ASUS Official Z68 Chipset Motherboards - Support Thread

Well, the basic things to do are stuff like -
Full CMOS reset with bat out and PSU unplugged for 20min
(you did have red light because of no aux 12V power)

This plus dismantling it and reassembling did the trick. Thanks!
I've scoured the thread a bit and I can't seem to find my particular issue.

The motherboard is working for the most part after updating to the latest 0651 beta BIOS but I had this problem with my stock BIOS as well as my current BIOS. Basically the multiplier will not apply a value over 33.

I can set it to whatever I want (turbo becomes greyed out once I pass 33, but thats okay I want this OC to be on all the time) but nothing over 33 gets set. Confirmed with multiple programs such as coretemp and windows system information. The clock is not going over 33x (BCLK).

How do I make it go over 33? I've set the AI tuner to manual and turned off as many automatic features as I can find trying to get this to work. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?

Any help would be appreciated.

Just for reference I'm using a P8Z68-V with an i5-2500k
I'd use CPU-Z to confirm the clock speed. Windows system information is incorrect on my machine. It displays a clock speed of 3.51GHz which is around the max turbo frequency for my processor. (Core i7 980X.) I'm actually running at 4.2GHz right now. Windows never has shown that. I don't know about Core Temp, I didn't even know it displayed that information but CPU-Z will tell you more about the CPU than it will.
Can you insert a fat32 usb stick and boot to bios and press F12 to take screenshots of EZ page, AI Tweaker page and CPU Power management?
The screenshot only takes whats showing, but dont scroll down to show other stuff (dont need it), just what is at topmost view. Dont waste hardforum bandwidth, just upload to and paste 3 LINKS only here
Dan hit the nail on the head here, it was only a reporting error.

Coretemp, Speedfan, and Windows all displayed the wrong clock speed, apparently not accounting for processors that have unlocked multipliers.

CPU-Z indicated that my clock speed was 4 GHz as per my OCing in the BIOS.

Now all that's left is to figure out the best way to get my CPU fans to spin
NEW BIOS available for the Z68 at Asus ftp site:
0606 as of the 29th july.
No idea what it does. I am at 0401 (original) and stick to it.
You couldn't ? Hm, then your reading skills are pretty poor.

1) Deluxe has no graphics outputs, they have different back panel connections.
2) Deluxe has one extra power-eSATA compared to PRO.
3) Deluxe has one extra ethernet port
4) Deluxe has ALC889, PRO has ALC892
5) they have different FireWire controllers, Deluxe has one FireWire at backpanel.
6) they have different USB3 controllers (Deluxe has NEC, PRO has ASMedia)
Thanks. Whilst scrolling through specs, I was unable to determine the differences.
Hey guys, I'm new here, but not new to PC's. I have done a great deal of research on the P8Z68 Deluxe prior to purchasing / using it....but I do have one question.

I have the following that is going to be plugged into the sata ports

1x Intel 510 ( 6/gb )
2x 2tb WD Cavier Blacks ( 6/gb )
2x 2tb WD Cavier Green ( 3/gb )
1x Blu Ray reader / burner ( 3/gb )
Sata hot swap cradle ( uses 2 sata connections, ( one for esata, one for the hot swap cradle )

So I'm going to be using ALL 8 of the sata ports.

With that being said, which ones would you plug into the marvell ports? I dont think I can plug the Sata hot swap cradle into it cause it doesnt support plug and play ( or does it? )

any help would be appreciated.
Per the manual Marver controller limitation is to optical drives only. You could very well do a RAID array with the 2 Marvell sata iii ports
Per the manual Marver controller limitation is to optical drives only. You could very well do a RAID array with the 2 Marvell sata iii ports

Thats because you can't boot from those marvel controllers but you could still hook up optical drives and they will work but you wont be able to boot from them. Anyhow I would hook up your intel 510 to the intel 6gb/sec port and two other caviar black 6gb drives to the marvel ports as I believe its the only other two 6gb ports available and you can turn it into a raid 0 array. Then hook up your remaining drives to the other open ports.
well, I dont want to run anything in raid, whereas I dont trust anything that isnt a raid 5 or above.

I do photo / video work, so thats why I opted for the 2tb 6gb/s ( they will be my storage and scratch disk ) . the 2x greens will be backing up the 2 blacks so I dont care about the speed really.

With that being said, how shall I hook these up?
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Thats because you can't boot from those marvel controllers but you could still hook up optical drives and they will work but you wont be able to boot from them.
That is probably true for Marvell raid controller variant but most certainly not true for their non-raid controllers (used in P8Z68-V Pro for instance). You can boot with optical drive from them.
Crud filled Marvell (or jmicron, whoever it is, I don't care) on my MaxIVGENE doesn't even support hot plugging, making the two eSATA ports basically useless. Intel controller does, I had to wase a bracket slot on my mATX case for a breakout bracket.
and the BRD may prove to be a prob, as far as reliable recognition
If you do have issues, might want to unplug it first before you do anything else
and the BRD may prove to be a prob, as far as reliable recognition
If you do have issues, might want to unplug it first before you do anything else

well, it loaded my OS fine and read my driver disk fine without a hitch.

Its just a Blu Ray reader / dvdr-dvdrw

So can the marvell boot if its not in raid?
well, it loaded my OS fine and read my driver disk fine without a hitch.

Its just a Blu Ray reader / dvdr-dvdrw

So can the marvell boot if its not in raid?

I know its just a BRD, but certain brands like Pioneer, and certain BRD firmwares do not detect 100% reliable. But hey if you are happy, then so am I.

As far as booting optical from marvel:
I changed my data cable from Intel port 6 to Marvel port 0
Already had marvel drivers loaded, AHCI in bios
Put Win 7 DVD in drive
Booted to it - nothing, and no DVD Icon on EZ page
Went into Windows and the drive and Win 7 DVD showing fine
Rebooted and pressed F8 to see if that DVD selection avail - it was and it booted from F8 selection
Rebooted and DVD Icon now on EZ page, but last in order
Then dragged and dropped Icon to first
Rebooted and it works fine now
Okay so I'm back with a bit of a stumper.

I've got an Asus P8Z68-V and 2500K as I said before. It does OC and I can see it now using CPU-Z, however the system is 100% stable Prime95/furmark/memtest+ for at least 10 hours. But every 1-2 hours while playing videogames, the machine just randomly restarts. I can't find any rhyme or reason but I'm ready to return all this junk and go back to my old machine at this point.

I've set everything back to stock and I've test every component but I can't find the source of this problem. Any suggestions for return? Should I return it all to newegg or RMA the parts and see what happens there?
I also need some help with booting the right HDD with my ASUS motherboard. I have 3 HDDs and 1 Optical Disk Drive. I have Windows XP on 80 GB HDD that doesn't work since I moved on to my new system (previously had Q6600 and P35 chipset). I have Windows 7 on my 250 GB that also does not work since it is pre-move to my current PC (in sig).

Now I installed a new windows 7 on my 500 GB HDD and since then I can log on to the windows only if I have boot priority option selected for the 250 GB. That way system shows 2 Windows 7 and one of them works (the one on the 500 GB drive once I select it during boot). If I select 500 GB HDD as priority then I get an error saying that no windows found and system just posts an error and stops there.

I would like to free up my 250 GB of Windows 7 but I am a bit weary of not doing it for fear that my current windows will be nuked as well. I installed Windows 7 through a boot disk and directly onto the 500 GB drive without any link to the 250 GB windows.

Could you please tell me as to why when I select the Windows 7 500 GB as priority the system says Windows not found (don't remember exact message).

All my drives are plugged in to light blue SATA ports on the motherboard since I understood those are the 3 GB/sec connections.

P.S. I also get a first boot error saying Hard disk not found and then system re-boots second time to finally get me in to bios or windows etc.
Okay so I'm back with a bit of a stumper.

I've got an Asus P8Z68-V and 2500K as I said before. It does OC and I can see it now using CPU-Z, however the system is 100% stable Prime95/furmark/memtest+ for at least 10 hours. But every 1-2 hours while playing videogames, the machine just randomly restarts. I can't find any rhyme or reason but I'm ready to return all this junk and go back to my old machine at this point.

I've set everything back to stock and I've test every component but I can't find the source of this problem. Any suggestions for return? Should I return it all to newegg or RMA the parts and see what happens there?

Your system is stable at stock ? Then you have no basis for RMA.
Your system is stable at stock, stable in CPU load apps, but does BSOD under different pressure ? Then you have a unstable OC. Apps which make high load are fine for testing the extreme case, but you have a crash in different, untested area. Usually it's the "not 100% load" case - when your CPU underclocks/undervolts from maximum voltage, or when you card loads lots of textures, thus taxing the PCI-E bus and/or memory (and something fails),...

You get the point i hope - if your overclock is stable under high load apps (Prime/Furmark), but fails with games, then your overclock is not stable. It is as simple as this.
I also need some help with booting the right HDD with my ASUS motherboard. I have 3 HDDs and 1 Optical Disk Drive. I have Windows XP on 80 GB HDD that doesn't work since I moved on to my new system (previously had Q6600 and P35 chipset). I have Windows 7 on my 250 GB that also does not work since it is pre-move to my current PC (in sig).

Now I installed a new windows 7 on my 500 GB HDD and since then I can log on to the windows only if I have boot priority option selected for the 250 GB. That way system shows 2 Windows 7 and one of them works (the one on the 500 GB drive once I select it during boot). If I select 500 GB HDD as priority then I get an error saying that no windows found and system just posts an error and stops there.

I would like to free up my 250 GB of Windows 7 but I am a bit weary of not doing it for fear that my current windows will be nuked as well. I installed Windows 7 through a boot disk and directly onto the 500 GB drive without any link to the 250 GB windows.

Could you please tell me as to why when I select the Windows 7 500 GB as priority the system says Windows not found (don't remember exact message).

All my drives are plugged in to light blue SATA ports on the motherboard since I understood those are the 3 GB/sec connections.

P.S. I also get a first boot error saying Hard disk not found and then system re-boots second time to finally get me in to bios or windows etc.

Windows 7 setup placed a boot sector/manager on your old drive. That's why you can't boot directly from your new hdd. Fix mbr of it or reinstall win7 but with all other non-optical drives disconnected.

Also bear in mind that win7 does not like changing boot priority after installation even if you setup it correctly and for instance use (chainload) external boot manager like lilo or grub. Most probably you wont be able to validate it online if the hardware address (uefi related - you know, those fancy (hd0,0), (hd1,0) etc.) of the win7 system drive has changed after installation.
Your system is stable at stock ? Then you have no basis for RMA.
Your system is stable at stock, stable in CPU load apps, but does BSOD under different pressure ? Then you have a unstable OC. Apps which make high load are fine for testing the extreme case, but you have a crash in different, untested area. Usually it's the "not 100% load" case - when your CPU underclocks/undervolts from maximum voltage, or when you card loads lots of textures, thus taxing the PCI-E bus and/or memory (and something fails),...

You get the point i hope - if your overclock is stable under high load apps (Prime/Furmark), but fails with games, then your overclock is not stable. It is as simple as this.

You misunderstand, I must've typed badly.

The system is at stock and is stable in prime95, etc. But unstable in games, again at stock.

Last night around 2:30 AM the machine crashed making a horrible noise out of the speakers, again at stock. The mainboard is almost certainly faulty now I am convinced, though until I RMA I won't really know for sure.
I had the case that my machine seemed stable while Ocing an i7 2600k to 4,4Ghz and trying to reduce Vcore to a minimum. No crashes or errors in Prime95, but every once in a while it would randomly crash with a BSOD in games (AssCreed: Brohood) and then restart.
I specified more Core voltage for my OC (went back to the AUTO settings) and everything is now 100% stable in every game/app. I even went to OC 4,5Ghz now.
I've upped the vcore from stock to 1.225-1.25 while at stock clock and it still crashes.
to me, random resets during long hours of gaming, this is vidcard/PSU and heat related - I remember this from the old days.
Vidcards while gaming are like 80 degrees plus, usually 90
Try taking the left side of case off, and run a good size desk fan right at the vidcard while gaming
If PSU is at bottom of case take it out of case and run it right side up from outside.
Get GPU-Z and see what temps are happening
Hey guys, I'm new here, but not new to PC's. I have done a great deal of research on the P8Z68 Deluxe prior to purchasing / using it....but I do have one question.

I have the following that is going to be plugged into the sata ports

1x Intel 510 ( 6/gb )
2x 2tb WD Cavier Blacks ( 6/gb )
2x 2tb WD Cavier Green ( 3/gb )
1x Blu Ray reader / burner ( 3/gb )
Sata hot swap cradle ( uses 2 sata connections, ( one for esata, one for the hot swap cradle )

So I'm going to be using ALL 8 of the sata ports.

With that being said, which ones would you plug into the marvell ports? I dont think I can plug the Sata hot swap cradle into it cause it doesnt support plug and play ( or does it? )

any help would be appreciated.

well, I think I figured it out. Let me know what you think. I removed one 2tb black and one 2tb green and putting them in a different machine. This is how I think I'm going to plug everything up.

2x 1tb greens in both of Marvell 6gb ports
SSD in intel 6gb port
2tb Black 6gb in the other intel 6gb port
Optical in one intel 3gb port
2tb Green in intel 3gb port ( syncing / replicating / back up the 2tb black )
hot swap / esata ( 2 ports ) taking up the last 2 intel ports

Does this sound good? Will the 1tb Greens have issues with the marvell? one of the 1tb greens will have music, and the other will be replicating / syncing off it. ( back up )
Thats the kicker, the games I'm playing aren't that taxing.

The game I play the most uses one core and my GPU never goes over 75C while playing.

I did check temps but I've got pretty good cooling anyway.

The machine is 10 hours stable at 60C 100% load on all four cores and 90C on the videocard at 100% load.
anything in event viewer?
can you set up Win 7 to do a crash dump for when it happens?
Random crash after hours of light use is very difficult to diagnose.
The only way to test the Realtek on mobo sound without an RMA is to put in a PCI soundcard with drivers. I try to avoid RMA at all costs.

In dev manager/audio controllers do you show AMD special sound drivers that are loaded during Catalyst installation?

>You have Realtek
>You have HD Sound which is Intel Southbridge
>You have AMD?
>Any other?

Which Catalyst you running?
anything in event viewer?
can you set up Win 7 to do a crash dump for when it happens?
Random crash after hours of light use is very difficult to diagnose.
The only way to test the Realtek on mobo sound without an RMA is to put in a PCI soundcard with drivers. I try to avoid RMA at all costs.

In dev manager/audio controllers do you show AMD special sound drivers that are loaded during Catalyst installation?

>You have Realtek
>You have HD Sound which is Intel Southbridge
>You have AMD?
>Any other?

Which Catalyst you running?

Event log has nothing - the system just shuts off. Similarly the system is set to crash dump but this isn't a crash from within windows so there's no dump as far as I can tell.

I have the latest Catalyst. I should mention that this PSU/Videocard are the same from my last build, only three things have changed, Mobo, memory, and processor. PSU is a 650W Toughpower and voltages are generally stable.

I will check the sound drivers and report back. I ran a bit of a test to play music for a few hours so far today and when I got there over lunch everything was fine. I set the game that usually crashes the machine to run a replay and we'll see if that crashes the machine.
I do have the AMD high definition audio device, I imagine this is for the HDMI port on the videocard.
Hello everybody.
I'm new around here and this is my first post.. so I hope that I will do everything according to the rules.

I have he following setup:

Asus P8Z68-V Pro, Bios 501
I7 2600k @ stock speed (for now)
8Gb (2x4Gb) DDR3 1333 Corsair (CMX8GX3M2A1333C9)
Asus GTX 470
F60 Corsair SSD (Operating system)
2x Samsung 320Gb (HD321KJ) in RAID 0
Termaltake PSU 550W (I do not remember the exact model)
Windows 7 Ultimate x64
2x23" LCD @ 1080p

All good to this point... but I have the following problems:

1. The only configuration of RAM that will boot is A2 (1 dimm) or A1 A2... anything else and the Mem led goes red. (I've tried mem ok in all config).
2. The EPU & TPU LEDs don't light up as in the manual, both are on when the switches are down (manual says one up one down).
3. 720p video (from hdd) becomes choppy when the multiplier goes from 34 to 16
4. Multitasking seems worst than with my old Q9550.

Is this normal? Thank you in advance.

Solved: One of the pins on the lga socket was bended. Happy camper now:
16Gb 1333
4.3Ghz on air with 65° maximum (load max 75-80)

In another order of ideas: I never want to go back to hdd ..with OS on SSD and pagefile on ram I do not get to see the Windows logo complete it's animation at boot. In under eight seconds from post Ii see my wallpaper.

Now I want RevoDrive x3.
If I update my bios to 0606, will I be able to revert back to 0401?
well, I plugged both of my 1tb greens into the marvell ports, but I cant seem them.

Disk Management doesnt see them, but the marvell bios does. do I need to run them in raid for this shit to work?

what am I overlooking here?
I do have the AMD high definition audio device, I imagine this is for the HDMI port on the videocard.

Its not specifically just for the HDMI, if you go thru the install again and pick custom you can see the various stuff the regular express install puts in automatically - you dont have to actually install. If you wish you can uninstall the catalyst driver set and reinstall unchecking all he optional boxes in custom and see what happens.

Fwiw the Catalyst 7-11 are out now. The even number Catalyst 2-4-6-8 etc are usually major upgrades and the odd numbers are bug fixes 1-3-5-7 etc

Another thing that caught my attention is the horrible noise you talked about during crash. The Realtek audio chip has been the cause of troubles on sound related probs, and if you can, run the games again and after say an hour of constant play, put your finger on the chip and see if its real hot. This is a sure sign of RMA necessity.

There is also multimedia settings in power options, do not allow sleep/power saving

You dont have an SSD drive do you?

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well, I plugged both of my 1tb greens into the marvell ports, but I cant seem them.

Disk Management doesnt see them, but the marvell bios does. do I need to run them in raid for this shit to work?

what am I overlooking here?

No you dont need RAID
Um, did you enable the marvel controller in bios, and load drivers?
Windows 7 setup placed a boot sector/manager on your old drive. That's why you can't boot directly from your new hdd. Fix mbr of it or reinstall win7 but with all other non-optical drives disconnected.

Also bear in mind that win7 does not like changing boot priority after installation even if you setup it correctly and for instance use (chainload) external boot manager like lilo or grub. Most probably you wont be able to validate it online if the hardware address (uefi related - you know, those fancy (hd0,0), (hd1,0) etc.) of the win7 system drive has changed after installation.
Thanks for letting me know. Could you please direct me to the site that can help me repair it? Are there any utilities I need to use? I really don't want to waste 50 GB of space because Win 7 put in a boot record on it. I have no clue as to how to fix this and detailed step by step info would be nice.
Wondering what temps the mobo is safety to have and where/what exactly is AI Suite probe monitoring for it? Ever since I setup SLI and game, it keeps telling me it's overheating.

First time it spat out saying it was over 100 Celsius but since then it's always been around 58 after I exit a game and then cools down.

Is this something to be worried about..?
Its not specifically just for the HDMI, if you go thru the install again and pick custom you can see the various stuff the regular express install puts in automatically - you dont have to actually install. If you wish you can uninstall the catalyst driver set and reinstall unchecking all he optional boxes in custom and see what happens.

Fwiw the Catalyst 7-11 are out now. The even number Catalyst 2-4-6-8 etc are usually major upgrades and the odd numbers are bug fixes 1-3-5-7 etc

Another thing that caught my attention is the horrible noise you talked about during crash. The Realtek audio chip has been the cause of troubles on sound related probs, and if you can, run the games again and after say an hour of constant play, put your finger on the chip and see if its real hot. This is a sure sign of RMA necessity.

There is also multimedia settings in power options, do not allow sleep/power saving

You dont have an SSD drive do you?



Where on the mainboard is the realtek audio chip? Isn't it built into the south bridge?
Thanks for letting me know. Could you please direct me to the site that can help me repair it? Are there any utilities I need to use? I really don't want to waste 50 GB of space because Win 7 put in a boot record on it. I have no clue as to how to fix this and detailed step by step info would be nice.
It is always advisable to do a full drive backup before such modifications.
Unplug any other drive beside optical and the drive in question before mbr fixing to avoid mistakes.