2405FPW, I hardly knew ye

yea if the desk is new and it was put together right i would have to be yell at some one at the place that makes the desk for that one! that sin for sure :mad:
I saw your post on another forum about this, condolences man. Just so happens that I got my 2005fpw today (opened it up about 5 minutes ago), and I don't know what I'd do if it broke =/ Luckily, this behemoth of a desk I'm using isn't going to break anytime soon.

Anyways, hope things turn out well for ya and you get a replacement soon.
I think I'm going to set it up as a piece of "art" somewhere in my room. My room really does need some color anyway, and this sure is an interesting way of adding it.
Back in the Amiga days, I had a 1084S Monitor, 14" Stereo Color Monitor ... and guess what happened? The top part of the desk fell over from the weight of a stereo reciever, the monitor, etc etc .. some speakers and 3 or 4 plastic storage boxes full of 3 1/2 floppies ( remember those? ) lol

Needless to say, the Monitor busted clean open, But ..... I had the Amiga Gold Plan and they sent me over night, a new monitor and picked up the old one, UPS or Fedex, can't remember. This was clear in 91 or so

Of course I lied and said it came broke and busted in it's box .... shame on me.
SixFootDuo said:
Back in the Amiga days, I had a 1084S Monitor, 14" Stereo Color Monitor ... and guess what happened? The top part of the desk fell over from the weight of a stereo reciever, the monitor, etc etc .. some speakers and 3 or 4 plastic storage boxes full of 3 1/2 floppies ( remember those? ) lol

Needless to say, the Monitor busted clean open, But ..... I had the Amiga Gold Plan and they sent me over night, a new monitor and picked up the old one, UPS or Fedex, can't remember. This was clear in 91 or so

Of course I lied and said it came broke and busted in it's box .... shame on me.

Yeah, Shame on you.

Nice rig by the way :D
Dude...so sorry to hear that. :( I wouldn't know what to do if that happened to my 2405FPW... :(
Well, if it were me, I would just have told Dell the monitor suddenly "broke" one day and wouldn't work. Not really a lie, I would have just left out the part about what broke it was my desk falling apart. No need for them to know that part of the story.

Try calling back and talking to a different customer service rep and see if you can still return it - just don't tell them that your desk falling apart is what caused it!
mpeg4v3 said:

The results of my desk collapsing. Dell won't cover it. Time to rape my bank account yet again.

Assuming you have some sort of homeowners insurance coverage your damage should come under that heading.

Even if you are away at school as long as your parents are assuming financial responsibility for you the same coverage should take care of it.

BillR said:
Assuming you have some sort of homeowners insurance coverage your damage should come under that heading.

Even if you are away at school as long as your parents are assuming financial responsibility for you the same coverage should take care of it.


I'd like to see home owner's insurance cover the flatpanel because of a faulty desk...
I'm interested too to see if your insurance will cover it. My insurance will only give me up to 2500 for ALL my computer stuff. Let's see that will cover the 2005fpw, the GT6800, and my memory......

That doesn't even get me my FTP, my websever, my fileserver, my laptop, and doesn't even go into the rest of my families stuff. :rolleyes:

Anyway as a piece of art that would actually be preety awesome!
Wow, I have a $15,000 coverage on electronics for my apartment and it only costs me $10 a month.
yea man definatly see if your homeowners will cover it. you'd be surprised at the stuff the cover, even on accidents like that.
What kind of deductible is there though? Probably not as much as the monitor is worth :).
I think you can get your insurance to cover virtually anything. However I am not sure what the deductible is and how bad your premium might increase due to a claim like that.

Insurance always takes in more than they put out.
I would make a wallpaper out of that and use it if i had a 2405. You got a better shot of the whole screen?
I have 15k in electronic coverage on my renters and the deductible is 250. It will cover my desk collapsing.
Constanople said:
I have 15k in electronic coverage on my renters and the deductible is 250. It will cover my desk collapsing.

Aye, I have 25k for anything else on my renters insurance. Which reminds me, I need to take a video of the place, burn to CD and take it to the insurance security vault
Constanople said:
I have 15k in electronic coverage on my renters and the deductible is 250. It will cover my desk collapsing.
by the time you ever use the insurance you will have paid MORE in premiums if it was just the monitor that broke. think about you paying premiums for years and your monitor breaks then you have to pay the deductable too.
My question is this: Why would you have put expensive computer equipment on a desk that was flimsy enough to callapse in the first place? Surely there was some indication that the weight might be too much for the desk.
1c3d0g said:
Dude...that's not funny at all. This is no laughing matter... :(

Lol. I was just thinking of sitting at my desk and all the sudden everything collapses and breaks.
Sorry about the loss man :(

You have to get another one though, one way or another. After going 24" at 1920x1200, everything else just looks too small :D
Oh man that is sad...

I'm getting just a 2005fpw and if that happened I'd proably sob in grief. :(