24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.


there is quite a difference in screen color between those two monitors in this photo

I wonder if HP version uses the same coating as SONY

in 2009 and 2010 both Sony and HP versions could be acquired easily for <$50 in Poland then there was drastic drop in availability. I got mine in second half 2011 for $100 (inc. shipment costs), possibly last moment to get one for ridiculously low price...
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there is quite a difference in screen color between those two monitors in this photo

I wonder if HP version uses the same coating as SONY

in 2009 and 2010 both Sony and HP versions could be acquired easily for <$50 in Poland then there was drastic drop in availability. I got mine in second half 2011 for $100 (inc. shipment costs), possibly last moment to get one for ridiculously low price...

Well the AG is removed on the sony, so I assume its mostly that.

My sony looks pretty much exactly like that and I haven't seen the HP in person.
An established user in my CRT page on reddit seems to have found a way to run extremely high resolutions and refresh rates on FW900s. The user claims that he or she got their FW900 to run, without issues, at 1920x1080p@120Hz and 1600x900@144Hz, which both should be totally impossible on FW900s due to the fact that they are far above the FW900's horizontal refresh rate limit. I am asking for pictures to confirm.
Here is a link to the thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/GloriousCR...k0r7y/just_got_my_2nd_fw900/cuzre6e?context=3
An established user in my CRT page on reddit seems to have found a way to run extremely high resolutions and refresh rates on FW900s. The user claims that he or she got their FW900 to run, without issues, at 1920x1080p@120Hz and 1600x900@144Hz, which both should be totally impossible on FW900s due to the fact that they are far above the FW900's horizontal refresh rate limit. I am asking for pictures to confirm.
Here is a link to the thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/GloriousCR...k0r7y/just_got_my_2nd_fw900/cuzre6e?context=3

Have at it. I don't think anyone is going to push their deflection circuitry that hard, because they want to keep their monitors in operating condition - frankly. I disagree with your assessment that this will greatly improve the capabilities of the monitor because it will be blurrier and you will probably be wearing the monitor out more.
An established user in my CRT page on reddit seems to have found a way to run extremely high resolutions and refresh rates on FW900s. The user claims that he or she got their FW900 to run, without issues, at 1920x1080p@120Hz and 1600x900@144Hz, which both should be totally impossible on FW900s due to the fact that they are far above the FW900's horizontal refresh rate limit. I am asking for pictures to confirm.
Here is a link to the thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/GloriousCR...k0r7y/just_got_my_2nd_fw900/cuzre6e?context=3

The monitor will not sustain the resolutions and timings claimed by the user. In addition to this, pushing the resolutions and timings of the monitor to non-VESA recommended targets will wear out the monitor diminishing its life. As I always tell my clients... "You play... You pay.."

It doesn't work
I doubt it would do much damage if it worked but still I cannot imagine anyone risking working GDM-FW900 for few Hz more. They are way too rare and expensive
The monitor will not sustain the resolutions and timings claimed by the user. In addition to this, pushing the resolutions and timings of the monitor to non-VESA recommended targets will wear out the monitor diminishing its life. As I always tell my clients... "You play... You pay.."


What exactly is being worn in the monitor? I understand you are pushing it past the set recommended guidelines by VESA (which from my assesement seem a bit arbitrary, its not like that organization puts every single CRT monitor through rigorous testing to say xyz are what is recommended.) but if the monitor is capable of certain resolutions and timings, I can't imgaine what sort of mechanical harm is being done.

Sorry for sounding naive...
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What exactly is being worn in the monitor? I understand you are pushing it past the set recommended guidelines by VESA (which from my assesement seem a bit arbitrary, its not like that organization puts every single CRT monitor through rigorous testing to say xyz are what is recommended.) but if the monitor is capable of certain resolutions and timings, I can't imgaine what sort of mechanical harm is being done.

Sorry for sounding naive...

In theory, the yokes would have to work harder to support the resolution. Doubt that it would cause any acute harm.
pics of hsync rate in osd or it didnt happen
fw900 horizontal retrace frequency is digitally limited to 121khz; if you exceed that you get an out of range message. 1080*120hz = 129.6khzplus you need 10% more for vblank and stuff
What exactly is being worn in the monitor? I understand you are pushing it past the set recommended guidelines by VESA (which from my assesement seem a bit arbitrary, its not like that organization puts every single CRT monitor through rigorous testing to say xyz are what is recommended.) but if the monitor is capable of certain resolutions and timings, I can't imgaine what sort of mechanical harm is being done.

Sorry for sounding naive...

Is like driving a Ferrari at 240 MPH and sustaining that speed and the high RPM's... The engine is designed to reach the speeds and RPM's "up to..." but sustain those speeds and RPM's for a very long period of time (8H day/7 days a week, 365 days per year)... Then.... you tell me what will happen to the engine?.... Same analogy with the monitor...

What is fail rate of components that are directly responsible for controlling horizontal frequencies compared to other things like components responsible for voltage regulation and generation, tube (guns) itself, etc.

It is my impression that there is no way to tell at which horizontal frequency elements start to be pushed to its limits, even when repairing those monitors. It might be that monitor itself could run at 200KHz just fine or it might be that it already take heavy hit at >100KHz. All we have is some arbitrary value that seem to be derived from 2304x1440@80Hz that is already at almost 400MHz pixel clock. I would bet that if there was way to raise limit to say 150KHz it would do no harm to the monitor.

This is ofcourse academic discussion because there is no such way? Or is there? :rolleyes:
Is like driving a Ferrari at 240 MPH and sustaining that speed and the high RPM's... The engine is designed to reach the speeds and RPM's "up to..." but sustain those speeds and RPM's for a very long period of time (8H day/7 days a week, 365 days per year)... Then.... you tell me what will happen to the engine?.... Same analogy with the monitor...


I understand the analogy, and that might be theoretically correct, but I am asking specifically what parts of the monitor are being more worn out?

Have you repaired any monitors in your shop that you can say for certainty were caused due to resolutions and timings out of VESA recommended specifications?

If yes, what were the signs that gave evidence of running the monitor past recommended specs? What were the parts that needed to be replaced?

If it diminishes the life of the tube significantly over time, I would like to know exactly how you measure that and came to that conclusion.

Sorry if this comes across with a demanding tone, I'm not intending that. I am just looking for clarity because if we cannot in anyway determine this, then there should be no problem running the monitor past VESA specs.
What is fail rate of components that are directly responsible for controlling horizontal frequencies compared to other things like components responsible for voltage regulation and generation, tube (guns) itself, etc.

It is my impression that there is no way to tell at which horizontal frequency elements start to be pushed to its limits, even when repairing those monitors. It might be that monitor itself could run at 200KHz just fine or it might be that it already take heavy hit at >100KHz. All we have is some arbitrary value that seem to be derived from 2304x1440@80Hz that is already at almost 400MHz pixel clock. I would bet that if there was way to raise limit to say 150KHz it would do no harm to the monitor.

This is ofcourse academic discussion because there is no such way? Or is there? :rolleyes:

This is exactly what I'm driving at, especially what I put in bold/underline.

Unless we have someone at VESA joining this conversation, I am going to make an educated guess that Sony said this monitor can perform resolutions a-z, what are the recommended timings and refresh rates for the monitor? VESA responds back with what they think is recommended (as "optimum"), and Sony prints that off on their specs sheet.

Like I said, I would imagine that the range of monitors VESA is from your bargain units all the way up to FW-900 and beyond. And all VESA does is grab the median with what can be done at certain horizontal frequencies amongst all monitors, and say this is what they recommend.

I have no doubt in my mind they never ran FW-900s for hours upon hours of use beyond their own recommendations.
unfortunately (or fortunately :) ) there is lock in firmware that prevents going past 121KHz so it cannot be tested
unfortunately (or fortunately :) ) there is lock in firmware that prevents going past 121KHz so it cannot be tested

When I was messing around with my GDM5402, I swore I got it to 122KHz, I'm going to try it again later.
False alarm :eek: :rolleyes:

Hi guys,
so recently I have picked up my 2nd unit. All was going well, but when I ended WPB all went wrong. Colors are fine, but monitor started to dim at bright backgrounds, ABL issue. I was not worried because my first unit had this problem once, but when I adjusted G2 properly the issue disappeared. Then comes the worst part: now I can connect with WinDAS, but when I try to start, all values are shown as zeroes. It states:

Mode 1
HFre : +0.00[kHZ]
VFre : +0.00[Hz]
Sync : Ext.

Screen size values are 0 and I can do nothing to adjust anything.

When I try to load .dat fille which I saved in the beginning it says "Check RS232C line"
When I try to adjust Dynamic Convergence and click BYPASS it says "REG write is NG -> can't access. Check condition!"

Is there a way to completly reset monitor settings?
I think one cable from TTL controller to montior might have gotten loose and while I was doing WPB :(

--- Edit ---

wow, image restoration did the trick. I am sure I did this like three times before, but this time with WinDAS turned off. Ughh all the stress is gone. I would delete this post, but if someone ever tries to find keywords like

Mode 1
HFre : +0.00[kHZ]
VFre : +0.00[Hz]
Sync : Ext.


"Check RS232C line"

I think it should stay here. If you guys think otherwise I will ask mods to delete it.

Sorry for all the hassle :eek: :eek:
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Well it worked... for a while. After PC restart it's all wrong again. Investigating further...

Somehow it worked. Something is seriously wrong. At step 41 in WPB (G_BKG_B_CENT) slider does nothing. Seriosuly I hope there is "reset" button hidden somewhere :rolleyes:

few resets here and there and luckily now it's working. Doing WPB at the moment and in step 48 C_MAX_B_MAX is set 77 to get 115cd/m2. That looks suspiciously low...

Step 57 and I'm about to get 10cd/m2, but with all sliders maxed I can get 7... damn, I think this tube is just worn out :(
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Well it worked... for a while. After PC restart it's all wrong again. Investigating further...

Somehow it worked. Something is seriously wrong. At step 41 in WPB (G_BKG_B_CENT) slider does nothing. Seriosuly I hope there is "reset" button hidden somewhere :rolleyes:

few resets here and there and luckily now it's working. Doing WPB at the moment and in step 48 C_MAX_B_MAX is set 77 to get 115cd/m2. That looks suspiciously low...

Step 57 and I'm about to get 10cd/m2, but with all sliders maxed I can get 7... damn, I think this tube is just worn out :(

Not sure what's going on honestly. But only setting your C_MAX_B_MAX to 77 to get 115cd/m2 doesn't make for a worn out tube. Sounds like WinDAS is misbehaving...
Holy cow... I wondered if my TTL converter is wrong. I have 2nd which I use with my 2nd FW900 and now even though all cables are disconnected monitor is locked with key as if it was still in WinDAS ... that is going to be a loooong night...

I could just finalize settings to unlock OSD but as for now I get readings with values of "0" and it says to check RS232 connection... Image restoration helped few times but now without OSD I can do nothing. What a nightmare.
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After like 2 hours of fighting I managed to connect with WinDAS and load default settings by a miracle. OSD is unlocked but I am really afraid to do any WPB adjustments again. What exatcly does MPU do? I am ready to go through all the settings again, but I need to be sure I won't mess up even more. I have default dat file that I saved just after I got this unit. Would it help if MPU goes wrong?
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Oh. I have old G500 in my basement. It's 02:40 in the morning where I live but I'm going for it. Taking day off tomorrow (today?) and I'm going to play hardcore with this baby :p
After like 2 hours of fighting I managed to connect with WinDAS and load default settings by a miracle. OSD is unlocked but I am really afraid to do any WPB adjustments again. What exatcly does MPU do? I am ready to go through all the settings again, but I need to be sure I won't mess up even more. I have default dat file that I saved just after I got this unit. Would it help if MPU goes wrong?

MPU will reset the monitor with a default file stored in WinDAS. Meaning - it will give your FW900 a generic DAT file, and you have no idea what kinds of things it will mess up on it. If you do an MPU, you WILL have to recalibrate everything. I strongly recommend that you NOT do this. Don't even think of it as an option unless your monitor is truly jacked.
unfortunately (or fortunately :) ) there is lock in firmware that prevents going past 121KHz so it cannot be tested

Interestingly enough, there's a mode in the Cont SG (Control Signal Generator) in WinDAS that makes a mention of 128KHz. It's labeled as "not available." So I'm betting that this monitor, could have probably done that frequency no problem. But I'm wondering if that frequency would have pushed it over 400Mhz? Try as you might - if you select the mode, the monitor won't display it. You'll get the standard "out-of-sync" error.
I believe I've MPU'd at least one of my trinitrons before. Had to readjust geometry and WPB etc., but nothing beyond that if i remember correctly (maybe landing too in the OSD).

But yea, use as a last resort :)
I understand the analogy, and that might be theoretically correct, but I am asking specifically what parts of the monitor are being more worn out?

Have you repaired any monitors in your shop that you can say for certainty were caused due to resolutions and timings out of VESA recommended specifications?

If yes, what were the signs that gave evidence of running the monitor past recommended specs? What were the parts that needed to be replaced?

If it diminishes the life of the tube significantly over time, I would like to know exactly how you measure that and came to that conclusion.

Sorry if this comes across with a demanding tone, I'm not intending that. I am just looking for clarity because if we cannot in anyway determine this, then there should be no problem running the monitor past VESA specs.

Once your wear out the tube, is goodbye monitor...

The entire HV assembly and tube assembly work hard at pass its design limitations when you exceed the recommended timings and resolutions.. That is the reason why Sony list them as "RECOMMENDED RESOLUTIONS AND TIMINGS"... Now, if some enthusiasts want to push their monitors and drive them to the edge of their design limitations... Then the only ones who would benefit from these actions are the people selling them... If you can find one in decent functional condition now days...

I am not going to get into specifics on when/how/what/which component(s) wear out.... Drive one to the edge of its design limitations for a prolong period of time, then give me a call when you need a replacement unit...

So. It's 5 AM and it seems I have found the solution. For entire year my WinDAS was set to XP mode. Since then I have done few WPB procedures, many DCnv tweaks and never had any problems until now. When I thought all hope is lost and all out of sudden something told me to try to change turn compatibility off. WinDAS wouldn't even start so I changed it to 98 compatibility and BANG. As for now everything is fine and if I can get through all procedures on good old G500 then it would be the time for FW900.

This little evil programme won't stop surprising me. This night taught me that I should buy some spare 64gb SSD to install Windows XP on it, WinDAS and few test patterns.
So. It's 5 AM and it seems I have found the solution. For entire year my WinDAS was set to XP mode. Since then I have done few WPB procedures, many DCnv tweaks and never had any problems until now. When I thought all hope is lost and all out of sudden something told me to try to change turn compatibility off. WinDAS wouldn't even start so I changed it to 98 compatibility and BANG. As for now everything is fine and if I can get through all procedures on good old G500 then it would be the time for FW900.

This little evil programme won't stop surprising me. This night taught me that I should buy some spare 64gb SSD to install Windows XP on it, WinDAS and few test patterns.

You're on VIRTUAL XP. Got it. I had no idea. I've done that before and had no problems with it, but I do know that "XP Mode" doesn't work with the Artisan software. Yeah - it's probably best to go on eBay and get an old Dell laptop or something and make that your dedicated WinDAS box. That's how I do it - I have an old piece of crap laptop that I use just for that purpose (it literally does nothing else).

Edit: And yes - I too run my program with compatibility mode enabled for Windows 98.
You're on VIRTUAL XP. Got it. I had no idea. I've done that before and had no problems with it, but I do know that "XP Mode" doesn't work with the Artisan software. Yeah - it's probably best to go on eBay and get an old Dell laptop or something and make that your dedicated WinDAS box. That's how I do it - I have an old piece of crap laptop that I use just for that purpose (it literally does nothing else).

Edit: And yes - I too run my program with compatibility mode enabled for Windows 98.
Ah I might buy an old Windows 98 laptop for WinDAS if that's better than XP.
You're on VIRTUAL XP. Got it. I had no idea.

I'm not sure if we understand each other correct (I am not native English speaker, please forgive my mistakes :p ). I run Windows 8.1 and until yesterday WinDAS ran in compatibility mode with Windows XP setting. Now it's set to 98 compatibility and works well.

I can stand Windows XP, but 98 might be beyond my patience threshold ;) When I was looking for G500 yesterday I think I saw some old laptop with pentium II 333 and 64 mb of ram. Maybe that would do the trick.
For some odd reason I thought the FW-900 was much easier to take upstairs than my GDM5402, even though the former weighs 30 lbs more.

No I didn't eat my Wheaties, but how heavy it was gonna be was greatly exaggerated in my mind.

Anyway going to see if I can salvage it in someway. I ordered in a smart UPS to see if regulating the voltage can possibly help in getting the FW-900 to power on, but I doubt it. I tried a second power cable, two different power strips, tried directly in a wall outlet and nothing.

It sucks, and I don't feel confident in my abilities yet to pop open the case to take a look inside to see if anything is out of place. I hear something rattling though.
Perhaps, but I'm nowhere near in good shape as I used to be.

Anywho I hope I can try to get this FW-900 working somehow.
What's wrong with the unit? What is it doing or not doing?


Hey Unkle Vito, it just won't power on. It arrived at my house damaged from delivery.

I plugged in all the appropriate cords.

I appreciate your help in this matter but I'd feel guilty if you are giving me technical support and not getting remunerated for it.

I'm pretty sure it is DOA, maybe some transformer went bad or something.

Really from packaging to delivery, FedEx completely dropped the ball, no pun intended.