AMD Super HOT Coupons!!

I ordered and the total was like $277, but I haven't received any form of confirmation. Do they send emails right away, or should I wait till monday?
JDA said:
I ordered and the total was like $277, but I haven't received any form of confirmation. Do they send emails right away, or should I wait till monday?

it has been my experience, that an automated email is usually sent right after you order.

just my 2 cents :)
I ordered mine for $284 around 6pm, before the Count Down sale, before the coupon got bumped up to $67, I'd never received any confirmation. But the cc charge had
been posted right away.

I ordered a pair of memory sticks a few hours later, I have recevied two emails related to that order.

Strange!. I emailedl Monarch yesterday morning, no reply yet.

JDA said:
I ordered and the total was like $277, but I haven't received any form of confirmation. Do they send emails right away, or should I wait till monday?
Yes, pretty weird, maybe it's because of the $60-67 dollar coupons? Perhaps they have to be manually confirmed or something of that sort lol.
0608MPMW is a very good stepping - pray for it! Mine is doing 3.05 Ghz with 1.5 volts on watercooling :)
EDIT: failed after 13 minutes, still good in my book, i'll start burning in
That's what I hoping for in this new Opteron 165. I have gone throught 2 Opteron 144 and 1 Opteron 165 and I am still hunting for that OC wonder.

Absolute0 said:
0608MPMW is a very good stepping - pray for it! Mine is doing 3.05 Ghz with 1.5 volts on watercooling :)
EDIT: failed after 13 minutes, still good in my book, i'll start burning in
Absolute0 said:
0608MPMW is a very good stepping - pray for it! Mine is doing 3.05 Ghz with 1.5 volts on watercooling :)
EDIT: failed after 13 minutes, still good in my book, i'll start burning in

i agree the 0608s are great and can do 2.7 with on air and 2.8 lidless on water with stock volts. Better then the 0550s in my opinion.
OK. 3 full days later. I just received confirmation email for an OEM Opteron 165. The price remained at $283.25, implying that Monarch did not adjust to coupon value from $60 to $67. Oh well. Some of us did buy the Opterons right before the larger $67 coupon became available.

Edit: Called Monarch CS and got $7 adjustment. Thanks Monarch!
i ordered friday and my orders still "processing" :\

guess thats why they 2 day it automatically.. hopefully itll even out with that
They are checking your name (and mine too) with Homeland Security Department. That's why it takes so long. You will see all kinds of paperworks with warnings of not to ship this CPU to anywhere outside US especially.... or else. ;)

Actually, you will receive paper saying: "Are you being paid to reship or forward this order to India, Ukraine, Russa, Africa or Anywherre else out of the country?
If yes, then this order is fraudulent and you should contact Monarch immediately at : 800 663-1627 and ask for the fraud hotline... ....

itsmikey said:
i ordered friday and my orders still "processing" :\

guess thats why they 2 day it automatically.. hopefully itll even out with that
I recieved an email early today (monday). It's obvious that they don't ship or work on weekends, lol. My 165 should be here either tuesday or wednesday
Ok, just got my Opty 146 ...

CACJE 0607APBW had bent pins, i managed to bend a few back sits fine in the ZIF now.. :rolleyes:

RMA or no?...i havent tested it yet.

- Dean

still processing..

monarch, if you feel like hooking up my order, youre more than welcome. :)
Its not joke, you tranship any of these CPU's to banned nations, you could easily end up spending years in Federal prison.

I remember back when my company was an alpha tester for the 68020, it COULD NOT leave the country for any reason, and my boss had to have a security clearence to get approval as an alpha site.
xX_Jack_Carver_Xx said:
Its not joke, you tranship any of these CPU's to banned nations, you could easily end up spending years in Federal prison.

I remember back when my company was an alpha tester for the 68020, it COULD NOT leave the country for any reason, and my boss had to have a security clearence to get approval as an alpha site.
dont want to be sending the opty 165 to osama which will be planning the next attack
jcll2002 said:
dont want to be sending the opty 165 to osama which will be planning the next attack

Oh pul--LEESE. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Are you buying into that crap? Find a brain, will ya??
aztec61 said:
Oh pul--LEESE. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Are you buying into that crap? Find a brain, will ya??
there was alittle sarcasm when i was writing it... Still though, i dont want to be the one giving him a computer. ;)
Opteron 165 ordered:

date ordered: 4/2
date shipped: 4/4
est. date of arrival: 4/6

Total: $276

Knowing my luck with opterons, I will probably get a crappy stepping & week NOT the famed 0608.
I feel the same way. This would be my 2rd 165. I am still in the hunt for that low-volt high OC proc. BTW, I ordered on the 31st.

cambrian said:
Opteron 165 ordered:

date ordered: 4/2
date shipped: 4/4
est. date of arrival: 4/6

Total: $276

Knowing my luck with opterons, I will probably get a crappy stepping & week NOT the famed 0608.
bought mine on the 3/31 and its a ccb1e 0606vpmw didn't clock over 2600 untill I removed the ihs, now its priming at 2.8 stock volts

THanks Monarch
toddm27 said:
bought mine on the 3/31 and its a ccb1e 0606vpmw didn't clock over 2600 untill I removed the ihs, now its priming at 2.8 stock volts

THanks Monarch
jcll2002 said:
keep in mind if I didn't pop the top the max this chip would have gotten was 2.6 as adding any extra voltage made the chip fail prime as it had a horrible mount, but I aint complaining :D :cool:
OK. Just received the Opteron 165. Ordered on 3/31. The stepping is CCB1E 0608MPMW.

when did you order yours? Mine should be coming in today too. I wonder if it's 0608
last friday!

shipped tues morn, got here 30min ago

wont have a video card or power supply until next fridays paycheck :( other than that, my systems done
ooh I just got a CCB1E 0608MPMW a few minutes ago. Knowing my luck (had to go through 5 venice to get 2.7ghz) It is probably going to suck. We'll see.
wow everyone's a high spender :p

No one say anything about the 146? I'm a budget gamer here hehe. What's that compared to the Athlon line?
Just ordered another one of the 165's. If you guys can make that a CCB1E 0608MPMW, I'll love you guys forever. :)

tsuehpsyde said:
Just ordered another one of the 165's. If you guys can make that a CCB1E 0608MPMW, I'll love you guys forever. :)

Dude, haven't you had enough? :D lol

I called and asked the guy for a specific stepping but he said that he can't do it because he has only 4 or 5 in the back and they're all being shipped out tonight. Doesn't know what is coming in tomorrow, stepping-wise. He said like 80% of the processors they get are good steppings and the other 20 are not that great, so he doesn't want someone to get pissed off if he gives his word. Anyways...I've gone that I have to take the plunge. :(
Zap [PCGO] said:
wow everyone's a high spender :p

No one say anything about the 146? I'm a budget gamer here hehe. What's that compared to the Athlon line?

amd 3200 is about what it compares to. it is like 3% faster due to more cache.
all every oen can say is pretty much 2.8 ghz stock voltage or 1.425 is about average. in my sig.
young-blood said:
Dude, haven't you had enough? :D lol

I called and asked the guy for a specific stepping but he said that he can't do it because he has only 4 or 5 in the back and they're all being shipped out tonight. Doesn't know what is coming in tomorrow, stepping-wise. He said like 80% of the processors they get are good steppings and the other 20 are not that great, so he doesn't want someone to get pissed off if he gives his word. Anyways...I've gone that I have to take the plunge. :(

Well, there still seems to be a decent flow of them (praying like hell) and there aren't many times like this that you can try a second one and see how it goes. These things are like the CABNE's of yester-year. :cool:
Do you guys think that if I used two-day air that I would get them before the dreaded Sunday?
Ahh! /cry

Right when I go to order the opteron 146, the coupon expired..... T_T It's the final piece for my new SFF system too!