24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

I wonder: why use dual-card if you worry about input lag?
and since you have Radeon, are you going to use EDID color correction?

I really need to update my signature:D

I no longer have the build in my signature. Right now I just have a single GTX980Ti.

I don't plan on doing any kind of SLi.

EDIT: Signature has been updated...
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I'll try for a better shot. The only problem is the box is standing in our oil storage room and its very tight in there.

But im sure i can get it better. Uploading as fast as possible,
and it looks like it was captured at a really low color depth or something:

FW900 in GERMANY for sale

ebay starting at 1€, 6 days left

The same offer is also available on ebay kleinanzeigen, 80€

Thanks for this link :) 2nd FW900 is with me, one more and I can go Vega style :D Had to drive 700km total, but it was worth it.


I had to look for old video card with VGA connection. Unfortunatelly no surround without SLI, but with SoftTH I can do some triple monitor gaming. Just one more FW900 and I'll think of horizontal setup with Fresnel lenses :)


Yeah I thought one is big, but with two of them I can see how spaceious they are...



Interesting thing is this sticker:


Seller told me he bought it from CGI studio. May it be date of service 2008-11-21?
I just bought (online) converter:


there are a lot of similar devices and they are apparently supporting 225MHz bandwidth which got me interested in them. I need mini-DP to DVI/HDMI converter so I though that I might as well pay little more to get this one and check it out. Will report my findings when I get it.

as much as I like CRT's I do not think putting three of these is such a good idea. Bezels look terrible and whole desk is basically useless except games because CRTs make very bad desktop monitors...
I just bought (online) converter:
there are a lot of similar devices and they are apparently supporting 225MHz bandwidth which got me interested in them.

Interesting - are there any HDMI to VGA converters that have the same bandwidth?

as much as I like CRT's I do not think putting three of these is such a good idea. Bezels look terrible..

That's what the fresnel lens is for.

...because CRTs make very bad desktop monitors...

I think your experience may be somewhat unique. I use my FW900 extensively for writing, reading papers, programming, surfing, and email, and don't really have an issue. Many lcds may have sharper text, but "very bad desktop monitors" is not how I'd characterize my experience. For some websites, I use nosquint, which allows me to enlarge the text (I like 115% for hardforum, for example). Perhaps your focus is shot, and/or your getting blooming due to too high of a drive.

I wonder if G2 should be lower or higher, what is preferable to tube health. Like I have to set brightness around 40 to have black black (in modes such as 6500K it is more like 20 or something like that) and would increasing G2 slightly so that I need brightness of 10 would improve tube life or actually decrease it. And if decrease then would lowering G2 so that I need brightness of like 60 be good or not?
What "brightness "actually changing? Is "BIAS" setting changing the same thing?

I always assumed it is the same exact thing: G2 voltage and change in G2 but setting brightness so it gives the same picture might only put more or less stress on voltage regulation circuitry and have nothing to do with tube health itself because guns get exactly the save voltage.

Is my assessment right or totally wrong? If wrong then how brightness and bias setting differ from G2 voltage?

Some good questions here. I don't have a solid enough grasp to answer them yet (plus I've forgotten a lot of stuff I learned), but if I do, I'll try to answer them. But there's also the issue of cutoff voltage, which interacts with G2. Don't forget that. And cutoff can only be adjusted in WinDAS.
You are one dedicated enthusiast. Hats off.

Thank you spacediver. Thanks to your support and knowledge that you share in this thread I love my first FW900. When it arrived I was not really satisfied coming from Dell P1130 as I thought it had worse color, duller blacks and so on... until thank to your WPB and Dynamic Convergence Guides I bought WinDAS cable and colorimeter. Now my unit's image quality totally kicks ass in all dimensions and my old Dell looks just like a poorer cousin :p

Knowing that I did not hesitate to drive so far for another unit as I knew most probably I would be able to adjust it as good as first one.

as much as I like CRT's I do not think putting three of these is such a good idea. Bezels look terrible and whole desk is basically useless except games because CRTs make very bad desktop monitors...

I would disagree, until now I had 1xFW900 in the middle and two Dell 2412 on the sides. I would say that 80% of things I do are done with FW900. With proper adjustments the difference in sharpness is barely noticable, geometry is also very close to perfect. And in all the other manners LCD is far away from CRT.

Things I mostly do:
  • web browsing - mostly on CRT, sometimes on LCD. I do not like how do photos look on my LCDs (which are basic desk models, nothing to do with graphic)
  • photo editing - CRT for editing, left screen for thumbnails, right screen for tools. Works great for me.
  • programming - all my screens are set to 1920x1200, so no gain from higher res LCD. Text may be sharper, but all IDEs and tools have dark/black backgrounds, so I do really like them more with CRT :D of course as long as I can control light in my room, but actually I can ;) so mostly I have IDE in the middle (FW900), git and console to the left and tools like project preview or FTP connection to the right.
  • gaming - no doubt I prefer CRT

So for my taste I could easily go with 3 properly calibrated and adjusted CRTs.

Bezels - just like spacediver mentioned, I will make use of Fresnel lenses when I get my 3rd FW900. As for now I guess I will put one to the locker and stick with 1 CRT and 2 LCDs at sides.

Yeah that is my target. Now where is my 3rd FW900...

Thanks a lot!

Acutally these are two pictures stitched together in photoshop. Because i didnt got the whole box in one picture. I uploaded it raw and did not process it because i thought you wanted to do that.

Someone has adobe rbg turned on their canon slr :)

Yes photos are shot with Adobe RGB. Is that bad? I mean should you shoot with Adobe RGB, when you are only able to use SRGB / REC709 ?
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Acutally these are two pictures stitched together in photoshop. Because i didnt got the whole box in one picture. I uploaded it raw and did not process it because i thought you wanted to do that.

Yes photos are shot with Adobe RGB. Is that bad? I mean should you shoot with Adobe RGB, even if you only can display SRGB / REC709 ?

They are fine, I more appreciate the fact you took them! Very kind of you.:)
Acutally these are two pictures stitched together in photoshop. Because i didnt got the whole box in one picture. I uploaded it raw and did not process it because i thought you wanted to do that.

Yes photos are shot with Adobe RGB. Is that bad? I mean should you shoot with Adobe RGB, when you are only able to use SRGB / REC709 ?

Honeslty it's only an issue if you export out to Argb. But in reality as a professional photographer the only people who would say it's required are people trying to say its better, when in practice it really doesn't make as much a difference in real life.

Books will tell you that it gives you a larger color gamut and they are right, but it refuses to tell you that 95% of the market that will see your photos won't have the same ability to look at that full color gamut.
Ken Rockwell is quite controversial guy, but this article is 100% correct to my taste:


My experience is that I have tried aRGB for some time and ended up converting every single file into sRGB. 99.9999% of people won't notice any difference if you show them properly taken, postprocessed and printed photo in sRGB/aRGB, and with all the hassle to convert profiles is not worth it in my opinion. And color management in Windows (again, 90% of computers), especially in multi display environment, just sucks.

Conclusion - stick to sRGB, properly calibrate your sRGB monitor and you are all done. Wide gamut is more trouble than advantage these days.
Hey guys, so is the consensus amongst owners of the FW-900 to use a BNC to DVI cable for superior image?

Or is that used in order so the graphics card doesn't try to scale the resolution up or function like a LCD?

Just wondering what's the optimal cable here.

I have bought Blue Jeans cables in the past which were superb, but I was wondering if anyone could help me in the kind of cable I would need to buy from them. The description on their site isn't that clear.
Anyone have a personal preference for the above?

jbltecnicspro couldn't discern any difference between BNC and VGA, just wondering what everybody else here thinks.

Appreciate it.
haven't noticed a diff myself, still need to do some tests to measure though.

I came across some Ken Rockwell article that in theory BNC doesn't give you a full color spectrum or something, but in practice that's not the case.

With separate RGB cables converging into a DVI plug, I would think you might have better color representation, but I dunno.

I might as well just get the cables from Blue Jeans and see what my eyes prefer.
that sounds like complete nonsense to me (though I remain open minded). Got a link to that article?

I think I confused the article with what igsux3 posted.

So totally disregard what I said. I was trying to do some research into BNC cables and looking at other calibration stuff, that I guess I jumbled up what was on the Ken Rockwell page with some of the other stuff I was reading.

Sure no problem. Were you having the same issue as me?

ive always been suspicious of those adapters , i got so many ...
and yes at highest resolution desktop icons and names always look a little blurry.
yep the cables a winner cleaned up all my text a little
thanks again for link
ive always been suspicious of those adapters , i got so many ...
and yes at highest resolution desktop icons and names always look a little blurry.
yep the cables a winner cleaned up all my text a little
thanks again for link

Fantastic. I agree, I think the VGA to DVI adapter was the culprit.

I'm really sad the series on YouTube going through how CRTs work isn't available. Damn, would have made a great learning tool.

I wonder if there are any videos on adjusting the picture...