed, and you come down and hit the ground. My record so far is 4 bounces counting the initial bounce, which means 4 times back and forth across the map entirely in mid-air at several hundred kilometers per hour.
I fucking love when I round a corner and see an enemy, center him in my crosshairs, and begin pumping lead into him... and four or five rounds into my burst, he turns towards me, raises his gun, and takes me out in ~2 shots. On a server with only ~60 ping. Fucking piece of shit BF3 netcode.

But I REALLY fucking love when I get spawnkilled and decide to quit for the night because I am getting SO pissed off.... so I hit escape, but then it cancels out the escape menu and forces me to watch the killcam of the prick that spawnkilled me for a good five seconds.

Somebody put it really well a few pages back... 10% of this game is really fucking awesome; the other 90% is shit. But the 10% is good enough to keep me coming back. God I'm a glutton for punishment.

Not sure, I know crashing loses all points usually.

Turns out the answer is yes, you do keep your points. :cool:
So I've discovered that you can drive the LAV-AD down the mountain on Kharg toward the ocean, hit the ocean, and bounce clear across the map to the other side and hit the ocean on that side too! It's hard to get the angle right, but if you do, and if you don't spend too much time out of bounds, you can bounce back and forth a few times. Eventually you start going so high that you hit the flight ceiling and it kills a LOT of your speed, and you come down and hit the ground. My record so far is 4 bounces counting the initial bounce, which means 4 times back and forth across the map entirely in mid-air at several hundred kilometers per hour.

It's good to know that you're such an asset to your team. :)
I fucking love when I round a corner and see an enemy, center him in my crosshairs, and begin pumping lead into him... and four or five rounds into my burst, he turns towards me, raises his gun, and takes me out in ~2 shots. On a server with only ~60 ping. Fucking piece of shit BF3 netcode.

This shit happens to me... All. The. Time.

With like a sub-50 ping, even. Ridiculous.
They ruined karkand, the scale is not correct and they took too many creative freedoms on it. mad.

Yep, doesn't even feel like Karkard. Karkand was a clusterfuck, but this is somehow even more of one. It makes the original version seem like it was a coherent battle.
Yep, doesn't even feel like Karkard. Karkand was a clusterfuck, but this is somehow even more of one. It makes the original version seem like it was a coherent battle.

It does feel like Karkand is a little smaller, or perhaps shaped a little differently, than it was in BF2. Or maybe it's been so long that I just don't remember. Without that warm yellow lighting it doesn't feel like Karkand at all.
Also, they plunged new depths with the unlock demands for the L85. You have to win 5 squad deathmatch rounds to get it (among other requirements). So I have to play hours of what is essentially a piss-poor ripoff of COD to get an unlock that was available within a few hours of playing BF2? :rolleyes:

Every time the touch the game it gets worse.
It does feel like Karkand is a little smaller, or perhaps shaped a little differently, than it was in BF2. Or maybe it's been so long that I just don't remember. Without that warm yellow lighting it doesn't feel like Karkand at all.

The flow of the map has been ruined. They had a masterpiece, but now you can go through any building, get on almost any roof, and there is nothing to coordinate any of the players. I used to think being able to go through the buildings would be cool, but it eliminates any of the fronts that used to create epic 20+ player fights for passage.

An instance is the wall above the fountain that is situated between the Hotel and suburb. You used to have to take one of two routes, but now you can just storm up the new staircase they put in. Basically, you get shot from any and all directions without any idea how they get there.
It does feel like Karkand is a little smaller, or perhaps shaped a little differently, than it was in BF2. Or maybe it's been so long that I just don't remember. Without that warm yellow lighting it doesn't feel like Karkand at all.
The fact that it's flipped + mirrored feels really weird. I feel like I'm upside down. Definitely missing that yellow glow, too, and a lot of flags seem out of place, especially Suburb.

Bah I want to play BF2 again. The original BF2 maps were some of the best maps EVER.
The fact that it's flipped + mirrored feels really weird. I feel like I'm upside down. Definitely missing that yellow glow, too, and a lot of flags seem out of place, especially Suburb.

Bah I want to play BF2 again. The original BF2 maps were some of the best maps EVER.

Holy shit.

That's it.

I knew something was "off" about this map.

It's upside down ffs.

Leave it to DICE...
What moron(s) at DICE thought it was a good idea to place all of the Karkand spawn points out in the open so that every time you spawn you have five dudes shooting at you before you even have control of your character needs to be freaking fired. The built-in two seconds of pointless black screen when you spawn in is just icing on the cake of fun! I swear the more I play this game the more aggravated I get with all of the horrible design "features".
Holy shit.

That's it.

I knew something was "off" about this map.

It's upside down ffs.

Leave it to DICE...
Yeah, I didn't realize at first either and actually only found out about half an hour ago. It's been like five years since I played BF2 and I was around 15 when it came out, so my memory is a little hazy. At first I thought the lack of the yellow glow was what made it seem so weird, and then I remembered that Suburbs used to be in the northwest corner of the map, so I decided to compare the old + new Karkand and lo-and-behold, it's flipped...
The Back to Karkand maps have surely got to be better than the BF3 garbage dumps.

I thought Oman was quite fun, and the Construction Site CP on Sharqui is just as hectic as I remember it being from BF2. :D Wake Island seems decent enough, and Karkand... well Karkand kinda sucks, for reasons being discussed above.
The Back to Karkand maps have surely got to be better than the BF3 garbage dumps.

oh, they are. but theyre still a piece of shit compared to the original BF2 maps.

plus the maps all look like theyre black and white, with a slight hint of brown thrown in. hell, wake island is supposed to be a vibrant tropical paradise, and it looks like a grey, gloomy, overcast day out there. even the palm trees look depressed.
IBut I REALLY fucking love when I get spawnkilled and decide to quit for the night because I am getting SO pissed off.... so I hit escape, but then it cancels out the escape menu and forces me to watch the killcam of the prick that spawnkilled me for a good five seconds.

Alt-Tab out to BattleLog and close the game from the Game Center instead.
So I just wanted to get one round in before bed, and logged onto a 64 player Karkand server where I was on the attacking team that could not get out of spawn. I couldn't understand why until one minute into the round when I got one shotted by a Support half way across the map. One click of tab shows him to have a 63-4 KDR. Guy's name is iittlepowner. First letter is I, not L, probably to keep people from reporting him.

Stats show he's over 10.0 KDR over 7 hours of play. I never understood why game developers can't outsmart the cheats in keeping gaming hack free. Was there a place where you could report these people?
So I just wanted to get one round in before bed, and logged onto a 64 player Karkand server where I was on the attacking team that could not get out of spawn. I couldn't understand why until one minute into the round when I got one shotted by a Support half way across the map. One click of tab shows him to have a 63-4 KDR. Guy's name is iittlepowner. First letter is I, not L, probably to keep people from reporting him.

Stats show he's over 10.0 KDR over 7 hours of play. I never understood why game developers can't outsmart the cheats in keeping gaming hack free. Was there a place where you could report these people?
Look him up on Battlelog, you can report him from there. He'll be banned soon enough.
Look him up on Battlelog, you can report him from there. He'll be banned soon enough.

Just found the little triangle on his profile that lets me report.

So from what I understand, these cheaters buy the game, pay for a subscription for constantly updated undetectable hacks, get banned, and re-buy everything to rinse and repeat? Sounds like a lot of money wasted. But I guess they get satisfaction in pissing people off.
What moron(s) at DICE thought it was a good idea to place all of the Karkand spawn points out in the open so that every time you spawn you have five dudes shooting at you before you even have control of your character needs to be freaking fired. The built-in two seconds of pointless black screen when you spawn in is just icing on the cake of fun! I swear the more I play this game the more aggravated I get with all of the horrible design "features".

Battlefield Bad Company 2 had the same problem.
Just found the little triangle on his profile that lets me report.

So from what I understand, these cheaters buy the game, pay for a subscription for constantly updated undetectable hacks, get banned, and re-buy everything to rinse and repeat? Sounds like a lot of money wasted. But I guess they get satisfaction in pissing people off.
Some people just love to troll, I guess.

I don't know if EA started cracking down on this but leading up to the release there were a lot of sites (and probably still are) selling foreign keys for like $15 each or something so hackers might have just loaded up on those.
Just found the little triangle on his profile that lets me report.

So from what I understand, these cheaters buy the game, pay for a subscription for constantly updated undetectable hacks, get banned, and re-buy everything to rinse and repeat? Sounds like a lot of money wasted. But I guess they get satisfaction in pissing people off.

Anything that boosts PC game sales, right? :D
Whateves.... these maps are awesome... just what this game needed. The maps were getting old.. and fast. Feels like a new game now.
Just found the little triangle on his profile that lets me report.

So from what I understand, these cheaters buy the game, pay for a subscription for constantly updated undetectable hacks, get banned, and re-buy everything to rinse and repeat? Sounds like a lot of money wasted. But I guess they get satisfaction in pissing people off.

Thats because EA is too busy not fixing the game so it wont glitch like a motherfucking spazing epileptic squirrel on acid that triggers punkbuster and bricks my copy of the game+ expansion for life with absolutely zero chance of any help.

really EA? I buy the game on PS3 and PC, expansion, plenty of other EA games...every single NHL game since it began....and you cant help me worth shit.

Yah, thats a hacker account for sure!

seriously facepalming right now
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I fucking love when I round a corner and see an enemy, center him in my crosshairs, and begin pumping lead into him... and four or five rounds into my burst, he turns towards me, raises his gun, and takes me out in ~2 shots. On a server with only ~60 ping. Fucking piece of shit BF3 netcode.

I wouldn't be Battlefield without that experience. The rage induced moments in BF2 and BC2 that caused as well...

But whoever said shooting feels off, I agree. Usually when I burst, I have a feeling of many many bursts until the guy goes down and then I reload. Lately, I burst, I see all the bullets hit him, assume he's down, yet get 1-2 shot and see he has 75% HP left. Very odd.
what happens all the time?

Shooting netcode. Click the links in the quote and retrace the conversation. :rolleyes:

Also, the issues in the past few threads have been enough to make me keep waiting. I got to 30 before Karkand and I got annoyed with the issues. Hopefully soon they fix these issues and I can play again.
The new maps make give me more crash than the old one, especially Oman
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Great game but OMFG I so hate the web launcher and how long it takes to get into a game.......
It is an absolutely gorgeous game on the PC. The battlefield is more intense and involving than ever.
This video highlights its beauty effectively:!

Yeah I agree some quirks could be worked out with Origin/Battlecom.
I dont thing the loading time before it hops into the game is a valid point though; it is renderering all game data including the entire map (they are big in BF) outside the game. When it hops into the game you are ready to play.
oh, they are. but theyre still a piece of shit compared to the original BF2 maps.

plus the maps all look like theyre black and white, with a slight hint of brown thrown in. hell, wake island is supposed to be a vibrant tropical paradise, and it looks like a grey, gloomy, overcast day out there. even the palm trees look depressed.

Ive noticed this also. All of the maps seem to so blah with colors. I wish there was a mod community for this game... Id love to have an urban city with neon lighting everywhere to destroy!

Edit: An an airport ;)
Great game but OMFG I so hate the web launcher and how long it takes to get into a game.......

The only thing i like about it is that i can check if my server is populated from my laptop or my phone before going to play rather than hear my wife complain /bitch about my gaming and then it turns out that my fav servers are empty.
The only thing i like about it is that i can check if my server is populated from my laptop or my phone before going to play rather than hear my wife complain /bitch about my gaming and then it turns out that my fav servers are empty.
