8800GT - Release Times Today


I also prefer to order from someone I've done business with in the past, Newegg has been nothing but good for me. If they are too far out of line I'll look at another "reputable" dealer.

Me too, but NCIX is pretty much "Canada's Newegg" from what I've always read, so I'm not concerned :).
I went ahead and went with NCIXUS... it's backordered, hopefully it won't take too long to clear up. I'm not in a real rush for it though.

I am. :)
Have to send my RMA'd video card back to new egg today. Wont be able to use my computer until the new card gets here.

AHHH, I'm soo excited! It's like Christmas today! :)
I went ahead and went with NCIXUS... it's backordered, hopefully it won't take too long to clear up. I'm not in a real rush for it though.

it was in stock when i added it to cart, and backordered when I paid
oh wells, hopefully it'll be quick
it was in stock when i added it to cart, and backordered when I paid
oh wells, hopefully it'll be quick

Mine was in-stock at both points (11:49am Eastern order time), hope it goes through, kinda worried since it hasn't fully processed yet and it says it's now on backorder on the product page (though it's only 2 days regardless I guess).
Yup, ordered my EVGA superclocked early this morning from Ncix Canada while it was in stock (hopefully, as like 15 minutes later it was out of stock)

Looking forward to it, I've been slightly amazed at how quick and good the service has been in Canada lately (the G0 Q6600's as well) I think Vancouver might be on slightly better shipping terms than the US port when it comes to overseas purchasing lately. They certainly are loving our dollar right about now :)

BTW: They weren't supposed to start selling it until 2pm I think. Ahh well, you americans screwed up our daylight savings, so I guess its payback.
it was in stock when i added it to cart, and backordered when I paid
oh wells, hopefully it'll be quick

Same thing happened to me. a 2 minute phone call and they cancelled it.
Kinda disappointed, as their customer care is pretty good, they gave me no problems.

Oh well, Mwave has me money now :)
by friday i would like to be posting on here that i was playing Quake and Blood Money on my GT

i hated canada till this point, i hope it doesnt bite me in the ass!!
(my first order with NCIX)

but anyways, did everybody buy 2 or did some people just buy one?

I know i bought one just to "test" it out and if i like(which I will) i was going to buy my second at my store
I just bought one. I'm not totally made of money so some restraint must be exercised. :)
im backordered at NCIXUSA but their ETA is the 10/31 not bad

do they ship from canada or is it drop shipped from within the US?
Mwave shows OOS now, has anyone got a confirmation on the order. I hope they didnt oversell as I called them to add something to my address and asked about my order, she said that she didnt know if I was able to grab one or not. At least I know it was in stock for a while after I ordered. :eek:
While the excitement is understandable, there's no need to rush to order these things. Crysis and UT3 aren't even going to be out yet for 2 more weeks!
While the excitement is understandable, there's no need to rush to order these things. Crysis and UT3 aren't even going to be out yet for 2 more weeks!

Unless you paid for 2 day or overnight, gonna take a week to get here, that gives you a week to get it in the machine and all tuned up. :D

I guess I won't be needing to tune my SSC however. Not much.
I waited for the 2900 and saw that be a flop and a half. I want to get this card, tired of my 7800gt and ATI;s offering no matter how good it will be doesnt have the driver updates like nvidia does.
The new Radeon cards are supposed to be in the $150 - $250 range. The NVidia card is indeed a great deal, but I'm just saying you might have something better with a little patience. Then again, maybe not, who knows.
Ok so everything is straightened out. I want to say a BIG, BIG thank you!!! to Golden Tiger for posting the NCIX link. Without that, I wouldn't have gotten 2 8800GT with 2 games each and mousepads for $500 shipped 3 day air!

+2 eprops lol
By the way I'm not a big AMD/ATI fan. My current card is a 6800GT which desperately needs an upgrade. I might get the 8800GT, but just waiting to see how things shake out.
im backordered at NCIXUSA but their ETA is the 10/31 not bad

do they ship from canada or is it drop shipped from within the US?

How did you get backordered? I'm wondering because I ordered around 12pm while we were posting but there are so many steps. For example:

Details Send Email Notes
Order Received Yes
Your order has been received and will be processed shortly. Depending on volume, we usually process your order within 1 to 3 business days.
Price Verification Verified
Price has been verified.
Shipping Info Verification Verified
Your shipping information was verified and appears to be correct.
Product Availability
Credit Card Verification
Payment Processing
Order Processing

-If that's the case, then I'm backordered too. We'll see if I need to call them to refund or change my shipping if I'll have to wait a week.
I'm not buying until after I collect all my Christmas money/newegg gift certificates anyway, so it will be interesting to see how things finally shuffle out.
I'm not buying until after I collect all my Christmas money/newegg gift certificates anyway, so it will be interesting to see how things finally shuffle out.


I don't see why people here can't wait a few weeks for the prices to drop 20% or so. On the other hand, if you have the money I guess its not worth waiting.
I just called NCIX. Although we were one of the first to order, the customer service representative told me that there will be delays b/c they have so many orders to fill. This means this product is on backorder even if you ordered it before it was stated on the website.

At least we're locked in to the $249 price with shipping (each card) with 2 free games. So I guess be patient!
yeah newegg used to be best price + free shipping. now they are high or highest price + extra shipping
Holy crap I come back and every damn vendor is sold out! :(

And Newegg.. overpriced as usual these days. (I also get hit with tax so I don't really order anything from NE anymore)
For anyone in the US who screwed up like me and ordered from the NCIX.com instead of the NCIXUS.com site and payed $259 instead of $239, customer service will credit you the $20 back without having to cancel and reorder. Just call the 800 number, the cust service was really helpful.
NCIXUS have already jacked the prices up 20 bucks what up with that!!!! Soon newegg won't look so bad. Boy greed is powerful... charge as much as the market can possibly sustain....
Oh please, it is very simple case of 'supply and demand,' get over it. Last I checked Newegg and Mwave were in the business to make money. If Nvidia is on the ball with manufacturing, then prices will drop back down shortly. I'm willing to bet it will end up like the 7800GTs where a ton of manufacturers will be putting out cards and prices dropped constantly.

The EVGA card with QW:ET still sounds like a hell of a deal to me at $280, certainly better than what I was looking at for a 8800GTS 640 MB card.
With regard to the above mentioned order, we would like to inform you that your order has been verified and is currently being processed. As a reminder, the tracking number will be sent to you via e-mail after your order has successfully shipped. Thank you for shopping at Mwave.com, and have a great day!


I hope that means I'll be getting my card on time. I ordered today around 12pm and they were still in stock after I ordered. I got the 8800gt with 2day shipping for less than the cards are priced now without shipping included :).

I bought the Evga superclocked edition, which means the core clock will be 650 correct? On mwave, they didn't have any product specifications so I couldn't remember.