Servers down again it seems. Confirmed with tripwir3 he can't connect either.
Pretty bullshit, especially when you take the day off work like some of us. I decided to work from home, but not actually work. But now as the servers keep going down/lagging I'm so bored I'm actually doing my job.
Pretty bullshit, especially when you take the day off work like some of us. I decided to work from home, but not actually work. But now as the servers keep going down/lagging I'm so bored I'm actually doing my job.

Major DDOS attacks hitting a lot of targets including this. Couldn't be helped.

I'm glad I bought this. I'm just getting into the campaign mode now and I'm pretty damned impressed. Another hat tip to the nice soundtrack here as well.
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Anyone know by chance if I can use the same download for the game on another pc in the house on a different ea account with different key??

I bought 2 for me and my son and figure I can download the game on one and copy the folder onto the other pc and install the game using different game keys to save time not having to download it twice.

Just wondering if any key file would be saved into the same folder and ban both of us??

Or just don't risk it and download it twice?

Im figuring the key is saved to the registry or in some other encrypted file in the origin folder but wanted to ask just to be safe.
Pretty bullshit, especially when you take the day off work like some of us. I decided to work from home, but not actually work. But now as the servers keep going down/lagging I'm so bored I'm actually doing my job.
lol, I'm working from home too. Fridays are typically slow days, though. Guess I'll hop on some campaign.
so far it is has been pretty fun but i've run into quite a few bugs.

1 - i've had a lot of weird issues with guns not firing after getting revived as well as after using the mortar. i have to switch to pistol than back to my primary. it is awful when you get revived and try to fire on someone and nothing happens

2 - weird issues with the mouse not working properly when using the mortar. sometimes it will move extremely slow and other times it will stay stuck in the mortar view and not let me get back to firing another very quickly

3 - had a one time issue last night after coming out of the mortar where my mouse no longer allowed me to look up and down. I could go side to side, but no up and down. this was fixed as soon as i was killed and respawned

4 - had an issue as a tank gunner where the weapon was firing, but there was no muzzle flash, no audio and no gun recoil.

one thing that is taking some time to get used to is that enemies don't show up on radar when firing...i've had a much harder time gauging where the action is and the flow of the game. spotting seems a lot less forgiving than BF4 as well which adds to the feeling of chaos and unpredictability.
I haven't been able to get "online" all day, even when two others supposedly were able to.

Single player until the silly subsides, which may be a while...

*edit...Figures now I get online.
Anyone know by chance if I can use the same download for the game on another pc in the house on a different ea account with different key??

I bought 2 for me and my son and figure I can download the game on one and copy the folder onto the other pc and install the game using different game keys to save time not having to download it twice.

Just wondering if any key file would be saved into the same folder and ban both of us??

Or just don't risk it and download it twice?

Im figuring the key is saved to the registry or in some other encrypted file in the origin folder but wanted to ask just to be safe.

There's no risk to copying the game folder to other PC's, EA endorses the practice. There's no key saved locally, the rights are tied to the Origin account. Follow these instructions:
Ugh, just got done trying to play two rounds with the worst teammates ever. It's not like the other team was even cheating. I drove a tank, and immediately filled up with two squad mates who didn't even bother to fire. I switched squads next game, and same thing. No one even took any of the planes. I mean, seriously, how can you have 0 kills in a round when you're in a tank?
so far it is has been pretty fun but i've run into quite a few bugs.

1 - i've had a lot of weird issues with guns not firing after getting revived as well as after using the mortar. i have to switch to pistol than back to my primary. it is awful when you get revived and try to fire on someone and nothing happens

2 - weird issues with the mouse not working properly when using the mortar. sometimes it will move extremely slow and other times it will stay stuck in the mortar view and not let me get back to firing another very quickly

3 - had a one time issue last night after coming out of the mortar where my mouse no longer allowed me to look up and down. I could go side to side, but no up and down. this was fixed as soon as i was killed and respawned

4 - had an issue as a tank gunner where the weapon was firing, but there was no muzzle flash, no audio and no gun recoil.

one thing that is taking some time to get used to is that enemies don't show up on radar when firing...i've had a much harder time gauging where the action is and the flow of the game. spotting seems a lot less forgiving than BF4 as well which adds to the feeling of chaos and unpredictability.

i've had my guns glitch out on me after getting revived and i can't zoom anymore until i die.
With the mortar glitch, and the mouse not working, it's an Origin overlay problem. If it happens, pressing Shift-F1 to open the overlay and closing it should fix the problem.
Looks like a new nvidia driver just dropped with BF1 optimizations too, interesting. Hope it doesn't break anything.
Seriously? French troops as dlc? Same as Russians? And American troops aviable from day 1? Meh.

France had such a big role during WWI, that to cut it out from main game is an insult. Same with Russian Empire and the whole Eastern Front. Even Canada played much more important role than US till 1917
And to wait for those DLCs till 2017. This sucks big time.
Been getting crashes, not sure why. Suggested to disable Origin Overlay, but I'm wondering if its a temps issue, have not been running msi afterburner with an aggressive fan curve as I usually do. Gonna have to test later.
Been getting crashes, not sure why. Suggested to disable Origin Overlay, but I'm wondering if its a temps issue, have not been running msi afterburner with an aggressive fan curve as I usually do. Gonna have to test later.

Specs on PC?

I have yet to crash on my system, and been playing a lot since it came out a few days ago.
What's your RAM like? I'm running 4k at least 50-60 FPS in SP with FXAA and everything set to Ultra.


Playing Operations, cut scenes before the match starts freeze, I get huge drops in frame rate even on low settings. Pretty fucking annoying since the biggest difference in our systems is your extra RAM, and I guess your CPU clockspeed.
Ugh, just got done trying to play two rounds with the worst teammates ever. It's not like the other team was even cheating. I drove a tank, and immediately filled up with two squad mates who didn't even bother to fire. I switched squads next game, and same thing. No one even took any of the planes. I mean, seriously, how can you have 0 kills in a round when you're in a tank?

Welcome to Battlefield. But at least DICE finally implemented pilot and tanker classes, which we've been screaming about for years. Now the little shits won't waste aircraft as disposable taxi's to bail out of and get up to their sweet sniper perch.
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Playing Operations, cut scenes before the match starts freeze, I get huge drops in frame rate even on low settings. Pretty fucking annoying since the biggest difference in our systems is your extra RAM, and I guess your CPU clockspeed.

I get the same cut scene freezes, but the frame rate drops don't really happen to me. Gaming on a 4690k @ 4.4, GTX 970 @ ~1475 core, and 8gb ram. Playing at 1080 with all settings high except AF which is on ultra. Just installed the game ready drivers, so fingers crossed that it fixes the cut scene issues, although that's rather minor all things considered. A bigger issue for me is that randomly when I hop into other peoples vehicles, it won't let me control the turrets. It gets CRAZY laggy and even firing weapons doesn't work correctly. I thought it was a netcode issue until I ran into the same thing while running through the tank missions today. Had to alt tab over and over until it started working correctly. On a brighter note, if anyone wants to play, I'm down. Will likely be on for the next 4 hours or so, so feel free to add me and we can get fragging. Origin: TheRealHH
Its showing BF1 on its own is eating 5.2GB of RAM. I moved to 16GB after BO3, made a difference for me and at that time I think I got my kit on sale, my CPU is being pegged in the 90% usage too.
Its showing BF1 on its own is eating 5.2GB of RAM. I moved to 16GB after BO3, made a difference for me and at that time I think I got my kit on sale, my CPU is being pegged in the 90% usage too.

Yeah, I've never had a reason to upgrade from 8 until now, lucky for me RAM is still dirt cheap. Gonna find out what I'm running and grab another 2x4 kit.

EDIT: Bam, another 8 gigs will be here on monday :p
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Played for 2 hours. Definitely moving in the right direction, I did not have high hopes for this but after the opening prologue and then hearing the Battlefield theme gave me goosebumps. Played Monte Grappa and had a blast.
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Well I fired it up tonight. Amazing game. Played a little SP, then I played an hour or so on the MP.

Graphics are stunning and smooth as silk. Using DX12 2560x1440 390x everything on Ultra. System is x99 5820 4.3Ghz 16G RAM. Duckbutter
Almost to level 40 with 30+ hours played so far. Already have support class and the tanks maxed. I wonder how high the ranks go this time? BF3 was 100, BF4 was 140....
Geezus christ, sleep much?

I was playing with a guy last night who was rank 60, probbaly hasn't seen the light of day since the game came out. Must want to max the game before CoD comes out in a week or whatever, Lol.

I can play the SHIT out of some MMOs for extended periods and forget about time, but FPS games, albeit very fun, are far too repetitive for me to sink those kind of hours without serious breaks.
Damn it. This game makes me want to buy a new monitor. (Actually that's been the case. AU Optronics panel roulette keeps me on the fence.)

Almost to level 40 with 30+ hours played so far. Already have support class and the tanks maxed. I wonder how high the ranks go this time? BF3 was 100, BF4 was 140....

This is why I'm always casual with the online. I'll never be able to hang or compete with junkies (no offense) like this. Never happen.
Almost to level 40 with 30+ hours played so far. Already have support class and the tanks maxed. I wonder how high the ranks go this time? BF3 was 100, BF4 was 140....

Nice, I think I'm rank 33. I've read the current max rank is 100. Remember with BF4 it was set at 100 and increased by 10 with each DLC.
I had to change my play style from CQ. Because of the theme, there's a lot of open combat and some open area camping with bolt action rifles. This calls for 2-3 shot kills from medium range.

I don't run around as much and usually hold an area rather than try to dominate the map. Definitely a good change from the recent COD formula.
After not playing BF4 for a while, it took a few matches to get in the groove. At first I played Assault class very timid as to not die. Then I realized the point of Assault is to go balls out and just run into the sh*t. I died more when I was being cautious than when I dove face first into chaos.

Loving it.
Bam, another 8 gigs will be here on monday :p

I ordered another 8 gigs myself. Will be here on Friday. I also noticed that two of my cores were parked after the win10 install so i fixed that. I also set my GPU to "performance". Pretty soon this slight hesitation should be gone...I hope.