2004 Post Your Workstation

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Originally posted by scanido
1000w RMS sure is gonna be killa' :D
Ahh, so you got the one from the high end. You'll never be able to turn that puppy up. The CHTs are loud enough for 99% of people and sound good too.

Something about Velodyne.
Originally posted by nurv
How did u get the backlight on your lcd working? I cant figure mine out. Also when I plug in my hd/power led cables nothing lights up... ideas?

my little fan symbols were the only thing that did not light for me. i would suggest making sure you are plugged into all the right pins on the motherboard. i would then go back and check to make sure the plugins from the LCD aren't plugged in backwards on the mobo (ie...power is on the wrong side). i'm going camping for the weekend, but when i get back i'll check this thread to see if you got it working or having any more questions.
Originally posted by RS3RS
I have that same desk :D Interesting keyboard placement... :p
It's an update from my last post here. The keyboard drawer was underneath the right side, but it recently COMPLETELY snapped off on both sides - so I'm having to make do now with the new setup. It's not too bad! I think I like it more, actually.
Here are some shots of mine :)

My case is nothing special right now. My old water cooled rig fried out and I am saving up money for a new fancy setup :) This is my home office. I like my Envision 19" LCD Monitor and Logitech Z-680 Speakers :)



OK I am so jealous...you have the setup of my dreams.

What monitor is that? Looks gorgeous.
EDIT: Found the answer: 19' Samsung 191T LCD

How is server2k3 working out for you? Do you game much and if so how well does it work with gaming?

That is...if that isn't just a wallpaper. (If it is, where can I get it :p)
Not yet completed. I have 2 more pieces on BO. I just set her up so the wires are a mess. I want to make sure eveything is where I want before I tidy up.




PS : The sub is in the left cabinet and I am going Logitec W Duo on Computerpro3's advice
:eek: nicer than u described to me! I'm so coming over to see that (and push your system to what it SHOULD be getting in 3dmark...jus gimme 20min with it and I'll hand you 23k....). While I'm in here, might as well throw in mine.....not bad at all if I do say so myself....




This sub makes me go mwahahahahahahahahah
Originally posted by computerpro3
:eek: nicer than u described to me! I'm so coming over to see that (and push your system to what it SHOULD be getting in 3dmark...jus gimme 20min with it and I'll hand you 23k....). While I'm in here, might as well throw in mine.....not bad at all if I do say so myself....




This sub makes me go mwahahahahahahahahah

:D You just don't know what to do with yoursef until your new chip arrives.
Originally posted by jacuzz1
:D You just don't know what to do with yoursef until your new chip arrives.

Yes I do.....convince you to overclock your chip. Come on, soldier, this is the [H]ardforums....not {G}irlscouts...make that chip cry.....:D
Originally posted by computerpro3
Yes I do.....convince you to overclock your chip. Come on, soldier, this is the [H]ardforums....not {G}irlscouts...make that chip cry.....:D

friend have your forgot the spark that I hath provided thee to take the 2.4 where few have gone before. Was it not my 1.6 -a the catalyst for your endeavors.

I have not retired but alas I lay in wait for I shall find the next 1.6-a and it wont be the new stepping 3.0c. It will be a PRescott on the 775 and it shall achieve greatness ...................roflmao
This is mine,


This is my GF's


sorry if the pics are too big don't know how to resize them.

we have the same lamp, same desk, and same keyboard/mouse.
Originally posted by RS3RS
Originally posted by beachbum
Please people, STOP quoting peoples entire posts with the pics in it for god sake!
Originally posted by beachbum
Please people, STOP quoting peoples entire posts with the pics in it for god sake!:mad:

I was unaware that you could quote with out the pics. May I assume you click quote then delete the offending image links?
Originally posted by jacuzz1
I was unaware that you could quote with out the pics. May I assume you click quote then delete the offending image links?
Yes, the delete key is on your keyboard. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by computerpro3
you didn't have to include the rolleyes, he was just trying to know if there is a easier way:rolleyes:

Not to worry I am old and have a thick skin besides I could always buy his employer and fire him for being a wise ass.

I did that once on principle.:rolleyes: :eek: :D
Originally posted by jacuzz1
Not to worry I am old and have a thick skin besides I could always buy his employer and fire him for being a wise ass.

I did that once on principle.:rolleyes: :eek: :D

Riiight. Unfortunately for you that doesn't work.
to see a therapist........................ I dont know what to do now .

OMG some guy that I dont know has attempted to to to to to

Oh man ......should I take my own life?

I guess I will just sit back and accept the fact that people will be people, take the high road and continue to relish in the diversity that is the human race.
Originally posted by jacuzz1
to see a therapist........................ I dont know what to do now .

OMG some guy that I dont know has attempted to to to to to

Oh man ......should I take my own life?

I guess I will just sit back and accept the fact that people will be people, take the high road and continue to relish in the diversity that is the human race.

Looks like you might need to. Chill out, or whatever. You're taking this far too seriously. :D
Nothing but the best eh Rift? :cool:

Only comment: Whats with the subwoofer on the desk? Right next to the PRESCIOUS.... :rolleyes:

Also, the way is that a GMC case? Looks like a custom hutch also? If so I'm very impressed ;)

oh and btw your mouse is on the wrong side :p
It's magnetically shielded and projects the bass out of the front, not shaking things to heck, I found it to sound better up on the desk and keeps it up out of the way.

It's a Ahanix (aka GMC).

The hutch was a couple hours of meddling with a circular saw, router, scrap wood, black paint and glass. It has wings that hold the left and right speakers.
I had one of those babys. It ran pretty cool. I ended up busting the hindge on the front door. The purple mirror gave it a nice look.
I wish i had the money like you guys do to afford nice desks and lcd monitors. ahhh well what do u expect i'm only 14 :(
Originally posted by mc_P
I wish i had the money like you guys do to afford nice desks and lcd monitors. ahhh well what do u expect i'm only 14 :(

lol hey im only 15 and i have a 2300 dollar comp and a 145 dollar desk and a 70 dollar chair and a 300 dollar bed and 80 dollar speekers and another computer tower around here somwhere not sure where it went though and a partrige in a pair tree .....lol

save your money now thats good advice

EDIT: Bed 840 (300 just frame)
Originally posted by DRJ1014
lol hey im only 15 and i have a 2300 dollar comp and a 145 dollar desk and a 70 dollar chair and a 300 dollar bed and 80 dollar speekers and another computer tower around here somwhere not sure where it went though and a partrige in a pair tree .....lol

save your money now thats good advice

Well, the comp costs alot. But wtf are you bragging about on the desk/chair/bed/speakers? :confused: Especially the bed, I mean, come on, 300 dollars? :rolleyes: :p
i have a 150 dollar desk, 25 dollar chair, and a 600 dollar computer, with a nice flatscreen Mitsubishi CRT

took me about a year to save up, built it when i was 13
Originally posted by mc_P
I wish i had the money like you guys do to afford nice desks and lcd monitors. ahhh well what do u expect i'm only 14 :(

All in good time my young friend. I am 43 and would trade my lcd to be 14 again..................well maybe not,..... 30 anyway
Originally posted by mc_P
I wish i had the money like you guys do to afford nice desks and lcd monitors. ahhh well what do u expect i'm only 14 :(
I'm gonna sig that for a while... but i have to edit it a little :rolleyes:
My desk was free, old solid wood teacher's desk.

However, my bed was $300, it's a Sealy...ZZzzzzzz....
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