Bad Company 2

I was playing on Atacama the other day with some of my clanmates and two of them were in the chopper. I must have darted them half a dozen times and everytime they disabled the dart so I could'nt get a lock on. What settings do you have to have for this to work? I think you have to hit the right mouse button for counter measures.
I was playing on Atacama the other day with some of my clanmates and two of them were in the chopper. I must have darted them half a dozen times and everytime they disabled the dart so I could'nt get a lock on. What settings do you have to have for this to work? I think you have to hit the right mouse button for counter measures.

Yup. If you take the Vehicle Smoke perk, when you get tracer darted you can hit RMB as the pilot(the pilot only, passenger doesn't get anything if they take smoke) and it will drop flares and kill the dart. It will not affect rockets in flight already on their way, so if you get the dart and someone fires off a rocket before they hit the countermeasures then they're still going down(unless the rocket hits something else mid-flight).
what is wrong with what he said? he is acknowledging that the PC and the Console can't have the same exact gameplay and that he won't make them so. What he said is pretty much true.

"PC players have their own set of requirements. They tend to play only on PC, and they know their PCs have capabilities beyond that of a console. The gap is narrowing, but PCs still have a clear advantage in memory." - Demize99

The gap is narrowing indeed. Screw this 9800 I have in here. I'm going to go buy an X1900 and put it in right now!

Because the moron said all guns should be the same accuracy, but lose power over distance. That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. You should not be able to hit long range targets with your SMG just because you aim your sites at it. That's one of the things that always pissed me off about this game. When SMG's and LMG's snipe you at long distances better than the assault rifles. At least now I know it's because of idiot programmers who know nothing about guns instead of a glitch.

BF2142 got that right. Strangely enough, that was also balanced by Demize when he was a PC gamer.
I'm fine with everything Demize said, I enjoy people lamenting about being sniped by SMGs, do it all the time with my 9A-91 and AKS. Did it all the time with my Turcotte (I hated the PAC equivalent) in 2142. And when I'm on the receiving end I already know what it's like, you left yourself exposed long enough to be picked off by a SMG. I'm just be thankful he actually acknowledges that there is some kind of discrepancy.
I've enjoyedthis game a lot...put alot of time into it but it is time for me to go jingle jangle jingling along.
I hated the feel of the guns in 2142. Went back to it recently to see if it was just my memory and it isn't.
So I discovered today that the M249 is literally a headshot machine. I had something like 5 or 6 headshot pins in one round o_O. 200 rounds and insanely accurate. Doesn't even matter that it's the weakest LMG if I can land them on the face more often than not.

The ironsights aren't as nice as the T88 or XM8 LMG sights, but I managed to dominate with them and keep my super-sprint :D
the high rate of fire and accuracy of the ironsights is why the m249 is my favorite and my best lmg :D
So I discovered today that the M249 is literally a headshot machine. I had something like 5 or 6 headshot pins in one round o_O. 200 rounds and insanely accurate. Doesn't even matter that it's the weakest LMG if I can land them on the face more often than not.

The ironsights aren't as nice as the T88 or XM8 LMG sights, but I managed to dominate with them and keep my super-sprint :D

I actually like the iron sights. They're fairly accurate, though the high recoil (which is understandable for a weapon with such a high fire rate) doesn't help. It's definitely my favorite LMG.

I consider it to be the best weapon for supporting your teammates. I don't want an LMG that I can use to go rambo on my own. I want an LMG that I can use to support my teammates, as intended, along with my med kits. (I use both med kit specializations.) The high fire rate is very useful because it pretty much ensures the enemy cannot return much fire accurately.
Uzi's better than you'd expect, it turns out. On paper it's maybe not the best, but seems to knock people down better than a lot of the others. Nobody seems to have noticed this.
Yep, it was my third SMG to platinum. Like I said a while back, all SMGs are pretty damn good.
Uzi's better than you'd expect, it turns out. On paper it's maybe not the best, but seems to knock people down better than a lot of the others. Nobody seems to have noticed this.
Uzis great. Its my weapon of choice as an eng.
This patch is good news to me. almost all of my rage lately has been from bullshit hit registration.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
They need to remove that invulnerability all together. If you're resurrecting someone in direct line of fire you should be spanked. So they're "fixing" hit registration again? It's been totally fine...except for point blank slug shots with the shotgun and the knife...which they don't seem to be doing much about. So in essence, they're doing nothing.

Patches are good though.
They need to remove that invulnerability all together. If you're resurrecting someone in direct line of fire you should be spanked. So they're "fixing" hit registration again? It's been totally fine...except for point blank slug shots with the shotgun and the knife...which they don't seem to be doing much about. So in essence, they're doing nothing.

Patches are good though.

It's not fine, at all. I just shot at a guy running, who had not just spawned or been revived, with my M249 and saw the blood but no hits for the first several shots. I did end up killing him, but it was annoying.

This was on a server that I have like a 20ms ping to in the server browser.
is the bronze star all weapons still broken? or do i have to bronze the paddles and repair kit ??

Yeah. I am willing to bet that it will remain that way until SPECACT is released on PC. I'd also bet that the SPECACT stuff will be released for free in a future patch, as DICE have done with a lot of content in the past.
Well this patch is nice and all but when the hell are they going to fix the joining servers problem? Its really annoying to sit there and see a server in the server browser and not be able to join because of "Not able to connect to server" or trying to join a friend in a server thats 23/32 and it putting me into a completely different server...... Another huge bitch of mine are the effing medics that get up next to a metal wall with that damn lmg sticking thru it and killing people half way across the map when you cant even hit them back because of the metal wall, or the people with a spaz or saiga and the 12g slug sniping across the map
Well this patch is nice and all but when the hell are they going to fix the joining servers problem? Its really annoying to sit there and see a server in the server browser and not be able to join because of "Not able to connect to server"

I know the feeling. Just tried joining about 10 servers, all gave me that notice. Turns out it was Punkbuster not being up-to-date, probably from playing MoH's beta. So much for informative errors. :rolleyes:
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you want to know whats sad.... i think all the server issues have to do with MOH. Because i didnt have this issue until last week when MOH came out. I tried contacting ea about the issue but when i ran a tracert like they said for me to and posted the results they said that issue was with my isp when clearly the trace rt shows dropped packets after it enters ea gateway ( 50% loss 4/8)..... tried explaining it to the ea tech but she wouldnt listen / understand just kept saying it was my isp and i need to call them to open the ports.... In my exp. EA tech is useless and they wont do anything to fix their broken crap..... anyways thats my 2 cents as to why this is happening
you want to know whats sad.... i think all the server issues have to do with MOH. Because i didnt have this issue until last week when MOH came out. I tried contacting ea about the issue but when i ran a tracert like they said for me to and posted the results they said that issue was with my isp when clearly the trace rt shows dropped packets after it enters ea gateway ( 50% loss 4/8)..... tried explaining it to the ea tech but she wouldnt listen / understand just kept saying it was my isp and i need to call them to open the ports.... In my exp. EA tech is useless and they wont do anything to fix their broken crap..... anyways thats my 2 cents as to why this is happening
I'm curious as to what server they want you to tracert to? I too have been experiencing problems the past few days.

Also, another great utility for this is Pathping. Tracert only calculates the loss that happens between you and the website/server, and thus the dropped packets could occur anywhere along the route...leaving the accused (EA in this case) free to shift the blame to your ISP. The pathping command will send 100 packets to each hop on the destination then calculates the results, telling you where exactly the packets are dropped, and who's routers/servers are dropping them. I use it all the time when my internet service is terrible and I can call them up and prove that it is their network and not my router or modem. The only problem with it is it takes 6 minutes for it to complete. Simply type "pathping" followed by the website or ip address. If you are dropping more than 5% UDP/ICMP (ping) packets between you and the site, there is something wrong. Here is how to interpret the results:
Hey guys, whats the quickest way to level? i get around 200 pts per match and it would forever.....
You'll get better, unlike call of duty, you don't have to be a high level to do well, a lot of the starting guns are pretty good.
Hey guys, whats the quickest way to level? i get around 200 pts per match and it would forever.....

find a class you enjoy and stick with it for ten or fifteen levels. Once you understand what it takes to score high, you can just enjoy the game and rack up the points. a good round for any class would easily be in the 1,500+ range. Like playing Medic I can usually get to the 1st or 2nd spot on the server just running around zapping people back to life, and score 2k+ points.
I'm curious as to what server they want you to tracert to? I too have been experiencing problems the past few days. is what the rep had me ping.

currently running the pathping right now will post later what the results show
Hey guys, whats the quickest way to level? i get around 200 pts per match and it would forever.....

Be a medic. Spam Healthkits at your team wherever they sit and shoot. Follow hurt guys on your team and throw healthkits on them when hide in a corner. Spam Revives on dead guys on your team.
I think it's hilarious that they are only now acknowledging how unbalanced Rez invul is. Took them long enough.

They waited far, far too long to do something about the ridiculously abuse-able rez invulnerability. If they had done this like 4-5 months ago maybe the competitive scene for this game wouldn't now be dead. Rez-trains are stupid.
Can anyone post Patch Notes?? Blocked here at work.


Per EA forums:
zh1nt0 said:
  • One of the Insignia's requiring an unobtainable Bronze star for the tracer dart – requirement removed.
  • One of the Insignia's requiring an unobtainable Bronze star for the tracer dart – requirement removed.
  • Hit registration changes brought over from MOH to BC2; several bugfixes, the client<->server send rates have been increased, some of the hitboxes themselves have been changed. This will increase the accuracy of guns, but will not make much of a difference to the knife.
  • Removed the blue box behind the chat window.
  • The 2-second immunity when spawning/being revived can will now be immediately remove either by firing, zooming, or any movement (move, crouch, jump). Merely looking around will not remove the invulnerability. In essence: If a person moves, he is never invulnerable.
  • 3D vision fixed.
Seems as though that's only some of what they are planning.
Hey guys, whats the quickest way to level? i get around 200 pts per match and it would forever.....

a decent medic gets minimum 2000+ points per game. The other classes take some combat skill. engineers rack up vehicle damage but you have to be a team player to get a good enginee score. Follow tanks repairing constantly. spam ammo boxes as assault.

It's difficult to get points as a sniper because you have to participate to get points. Snipers usually sit in one back corner of the map cutting themselves, complaining that MCR just isn't the band they used to be and wishing they were another class.

I would avoid snipers if possible. The game deducts for hanging around them for too long because even the game doesn't like them and only lets them play because the rent's still gotta be made.
Hey guys, whats the quickest way to level? i get around 200 pts per match and it would forever.....
4 things:

1. Do the thing that your class specializes in, and do it often. If you are Assault, drop ammo boxes next to every guy you pass, especially squadmates (more points). If you are a Medic, drop health boxes next to every guy you pass, especially squadmates (more points). If you are a medic, revive the guys close to you (especially squadmates for more points) AFTER you have cleared the area for enemies. If you are an engineer, stick close to or operate a tank or chopper to repair damage, especially if there is a squadmate using it (more points). If you are a Recon, throw motion sensors often (1 at a time can be functional), each time a guy is spotted by your motion sensor and is killed by you or a teammate, you get assist points. Doing each of these things a certain amount of times per round also gets you awards on top of the points you earn for doing so (see#3). The Assault and Medic class are the easiest to gain points while following this method since the ammo boxes, health boxes, and defib paddles recharge quite often.

2. Spot. Spot. Spot. I can't say this enough because so few people do it. Use the Q key everytime you spot an enemy. If they are killed by you or anyone else while spotted, you get assist points. The only time you shouldn't do this is while your in close quarter combat where you are too busy.

3. Awards. Check through your awards page and try to get as many awards as possible. You can get bronze, silver, gold, and platinum stars for weapons. Most of the awards are worth 5000 or 10000 points. I average 3000 - 4000 points per game as an assault or medic, almost all of the points I earn are from awards.

4. Assign Attack/Defend orders with the Q key. I believe you have to be a higher rank to do this (??). Simply put the objective in your crosshairs and press Q and it will put red crosshairs on the objective. Other teammates might change this on you, but that doesn't matter. If you kill a guy while near the objective you are attacking/defending, you get bonus points, even if the Attack/Defend order was assigned by someone else. Hardly anyone does this. I find it a great way to add more points. I will always assign orders to an objective when I approach it, free points every time I kill someone. is what the rep had me ping.

currently running the pathping right now will post later what the results show
Thanks, I will be running that test when I get home tonight.
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Hey guys, whats the quickest way to level? i get around 200 pts per match and it would forever.....

just go rambo. dont sit back thinking your squad is actually going to do anything because 9 times out of 10 they dont. I've played a bunch of games where my teams a bunch of panzies and are getting owned and will sit back at the base trying to kill people from the base. i cant stand that crap so i just go rushing in owning the hell out of the enemy because they dont expect it and push them back myself. spawn rapers are so easy to counter yet most people just sit there and cry about it instead of actually trying to do something.

im level 22 i have less then 30 hours played and only have 2 upgrades left as recon, finished all the others. its not very hard. but unlike most people that sit around hiding behind rocks or waiting at capture points for the enemy to show up, i go to the enemy. i usually avg between 1000-2000 points a round not counting bonus points for awards. after getting all my class upgrades i'll go point whoring for ranking.

4 things:

1. Do the thing that your class specializes in, and do it often. If you are Assault, drop ammo boxes next to every guy you pass, especially squadmates (more points). If you are a Medic, drop health boxes next to every guy you pass, especially squadmates (more points). If you are a medic, revive the guys close to you (especially squadmates for more points) AFTER you have cleared the area for enemies. If you are an engineer, stick close to or operate a tank or chopper to repair damage, especially if there is a squadmate using it (more points). If you are a Recon, throw motion sensors often (1 at a time can be functional), each time a guy is spotted by your motion sensor and is killed by you or a teammate, you get assist points. Doing each of these things a certain amount of times per round also gets you awards on top of the points you earn for doing so (see#3). The Assault and Medic class are the easiest to gain points while following this method since the ammo boxes, health boxes, and defib paddles recharge quite often.

2. Spot. Spot. Spot. I can't say this enough because so few people do it. Use the Q key everytime you spot an enemy. If they are killed by you or anyone else while spotted, you get assist points. The only time you shouldn't do this is while your in close quarter combat where you are too busy.

3. Awards. Check through your awards page and try to get as many awards as possible. You can get bronze, silver, gold, and platinum stars for weapons. Most of the awards are worth 5000 or 10000 points. I average 3000 - 4000 points per game as an assault or medic, almost all of the points I earn are from awards.

4. Assign Attack/Defend orders with the Q key. I believe you have to be a higher rank to do this (??). Simply put the objective in your crosshairs and press Q and it will put red crosshairs on the objective. Other teammates might change this on you, but that doesn't matter. If you kill a guy while near the objective you are attacking/defending, you get bonus points, even if the Attack/Defend order was assigned by someone else. Hardly anyone does this. I find it a great way to add more points. I will always assign orders to an objective when I approach it, free points every time I kill someone.

Thanks, I will be running that test when I get home tonight.

thanks on the spot/attack/defend order stuff. kept forgetting to look in my key settings to see what the key was. drove me nuts but usually having to much fun killing people to check my key settings.

btw another thing to add to what he was saying is look at your awards and find ones that are worth the most points and do those things. most are worth 5k+ XP so you can rank up pretty damn fast on those as well.
Last edited: is what the rep had me ping.

currently running the pathping right now will post later what the results show

I ran PathPing on my system. So far I have had 2 EA servers/routers drop only 1 packet (1%) each. There was one Level3 Server/Router that dropped 100%, but that is most likely because it is blocking icmp pings. It was obviously still passing traffic since all the other nodes past it replied fine. I even pinged that router separately and confirmed it was blocking ping requests. If it was actually overloaded the network would have sent me through a different link.

So far so good. But if I continue to have problems I will be running the same test again.
Mine crashed.

On a side note...I haven't played this since I purchased it in Beta and it is really ridiculous how crappy the starter guns are. I have played FPS games and especially Battlefield 2 for AGES and I'm ending up with like .3 and .4 kdr