Bad Company 2 Beta - thoughts, opinions?

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maybe it might be possible to turn in off in the full game, but so far every hardcore server i have been too has had FF on.

btw even with FF on you can't damage team vehicles. I sometimes wish you could so you could kill people that steal your tank when your repairing it. but then there would be alot of fighting for the vehicles and that would be anoying...
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i joined my first Hardcore server last night and immediately noticed the mini-map and crosshairs were still there. i killed a couple guys and it felt like weapons were issuing the same amount of damage. i asked if it was truly a hardcore server and several people replied "yes". i was skeptical so i exited out and tried a different server with Hardcore in the description and it was in line with what i expected. no mini-map, no crosshairs, significantly more weapon damage. so if you're hunting for a HC server keep in mind that some (at least one) are incorrectly labeled.
Odd, I was able to do this very thing during the PS3 beta, with both a sniper rifle from a distance, and a machine gun in short bursts from a closer distance.

I haven't been in the PC beta, though I'm getting this (any FPS) strictly on PC, but I wonder if they removed the ability or if it was some hit detection thing on the console version...?

I agree in the PS3 beta version this was easy to do, i used to do it all the time.

Its not so easy to do in the PC version, i think i have done it once, but not really sure if it went through the slot or not.

I usually snipe and kill the gunner with hs when he has his side exposed, much easier that way.
i joined my first Hardcore server last night and immediately noticed the mini-map and crosshairs were still there. i killed a couple guys and it felt like weapons were issuing the same amount of damage. i asked if it was truly a hardcore server and several people replied "yes". i was skeptical so i exited out and tried a different server with Hardcore in the description and it was in line with what i expected. no mini-map, no crosshairs, significantly more weapon damage. so if you're hunting for a HC server keep in mind that some (at least one) are incorrectly labeled.

the easy way to test if it's HC or not is to shoot a team member and see if their health decreases and I've been shot and killed by a team member on a grounded helicopter

so pretty sure if it's HC, FF is on
is there a max number of unlocks in the beta? i got a bunch of unlocks for recon and now im playing assault and not getting any progress bars to getting new weapons.
is there a max number of unlocks in the beta? i got a bunch of unlocks for recon and now im playing assault and not getting any progress bars to getting new weapons.

if you look at the Weapons & Gadgets screen it shows you which items you've unlocked and your progress towards future unlocks. for the beta they've artificially limited the amount of unlocks available by having some items require a ridiculous amount of XP - 1xx,xxx,xxx or something in that ballpark.
Woo my first post!! (long time lurker)

I just wanted to add my thoughts on this beta so far.

I am really enjoying it and I am finding that the combination of vehicles, classes, lots of players, and objectives make for an amazing game. I did experience the disconnects, non-working server browser, in-game lag, mouse lag, and some other quirkyness, but all those issues are gone for me. I also got a decent FPS boost by disabling HBAO. I am getting about 45-50 fps on high settings with rig in my sig, still tweaking the settings to maximize fps without degrading the visuals. I think my dual-core may be limiting me a bit here, I am still hoping the game will be better optimized on release, that being said I am shopping around for a q9550/q9650 used.

It is also worth mentioning that the sound effects and environment damage are amazing. Totally love it and adds massively to the experience. I really can't wait for the campaign, but really the additional MP maps/modes is what has me counting the days till release.

I had a moment in game that was so satisfying that I wanted to add it. I think most of you all have these moments multiple times, but for me it was the first! I was driving the Tank down the hill while on the offensive and I was basically just spamming and taking my time on my way down, took a couple hits, repaired myself, and kept going. By the time I was at the bottom and entering the area with the buildings, I was coming under heavy fire, so I was shooting and also hopping out to repair, and at this point I had another engineer with me who was also keeping my tank up. After taking a massive hit, I hopped out, took out a couple enemies who were trying to flank, started repairing the tank from about 5-6 hp, other eng did the same. I noticed some activity in the building across from me so I quickly hopped back in the tank and unleashed a hit on a building that took out 6 guys at once and left the building with no front wall. Switching back to spam mode thinking, I fired a second shot at the back wall (since the front wall was no more) and I got another 3 kills from enemies standing behind it. Talk about a fulfilling experience!! I was so pumped I sat back for a second in awe of what I just did, then I saw a Heli + Tank take me out in 1 second. lol.

**Also tried hardcore and it was fun! I like the no map/cross, but the one shot kills...not really sure what to make of it yet. Maybe my opinion is skewed since I found it to take too many shots in normal mode, and they are planning to change it. I played a lot of HC in mw1, but found that I liked it a lot less in mw2. Not quite sure why.
Yeah, you're right. It takes the skill of hiding behind a box and/or aiming at door entries with ironsights up while crouching in a corner, just like most other semi-realistic games out there (CoD, DoD etc). The person actually moving doesn't have a chance to react to a camper, because whoever spots the other person first wins.

Well put.
Woo my first post!! (long time lurker)


I had a moment in game that was so satisfying that I wanted to add it. I think most of you all have these moments multiple times, but for me it was the first! I was driving the Tank down the hill while on the offensive and I was basically just spamming and taking my time on my way down, took a couple hits, repaired myself, and kept going. By the time I was at the bottom and entering the area with the buildings, I was coming under heavy fire, so I was shooting and also hopping out to repair, and at this point I had another engineer with me who was also keeping my tank up. After taking a massive hit, I hopped out, took out a couple enemies who were trying to flank, started repairing the tank from about 5-6 hp, other eng did the same. I noticed some activity in the building across from me so I quickly hopped back in the tank and unleashed a hit on a building that took out 6 guys at once and left the building with no front wall. Switching back to spam mode thinking, I fired a second shot at the back wall (since the front wall was no more) and I got another 3 kills from enemies standing behind it. Talk about a fulfilling experience!! I was so pumped I sat back for a second in awe of what I just did, then I saw a Heli + Tank take me out in 1 second. lol.


Try shelling buildings to oblivion. Nothing quite like getting kills AND destroying an MCOM from a collapsing building :D
Well put.

Yeah, if you're LOW SKILL.


Seriously though, I prefer that about Hardcore modes. It feels more challenging to play based on reaction times and I feel a far bigger rush when you get a good run knowing you were always one more hit from being put down, rather than twenty. It sickens me to unload a whole sodding magazine into someone's torso only for them to hide behind a crate. Far more interesting to keep moving and have to pay attention to your friendly fire and idiots sitting in corners being shit.
Try shelling buildings to oblivion. Nothing quite like getting kills AND destroying an MCOM from a collapsing building :D

I was on the second floor of a 2 story building when it got hit with mortars. All of a sudden I hear the whole building croaking and moaning, I sprinted for the window, but the building collapsed before I could make it out.

Good times :)
They really ought to fix the landscape "bugs" which allow attackers/defenders to go places they are not supposed to go....
I was on the second floor of a 2 story building when it got hit with mortars. All of a sudden I hear the whole building croaking and moaning, I sprinted for the window, but the building collapsed before I could make it out.

Good times :)

Good times indeed. Can't wait for the full game.

I keep imagining a BF game with desctructible environment and it blows my mind. Sharqi Peninsula with armor - the whole map would be flat by end of a round :D. Imagine being at the top of the TV station when it collapses :eek:
i just had my best round ever.

this included a destroying a tank as engi, and claiming a triple kill from the explosion :)
We lost, but it is hard when you have a team of morons sniping. I was in a tank for 2 mins and had 5-6 kills, the rest was infantry combat.
Is there a list of possible problems that can cause the game to crash?

I've searched and found many issues in the BFBC2 EA forum but no solution posted.

I have XP and it crashes when connecting to a server and loading.
Is there a list of possible problems that can cause the game to crash?

I've searched and found many issues in the BFBC2 EA forum but no solution posted.

I have XP and it crashes when connecting to a server and loading.

Do you have the Steam version? If so turn off stean client overlay. I had the same problem with the steam version and that fixed it.
my opinion: i don't like it. it's cool if you just like spazzing out and blowing things to hell though i guess.
Why do people think it takes a whole clip to kill someone in normal mode? I've killed 3 people with a single XM8 clip. :confused:
maybe it might be possible to turn in off in the full game, but so far every hardcore server i have been too has had FF on.

btw even with FF on you can't damage team vehicles. I sometimes wish you could so you could kill people that steal your tank when your repairing it. but then there would be alot of fighting for the vehicles and that would be anoying...

Try landing to repair the apache, someone always steals my gunner seat. When that happens my friend who is piloting just rams the Apache into the water.
Anyone want to play now? I have yet to find a squad that plays together.

Steam: sethmobr
BC2: sethmo
how do people find the public squad play? i tend to find it actually not that bad. People tend to work together and mix up the classes. only problem i notice is that everyone just rushes to the point that has just had a charge set leaving the other totally open
Regarding hardcore mode 1-2 shotting people vs. taking 4-5+ hits or a couple headshots... I personally think the normal gameplay is more skillful, as you have to be more tactical with positioning and flanking, and keep hitting them a few times. In hardcore mode it's like Instagib, where the first one to twitch and spray+pray a hit first wins. Different styles and arguably different skills, but I still never thought of instagib as anything but silly.

SoAndSo, on squad gameplay I am finding the same you are.... people tend to work well together but you do have the zerg-rush mentality on any point under fire most of the time.
public squad play is good overall. When i get into a support role people seems to like it and help back.
i'll second public squad play as being very good. medics generally revive and provide med packs, support usually gives ammo packs, and both lay down cover fire when needed. i always join a squad and try to fill whatever class is missing. also if a medic goes down near me and i'm some other class, i'll grab the medic's kit and revive him. in BF2 i find this tactic really helps advance your squad/team. the same is true for BC2.
Try landing to repair the apache, someone always steals my gunner seat. When that happens my friend who is piloting just rams the Apache into the water.

That happened last night and my friend dove the gunship into the mountainside and bailed right before it hit. When Friendly fire servers come up, I will enjoy shooting them out of it and taking back my spot.

Better yet, when my squad gets a server. We'll simply IP ban the fuckers and get back in the gunner seat.
That happened last night and my friend dove the gunship into the mountainside and bailed right before it hit. When Friendly fire servers come up, I will enjoy shooting them out of it and taking back my spot.

Better yet, when my squad gets a server. We'll simply IP ban the fuckers and get back in the gunner seat.

Similar things have happened to me in BF2. It is hilarious when I switch seats and gain control and go on my way and sometimes just do circles around the pad and watch them look up.

Sometimes they get mad and shoot me down :(
It sucks because you can't jump out to repair or you lose your vehicle. Like when you're in the AA gun trying to capture the third point. You're sitting in the gun trying to take down the apache and some dipshit jumps into the driver seat and starts driving directly into the enemy base and of course while the AA tank is moving it's almost impossible to aim the AA gun itself. Then the apache rapes you whole team.
Anyone else ready for some damn conquest? I hope they still have commander.
Why do people think it takes a whole clip to kill someone in normal mode? I've killed 3 people with a single XM8 clip. :confused:

this right here, people yell "I am bursting, why cant I kill someone?" I got atip for you, stopping to reload your clip is not bursting lol

You can easly kill 2-3 guys with 1 clip if you can burst and aim, 4 if your lucky.
this right here, people yell "I am bursting, why cant I kill someone?" I got atip for you, stopping to reload your clip is not bursting lol

You can easly kill 2-3 guys with 1 clip if you can burst and aim, 4 if your lucky.

i've killed 3 with one mag, but it's pretty rare for me. most encounters are what i'd call 'medium' range and i've found holding the XM8 for longer burst-firing is more lethal than the typical 3-round burst. 5-6 round bursts are the sweet spot, at least at medium range (which seems to be 99% of the time for me).
I'm a club SLI member, where do I go?

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Exclusive benefit for Club SLI Members!

In partnership with EA/DICE, NVIDIA is proud to announce that we have Battlefield Bad Company 2 beta keys for all members of Club SLI!

Get your squad together and get ready to experience some of the most heart pounding and adrenaline filled gaming you’ll experience this year. Feel the pounding of heavy tank and mortar fire. Hear the sniper fire whizzing by your head. Experience the realistic effects of such things as destructible environments and bullet drop. Rejoice in victory as you work together as a squad. DICE has masterfully improved upon the already awesome Battlefield series game play and taken combat to a whole new level. Now it’s your turn to experience one of the best FPS franchises in gaming history.

What you’ll need:
Be sure to have the latest GeForce driver installed which has the Battlefield Bad Company 2 SLI profile. You can download it here.
Download the Battlefield Bad Company 2 Beta software here.
During the installation process you will be asked for your beta key which is located at the bottom of this email. You will also be asked to create a Battlefield account which you will need in order to play the game. That’s it!


Enjoy playing the Battlefield Bad Company 2 beta!
i've killed 3 with one mag, but it's pretty rare for me. most encounters are what i'd call 'medium' range and i've found holding the XM8 for longer burst-firing is more lethal than the typical 3-round burst. 5-6 round bursts are the sweet spot, at least at medium range (which seems to be 99% of the time for me).

I normally end up inside the enmies base, even with my engi, I tend to sneak up on the side and widen thier ear holes lol, I also get klled 4 times in a row without a kill if im caught trying to sneak in, so its all situational lol.

but in a close-mid fight 1 clip should be enought to kill 2-3 guys if you can aim and conserve ammo.

Thats not to say there isnt a good time to just open your clip up, Ive ran around a corner and emptied many clips as I didnt know what to expect, and it works, but if you can see what your dealing with try and burst lol
I get 3 with an XM8 clip quite a bit. The worst is when I come around a corner or something at close-mid range to a couple people and I spray only to get nothing. Headshots are where its at. If you're shooting at a stationary/slow moving target at mid range, always go for the head or upper-mid body. I also love putting a couple pistol rounds into someone and seeing the +10 Headshot come up. Happens alot actually when I'm not expecting it.
this right here, people yell "I am bursting, why cant I kill someone?" I got atip for you, stopping to reload your clip is not bursting lol

You can easly kill 2-3 guys with 1 clip if you can burst and aim, 4 if your lucky.

Ditto, I fire 2-3 shots and pause a second, and continue that way through the clip unless I am just trying to lay down some suppressive fire at a long range. I've killed 3-4 people on a clip before as well.
Overall this game is alot fo fun for me,a nd pistols seem very usefull. Ive gotten tons of kilsl wiht my WWII pistol in close range, really saves a recons butt sometimes.

and the building destruction is awsome, I shot at a person with my UAV at the same time my young son hit my hand and bumped my mouse, my UAV aimer went up and my rocket hit that m-com building in the second defense point (the one where the m-com is on the second story). Well low and behold that 1 UAV hit was enough to finsih the building off, killed 5 guys and the m-com all thanks to my son lol.

I also love the audio in this game, turn up your volume and listen tot he radio chatter, if your in the UAV a guy will tell you "kill and enemya nd I will buy you ice cream" lol and if your in a building that is abotut o collapse your guy will yell at you "the buildings gonna come down, get your ass out!"
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