2004 Post Your Workstation

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Thought i'd post mine now, excuse the 0.3 MP on my zire 71 :p

Work: (programmer) 2x Dell boxes.. the one on the left is a p4 2.4, w/ both vid outputs to the 19" lcds, the right one is a 1.5GHz that just runs sourcesafe and hooks up to just the right display

Home (bedroom)





One PC (in sig), another one almost built
Kenwood VR-506 Receiver
Gamecube (g/f just bought for me yesterday ;) )
4x Athena b2 speakers (left/right/backL/backR)
1x Athena b2 center
10" Athena 400W sub

Run all the audio and video through the receiver and into my MSI capture card so i can console game without leaving the room.

Mostly good times.. though i want a tv :)
I like how you mounted your speakers on the sides of the desk. I WILL copy that someday when I get a better surround system for my PC.
Originally posted by aaacbada

:eek: :eek: :eek:

I have that exact same turtle-looking thing. My Dad got it for me when I was about 6 when he visited Denver. The side leg is broken off because this jackass dropped it when I brought it in for show and tell in second grade.

So weird because I've never seen anyone else with the same thing.
Originally posted by spencers
Whats the little ipod software thing on the screen?

It's an iPod skin for Windows Media Player. Picked it up on wincustomize.ord
Originally posted by PCTweaker5
I like how you mounted your speakers on the sides of the desk. I WILL copy that someday when I get a better surround system for my PC.

If ya ain't cheatin', ya ain't tryin' !! lol

I was tired of having one speaker on one of the shelves, and the other imbedded where ther CD rack is. I like this setup much better.

I had looked for a long time for a corner desk. After a few months of searching I found one at Ikea for $99.00. It's great. Only gripe I have is that the slot for the PC isn't wide enough for the mid-tower. It hangs out about 3 1/2 inches. Not complaining, though.

Mounting the speakers on the side turned out better than I thought. Gaming and 5.1 surround music sound much better than before when the speakers were basically in front of me.
The slot for my tower makes the case hang over as well so I moved my corner desk next to my entertainment system so I could have the PC right by my side. I didnt like it down there anyways, whats the point of having a window if you cant see it right? BTW did those speakers come with those mounting brackets or did you add that yourself? Because Im quite tempted to install my current 5.1's on the side aswell.
Originally posted by PCTweaker5
The slot for my tower makes the case hang over as well so I moved my corner desk next to my entertainment system so I could have the PC right by my side. I didnt like it down there anyways, whats the point of having a window if you cant see it right? BTW did those speakers come with those mounting brackets or did you add that yourself? Because Im quite tempted to install my current 5.1's on the side aswell.

Naw.... The speakers are the Cambridge Megaworks 510 digital. there's really good. Great quality sound. I'm running my Audigy Gamer with Audigy 2 hacked drivers. The sound quality is great.

I picked up these mounts at CompUsa for $50.00. I have seen them at BestBuy before as well. Good thing about these is, they have a three inch extender in case you want to mount them from the ceiling. The instructions specifically state "Do not use ceiling extension mounts for anything other than ceiling mount applications". I apparently didn't heed their advice. There are several swivels involed too, and all lock down with the provided alan wrench.
Cambridge Megaworks? Thats Creative right? Do the mounts go into the slot in the back or what?
Originally posted by PCTweaker5
Cambridge Megaworks? Thats Creative right? Do the mounts go into the slot in the back or what?

Yes, it's Creative.

The speakers came with a screw to go into the back of it. they also have a hole for mounting....

Instead of me trying to explain it... here is a pic or two:



Does this help???
Ya that helps! Thanks for going through the trouble, hope nothing broke. Mine doesnt have a screw hole but it has a hole like for hanging it on nails and such, I would have to hammer in a long nail in the side and then bend it so that the speaker faces me. Or I could just use velcro which I have plenty of. Thanks for the help and the inspiration. Have a good night!
No, nothing broke. I just unscrewed it LOL!!!

Glad to be of service. Good luck with your project.

post pics when your done!
Originally posted by imagine
:eek: :eek: :eek:

I have that exact same turtle-looking thing. My Dad got it for me when I was about 6 when he visited Denver. The side leg is broken off because this jackass dropped it when I brought it in for show and tell in second grade.

So weird because I've never seen anyone else with the same thing.

lol yea i got it from a Hilo Hati in Honolulu, Hawaii, this past January. that is funny that you have one from Denver.
Originally posted by aaacbada
lol yea i got it from a Hilo Hati in Honolulu, Hawaii, this past January. that is funny that you have one from Denver.

I get them from all over the place


Too bad I am too stupid/lazy to crop the full picture correctly


You might be wondering why that stand is sitting there completely empty. Well that's where I plan for my future folding rigs to rest. :D
Originally posted by isp

You might be wondering why that stand is sitting there completely empty. Well that's where I plan for my future folding rigs to rest. :D

We must think alike... I saw that exact stand once somewhere, and my first thought was "Who needs rackmount?"

And I have a desk almost exactly like that (same thing, only the legs are a tad different).

Oh, and I almost bought that floor lamp.

BTW, do you think the glass shelves of that stand will support the weight of all the rigs? They looked kind of weak when I saw them in person, and, I mean, they're glass... lol
i agree, those shelves only support 20-25lbs i would be very careful. i think i saw that rack at walmart
Originally posted by RS3RS
BTW, do you think the glass shelves of that stand will support the weight of all the rigs? They looked kind of weak when I saw them in person, and, I mean, they're glass... lol

Tempered glass is pretty strong, besides all it has to hold is a mobo,psu and hd on each shelf. I feel pretty confident with it, but I guess we'll find out, won't we? ;) lol

and yes I picked it up from walmart.com... $80
Originally posted by GLASSXEROX
i agree, those shelves only support 20-25lbs i would be very careful. i think i saw that rack at walmart
Looks more like a best buy item to me....

"On sale this week: Tempered glass folding rack.... Perfect for [H] folding" :p
Originally posted by Benny Blanco
Looks more like a best buy item to me....

"On sale this week: Tempered glass folding rack.... Perfect for [H] folding" :p

thats when you know Kyle has made this place overly successful
Originally posted by Scroatdog
It's an iPod skin for Windows Media Player. Picked it up on wincustomize.ord

you go to wincustomize.org and yet you still use the windows default theme, shame shame.
Originally posted by mxpxrulzz
meh i can hear it fine. i thought about wall mounting it but i'm lazy

i'm sad to say i never really use 5 channels that much anyway :(

Haha, me too. I got the same 680s and love em. I set mine under the monitor then used the THX setup on the audigy2 zs to set below monitor. It sounds all right, but they wont be wall mounted til escrow closes on my new home. (pics posted by mid april)
Sorry, it's a tad large.

This is my little cubby, including but not limited to my Dell Inspiron 8200, Samsung SyncMaster 192N, and Herman Miller chair.

ahhhh, herman miller....

We use those @ work, but un4tunately, we only have 8 hours a day to play with all the damn knobs on em.
We have a his and hers situation going on in my computer room, I am British hence the flag and she is american :) Anyhow here is my workspace :)


Originally posted by aaacbada
here's those pics you requested. sorry if they are blurry...taken with no flash.



Can you take a picture with the side off so I can see how you have things setup inside

THeres mine

The left and the center monitor are both 17"S off the thermaltake tower in the center:

a64 3000
Chaintech znf3-150
Radeon 7500
80gb Maxtor SATA hdd
512 ocz ram

THe other one is the media box running XP and media engine
800mhz celly
128mb ram
ati mach64vt grahpics
about 6gb of hdd
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