Bad Company 2 Beta - thoughts, opinions?

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Noob question: How do you tell what squad you're on?

when your at the loadout screen (waiting to respawn) there's a SQUADS tab running vertically, click it and the squads window slides out from the left. shows you which squad you're on, all the other squads, and you can leave/join.
Some overall notes:
Need anti-air emplacements in Port Valdez at second point
There is an AA tank which completely rapes the Apache although a lot of noobs like to rush in with it and get it destroyed.
A skilled Apache pilot will defeat the AA tank immediately, commence raping
Apache missiles need to either do more splash damage, be more accurate or do more direct damage, pick one and run with it
Apache missles are mostly for tanks which you don't have to be all that accurate to hit. The Apache gunner thing is pretty much perfectly accurate.
I've unloaded entire salvos at tanks dead on and didn't destroy it, this needs looked at
After the attack team finishes attacking part 3 (where Apache spawns), all defenders have to do is tear down all trees and visible obstructions between 3 and 4 and attackers cannot advance at all
There are other forms of cover such as tanks and smoke grenades.
No one uses smoke grenades because they dissipate within seconds, only cover a very small section, and no one is willing to give up the noob tube for 3 seconds of gray smoke. Tanks are destroyed within seconds of being sighted by tracer dart+anti-tank rounds and/or mines. Infantry is mowed down mercilessly from above with snipers and grenade fests
Repairing needs to take a tad longer, as it stands it's too quick to fully repair armor
Kill the engineers and it completely stops repairing.
Unless the tanker himself is an engineer, in which case usually the only way to destroy it is with a concerted all-out attack before he can get out and repair, or a sneak C4 maneuver, both I guess you won't find in a pub, but I digress
If you can't kill someone you do need to learn to play or go back to Grenade of Airstrike 6: Modern Grenade 2.

It's not that you can't kill someone with the guns, it's that guns like these are a fucking cockslap to people from the "I go 80 and 10 in every game of MW2 I play" school of players. There's a difference between guns that are hard to use properly (i.e. Counter-Strike) and guns that suck (i.e. every Battlefield game ever made). I mean seriously, they seem to deliberately strive to make the guns feel like ass.

In it's efforts to achieve the feel of a realistic war game it has to sacrifice what gamers like myself find appealing in games where it is not only possible to dominate as an individual, but it is personally expected. It's a different school of game entirely, it's not even really an FPS game, it's a war game.

Unfortunately for me this means that it's terrible and that I'd find more enjoyment in banging my head between two bricks. Some people are content with "tactical, team-based, objective oriented" gameplay while others find it to be nothing more than an effort to hinder their own personal skills. RTCW and Enemy Territory came the closest of any games to blending really tight gameplay with this teamwork based objective oriented bullshit.
This game is definitely squad based. If you had two teams of equally skilled players, the ones who used squads to their fullest would win every time.

The last time I played a game where personal skills trumped teamplay was Rocket Arena
It's not that you can't kill someone with the guns, it's that guns like these are a fucking cockslap to people from the "I go 80 and 10 in every game of MW2 I play" school of players. There's a difference between guns that are hard to use properly (i.e. Counter-Strike) and guns that suck (i.e. every Battlefield game ever made). I mean seriously, they seem to deliberately strive to make the guns feel like ass.

In it's efforts to achieve the feel of a realistic war game it has to sacrifice what gamers like myself find appealing in games where it is not only possible to dominate as an individual, but it is personally expected. It's a different school of game entirely, it's not even really an FPS game, it's a war game.

Unfortunately for me this means that it's terrible and that I'd find more enjoyment in banging my head between two bricks. Some people are content with "tactical, team-based, objective oriented" gameplay while others find it to be nothing more than an effort to hinder their own personal skills. RTCW and Enemy Territory came the closest of any games to blending really tight gameplay with this teamwork based objective oriented bullshit.

This is a pretty ridiculous complaint. It's like getting mad at an MMO because you're forced to play with other players (and yes, this has happened).

Battlefield has always been teamwork and objective based first and foremost, so what did you expect out of this one, really?

If you wanted to show off your personal "skills" to everyone else, then yeah, go play Modern Warfare, Counter-Strike, Unreal Tournament, etc. but don't throw a hissyfit when an FPS doesn't conform to your multiplayer gaming preference.
Some overall notes:
Need anti-air emplacements in Port Valdez at second point
There is an AA tank which completely rapes the Apache although a lot of noobs like to rush in with it and get it destroyed.
A skilled Apache pilot will defeat the AA tank immediately, commence raping
A skilled gunner in the AA turret and take down the apache seconds after he lifts off, I do it all the time.
Apache missiles need to either do more splash damage, be more accurate or do more direct damage, pick one and run with it
Apache missles are mostly for tanks which you don't have to be all that accurate to hit. The Apache gunner thing is pretty much perfectly accurate.
I've unloaded entire salvos at tanks dead on and didn't destroy it, this needs looked at
Go around for another pass and unload more?
After the attack team finishes attacking part 3 (where Apache spawns), all defenders have to do is tear down all trees and visible obstructions between 3 and 4 and attackers cannot advance at all
There are other forms of cover such as tanks and smoke grenades.
No one uses smoke grenades because they dissipate within seconds, only cover a very small section, and no one is willing to give up the noob tube for 3 seconds of gray smoke. Tanks are destroyed within seconds of being sighted by tracer dart+anti-tank rounds and/or mines. Infantry is mowed down mercilessly from above with snipers and grenade fests
Quit playing with baddies then?
Repairing needs to take a tad longer, as it stands it's too quick to fully repair armor
Kill the engineers and it completely stops repairing.
Unless the tanker himself is an engineer, in which case usually the only way to destroy it is with a concerted all-out attack before he can get out and repair, or a sneak C4 maneuver, both I guess you won't find in a pub, but I digress
So you can't just spray down the tank with explosives and small weapons fire? When the opposing team works together your team has to use teamwork also in order to take down the tank? WOW I MEAN THEY SHOULD JUST LET YOU SOLO THE TANK!

Herp a derp derp

1st purple: Apparently you've never shot at a skilled Apache pilot.
2nd purple: I'd rather not make extra passes at something that should have been destroyed the first time.
3rd purple: Apparently you've never played in a pub
4th purple: Small weapons fire? ru srs?
Herp a derp derp

1st purple: Apparently you've never shot at a skilled Apache pilot.
2nd purple: I'd rather not make extra passes at something that should have been destroyed the first time.
3rd purple: Apparently you've never played in a pub
4th purple: Small weapons fire? ru srs?

I have shot at many many chopper pilots and I can take out that chopper no problem with that AA gun.
If you think it's too weak go say so on the beta boards, I think it's fine.
I only play in professional private servers.
Are you serious?
Also that wasn't purple it was magenta.
Ah pro private servers, that explains it.

Small arms fire does little to deter a tank.
It worked, you just couldn't comprehend it.

Or maybe internet sarcasm almost always fails? Your posts sound mostly of "lol noob cry more, I'm too good nothing is wrong, it's just you."

That's just the fact of it man, I'm good and anyone who complains about missing sucks.

Also just went 24-0 in the Apache gunner seat, IT'S SO UNDERPOWERED. Also the F2000 is the king of guns, THE KING.
Didn't Gamestop pre-orders get an extra mode or did I misread that? I recall reading a Gamestop ad saying they get to play a extra mode in the beta. Haven't heard much of it, It didn't go through?
That's just the fact of it man, I'm good and anyone who complains about missing sucks.

Also just went 24-0 in the Apache gunner seat, IT'S SO UNDERPOWERED. Also the F2000 is the king of guns, THE KING.

LMG + red dot sight > f2000 :D
This may have been covered elsewhere but is Gamestop ever going to send me a beta key?

Deadly choppers are ok as long as they are balanced by their +++difficulty to fly. At least you always have the chance for the lucky shot on the pilot.
I love the the mouse sens changes, and I haven't had connection problems recently.

SixtyWattMan, try toning it down on the tough guy persona, you're ending up with crap ton of posts that are nothing but put-downs.
Didn't Gamestop pre-orders get an extra mode or did I misread that? I recall reading a Gamestop ad saying they get to play a extra mode in the beta. Haven't heard much of it, It didn't go through?

If they did, I'm very interested to know if it's conquest. And if it's is it compared to the map we're stuck with atm.
It's not that you can't kill someone with the guns, it's that guns like these are a fucking cockslap to people from the "I go 80 and 10 in every game of MW2 I play" school of players. There's a difference between guns that are hard to use properly (i.e. Counter-Strike) and guns that suck (i.e. every Battlefield game ever made). I mean seriously, they seem to deliberately strive to make the guns feel like ass.

In it's efforts to achieve the feel of a realistic war game it has to sacrifice what gamers like myself find appealing in games where it is not only possible to dominate as an individual, but it is personally expected. It's a different school of game entirely, it's not even really an FPS game, it's a war game.

Unfortunately for me this means that it's terrible and that I'd find more enjoyment in banging my head between two bricks. Some people are content with "tactical, team-based, objective oriented" gameplay while others find it to be nothing more than an effort to hinder their own personal skills. RTCW and Enemy Territory came the closest of any games to blending really tight gameplay with this teamwork based objective oriented bullshit.

This game is for team-oriented players - notice all the squad features, like how easy it is to join one, how you can spawn on any squad member, how you get more points for assisting squad members compared to other allies. Get some friends on together with xfire or steam chat and play it. The feeling of accomplishing tasks using teamwork is great.

I do agree, though, about some of the guns. The SAW and PKM could use slightly more power, along with the auto-shotgun.

EDIT: I am so glad somebody (DICE) decided to move away from games that only require uber-reflexes and knowing where to spawn-camp. The coordination and strategy in this game make it mentally stimulating.
If they did, I'm very interested to know if it's conquest. And if it's is it compared to the map we're stuck with atm.

No it was the 4 player squad mode, and that deal was only for console pre orders. The PC version will have all game modes, including the one GS was giving away for console pre orders.
Does anyone have a spare beta key? I've tried at every chance I had, but no luck so far... I'm really looking forward for this, but my luck has been terrible so far.

Thanks either way, to anyone :)
Does anyone have a spare beta key? I've tried at every chance I had, but no luck so far... I'm really looking forward for this, but my luck has been terrible so far.

Thanks either way, to anyone :)

pre-order it off steam, it really is an awsome game. And if you dont like it steam will refund you the purchase as long as you ask before it launches (cancel while its still a pre-order)
pre-order it off steam, it really is an awsome game. And if you dont like it steam will refund you the purchase as long as you ask before it launches (cancel while its still a pre-order)

Is the Key supplied instantly if you order off steam? I ordered off GameStop and no key yet. I am ready to cancel if people have had better luck with steam.

Is the Key supplied instantly if you order off steam? I ordered off GameStop and no key yet. I am ready to cancel if people have had better luck with steam.


Yes, the beta shows as an item to load in your steam games page. When you install and load it, you'll get a pop up box with the key. There is no waiting for an email or anything of that nature.
Is the Key supplied instantly if you order off steam? I ordered off GameStop and no key yet. I am ready to cancel if people have had better luck with steam.


yes, no waiting for it, like already said the beta shows up as a seperate game, you can right click the beta and go veiw key and it also pops up a message wiht the key for you. You get it instantly.
neat trick I just found out to let you use the 4x scope on all the other clases as well, but you need to have it unlocked on the recon class first.

Spawn as recon with any gun and have the 4x scope selected, now die. Either suicide or just get killed. Now selecta ny other class and pick whatever gun you want, change all the things you want EXCEPT the third colum, the one wiht the light weight perk and the scopes and such, dont toucht hat one or it wont work.

now spawn and your gun will still have the 4x scope.
I love the the mouse sens changes, and I haven't had connection problems recently.

SixtyWattMan, try toning it down on the tough guy persona, you're ending up with crap ton of posts that are nothing but put-downs.

Don't mind me, I just have the ability to aim.
neat trick I just found out to let you use the 4x scope on all the other clases as well, but you need to have it unlocked on the recon class first.

Spawn as recon with any gun and have the 4x scope selected, now die. Either suicide or just get killed. Now selecta ny other class and pick whatever gun you want, change all the things you want EXCEPT the third colum, the one wiht the light weight perk and the scopes and such, dont toucht hat one or it wont work.

now spawn and your gun will still have the 4x scope.

Sounds like a bug ;)
The game's great. DICE are masters at making immersive war games, with all the sound design and effects and explosion particle effects and that sort of stuff. Needs some tweaking, weapon switching can be clunky and the server browser's a bit fucked, but I'm looking forward to playing the full game. Shame the beta map's so poor.

Still haven't tried the Apache yet. Every time we get back to that point I'm too sucked in to fighting the bad guys away to remember to give it a go.
If anyone was into the way a nice joystick flew the heli's in BF2, don't even bother trying to use on in BC2.

It is my only gripe with the game so far. The movements are instant. BF2 it seemed to float around a bit and felt very realistic, in BC2 its like moving a pacman helicopter around.
Sounds like a bug ;)

no, no its not! lol

ya i know but it lets us try out the 4x scope which is suppost to be lcoke for all classes except recon int he beta, it is a nromal unlock in the full game
BTW, is mouse wheel inversion not working. It always scrolls the same way, opposite of my intuition and it throws me badly.
ONE NEW MAP, please for the love of god. cant see shit with all the snow dust everywhere. also I want to turn off said snow dust.
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