ASRock 939Dual-SATA2

I can report that Vista Ultimate works fine with my set-up. Vista does a fairly good job of setting up the ULi motherboard options. Had a problem with my LAN connection (not detecting Internet) but I installed the Uli Beta driver for the Dual-Vsta motherboard instead and it works fine now.

The only problem I've found so far is there is no option for the processor power management under Control Panel - Power. It should be available under the Balanced option. I have Cool n' Quiet enabled in my BIOS, the latest mobo BIOS and have the latest hardware driver for my processor from Windows Update Drivers. AMD say the CnQ is built into Vista but it sure doesn't work on this motherbaord. I tried using the XP driver for CnQ running under XP compatibilty mode but it only installs one core. Although the power management option is now showing under the power scheme.

Does anyone know how to fix this? Are AMD or Microsoft going to correct this with a driver? Asrock have said they will not be releasing anymore BIOS updates for this motherboard. So much for having a greener CPU!
Well, I finally installed Vista also, and it works fine.

My computer:
AMD Athlon 64 3200+ 2GHz
ASRock Dual SATA-2
1GB of RAM
GeForce FX 5500
One 250GB and one 200GB hard drive

It is a little laggy on my computer, but I was expecting that. I think it's mostly my video card that's killing it.

I had the same issues with the LAN drivers as spicey, and fixed it the same way. I didn't know if I needed to or not, so I just installed the AGP driver from the Dual-Vsta. You can find all those drivers here.

Other than it being a little slow, it seems to work just fine.
i finally got my asrock 939 dual for 160 ... at least it includes a 3200+,6600gt and a 500watt antec psu :D 1 more day then i reformat:rolleyes:
According to guy on the OCW Asrock forum the OCW Beta BIOS 1.80 (939DSB8) works with Vista Power Management (CPU options available). I'll probably give this a go tonight, the difference between 1.80 and 2.30 are negligible for me. Mine still has a cold boot issue with 2.30 but not with Vista so far.

Asrock are not supporting this motherboard with Vista. Works a treat will Vista anyway.
I can confirm that this beta BIOS allows the use of Cool n' Quiet features under Vista :D

Perfornance score in Vista is the same as BIOS 2.30

CPU - 4.9
Memory 4.9
Graphics -5.9
Gaming Graphics -5.8
HDD -5.4
so what is the best 939 proc that can go in this baby, have people found the limit?

are their any trusted sites that still carry these? Only ones i find are overpriced and shady as hell.
just searched nudeegg and this is the reply We have found 0 items that match your search criteria "asrock 939".
nope, these boards arn't being made any more so the only places you might get one is ebay or trading forums here.
ya know, for a board that the webmaster said would never amount to much, it did get a whole lot of attention from the [H].

mine still works great.

You can say that again. I am still happily banging away on my Asrock as I type this.
This is still the number one upgrade I ever made with PCs.

p.s. Anyone have the upgrade daughter card they wanna sell cheap?

Yeah mine is still plugging away just fine. Actually hasnt been shut down for anything other than reformats or power outtages and still runs like a champ after 3yrs (and that on a refurb board). I think I am going to actually invest in a dual core for this one and up her speeds a bit...
At one point I was running THREE systems in my house based on this board. Now I'm down to one.

My wife and 4-year-old still use the Asrock system in my sig on a daily basis. It's given me no trouble. If I decide to go C2D for their system in the future, the DS2 still maintains good resale value ... more than it was going for when new!