ASUS Official Z68 Chipset Motherboards - Support Thread


Where on the mainboard is the realtek audio chip? Isn't it built into the south bridge?

For the Z68 V pro its on far left of mobo between PCI slot and lowest PCIe slot. On the schematic in your manual its the ALC892 square. The one on the Southbridge is the INTEL HD audio. Which is why its a good idea to disable it.


Remember, I'm just throwing stuff out here - your prob is one of those things you kinda have to be there to get a feel for whats going on. Nobody pays any attention to me when I suggest to get a cheap vid card and run IT for 10 hours - even on low settings and see what happens. Has this card run perfectly fine in any other PC?

Might also want to check out this post
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Thanks for letting me know. Could you please direct me to the site that can help me repair it? Are there any utilities I need to use? I really don't want to waste 50 GB of space because Win 7 put in a boot record on it. I have no clue as to how to fix this and detailed step by step info would be nice.

First of all you are triple booting 3 O/S accross 3 HDD, and as you mentioned you dont have a clue. Normally I would recommend using EasyBCD (2.02) to fix this kind of thing, but this thread is not the place for a tutorial on partitioning, and the link that was given to you is good one. Actually they have a Win 7 help forum here on HardOCP also. Dunno how active it is

I'll give you the link for EasyBCD , but only with the understanding that if you screw things up, its your baby.
REPEAT - you screw things up dont blame me.
Fwiw you have to co-ordinate the MAIN booting drive with all booting info ("C" or 100mb reserved) as FIRST boot device in BIOS
Ver 2.02 is free
If you register at you can get 2.1 for free

One thing you COULD try is use the startup repair from the Win 7 DVD "repair your computer" option. And run it at least 3 times, because after ea fix it needs to reboot. The more O/S it finds the better your chances. But once again - its YOUR call.
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Raja or anyone with knowledge can you help me with the 4 issues that I am having. They are:

1. Computer will not wake up from sleep. I have a Logitech G9 mouse and G15 keyboard (mouse plugs into the keyboard)..

2. I can not get my graphics card to work. I have tried 2 different cards (GTX 285 and a GTX 560) and neither of them will work. I have tried using PCIE slot 1 and 2 but neither will work (the 285 wont fit in slot 3 and haven't tried putting the smaller 560 into slot 3). The onboard video works fine but does not cut out when I put in either card like it should (from reading some earlier posts). Both cards have had power when installed as I can see their LED lights on and the fan is spinning. I also played around in the BIOS and tried auto, X1 and X4 but none helped.

3. The Marvel controller was giving me constant BSOD's after installing the driver that came with the disk and I had to rollback to the windows driver to get my system stable again.I read other people had problems with that driver and as soon as I installed that driver, the BSOD's were happening almost constant. Not a single BSOD in 2 weeks since I rolled back to the windows driver.

4. Double POST almost every time. Makes waking up from sleep the hard way even more annoying.

My system is:
I7 2600K CPU
16 GB Corsair vengeance RAM
Crucial 128GB SSD

This is my 3rd build so I an not that experienced but have a little bit of an idea what I am doing. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

For the Z68 V pro its on far left of mobo between PCI slot and lowest PCIe slot. On the schematic in your manual its the ALC892 square. The one on the Southbridge is the INTEL HD audio. Which is why its a good idea to disable it.


Remember, I'm just throwing stuff out here - your prob is one of those things you kinda have to be there to get a feel for whats going on. Nobody pays any attention to me when I suggest to get a cheap vid card and run IT for 10 hours - even on low settings and see what happens. Has this card run perfectly fine in any other PC?

Might also want to check out this post

to clarify, Intel HD Audio and AC97 are two audio codes supported by the realtek chip. They typically share the same connector, with a toggle switch in the BIOS between the two.
to clarify, Intel HD Audio and AC97 are two audio codes supported by the realtek chip. They typically share the same connector, with a toggle switch in the BIOS between the two.

Nope, let me clarify you.
Yes, a HD audio and AC97 are shared by Realtek chip
However, Intel's HD Audio is on the Southbridge


I always disable any other than realtek, so as not confuse the system.
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I've made these changes but I won't have time until the weekend to test the changes. I've switched up to the new BIOS as well. I played music for a number of hours today and the chip is cold - normal audio use doesn't cause the problem.

I know you're just throwing ideas but that's what I need - I'm pretty good at troubleshooting these problems and this has me confused and I can't duplicated it with stress tests so I'm stumped. At this point more ideas is better - it will help me test every possible avenue to narrow it down. This videocard performed perfectly in my last build - but I've never used the newest Catalyst drivers with it, they were released the day of my build but I don't feel its the videocard. I do have a GTX 260 that I will use to test with if these steps fail to resolve the issue.

Thanks for the help so far.
Nope, let me clarify you.
Yes, a HD audio and AC97 are shared by Realtek chip
However, Intel's HD Audio is on the Southbridge

I always disable any other than realtek, so as not confuse the system.

I was thiniking of Azalia specification (Intel HD Audio - not the southbridge), though is there a way to even disable the Intel audio controller? It's doesn't seem to be connected to anything but the HDMI/DP audio outputs, either. I mean, even Intel desktop reference boards have exclusively used Cox (now IDT), Realtek, and Soundmaxx audio chips - seperate ICs...

I'm not trying to pick a fight, but it just seems that way to me (since I have the driver installed, yet it doesn't show up in my sound control panel on my MaxIVGENE-Z).

My first post, so bear with me. After months of reviews, I finally bought & built my first gaming PC running Windows 7(64bit):

- Asus P8Z68 Deluxe
- Intel i7 2600k 3.4Ghz
- 4x4G Corsair Vengence 1600
- Corsair 3 120G SSD
- 2x WD Caviar Black 2T
- nVidia GTX580 Phantom 3 (Gainward)
- Creative Blaster X-Fi Fatality Champion
- G19 KB & G5 Mouse

After setting up the PC, I exerienced what alot of guys have reported on this forum. Double boot when you turn on the PC, Windows hangs when you login, uses of IE & basic apps hung, does not come out of sleep mode, apps installing with errors when launching, etc.

So I managed to work thru what all you wise people were saying & rebuilt my PC last night (NO O.C / Stock Settings), with what seems like a successful outcome. :) Been running 15hrs no issues.

This is what I did, maybe it helps others, maybe not....and I might be wrong in my configurations, but all my issues are now resolved. What I will do now is start to OC & see how that goes.

1. Flashed BIOS to 0603 ( ).
2. Cleared CMOS (Remove power cable, pressed power button to remove charge, removed CMOS battery for 30s). I know you can do this by jumpers or reset button on the back of the MB, but couldn't find the jumpers & not sure of the reset button. :)

3. Boot into BIOS, loaded Optimal Config, saved & rebooted.
4. Boot into BIOS & manually changed the following settings (everything else I left as stock/default) :

AI Tweaker

- AI Overclock : Manual
- BCLK : 100.0
- Turbo Ratio : Auto
- Internal PLL : Disabled
- Memory Freq : DDR-1600
- EPU PSM : Disabled
- CPU Speed Spec : Enabled


- C3 : Disabled
- C6 : Disabled

I also DISABLED the following, as I was not using it:

- Realtek HD Audio
- JMicron Controller
- Marvell Controller
- Bluetooth
- Realtek Network

5. Save BIOS & rebooted.
6. Installed Windows 7 to my SSD.
7. Once Windows completed, installed the LATEST drivers from Asus, Intel, etc.

Windows 7 (64bit)

- Intel Chipset (v9.2.0.1030)
- Intel Management Engine (v7.1.14.1107)
- Intel Gigabit Ethernet (v16.4)
- Intel Graphics Media Acc (
- USB3.0 (v2.1.19.0)
- Intel Rapid Storage Tech (v10.6.0.1002) - Required for SSD Drives.
- Lucid Virtu (v1.1.101 although asked me to upgrade to later version once installed)




8. Installed latest nVidia drivers.
9. Installed latest G19 keyboard & G5 mouse drivers.
10. Installed latest Creative Blaster X-Fi drivers.
11. Windows updates.

So far, so good - no issues & the PC is running like a dream. :D Others may have some other tips they would like to add, please - I'm keen to understand if what I have done is right, or if there is something I could do better.

Hope this helps someone. ;)
You can get rid of the double-boot in cold bootups if you remove AI SUITE (or some part of it, don't know which for sure).. I can't remember if there's another fix also.

That hang was likely due to no LPM fix for your SSD port in registry.. try and apply that and try again with your OC, see if it's better.
If you experience double boot from S5 (soft power down) and do not experience double boot after cut off power (removing and reconnecting power plug) AI Suite is to blame.
Wondering what temps the mobo is safety to have and where/what exactly is AI Suite probe monitoring for it? Ever since I setup SLI and game, it keeps telling me it's overheating.

First time it spat out saying it was over 100 Celsius but since then it's always been around 58 after I exit a game and then cools down.

Is this something to be worried about..?

Bumpy, what's a 'safe' mobo temp and what is AI Suite Probe monitoring..?

My first post, so bear with me. After months of reviews, I finally bought & built my first gaming PC running Windows 7(64bit):

- Asus P8Z68 Deluxe
- Intel i7 2600k 3.4Ghz
- 4x4G Corsair Vengence 1600
- Corsair 3 120G SSD
- 2x WD Caviar Black 2T
- nVidia GTX580 Phantom 3 (Gainward)
- Creative Blaster X-Fi Fatality Champion
- G19 KB & G5 Mouse

After setting up the PC, I exerienced what alot of guys have reported on this forum. Double boot when you turn on the PC, Windows hangs when you login, uses of IE & basic apps hung, does not come out of sleep mode, apps installing with errors when launching, etc.

So I managed to work thru what all you wise people were saying & rebuilt my PC last night (NO O.C / Stock Settings), with what seems like a successful outcome. :) Been running 15hrs no issues.

This is what I did, maybe it helps others, maybe not....and I might be wrong in my configurations, but all my issues are now resolved. What I will do now is start to OC & see how that goes.

1. Flashed BIOS to 0603 ( ).
2. Cleared CMOS (Remove power cable, pressed power button to remove charge, removed CMOS battery for 30s). I know you can do this by jumpers or reset button on the back of the MB, but couldn't find the jumpers & not sure of the reset button. :)

3. Boot into BIOS, loaded Optimal Config, saved & rebooted.
4. Boot into BIOS & manually changed the following settings (everything else I left as stock/default) :

AI Tweaker

- AI Overclock : Manual
- BCLK : 100.0
- Turbo Ratio : Auto
- Internal PLL : Disabled
- Memory Freq : DDR-1600
- EPU PSM : Disabled
- CPU Speed Spec : Enabled


- C3 : Disabled
- C6 : Disabled

I also DISABLED the following, as I was not using it:

- Realtek HD Audio
- JMicron Controller
- Marvell Controller
- Bluetooth
- Realtek Network

5. Save BIOS & rebooted.
6. Installed Windows 7 to my SSD.
7. Once Windows completed, installed the LATEST drivers from Asus, Intel, etc.

Windows 7 (64bit)

- Intel Chipset (v9.2.0.1030)
- Intel Management Engine (v7.1.14.1107)
- Intel Gigabit Ethernet (v16.4)
- Intel Graphics Media Acc (
- USB3.0 (v2.1.19.0)
- Intel Rapid Storage Tech (v10.6.0.1002) - Required for SSD Drives.
- Lucid Virtu (v1.1.101 although asked me to upgrade to later version once installed)




8. Installed latest nVidia drivers.
9. Installed latest G19 keyboard & G5 mouse drivers.
10. Installed latest Creative Blaster X-Fi drivers.
11. Windows updates.

So far, so good - no issues & the PC is running like a dream. :D Others may have some other tips they would like to add, please - I'm keen to understand if what I have done is right, or if there is something I could do better.

Hope this helps someone. ;)

You got very useful info and link, very handy for someone new to Z68 board. Thanks, bookmark
I've been experiencing freezes and I suspect my video card might be the culprit. How do I go about disabling the discrete graphics card and enabling Sandy Bridge's video on the Z68 Pro?

I have upgraded my P8Z68 Deluxe UEFI to 0603 yesterday, downloaded from
The changelog says the Intel RAID OROM will be updated to 10.6.
I did this update mainly because I have a OCZ Vertex 3 and those SSD's have massive problems with the Intel 6 Series Chipset. OCZ also released a new firmware, 2.11, saying it was optimized to work with the Intel OROM 10.6 update and RST Drivers 10.6.x.

I have nothing but trouble now, the Vertex3 is freezing my system every 10-30 minutes, it worked perfectly fine before with the old OROM/OCZ FW. Anybody else having more problems now with OCZ SSD's? It's really annoying I will probably sell the SSD and get an Intel 510 120GB hopefully that one will work better with the Z68.
I’m from Italy, therefore my English is probably not perfect. Sorry for that!

@ milena
We have the same Hardware (Asus P8Z68 Deluxe and SSD OCZ Agility 120GB SATA3),
I’ve also upgraded to 0603 and guess what:
I’ve the solution for your problem. :D
Look HERE …

@ IsaacMM
I've been experiencing freezes and I suspect my video card might be the culprit.

Probably it’s not your video card. Maybe you have the same problem as Milena.

I hope this fix is the solution for your problems. Please let me know.
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I had exactly the same problems. After the fix I had no more freezes.
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I am about to RMA this Z68 PRO motherboard back to NEWEGG as I think its just a bad board. That is unless someone knows of a fix for the board not recognizing any of my video cads I placed in either PCIE slot 1 and 2.

I have tried auto, X1 and X4 through the BIOS to no avail and my settings for video are PCIE-PCI. My Video cards have their LED lights on and the fan is spinning but device manager doesn't show them and the iGPU still works (only way I can have video on my monitor) when it should be disabled with a video card installed.

I can live with the double post and not waking up from sleep as I work on a solution but no video card capability for a gaming rig is a no go for me.

Any help would be greatly appreciated before Monday when I plan to RMA this board back to NEWEGG.
I am about to RMA this Z68 PRO motherboard back to NEWEGG as I think its just a bad board. That is unless someone knows of a fix for the board not recognizing any of my video cads I placed in either PCIE slot 1 and 2.

I have tried auto, X1 and X4 through the BIOS to no avail and my settings for video are PCIE-PCI. My Video cards have their LED lights on and the fan is spinning but device manager doesn't show them and the iGPU still works (only way I can have video on my monitor) when it should be disabled with a video card installed.

I can live with the double post and not waking up from sleep as I work on a solution but no video card capability for a gaming rig is a no go for me.

Any help would be greatly appreciated before Monday when I plan to RMA this board back to NEWEGG.

Clear CMOS and try again with DVI connected to the GPU only. The board should pick-up the GPU. What UEFI version are you using?


I can live with the double post and not waking up from sleep as I work on a solution

Your problem with your video card is indeed very strange, but I can show you some solutions, which I found for my mainboard:

Asus P8Z48 Deluxe is a fantastic mainboard, but at the beginning I had some problems.

1. After OC and after BIOS-Update I had a DUAL-BOOT (on-off-on)
Solution: Set BCLK to 100,0 MHz. I found out that SandyBridge-CPUs allow OC only with the Multiplier and never with the BCLK. BCLK has to be at 100,0 MHz!!! (Asus sets BCLK after the OC to 103,0 und you have the Dual-Boot.)

2. After OC I had a Standby-Bug (S3)
Solution: Set INTERNAL PLL OVERVOLTAGE to disabled. (Attention: If you do extreme OC - for example OC over 4,7 MHz – INTERNAL PLL OVERVOLTAGE has to be enabled!!!)

3. I had always freezes by running Windows 7
Solution: After three weeks I found the solution here …

4. I had the problem, that BIOS always gave me a warning: “No Physical Disk”
Solution: I have no disk on my eSATA Ports. I set MARVELL STORAGE CONTROLLER (BIOS) to disabled and I got no more warnings.

5. It was not possible for me to install Microsoft .Net3.5 Framework.
Solution: I found out that Microsoft .Net3.5 Framework is part of Windows 7, it’s already integrated.

My little Monster runs with i5 2500k@4,5 GHz without bugs. It’s the best Computer I ever had! :D

My Hardware: HAF 922, Asus P8Z68 Deluxe, i5-2500k, CoolerMaster V6 GT, Corsair Vengeance Blue 4x4 GB 1600MHz, ATI Radeon PowerColor HD6950 2GB, SSD OCZ Agility 120GB SATA3, CoolerMaster GX 750W, LG LED 23”, Windows Enterprise 64 bit

I hope this helped you!!!
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I am at work right now so cant twink around with it much but I remember a few details such as:

BIOS 5001
I manually tweaked the BIOS using the settings that Camo provided on this thread page above.
I have not done any overclocking at all.
The Marvell controller was giving me constant BSOD once I installed the driver that came with the disk (not a single BSOD in 2 weeks since rolling back to the Microsoft driver).

I can provide some screen shots after I reset the CMOS when I get home if someone can explain how I can take them in the BIOS screens like Cisco did in some of his posts.

Also, tks for the reply folks.
Hi Raja,

do you think it could be possible to report the LPM-Problem to Microsoft. I think Microsoft should fix this Problem with an Update. Could you please write to Microsoft-Techs?
Sorry for my multi-posting here, but I have another important question to Raja:

Why did Asus remove the Bios-Versions 603 and 606 from the Official Download-Sites? Does it mean they had some bugs? I can still find them on the ftp-server. What does it mean? :confused:

Thank you very much and please do not beat me for my multi-posting :D
Hi Priamos,

Thanks for the LPM suggestion, I knew about this tweak before but thought it was no longer necessary with OCZ's latest 2.11 Firmware for the Vertex 3. I'm on a clean Windows 7 installation now with the LPM fix applied as well as Hot-Plug for the affected SATA3 port enabled. So far everything works just fine but it will take 1-2 weeks at least before I can say the problem is fixed.

Best regards

P.S.: I ordered an Intel 510 yesterday because I thought the Vertex 3 will never work properly with my P8Z68 Deluxe and now i'm unsure if I should just return the Intel SSD.

Anybody here on the forum or Raja himself can confirm the Intel 510 120GB works better with the Intel Sandy Bridge (Z68) Chipset?
I only read hardware shops ratings and some reviews and the Vertex 3 always has many users complaining while the Intel got very good ratings.
I'm willing to trade in some performance for a more reliable product, i'm tired of twiddling and fiddling with my system drive all the time.
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Intel is def the most reliable SSD, but at a price.
All the very latest fast SSD's use the Sandforce 2281 controller, which can be quite troublesome with SB, but they are frantically working on fw updates. Sometimes doing a secure erase and starting fresh including new Win 7 install fixes things - which is not a very good outcome for a rather expensive drive. Also, if you have had OTHER probs with your system, then that might corrupt an other wise fine working drive. I desperately want one of these drives (or 2 in RAID) but as far as I can see, not ready for prime time. Then again, others are perfectly happy with it.

To get screenshots in bios - press F12 with Fat32 USB inserted

Just curious - what Heat sink are you using?
When taking apart mobo for RMA look extemely carefully for bent CPU pins while you are at it.
Based on my past experience with P67 Z68, I would only buy mobo from NE, due to their fast unquestioned replacement policy - no matter what the price. I am quite sure a new mobo will fix your prob.
Why did Asus remove the Bios-Versions 603 and 606 from the Official Download-Sites? Does it mean they had some bugs? I can still find them on the ftp-server. What does it mean? :confused:

Thank you very much and please do not beat me for my multi-posting :D

UEFI build 0606 is bundled with IRST build 10.6 because they should be used together where IRST drivers are used. So build 0606 has not been pulled, merely positioned to ensure people use the correct IRST driver.

Just on the 0606 bios, it has updated OPROM also compared to the previous BETA bios.. even though the date of this version is actually older than that BETA bios.
Hmm, I understand nothing.

I already updated to BIOS 0603 (for P8Z68 Deluxe). When I try to update ISRT, I get this information:
This utility is designed to improve the performance of Intel Smart Response Technology (ISRT) Acceleration function. The Acceleration function of this computer is not enabled currently (the onchip SATA type is not set to RAID), please click Cancel to leave.

If 0603 is bundled with ISRT, what should I do now?
Should I enable ISRT and update or is it o.k., if I have BIOS 0603 with an old (disabled) ISRT-driver?
I updated my P8Z68 Deluxe to 0603 also but I used the Intel RST 10.6.1002 drivers already before that.
(RAID mode here, my setup is one single SSD and 2 3TB HDD's in an array).
I guess you should be fine after updating the driver to 10.6.
Personally, I never install the whole RST package but just the driver from the F6 floppy package via device manager > update driver for this device option.

Intel is def the most reliable SSD, but at a price.
Thanks for the links I didn't read the roundup on anandtech before. I'm waiting for my Intel 510 it should come in today. Too bad the Vertex 3 didn't work for me in combination with an Intel Sandy Bridge Chipset. Oh well this is what you get for buying cutting edge technology.
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@ Milena

How does it work?

First I have to change AHCI-Mode to RAID-Mode.
Then I install ISRT 10.6.
After that I can use my SSD-Disk (with W7) as a Cache for my other SATA-Disks.

Is this correct?
@ Milena
Aah, now I have found the RAID-solutions with ISRT in our User Guide. It’s more complicated as I thought. I will try it next week.

Have a nice weekend :)
@ Raja

Thank you, now everything is clear to me. I‘ve installed BIOS 0603 with ISRT 10.6
Solution for my problem: Uninstall ISRT 10.5 – reboot – Install ISRT 10.6 – reboot … Done! :cool:
um, you guys are gonna have to pay attention to these letters involved.
There is IRST - the main Intel SATA controller drivers
There is also ISRT - the caching drivers for small SSD drives in RAID with a trad HDD, that work in tandem with RST.
You can have RST without SRT, but no SRT without RST

From ASUS downloads page
Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology Driver Software V10.5.0.1026 for Windows XP 32bit & 64bit.

Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology Driver Software V10.5.0.1026 for Windows Vista/7 32bit & 64bit.(WHQL)
Note: For proper operation, please ensure to update Intel Rapid Storage Technology driver to version and BIOS to version 0501 before enabling Intel Smart Response Technology.

Update procedure for users needing Intel Smart Response Technology:
(1) Enter OS, and ensure Intel Smart Response Technology has been turned off under Intel Rapid Storage Technology interface.
(2) Install version Intel Rapid Storage Technology driver to version
(3) Reboot the system, and update BIOS to version 0501, then reboot.
(4) Enter the BIOS setup screen, press F5 to load BIOS default, then change the Intel SATA Port to RAID mode.
(5) Boot into OS, and re-enable Intel Smart Response Technology under Intel Rapid Storage Technology.

And a fresh Win install wil not allow install of Intel RST that doesnt have representation in bios. I tried to load 10.5.XXXX on P67 with 1305 bios and would not go. Only or earlier. THEY WORK TOGETHER!! Takes two to dance. I COULD load the 10.5's later manually after Win install, but the original rejection shows I am wasting my time doing so, at least until I updated bios.
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milena said:
Thanks for the links I didn't read the roundup on anandtech before. I'm waiting for my Intel 510 it should come in today. Too bad the Vertex 3 didn't work for me in combination with an Intel Sandy Bridge Chipset. Oh well this is what you get for buying cutting edge technology.

Personally, I wouldnt give up till I had tried a secure erase w/Win 7 reinstall/Win SATA drivers, but you are prob tired of screwing around, so i dont blame you.
o.k., to make it clear now,

I installed BIOS 0603 with IRST build 10.6 (as Raja recommended).
I have ISRT disabled, because I’m using the AHCI-Mode and not the RAID-Mode.

At the moment I can’t install Asus IRST Smart Update Utility for P8Z68 DELUXE Version 1.00, because my onchip SATA type is not set to RAID. When I try to install this Update, I get this:
This utility is designed to improve the performance of Intel Smart Response Technology (ISRT) Acceleration function. The Acceleration function of this computer is not enabled currently (the onchip SATA type is not set to RAID), please click Cancel to leave.
Thank you all, now I can sleep better. :p
o.k., to make it clear now,

I installed BIOS 0603 with IRST build 10.6 (as Raja recommended).
I have ISRT disabled, because I’m using the AHCI-Mode and not the RAID-Mode.

I'm little confused, there is no driver for SRT as it's part of RST ever since >10.5 version. As far as I know, there is also nothing to disable for SRT, it's either there or not and in use or not depending if have a spare SSD (when OS is on another SSD) or your OS is on a HDD with a spare SSD.

@Raja, quick question - in another thread or maybe this one you've suggested people not to install RST because it has known problems but since 0501 it's been bundled with the asus BIOS. Doesn't that sort of guarantee that people who aren't sure will install it going against the advise?

I still don't think RST is a problem as long as you don't read into what OCZ want you to believe.