ASRock 939Dual-SATA2

I'm just trying to get my system sorted out but I think I have some answers for you.

I have,
temp2-CPU<--Both read the
temp3-CPU<--same on my sys.
local-Video card
12 Axes said:
I'm just trying to get my system sorted out but I think I have some answers for you.

I have,
temp2-CPU<--Both read the
temp3-CPU<--same on my sys.
local-Video card

thats wierd temp2 and 3 are different for me almost always by 2c
yeah my motherboard temperatures usually read about -3.0*C or less... its really annoying because I had no idea how hot my northbridge was running (since i oc). then i touched the heatsink one day and it was burning up! now i have a 60mm fan on it and i believe its helping. I just have no idea why the motherboard temperature reads negative temperatures..
I had an old DFI board go south on me and picked this up. I was just looking to to get a little more life out of my existing hardware and figured it would make a good 2nd system once I pull the trigger on a higher end system.

I was suprised today when I pulled out the board and saw that big yellow sticker that said "Future CPU slot". I'm a little skeptical of how well its going to work, but it was a nice surprise. If it works this board could last a long time. ( 4 years?) :eek:

nico said:
My LG-4160B (flashed with the lastest firmware; A306) only works in PIO, if I force it to use DMA (in Windows/or in the BIOS) the drive doesn't see my DVD/CDs. Any ideas?
i got a new LG burner... the 4167B... same f****** thing, what's up? someone can help me? i have to do backups of my hard drive...

i'm going crazy. if you need any detail let me know....
without reading the 20 pages of this thread, I have this board and love it. I encounted the shitty performance and BSODs at 1T that most everyone has, but I set to 2T and away I went. Its been rock solid ever since then. Since i first got it, I've moved from a 9800 pro to a 7800gt flawlessly, and added another gig of ram.
This is NOT an overclockers board. Its a value board designed to give people needing to keep agp for awhile a valid option to upgrade to. I dont know why people are complaining that they cant set the fsb at 6 million...ANY amount of research would have told you beforehand that this is not an overclockers board, move along.
If you want solid performance with agp, and the ability to move to pci-e later, this is your ticket, otherwise, catch the nforce 4 bus.
Yeah.. the board seems rock solid.. can't discount that...but for me..i sure wish i could get ALL my games and graphics problems sorted out. Some if not alot got fixed when i installed the right AGP controllers and ULI drivers.... but now i am getting other problems..

Is there a way to take a picture of my bios settings for Chipset that someone more knowledgable could see if all are set correctly?? I believe most are.... :eek:
Rabbitrunner51 said:
Is there a way to take a picture of my bios settings for Chipset that someone more knowledgable could see if all are set correctly?? I believe most are.... :eek:

Sent you a PM with a link to a thread at OCWBench with pics of my settings. In the thread titled "New Board but 240 Mhz is the limit".

I was loading drivers last night for this board and noticed that the link that newegg provides will lead you to a page that ASRock isn't updating and subsequently to a page with old drivers and BIOS.

Newegg link (DON'T use this) hllp://
ARRock page (DO use this )

From the good page I found newer drivers a more recent BIOS.

This isn't just a newegg issue ASRock has links that do the same thing.
Just bought it off newegg. I had a few questions:

1. What type of OC can I expect? Anything over 245HTT will be good in my book.

2. What bios? 1.6 just came out, should I stick with the official most recent bios, or go with the OCW Beta 1-5?

For reference, I plan to OC as high as i can, as well as do the vcore mod...and I have no problem using teh OCW bios'.

So what the best option? Thanks!
HighwayAssassins said:
Just bought it off newegg. I had a few questions:

1. What type of OC can I expect? Anything over 245HTT will be good in my book.
The max stable most get is 274 HTT. The board isn't good for past that reliably.
2. What bios? 1.6 just came out, should I stick with the official most recent bios, or go with the OCW Beta 1-5?
For testing the inital overclock, OCWBeta1 or 2. They're the ones that people have used to get the high HTTs, and are the only ones that supposedly don't have a cap at 274 HTT. However even with these BIOSes at above 274 you're likely to have problems getting the computer to boot the first time you hit the power switch. You'll likely have to reset to get up and running each time you start it at those settings. For this reason, I stick to the 1.6 official bios, as it wasn't worth the hassle of reseting all the time for a few more potential MHz. YMMV though, as I haven't done any volt mods to really stretch my setup, and there are people out there who run at higher than 274.

Also, I don't see much purpose for the OCWBetas past version 2. Seems like versions 3,4,5 are merely branded versions of the old bios with a couple hidden features (as in 100 MHz memory divider) extra. But if you can't go above 274 HTT the dividers don't have much of a purpose. The new betas are a big difference from the overclocking goodness you can get with betas 1 and 2.
Niloc said:
The max stable most get is 274 HTT. The board isn't good for past that reliably.
For testing the inital overclock, OCWBeta1 or 2. They're the ones that people have used to get the high HTTs, and are the only ones that supposedly don't have a cap at 274 HTT. However even with these BIOSes at above 274 you're likely to have problems getting the computer to boot the first time you hit the power switch. You'll likely have to reset to get up and running each time you start it at those settings. For this reason, I stick to the 1.6 official bios, as it wasn't worth the hassle of reseting all the time for a few more potential MHz. YMMV though, as I haven't done any volt mods to really stretch my setup, and there are people out there who run at higher than 274.

Also, I don't see much purpose for the OCWBetas past version 2. Seems like versions 3,4,5 are merely branded versions of the old bios with a couple hidden features (as in 100 MHz memory divider) extra. But if you can't go above 274 HTT the dividers don't have much of a purpose. The new betas are a big difference from the overclocking goodness you can get with betas 1 and 2.
hm, thank you for the response. I think i will take your advice and use OCWbeta1 to test my max OC, then compare it to 1.6.
Doing 256x11 on an 3700+ SD = 2816mhz, 24 hours Prime95 stable here.

Very happy with my budget upgrade.

AGP performance is good as long as you don't make the mistake of trying to reinstall the asrock agp driver/gart. I did that once and the only way to fix it was a clean windows xp install.
There are just too many pages to go through, but I was wondering about what kind of air cooling would be the best for this. I haven't upgraded in a long time and my opteron 165 and asrock board should be here in about a week.

I just don't want to have any clearance problems and I want it to be as quiet as possible and still be able to do some overclocking.
If you bought the retail processor and got the stock cooler, you should be fine with just that as long as you don't try to break any speed records. You'd probably get 2.2-2.4GHz with acceptable temps.
I'm using an XP-90, which of course works great, but it's not a cost effective solution, requires a backplate to mount, as well as a fan.

I've heard good things about the A64 Freezer (not sure about Pro/nonPro) but the pro version does look a little better. Should an easy install, not requiring any tools or removing the standard mounting bracket.
yea I was thinking of the arctic cooling but I justn't sure about any sort of clearance issues with it. My current mobo is dieing so I need to make the switch as soon as possible and without any problems.

yea i'm kind of running high already on my budget so the xp-90 and all that are too far out for me to justify them

Since i posted a few thread replies here about my issues having to do with graphics...and games.. (only games )... I want to ask a few specific questions..:

I have the latest ULI 1695 chipset driver... the AMD 64 driver and the main ULI site 2.30 controller driver installed...

Plays most all older games play fine ..but i keep getting some freezes there..but not many and newer up to date games..some run for awhile and then freeze + or some not at all (start of play... freeze also ) .

I have directX 9.0c installed but its not up to date...meaning the files are dated back to 8/04. Thats like over a year and a half old.

Possibly..this has alot to do with things as I have been getting a few can't load vortex shaders or something.(.dll ). and i wonder just what AGP video driver for previous Nvidia cards.. are the best suited for an X2 3800 CPU system. I am uisng the latest 81.98 and this is suspect. Thks! :rolleyes:
Rabbitrunner51 said:

And I wonder just what AGP video driver for previous Nvidia cards is best suited for an X2 3800 CPU system?
It shouldn't really matter (i.e. you should be good with that driver, as long as you have the correct settings for dual core, as the drivers are multithreaded.) I guess a decent old driver I remember was 66.93, but it might not like some newer games--81.98 or whatever is latest is really optimal for your system.

If replacing the driver does change anything you could try the procedure in the second post here:

Your directx files are normal.

Also, what kind of temps are you getting for the GPU?
Niloc.. thanks for that.. good post.. mostly the same general problems i am having...
so i did read it and will use that for some ref. material and try that..certainly couldn't hurt.

I am usally pretty darn intuititve about troubleshooting... and know i have a handle on where its coming from... Definitely has to do with some driver or another..becuase that is what runs the game engines. Graphics in all look really good and the videos and pregame stuff works and runs fine. I too only occasionally now get black screens..but that went away after installing the ULI drivers (2.30 ) on thier site.
it did occur to me as relayed in your link ( post reply by whomever ) that doing things in the right order is necessary. I did follow the order as outlined here and like he described... Nividia driver last... Whatever It is.., seems small enough to cause a major headache you can see... We all like to play our games without much fuss or muss,
My old P4 Intel and Asus board had zero problems with anything.. just wanted an upgrade.
CPU is pretty awesome anyways.... and if all else fails i might just hang with that and get a good sli NF 4 board and PCI express card. Thks for the reply LOL ;)
hey, sorry if im reviving this dead thread but I am getting this board and I just got 4x512 PC3200. Will I run into any problems?
aarondavis121 said:
1.5 firmware seems good for 4 dimms, and you will have to run 2T.

I believe the previous owner of the board said he already upgraded to the latest bios (1.6?) I assume they would not be any new problems with this...?

Also what is the difference between 1T and 2T
The Freezer64 Pro works great!
I have yet to actually hear of any of the exotic solutions not working on this board. The only thing is you need a backplate (not included) for most of them on this motherboard. (Freezer64 you don't)

I'm running 4x512 ballistix, 2T.

Google for the diff between 1T and 2T in real apps. Doesn't look like much difference at all.

I'd rather have the extra ram then a higher benchmark score.
Does anyone know if this board can go into deeper stages of standby?
Not hibernate but standby. My old motherboard could go to standby to the extent where the computer was silent and only blinked the power light. Click the mouse and back to the desktop...

Doesn't seem possible..
awdark said:
Does anyone know if this board can go into deeper stages of standby?
Not hibernate but standby. My old motherboard could go to standby to the extent where the computer was silent and only blinked the power light. Click the mouse and back to the desktop...

Doesn't seem possible..

What happens if you enable hibernation and then set a power on mouse event in the bios? That ought to do the trick?

I guess, but the standby (I think level3) is almost instant on and I thought that might be cool. Hibernate is good enough I guess.
Well, standby is an option in the power management as well...they are on different pages.

I have a similar issue with the standby option. My A7N8X Deluxe would shut down all fans when it went into standby mode, but this mobo doesn't. I've played with the BIOS and power options setting in XP, but there's nothing about powering off the fans.
i orders this board and im wondering if there is a clearence issue with the zalaman 7700cu hsf getting in the way of the memory
mrmodman said:
i orders this board and im wondering if there is a clearence issue with the zalaman 7700cu hsf getting in the way of the memory

Nope... No problem at all...
anyone useing 2x1gig sticks in duel channel with no problems?

also should my system work fine?
amd [email protected](on msi k8tneo2) use zalaman 7700 HSF
2gigs duel channel
x800gt agp
500wat psu
sound blaster 5.1 live
wd 80 ide

will i see any problems?

hows my system look performance wise?
mrmodman said:
anyone useing 2x1gig sticks in duel channel with no problems?

also should my system work fine?
amd [email protected](on msi k8tneo2) use zalaman 7700 HSF
2gigs duel channel
x800gt agp
500wat psu
sound blaster 5.1 live
wd 80 ide

will i see any problems?

hows my system look performance wise?

Yeah...I am. Running in 2T mode, though, since 1T is generally pretty iffy on most people's systems (and my ram is closer to the value end not the performance end).

mrmodman said:
anyone useing 2x1gig sticks in duel channel with no problems?

I have 2x1GB TwinMos 2.5-3-3-8 1T (yes,1T and it's value price-range RAM) and works fine both on DUAL SATA 2 and on AsROck ULI1697 939SLI (which is the heir of the DUAL SATA) ,which is what i m using now.BTW,the 939SLI is also rock stable,awesome board,with no overclocking limits for those who care,SLI and 4 SATA2 ,as well as 2eSATAII (for connecting directly external SATA HDs).Bought it 66 Euros.Not overclocking myself though.
Just upgraded from a P4/3.06Ghz to this mobo coupled with an A643200+ Winchester. Didn't want to upgrade to PCIe just yet, and my 6800NU AGP is just fine for all the games I play, and I couldn't pass up a deal on the mobo and cpu I got from the FS/FT forum. I initially tried to do a repair of XP Pro, but of course, it doesn't really work when you switch platforms.
The XP install went flawlessly, and I'm up and running with a 220Mhz overclock to boot! Only changed the FSB to get 2.2Ghz, and the ram I'm using is 4x plain mushkin ddr400 memory from newegg I just got for $67 dollars per pair for a total of 2GB. Haven't tried to OC the ram just yet, but I'm sure it's running at 2T.

So far, so good....

mrmodman said:
anyone useing 2x1gig sticks in duel channel with no problems?

also should my system work fine?
amd [email protected](on msi k8tneo2) use zalaman 7700 HSF
2gigs duel channel
x800gt agp
500wat psu
sound blaster 5.1 live
wd 80 ide

will i see any problems?

hows my system look performance wise?

I'm running 2 x 1GB Corsair TWINX2048-3200 XMS3200 at 1T with no problems so far in CS:S and Oblivion. Well, Oblivion often starts with garbled sound, but exiting the game and re-starting (without re-booting) sometimes fixes the problem. I don't believe it's memory related.